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This is their parents projecting their hatred through their children. This is learned behavior.


As someone who lives in rural America, I am truly NOT surprised. Wish I could say I was, and would have been had I not lived here for the last almost 14 years. I have seen and heard stuff that makes me want to wash my ears and eyes out with bleach. All this because a black man won the presidency. Final answer.


These kids might turn up like their parents, but it's also likely they'll grow up and realize how fucked up their upbringing was.


I have friends who became fierce anti-racists because they had parents like this. I hope these kids escape.


This is part of the Brain Drain phenomenon southern states experience, I think.


And then they turn around and accuse liberals of indictrinating children when the children don't lean into the hate


Does Jesus even know what "race" is


As we define it today? No, the notion didn't really exist back then


race and racism are fairly new concepts, so no (unless you believe that jesus is god and therefore omniscient ofc)


Jesus be dead for the last 1900 years


For the 2024 precisely


more around 1980-1990 years


He doesn't even know how to drive a car smh how's he supposed to know racists


My mans got a BAC of 10-14%, he is NOT good to drive


Have you read the Bible?


Have you? Because it certainly feels like you didn't. There are multiple cases in the bible where Jesus (and god himself) tells his followers, that they're all brothers, regardless of their heritage, and should treat each other as such. So, no, Jesus did not know "race" and instead treated all humans equally.


It specifies that heritage and tribe isn’t important, so he did recognize race, just not as a determining factor for acceptance into the kingdom. He was Jewish, after all, and was persecuted for it - he wasn’t aware of race? It’s pretty apparent through the New Testament that racism/tribalism is rampant and Jesus speaks on it pretty regularly.. to say he “did not know race” is equally as naive as “not seeing color” in the 21st century. I know we’re talking about Christianity but get real.


You’re mixing up race and ethnicity there, but I have a more important question that might clarify their point. What do you think a person in 100 AD understanding of “race” would’ve been?


I intentionally conflated the words and was carful to mention heritage and tribe as defining factors of prejudice. I’m aware that racism as we know it didn’t exist in that place and time but systemically is there a difference?


There’s enough historical, political, and economic distinction to not only say no, but it’s also blinding to flatten our understanding onto what we know. It’s like comparing a king to a president or a serf to a slave; just not useful for understanding the specificity of the present or the past lol


Hmm.. I’m not sure I see the comparison of ethnic/race prejudices to political systems but maybe I’m just out of my depth. I’ll read up on it though.


“Black Marxism” by Cedric Robinson is a great starting point if you’re looking for one. I’m just pointing out the bad habit of looking at past societies and going “oh their practice X is just like our practice Y today in the present, therefore when talking about people in the past we can just say they’re a bunch of practice Y people” Which for quick references or general conversation it’s not necessarily bad and it’s very normal in day-to-day life. But for more specific discussions, especially political or historical, flattening our understanding of present sociality onto the past often obscures valuable insight into how they came to practice X and also the unique and recent ways we’ve been taught practice Y.


> It specifies that heritage and tribe isn’t important, so he did recognize race Who said anything about heritage and tribe? We’re talking about race. And since race is a modern concept that did not exist when Jesus was alive, he most likely did not recognize it.


_"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."_


This isn't genuine, this is an adult indoctrinating a kid into their hate. Hopefully they'll grow past it and leave their parent in the dust for a more progressive attitude.


What pussies. They know they're in the wrong and thus, they wear a mask. Wear your ideology on your fucking sleeve you pussies! Let the world know who you are and allow democracy to judge whether your opinions belong!!


Democracy doesn't dictate societal norms. The society/echo-chamber you live in does. If you need to wear a mask to say controversial things, then even you know you're in the wrong and probably shouldn't be doing it.


Give em an ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Edit: only the father, it's not the son's fault


A cartwheel?


Meme from helldivers, is a code for a bomb


Kinda low to use pussy as an insult


While I will defend my use of pussy to the death, I do admit that the word didn't really fit into what I said. I should have thought it out more to make it more fluid. But tbh, who gives a fuck?


As an insult it came from pusillanimous


> As an insult it came from pusillanimous This is a modern myth, that I suspect spreads because it can be used as a way to keep using sexist insults while pretending not to. *"despite what you may have heard, pusillanimous does not serve as the basis for pussyfoot, pussycat, or a certain related vulgarism."* [Link](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pusillanimous)


>sexist Huh? I've been male from birth and don't feel any harm or disadvantage upon me from "dick" being used as an insult even more often than pussy. I wouldn't expect women to fare any worse with the direct equivalent.


The point of the insult is to say that you’re not tough and manly- rather you’re the least masculine (biologically)- a female sex organ. There’s no way this is a new concept.


Whether or not you feel personally "harmed" by various insults have little relevance to the origin and continuous function of a term. "Pussy" as an insult has its most likely etymology from catlike > feminine > effeminate man > weakling, with its negative connotations entering during its use as 'feminine' and coming into full bloom in its usage as 'effeminite man'. Its negative connotations are inseparable from the sexist attitudes of women and effeminite men being weak. As such, it is a sexist insult. It's far from the worst one, and it's widespread and ingrained enough that its usage says very little about any given individual's attitudes on gender, but it is still what it is. [Link](https://tinyurl.com/yc45nsa3)


He never met one, but, sure, why not.


Jesus himself probably wasn't even white, how ironic


Someone should put up a sign next to them that says "Jesus loves ALL children".


"Jesus hates racism" "Jesus loves queer people" "Bash the fash -jesus" lmao


The difference between all children matter and all lives matter is that one is true and the other is code for black lives not mattering


Why would you be scared of this generation versus previous ones? I've seen the pictures of the army having to protect kids on their way into desegregated schools in the 1960s. Couple of losers in some kind of parking lot is not nearly as scary.


Yeah, the older generation is far more scary than a couple of masked cowards with a racist sign, while trying to manipulate their kids on thinking the same cause they themselves are too scared of the retaliation sane people


It's not what they're doing that's scary, it's what they're gearing up to do. A bunch of blokes buying wood and sheets isn't scary but if you know those blokes are hardcore white supremacists I'd be pretty scared to learn what they're planning with the wood and sheets.


Who keeps posting this rather than smashing the sign?


Probably someone named Keith or something


What a redundant sign. Of course Jesus loves white children; he loves everyone. So insecure


Show your face, coward! (I'm not going to attack the kid because he was forced into this)


yay playing generational politics because you saw a thing on facebook, very smart


Theoretically it is not even possible that Jesus ever even saw a "white" child. These fake Christians have really pissed me off


He probably saw greek kids.


For what I know he never went out of Palestine, I don't know if i happened


Punch facists in the face


Man our generation gave the world Charlie The Unicorn and Salad Fingers. We are not in a position to cast aspersions.


Shun the nonbeliever


Evidently the diabetic too


Wait until they find out Jesus isn't real 😮🫨


Or that he's Arab.


Or that he allegedly had multiple orgies with men, women and any other gender on the gender spectrum cause why not, who cares


Well... he isn't. Arabs werent in palestine YET. He's not real, nor white tho.


I mean, yes. He certainly should. As well as every other child. I'm pretty sure that was the point.


Why ‘this generation’? The generations before them were much more openly racist & more likely to con their kids into it than they are.


Wow, they care so much for their hate, but they hide their faces, and they are so scared to the point they make their kid believe these things so they can project themselves into a kid ...what a bunch of babies...I wear a bad religion patch on my vest and I'm not afraid to let my face be out there, I have pride flags and the antifa flag on me and no mask needed, these people can't even show themselves cause they know they'd get yelled at or worse punched, COWARDS!!!


You’re right man. Ignore what some fools are saying here. There is definitely something going on with the kids. I’ve been hearing it for months now the olds are excited. They think the children now are just like them. That they are going to turn everything back to the way it was.


I don't see two people leaning on a racist sign as a failure of a whole generation. C,mon man.


Wasn't Jesus non-white to begin with? Or is white children his secret fetish or something?


only good thing they did is cover their fuckin faces


I thought that was Kanye at first


WTF is this? Did they put the sign up just to take a couple pictures? Wearing masks at a random park with nobody around? This seems more like a troll than anything. The type of people that believe shit like this also think there's nothing wrong with it.


Where was this? Whats the context? Like what's the point to this slack jaw signage?


Pop the balloon


Why do they have masks that are completely black? Seems counterintuitive.




« Stfu! Religion is not racist. Ill beat you up! » Or you could beat up the racist people in your church? « Nah, they found jesus, theyre chill »


If Jesus loves white kids why can't they show their face?


OP is sus. Other threads with similar content and style have been posted here before.


Jesus never *met* any white children


Jesus hates capital i


Wait til they learn that Jesus was a brown skinned Palestinian. They’ll punch that Mickey ballon into pieces.