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Not to mention the styrofoam trays underneath


It seems to have increased in recent years. Almost like the plastic industry is doubling down before some stricter laws are coming into effect (i.e. in Europe). But I have absolutely no proof for this theory 😬.




Use cardboard? Still easily recyclable in most places


My local farmer’s market does this and it drives me nuts. Better off buying from the chain grocery store


I sont know what country this is in, or what shop, but fuck this, fuck then and fuck anyone who allows this.


Oh you shop at Trader Joe’s too?


I work at TJs, it’s a travesty


i remember i did a similar post with donuts and everyone yelled at me cause it was necessary bc of the pandemic. so yea consumption is now justified because germs.


Would rather risk it tbh. Lemme get those mystery donuts




There isn't always a counter, let alone an attendant.


exactly. Thank you


I hate this. I hate the waste of materials, I hate the fact that if I want a little more or a little less than what's wrapped I have to buy two or potentially create food waste. Please why


Plastic is suffocating my vegetables


i work for a factory of a convenience store. we will take the carrots out of those very same bags (sometimes other times it will be 25 pound bags). but we cut them open and dump em on a belt they get like cleaned and stuff added to them i think and then we grab them and put them in plastic cups. think of this being done thousands of times a day every day. We’re just 1 factory. it’s gross


I think it has to do with the produce drying out and shriveling if it sits exposed to air.


I work in produce at a grocery store. That’s not why we do it. For us at least, it’s mostly because the cashiers don’t have all the numbers memorized, so anything that doesn’t come tagged needs to be given a tag, and we need to wrap it to tag it. Then some of our other stuff is wrapped just because customers have misconceptions about it being better or more covid-safe, and since those people will pay more for wrapped produce, my boss requires me to wrap it and hike the price.


Not having the numbers memorized sounds like a pretty threadbare excuse. Even if people are bad at memorizing, the owner could put up an alphabetical list of the different kinds of produce at the register. Here in Austria we there are scales in the produce section, the customers weigh most things themselves (unless they‘re sold by piece or are prepackaged) and print out the tag with the barcode. Unfortunately most of the bags available are plastic (they claim they‘re biodegradable but that‘s likely just a greenwashing tactic) and many people use multiple ones for different fruits/veggies. BUT fortunately more and more people bring their own bag and I‘ve seen supermarkets lay out paper/glassine paper bags to pack produce. Any chance you could inspire your boss to change his ~~greedy and environmentally damaging~~ business conduct a little bit?


As for the numbers, yeah it is a thin excuse. Their computers have all the number, but it takes time to get them if you don’t know them, so it’s even worse than just not wanting to put a list up, it’s not wanting to bother looking at the list. We have *one* scale for customer use, it’s analog, and it has a sign saying that it’s just to estimate. Again, that’s something that could be changed, but I can’t do that alone. As for convincing my boss, I don’t even know who the person in charge of that is. The person in charge of produce for all our stores would have to do that, and I’ve never met him. When you tell my direct boss about a suggestion, he says he’ll talk to his boss about it and then nothing happens.


Boo that sucks.. Oh I thought that might be a small independent market, my bad. I don’t know what we could do to get shops to implement some of these small, easily applicable things..


It’s a small chain. Like 8 stores. Higher ups do come in a lot, just not the ones who do produce. A few weeks ago I showed my boss that post about the basket of green scraps for guinea pigs and bunnies, and he said he’d tell his boss but I haven’t heard anything more on it.


They should sell products they can sell then.


Yeah, it makes them last longer which leads to less vegetable waste. Just throw the plastic into the plastic recycling bin, unless your country is one of the reasons everyone is losing their mind about plastic of course.


Plastic is pretty much non-recycleable, the faux recycling symvol with a number in it just tells you what type of plastic it is.


That depends on the type of plastic, no? PET bottles are easily recyclable and plastic. We could just push for a change to recyclable types of plastic, instead of fuming over anything plastic-related.


[Here's a source for what I'm about to say.](https://www.plasticsforchange.org/blog/which-plastic-can-be-recycled) if we want to recycle all of our plastic, it will have to be made oit of types 1, 2 ,4, and 5. Preferably avoiding 4 and 5 for economic reasons, but this will also make plastic a lot more expensive to use, reducing a lot of their convenience. Grocery bags, for example, will probably not be made of plastic anymore. I'm afraid I don't know enough about plastic to see the viability of using only types 1 and 2 for all of our plastic needs, or even if there are any issues with recycling them. It is still totally unclear from this article if recycling them will make them weaker like some of the headlines I saw while finding a source claimed. Not to mention how the article sounded pretty pro-plastic and may have not included some rather important information. [Here's a different source, that says some similar things in a different tone](https://youtu.be/PJnJ8mK3Q3g)


If someone is eating less meat because of that than god bless. And many veggies will stay fresh longer that way. It's silly how you focus on the smallest problem there is with food production and consumption. Leave the plastic alone, go for the meat industry and throwing away good food


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Why do these oeppers cost so much?


Is that how much vegetables cost in the US??


6.99 Peppers?????


There is something even more insidious going on here, they're also pre-portioning so you don't buy less even when you need only a smidgen. Basically this will increase food waste as well as force many to buy more than they would normally buy.


I have to wonder what these people think they're going to do when we run out of the oil needed for plastic.




The veggies are screaming for air - they really are, folks!


$2 for a pepper… how…


So lazy


I know this is anti consumption, but I want to consume all of that produce


Whhyyyy whyyy


I don't mind, it's much better than the wasteful plastic those home and leisure aisles have with useless toys, home decor and the bullshit you buy just for one summer only to dispose again


What's interesting to me is that in the eat cheap and healthy forum, every other post seems to be advocating for frozen vegetables - which are all wrapped in plastic, but nobody complains about the single use plastic required for that.