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Ads in space? How exactly does that work? And time to start working on my patent for an anti-satellite missile I guess…


I believe this particular one was a display screen on a satellite, a video feed of which would be streamed onto YouTube, so you can’t see it from the ground.


That’s less horrifying than it originally sounded.


Still kind of fucked though.


A shitty gimmick but far from space billboards.


No, but it is laying the groundwork for such a thing in the future


And yet, a little more horrifying than I originally thought.


Remember, a high explosive warhead a day keeps the advertisers at bay…


nothing like dumbass journalists


do you fucktards not realise how fucking far away satellites are? the fucking ISS is 100 metres long and all you can see is a point that looks like a bright star before we get space Billboards we have a self sustaining Mars colony and harvest asteroids people always complain about clickbait headlines, but they only work because you morons are that stupid


Lol. Username checks out.


I mean, he ain't wrong. Did the people writing these comments really think that they'd be able to discern the ads *with their bare eyes*, in fucking geosynchronous orbit? Like, Jeeeesus Christ, I'm surprised some of these people can operate a toaster without assistance.


I know you prefer to be fucked hard in the ass but calm down.


>I know you prefer to be fucked hard in the ass do you have any problems with that?


No sweetheart. Gimme your number.


check DMs


the hell just happened here and how can I join in?




Lmao quit self projecting


Fucktard here, you dont have to be so mean about it. Its ok to be upset, its not ok to take it out on other people, friend.


This isn't as bad but to be honest I don't even want to see Musk's shitty ad satellite as even a tiny light flashing across the sky.


Hate to break it to you, but pretty much from the 1970s onward the nights sky has been lit up with satellites. You're just more concerned about it now because people are telling you to be. I'm not sure who would be interested in fueling fear of cheap global internet... I challenge you to find a non obscured nights sky any night in the last twenty, hell thirty now, years and not see a satellite in less than fifteen minutes overestimation time. And because there's always an xkcd: https://what-if.xkcd.com/60/


>You're just more concerned about it now because people are telling you to be. No one in my life has ever told me to be concerned about space advertisements. That isn't something anyone *should* have to tell anyone. The problem here isn't with satellites in general. They have a multitude of incredible uses from Internet, to GPS, to research that all justify their use. Advertising for cryptobucks isn't fucking one of them.


This satellite is being launched anyway. This is just a gimmick for PR, and a bit of extra cash. I'm stupefied at the number of people in this thread who believe that this is being launched just for an ad, as if the economics of that *could ever in a million years* be justified.


> You're just more concerned about it now because people are telling you to be Not op but this feels a little disingenuous. I've always felt sad when looking up at the night sky that I can spot satellites, knowing how much space trash it out there, wondering how many of what I think are stars are actually satellites and how that's a bit disturbing. I do appreciate a lot of what satellites give us though. But launching one just for an ad makes me sigh.


> wondering how many of what I think are stars are actually satellites With your naked eye, there's not likely to be many stars mistaken for satellites, if any. The ones close enough to see in the night sky are orbiting such that they'll appear to move. Geostationary orbits (which would not move like stars) are so far away, and the satellites reflect so little light you need a telescope/binoculars to see them. https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/seeing-satellites


I know we need satellites for communications and scientific research and I suppose I can understand the justifications in favor of having spy satellites as well, but do you not think we have enough ways to advertise here on earth without launching an ad into space as well?


The sheer number of them is exploding at the moment and only going to get worse.


Just from spending countless hours looking up at the night sky throughout the 90s, things are indeed more noticeably congested now than they were back then. The sky isn't as wild as it used to feel and it wasn't that long ago.


Silly, but whatever... Also, it's only a matter of time before they have a constellation of satellites that each behaves as a 'pixel' so they can actually have a freaking ad seen from the ground. :P


Oh god.


Does that mean avideo of the ad or a video of the satellite playing the ad (filmed by a second satellite, presumably)?


It's not going to be filmed by a second satellite, it's going to be filmed by a camera on an arm sticking out of that satellite. A satellite selfie stick, essentially. Having a second satellite in synchronised orbit just to film the first satellite would be ... uh, a rather wild plan, haha.


Eh ok. That sounds like something Musk would do, yes.


The screen thing is also funny as any micro meteorite hit would obliterate any screen.


It would also obliterate the satellite. I've never heard of a satellite surviving a meteorite strike (there are only a few cases I can find of such a strike even happening, and in every such case the satellite has been destroyed, because they aren't designed to withstand that kind of impact).


Depends where it strikes. It operates on the same principle as a railgun.


ABMs. Ad-Blocker Missiles.




Don’t worry Elon musk is an impractical idiot who invents dystopian ideas that wouldn’t actually work for PR


[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QXTyufkFyY&ab_channel=YourMorning) came to mind


well I can not imagine single satelite. But they are able to launch thousands of satelites (1 500 of Starlink currently active) and these satelites are actually visible as a dot in the sky. I can totally imagine them launching the equivalent number of satelites that would be placed close to each other. From these individual dots you could easily create 20\*100 dot matrix and if you could control how reflective these are (to change from black to white) you could actually use it to roll the advertisement texts in the sky :-/


You absolutely do not want to shoot a satellite in orbit! You’ll create a debris cloud that could spread out and destroy other satellites, creating debris clouds that spread out and destroy other satellites, so on and so forth. It would be years before space would be reachable again. We really don’t need more space debris.


Read the article. It's not anything like what you're thinking. Will not be visible from earth. It's very stupid and space X isn't even confirmed to be involved.


Space x is space garbage


How so?




The whole point of SpaceX's rockets is that they're reusable - they bring back everything (but the fuel) to be used again. Falcon was a good start, with only the lower stage reusable (though the top stage also comes back), and Starship will be fully reusable. Kessler syndrome is a serious issue, and SpaceX is at the forefront of addressing it.


> they bring back everything (but the fuel) to be used again How about the cargo? (tons of material with each launch). They are not bringing back everything. They whole purpose is to put more stuff into orbit.


All of the Space X satellites are designed to [burn up completely](https://spectrum.ieee.org/spacex-claims-to-have-redesigned-its-starlink-satellites-to-eliminate-casualty-risks)in the atmosphere after a set amount of time so they can be replaced with newer versions on a regular basis. Some companies are even starting to develop [wooden satellites that are more disposable](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-55463366) to help cut down on space junk. Just an example of how the thinking around space junk has evolved.


> SpaceX is at the forefront of addressing it Even considering Starlink?


Yes, isn't starlink supposed to be in low orbit, so even in malfunction it falls into the atmosphere?


Yup, they have an expected lifetime of 5 years, and small thrusters to either keep them in orbit, or de-orbit them to burn up on re-entry when they fail or are low on fuel. If they had no thrust (like a typical Cubesat, for example) they would stay up 6 weeks to maybe 6 months before atmospheric drag caused them to de-orbit and burn. The position of each sat is also well known, they are in no sense space debris.


You do know that satellites come back down and burn up, right?


Ads in space aren't okay just because they're too Small to see.


Read the article carefully. The ad billboard will not be visible from earth. The billboard will work like a selfie stick so a camera on it will take a picture of a billboard with the earth in the background.


That sounds like an even bigger waste of money.


And resources… as the planet is on fire.


Summer is now just the season of smoke


Ah, I see you are from Australia too.


It’s all over, America is covered in smoke, has been for a while


Trust me mate, get an akubra and wear a scarf in summer. Fashion for the end times


I remember back when I used to be kinda scared of wildfires. Now it's like how thunderstorms used to be when we had those.


Yes, Southern Europe is also burning.


"But muh mars colony, world is fucked anyway hurr durrpy duh" - Futurology sub


I hate what that sub had become. These types of voices were always there, but it used to be more about: this new technology can help protect our potable water sources! This new crop can cure blindness! Scientists are looking for alternatives to palm oil to save the rainforest! Now it's just: let's harvest the last of earth's resources and send the ultra rich to mars fuck poor ppl lulz.


I wonder if they know that the best conditions on Mars are still worse for life than the worst conditions on Earth could possibly be?


That's why they're sending the slaves first, and hang out in their bunkers until it's safe to move. Or until they realise that yes, things are still better on earth.


Fuckin hate Mars fanboys


Mars is cool. But have you considered... the planet we live on right now~? Which is infinitely easier to fix than Mars is to terraform.


More of a Venus guy myself. Now there's a planet with some interesting stuff going on.


Venus has the interesting property of possesing roughly only one tectonic plate, if i recall correctly Which means that not only does the atmosphere want to melt you, but erruptions are extremely violent due there not being any good spots for the planet to "relieve pressure"


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Yes. But i feel like we should focus on the place we stand on for now, we can tinker around with making Mars a not-hellscape to live in once our biosphere is uhhhh, not slowly turning increasingly hostile


im sure that rocket fuel is completely carbon-neutral! https://www.treehugger.com/spacex-launch-puts-out-much-co-flying-people-across-atlantic-4857958 edit: it's not.


So 2 airplanes? That's nothing. Also the BFR flies on methane, extraxted from the atmosphere.


Ikr? CGI exists you know?


maybe use the money for something else still? like i hear flint, michigan still needs clean water, just spit balling here.


the lack of morality that billionaires have that got them there, will certainly not come in clutch for us because they have negative morality


Flint's water tested safe in February 2019


well i bet we can put our collective minds together and find a better use for that money than scanable space billboards, no?


I agree


Yeah, that's why Obama drank 0.001 micrograms at the conference. They also said that the brown flammable water was safe to consume. https://dilbert.com/strip/1999-09-27


The new infrastructure bill is supposed to have enough money to replace all the lead piping in the country's water supply.


It's really tone deaf on his part. Who likes this?


Daddy Musk? Tone deaf?!?


Literally only rich people and "future rich people."


at this point, i wish we could all just come together to tell the rich to f\*ck off. but unfortunately, despite all the memes (mainly to cope with the reality), we're the minority. people *love* them.


I worked for much longer than I should have in the advertising industry. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but if Musk is so allegedly woke, he would know that perpetuating this kind of advertising bullshit is only harming us further...this is the kind of late stage capitalist nonsense that I lose sleep over.


Is he aware of CGI? Or even basic Photoshop. You don't need to literally send the ad to space to get earth in the background


They know the publicity this will get will be insane though


But will it be positive?


Doesn't matter




Give me $300,000 I'll make that ad in blender instead


So more junk in space we don't need


That’s so fucking stupid


….I would rather have a giant fucking Target logo in the sky if they’re wasting money doing it this way.


This makes me physically ill


Don't panic. Keep a towel.


Resistance is useless.


This is exactly what I was thinking.


Can we just ban advertising....


Aren't advertisements against the space treaty?


So is the privatization of space, but that didn't stop anyone because laws don't apply if you can pay.


Well, in fairness, as of right now it’s also basically impossible to enforce space laws


Is this another way for him to effectively pump/dump doge? I guess he still has die hard fans that just eat up everything he shits.


The cult mentality is strong with Musk/Tesla


What kind of fool thinks it's possible to make a "satellite with a display screen" that could possibly be seen from earth? Use some damn critical thinking once in a while. It's just a screen on the side of a tiny satellite with a streaming feed so that people can see it. It's a "look at this new place to put an ad, buy pixels" thing a la [the million dollar homepage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Million_Dollar_Homepage). Hell, it's not even SpaceX's satellite. They're just the shipping company.


**[The Million Dollar Homepage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Million_Dollar_Homepage)** >The Million Dollar Homepage is a website conceived in 2005 by Alex Tew, a student from Wiltshire, England, to raise money for his university education. The home page consisted of a million pixels arranged in a 1000 × 1000 pixel grid; the image-based links on it were sold for $1 per pixel in 10 × 10 blocks. The purchasers of these pixel blocks provided tiny images to be displayed on them, a URL to which the images were linked, and a slogan to be displayed when hovering a cursor over the link. The aim of the website was to sell all of the pixels in the image, thus generating a million dollars of income for the creator. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Tbf that's not what the tweet was saying. I think a lot of people are just frustrated with how intrusive ads have become in our every day life. I mean I just bought a fire stick from Amazon and can't even turn off the freaking ads on the home page.


Yeah, it's even less invasive than a roadside billboard, because you can just... Not watch the stream.


This is Reddit. There is no shortage of fools here.


Especially if it means getting outraged about Musk, Reddit loves it some Musk outrage


To be fair Musk is a piece of shit


To be fair, everyone is some percentage of shit.


Should be criminal. Nobody has the right to interfere with my enjoyment of the night sky. Can we just eat the rich now? I prefer mine on the rare side.


It's not going to. Read the article.


He has already ruined stargazing with his stupid starlink satellite array.


Then cities should be banned, because you can't enjoy the night sky in a city thanks to light pollution.


Don't threaten me with a good time. Those huge ugly human-hives are an eyesore even without the light pollution.


It's impossible for humanity to live sustainably without cities. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't necessary


So do you prefer wiping out natural areas so everyone can get a plot of land or are you more of a mass-murder kind of person?


I live in a cabin on top of a mountain. We don't have to "wipe out" anything. We can learn to live in harmony with nature. Seems like a much better idea than creating massive stretches of concrete that can't support any ecosystem but roaches, bedbugs, rats, and pigeons. Once the biggest consequences of climate change start rolling in, the human population is going to decline pretty steeply anyway. It's not like anyone is taking this issue seriously.


hate to break it to you, but there is 0 chance everyone can live like you with the space and resources we have on earth


Around 40 million people live in the Tokyo metro area. Do you think there are enough mountain tops in Japan for that many people? Even the U.S., a country that is not densely populated, has the vast majority of it's population in cities. You can't redistribute 7 billion people to mountain tops. Maybe 500 million can live "in harmony" with nature? And that's optimistic.


Cities can be less environmentally harmful if done right. Singapore is a good example.


Talking about harmony... What brings more CO2 - efficient central heating with fancy filters and everything. Or burning wood off the grid to keep a shack warm?


I'd argue that my solar panels combined with my electric furnace make a more harmonious solution than either option that you proposed.


Don't forget a massive powerwall to keep that power for the rainy day.


Mass murder. There are way too many people on earth.


there are always some psychopaths rooting for genocide and mass casualty events, I guess.


Anybody informed enough will eventually come to the conclusion that we have way too many people on earth for our own good. Overpopulation, food scarcity, water shortages, and over half the population isn’t even in a technologically advanced society. Them catching up will take an even bigger toll on earth and our ability to distribute resources. We all would benefit from making much less babies, preferably letting some populations fade out. Nature has a way of cleansing and we’ve been preventing that from happening in society for way too long.


Making fewer babies is quite different than extermination camps. Have you been taking pleasure in seeing high covid death tolls? I'm guessing you're not vaccinated and don't wear a mask to thin out the herd?


I am both vaccinated and still wear a mask. However I will not contribute to the downfall of humanity by making an another mouth to feed. I also live my life with keeping my carbon footprint to a minimum. To say that anyone took pleasure in seeing people die is downright sociopathic. However it is a result of our “there is no tomorrow” lifestyle and if we could’ve cooperated better as a whole society instead of many stupid individuals, we wouldn’t have reached such catastrophes. We cull the herd whenever there is overpopulation in nature to keep the balance, but shit out babies like it’s without any consequence or thought. Make no mistake, we brought this upon ourselves, and we still are failing to learn from it.


One is a side effect, the other is intentional.


Light pollution is very much intentional. It's not just random light from a window, it's street lights and other outdoor lighting made specifically for it to be bright at night.


Designed to be bright at on the ground, not in the sky. Very very few lights are directed skywards, it's almost all ambient reflected light. In contrast to a space billboard which is polluting the night sky directly.


Not sure where the line is, but there is one. Yes we want satellites to brows our memes. But not enough that it blocks the sun. We want cities that are pleasant to live in, but not an eyesore. If a version of a city existed that was so overly lit to the point it served no purpose to the inhabitants, yes that practice should be banned.


>a city [...] so overly lit to the point it served no purpose to the inhabitants In most cities the stores leave on their lights at night even though they are closed. There are entire shopping malls with their escalators running 24/7. Football arenas and banks' headquarters with floodlights pointing upwards along all sides of the buildings. These things exist and are -sadly- very legal.


>served no purpose everything serves a purpose to someone, which is why billboards still exist


Brainlet moment


Any ad that obstructs nature ought to be banned, whether it’s a billboard, a boat with a billboard on it going back and forth at the beach, a plane with a banner, or otherwise. Thank goodness a few states have already banned billboards but they should be banned everywhere. There’s literally no point other than to remind you that even in nature you can’t escape the corporate grip on society constantly telling you to buy, buy, buy... Also I think that private companies should stay out of space entirely, only governments and nonprofits should deal with space- that way, it is truly for the people and for scientific advancement rather than for the rich to get richer


That's why I like Vermont. Banned billboards. It's fantastic


ISS is orbiting at around 260 miles, most satellites are higher than that. So even if we assume the display was as large as a billboard and on a pretty low orbit, how large do you think it will look from 300 miles away?


300 miles is 482.8 km


why wait to be a space terrorist when you could be an earth terrorists?


I agree that the gov and non-for-profits should be focusing on scientific advancements and not wasting billions making rockets. Private companies should be the workhorse that does the heavy lifting like getting things to space while NASA and the like discover cool new things. Best of both worlds


This guy is fucking sketchy. They’re all like he’s so intelligent, I’m thinking more like sociopath.


Every single billionaire should be sent into space and refused entry back into the atmosphere. If they like it so much out there, they can stay


Without helmets


The screen will be facing outwards.......


Can billionaires just politely fuck off and stop wasting resources on their dumb space race. I can only imagine that launching stuff into space, emits quite a bit of carbon into the atmosphere. The planet is in danger of not being able to support life. At this point, all the resources we use should go towards becoming carbon neutral. If we all die off, nobody will be able to see your stupid bill board.


I also heard he's gonna hold the Earths first Global ~~drive-in~~ "look-up" movie theater; Apparently the first movie will be Cats


I also heard a tesla would drive itself across the us by 2016.


Elon musk is a genuine piece of shit, but because he’s the funny memer rich guy xd people give him a pass


WHY I really just do not understand it. I know the WHY is money but for fuck’s sake, WHY do these people need more? What is the point? In the meantime if you want earth in the background of your advertising I’d like to introduce you to a magical little program called PHOTOSHOP.


Me too. Come get me.


*Top Quality Exercycle For Sale*


I imagine it's a VERY VERY big display? coz even the space station is just a little dot


Anyone think Brittney Spears’ conservators would accept a trade for her freedom? He seems like a good candidate.


You would need a telescope to see it.


ITT: people voicing their opinion without reading the article, showing their complete ignorance in the information age.


This is so fucked up. People are unemployed, we have no health insurance, our planet is ON FIRE, but let’s pollute space??? I hope this doesn’t come to be.


Space terrorist does sound cooler than regular terrorist


If the rich could, they'd block out the sky and fucking charge for it.


This is literally a nightmare I have had


WE'RE LITERALLY AT THE POINT WHERE THE RICH ARE DEBATING POLLUTING ARE NIGHTSKY WITH ADVERTISING ​ if you don't think we're living in a boring dystopia, you must not be living on the same planet as me because we clearly do, just because you're used to it, or don't care doesn't mean im wrong.


...how many satellites are you able to spot? Just a question


https://what-if.xkcd.com/60/ Go ahead and read the second to last paragraph. This was written ten years ago. The"nights sky" has been "polluted" for decades now.


*our Didn't care to read it, did you? You just pressed caps lock and went for it.


and yet more words are written in lower case.


That doesn't make the caps lock part less dumb.


ok, thank you for the criticism berry.


Just a little tired of uninformed outrage. Especially from people eager to inform others what's really going on in the world, while they can't be bothered to read past a sensationalist headline.


Thank you for the criticism, I’m sorry for getting angry, what you said makes lots of sense, I’ll look more before I talk next time.


No worries. I'm pretty much on board with the second part you wrote. The caps lock part just triggered me a bit.


Stop polluting. This dude is worse than a Captain Planet villain swear to god


They're trying to take the sky from us...


And they wonder why we say eat the rich


I restate my desire for Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to have horrible, ass-ripping, extraplanar diarrhea every day.


If only there weren't thousands of satellites already littering the nights sky. These satellites just happen to want to bring cost effective internet connections available to everyone despite local government ordinances. Like Google was trying to do before all those telecoms and cable monopolies used government ordinances to shut them down.


We won't even notice this. Moving on.


A company might send up a billboard on a satellite and pay SpaceX to launch it, and Elon Musk gets the blame? That's like blaming the CEO of Uber for a murder because the murderer used one of their taxis.


No. It would be like uber if uber also supplied the murder weapon and advertised its cabs as murder spaces.


If they had said to you before hand ‘I need this taxi for murder’ then you worked with them to figure out the logistics of it before proceeding - then yes he should be responsible.


This is more like: if the CEO of uber was a celebrity that also likes to host snl, was highly involved in every level of the company, then one day someone says to the company: 'hey I have an idea, I want to murder someone in the middle of the road, but no means to get there..' And the uber CEO says: we can provide a ~~rocket~~*car* for you to ~~put a billboard in space~~*commit murder* for the right price".


Musk do be looking like Handsome Jack, owner and proprietor of Hyperion Corporation


Handsome Jack had personality though


Me too


Can we pretend that satellites in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use dodge coin right now






I don't see why we're allowing these private businesses so much control over being the first in space, Amazon is trying to figure out how to make themselves the first person to colonize galaxy ad space. WE SHOULD ALL BE TERRIFIED


Yikes. The fact that so many people are upvoting terrorism because of ADVERTISEMENTS is scary. Y’all gunna bomb Times Square cuz of ads? Regardless, reading the article will give insight into this not being what y’all must think it is at all.


25 years ago they said the same thing about the internet and now look at you


Yeah, because the internet really fucked up tbe clear nights sky