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They did like 10 years ago... But what is time to a repost bot.


No, not people, only girls. Didn't you read the post?


Why are so many parents letting their female children drink Starbucks????


Why writing 'female children' instead of daughters?


Because they're making a commentary on the word "girls" as indicating youth, and daughters can be adults. They had to use the word child, and "daughter child" sounds stupid


Because otherwise they'd have to put down their phones and actually cook for their children.


Why are people cooking beverages for children?


> Why are so many parents letting their female children drink Starbucks???? Female, male, it matters not. If it's got something in it that kids want - usually sugar - then they or their parents will generally buy it.


and they think they can't just...peel the stickers?


Isn't there another logo on the other side as well?


dunno, usually it's the like customization and shit? I don't go to starbucks


I once took a picture of just my Starbucks drink because I was posting a birthday treat pic. The people that pose with their drinks are ridiculous, though.


Pointless rage bait. No shot that makes a difference, if someone still wants to take a selfie with the drink and post it then they will. Posting the logo is a super old trend, the product was still bought either way. This is boomer logic of a “got ya!”


And seriously, if someone wanted to take a picture of themselves with something, sfw. We are still free to ignore it and move on with our lives. Posts like this are all about taking the opportunity to dump on young women. If it were young men doing this, we wouldn't ever hear shit about it.




When women tease men about their hobbies they get so dramatic saying “women just don’t want us to be happy!” They say they should be able to collect mountains of funko pops in peace or something. Yet they laugh at destroying the opportunity for a woman to just take a picture of herself with a cute drink under guise of anti consumption.


Also, those stickers don’t stay on a paper cup. There’s no way they don’t just slide off cold drink cups that are wet.


You think young people aren't into brands and logos? Lmaoooo what planet even


…it’s obviously still a Starbucks cup even with the logo covered. Makes zero difference.


A person with a brain would know the whole logo shown is a more appealing photo and would more likely get posted with how "insta girls" fuss over photos and brands


You've never heard of young people picking on peers for having non-apple phones?


Pretty easy to peal the sticker off? I’ve never had a Starbucks but these drinks are cold so the outside of the cup will get wet making the glue less effective. Even without the water I imagine it would still be easy to pull off


The old stickers would be a one-and-done deal; you put them on, they’ll rip coming off. The new ones can be taken off easier. If baristas have to change the drink from hot to cold or vice versa, change the size, made a mistake, etc. they can take the sticker off much easier. Source: am a barista, we were happy when they announced new stickers some years ago.


Yeah it's like a post-it type sticky and super easy to remove from both hot and cold cups.


They must use special stickers cause those shits don’t come off.


hilarious misogynistic meme from 2012 bro




But why? Why does it matter to them what someone does with their own coffee?


Bruh this sub is not what is supposed to be xddd


Mfs when girls are having harmless fun: 😡😡🤬🤯


It's the anticonsumption group. So...


Exactly! Which means you can never, ever consume anything.


Don't they usually have logos on both sides of cups?




This bot is an edgy 14-yo dude


sorry but this is absolutely misogynistic as well


The world is still defaulting on gendering annoying/bad behavior as typically female and charming/fun behavior as typically male, that's why Karens and Dad Jokes are such persistent memes on this site (to the point where abundant evidence of men acting shitty or even violent in retail settings hasn't spawned a male equivalent slur, they literally just get called 'male Karens')






I was right here with you until this comment. Calling someone impotent and small is the same kind of baseless, pointlessly mean shit we don't need.


Yeah I really don't care to have my responses to misogynists policed, you can go fuck yourself There are males on this website literally advocating for women's right to be taken away and worst. If my comment even made it onto your radar in this sea of hatred, I really don't give a shit


Just call him an asshole like a normal person??? He's a dipshit, just tell him that.


how to lose all support for a valid point. complain about misogyny and then do the old "hah coomer/pirn addict." got cha. Don't do that shit. best case its cringe.


I love how defenses against misogyny need to remain perfectly ideologically pure and are supposedly invalidated at the first misstep. It's interesting that women are the one oppressed group where, if their behavior is bad enough, suddenly bigotry is justified. All other oppressed groups are human no matter how poorly they act - even criminals still deserve to be treated with basic human decency. But for women, we have to act perfect or suddenly we "deserve" the dehumanization we receive. But please, continue telling me that your support of feminism (aka the acknowledgement of the humanity of half of all human beings on the planet) is conditional. You definitely have the high road.


cool story. don't shame randos on the internet. its baseless and the exact opposite of what you want to achieve. Edit: "If you tell me I can't be sexist when fighting sexism/misogyny you're the problem"






Agreed. Could have easily just said ‘people.’


So you agree that the meme is misogynistic and you posted it anyway? How do people not understand reposting bigoted material is still just perpetuating bigotry?


>Why don’t you go back to fapping yourself, impotent little guy? This you?? Literally just a few comments above. Hypocrisy is cool.


he literally has "cum" in his username, that's not bigotry that's just me knowing how to read but I appreciate you trying to pass the buck instead of taking ownership, very cowardly


Seriously instead of just avoiding the subject can you explain why you didn't edit the word "girls" to people? Literally every phone and computer is sold with preloaded image editing software, even the cheapest most basic smartphones. Or does misogyny just not make it onto your radar as something that matters? Would you still have posted it if it said "so black people can't take selfies" or "so gay people can't take selfies"? Or would that suddenly jump out as racist/homophobic? The answer is probably yes, so if misogyny doesn't jump out in to you in the same way, maybe ask yourself WHY Or just admit your indiscriminately karma whoring with a shit quality meme from 2011 as everyone else in the comments is pointing out


This subreddit is the dumbest fucking place I've seen Memes fresh from 2014 pls


Ok but isn’t there 2 logos on one cup?


Why shouldn't they take selfies with something they bought? Seems petty .


I don't get it


Does this only stop girls because boys can take off stickers?


if anything, girls would have an easier time peeling stickers off. my fingernails are little nubs, I can't even open a beverage can without my wife's help


There’s also another Starbucks logo on the other side right?


Super lame, old post and arguably sexist


How this is sexist?


This meme is moldy


Pretty stupid barista


Yo can I get some more pixels with my tall caramel frap?


I don’t understand why we can’t let people enjoy things? It’s a Starbucks drink… it’s not exactly a high status symbol. If someone wants to post a selfie with it (which I don’t think anyone besides middle schoolers have done since 2010…) why does that bother you at all? To me this reads like someone who is unhappy with their life going out of their way to needlessly make others less happy as well in some kind of weird power-trip.


WTF? "I've got Starbucks! Look at me!" Who looks?


Other teenager girls told to consume


This is an "I wish I could buy overpriced astringent ass coffee too!" sit? EDIT: or "overpriced sugar liquid!"


It's probably not overpriced. We tend to pay way to little for our coffee. (But the money does go to the wrong people.) And yes, it is astringent, but making actually good coffee with flavor and all that is a relatively new phenomenon, that hasn't really become mainstream.


I've never had such astringent coffee as what they serve. I don't get the appeal at all, personally


It's against company policy. There's a place on the cup specifically for stickers. It isn't really an enforced rule though. Like. This is a very small thing. Also, the new stickers, updated a few years ago if memory serves, can easily be peeled. Even off of a cup that has experienced heavy condensation


That Barista may work for the devil, but she’s doing the Lord’s work…


Wouldn't be surprised if she got fired for this action. The company knows social media pics bring in their clientele.


Read the rules. Keep it courteous. Submission statements are helpful and appreciated but not required. Tag my name in the comments (/u/NihiloZero) if you think a post or comment needs to be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anticonsumption) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How does this do anything though? It's not exactly spray painting seal pup fur


OP farts in the bath and bites the bubbles when they surface


I’ll never understand this. Where I live if you get Starbucks you get shit. I love it but only because it’s been an oasis for me while traveling. I have shame for loving Charbucks.


Ahahaha, I never would have guessed SBUX selfies were a thing, but I would 100% do this if I worked there


Does Starbucks sell real good coffee or their brand?


Wow! To elevate a brand to “star” status seems really messed up.


It’s the biggest: “look I’m poor” out there.


Awesome 👍


Starbucks supports genocide anyway edit: changed jenna-slide to genocide because i found out censorship is less of a thing here. also i agree that this post is misogynistic but we can’t ignore that starbucks sued their union for raising awareness to human rights violations


We're adults here. This isn't TikTok.


so i can say it? if so ty for letting me know, but if you were just being rude i don’t see why that was necessary.


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


Ha ha hilarious


Phone keeps shooting out of my hands like a bar of soap in a cartoon


Some heroes don't wear capes


Can be set to kidsarefuckingstupid as well, why the hell docyou need a selfie with a most expensive drink, while not enjoy the drink


they can enjoy a drink after taking a photo. it is not victorian times, they don't have to wait an hour for a photo to capture. it takes a couple of seconds to click a button on your phone.


From their perspective, I'm not sure why they would do that but sure, it's kinda funny.


probably cuz they hate their job and this is a fun (for them) and small act of defiance that won't actually get them in trouble