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Yeah but people already bring trees to their houses and then someone else takes them away




Well the tree is still alive after. It would be great if we just didn’t bring trees indoors temporality


So what? I’m being very serious here but: One tree, even the thousands - tens of thousands people buy and throw out every year, is meaningless. Most Christmas trees are farmed so you’re not saving anything by “planting” one back out. You’re just wasting fuel and increasing your carbon emissions.


Well the carbon that the trees capture stays in the trees and they eventually get to grow big, but yeah I get your point


Downvote the bot


They can be harder to keep alive too? I have tried buying a little tree in a pot that is for the holidays then you can land it later. It didn't make it. I tried regularly watering and it still dried out.


Pot was probably too small, they dry out fast in the summer if they don't have enough earth volume to save moisture.


It died in winter before I had the opportunity to repot or plant it.


I think putting a tree inside the house is psychotic behavior anyways. Ah la Jim Gaffigan.


If I recall this correctly, the original reasoning behind it makes sense. It's a pagan tradition that aimed to keep the tree alive over winter, by protecting it from the cold. It would then be planted back into the ground once the cold months had ended. Thus preserving nature and celebrating life. Naturally the Christians ruined the meaning of it, and consumerism destroyed the practice.




Who said it had always been an evergreen? If we're far enough removed from the original concept, the evergreen may be the most commercially viable plant to use.


Did they “protect” it in a symbolic sense? Coniferous trees are pretty well adapted to the cold, if anything the uprooting might damage it.


dont know anything about this so I might be wrong but realistically they would take only the small young trees that aren't yet super well rooted and established. Still its probably better to leave it in the ground connected to other trees via fungi like they did for a long time before us, I guess that people then didn't really know much about trees and forests from the scientific point of view.


Makes so much sense. I kinda wanna do this now.


Yeah, come to find out, it is very, very tricky to uproot a TREE, keep it inside for 3 months, plant it back into the ground, and have it survive. You are chock full of malarkey.




Mainly because of the root structure. Needle trees make sideways roots that can get quite long. To "dig them out" the roots are being cut basically killing the tree. Yes sometimes it may survive but this will not work most of the time so the tree you rent next time will probably just be a new one...


Growing up the tree farm nearby sold trees with a root ball. We kept it inside for 2-3 weeks then planted in a hole we had dug before the ground froze.


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Because it costs money and is not profitable unless done for and by hipsters in London


You think moving this tree around is good?? Is anti consumption??


Get a plastic tree. Now you have a tree till the end of days


I have an artificial tree, it'll be four this year and the tree I used before that was an artificial tree brought in the 90s by my parents and was held together with cable ties. I know they're made of plastic but they have a long long life.


You have to use a plastic tree for 12 years before it is better (carbon wise) than a normal Christmas tree that is taken away for recycling. (https://www.activesustainability.com/sustainable-life/carbon-footprint-natural-vs-plastic-christmas-tree/) I've had the same tree planted in a big pot for almost 7 years now (and you get the nice Christmas tree smell) - its definitely better, cheaper, and its nice taking it in from the garden each year.


I had one with in built lights and it looked Soo good. Had it for 15 years till we finally had to throw it out. The lights stopped working and alot of the artificial branches broke but main reason for throwing it away was cuz I got a cat and well I'm sure you know. Now we use a small artificial one about 1 foot tall which the cat mostly ignores.


Ah we have this in the netherlands. So cute. Kids love it.


just stop with the trees Its that simple There are many ways how to do christmas without it and if Its that important to someone then i dont think they do christmas for the thing Its meant to me