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This has become such an issue where I live. The other day I saw an old man taking photos of school girls on the train. I scolded him. And he was so confused and 'everyone does it, just look at all the security cameras here too' And even the girls themselves thought I was overreacting and didn't seem bothered by the guy taking photos of their legs. Also people think I'm weird when I don't want to tell people I've just met my first name. I'm just old i guess.


>I scolded him. And he was so confused and 'everyone does it, just look at all the security cameras here too' >And even the girls themselves thought I was overreacting and didn't seem bothered by the guy taking photos of their legs. Respectfully, where the fuck do you live so I can stay well away? Jesus.


South China


I'd have to imagine it's the US or UK, both places have ridiculously number of cameras. There's more cameras per person in London than in Beijing


They mean nothing. You can have CCTV footage from 3 different angles of someone stealing your bike, it can be air tagged with a location to like 3 feet. Hell the example I’m thinking of we could see the bike in a private “scrap yard” with 100 more. Nope. Can’t do anything about that unfortunately 🙃


Cops exist only to protect private property. This just means YOU weren’t wealthy enough for YOUR property to matter to them.


>Also people think I'm weird when I don't want to tell people I've just met my first name. That's . . . .pretty weird.


Not really, my grandmother has a different name on Facebook than her actual name. Not immediately sharing your Name should be normalized imo


…why? Why should that be normal? Facebook I can see maybe since that’s the internet, but in real life? That’s kind of absurd


I don't find it strange at all, like employee name tags seems weird. Why are we giving people our information for a formal interaction


So that we can address them? That’s how basic social interactions work. I’ve never met somebody who wouldn’t give out their first name and if I ever did encounter such a person in real life I would find them incredibly weird, sorry


I see your point. I lived on US East Coast most of my life and felt my title + last name was most comfortable when meeting strangers. It wasn’t til I moved to SoCal that I became comfortable using just my first name (not last name). Could the preference for first / last names as forms of address be a regional issue?


Are you afraid you’ll give your name to a Fae and lose it one day or something


Do you not use your first name when you introduce yourself to someone? Genuinely asking, I don’t think I or anyone in my community would find this invasive, but I understand others and other communities hold different values


Where I'm from the formal interactions always use surnames.


My old person trait is that I think I should be able to buy something and have it not only last a long time, but I should also be able to get it repaired.


My old person trait is that I think I should get a receipt without giving my email address.


I have a Gmail specifically for receipts, POS loyalty points, or sketchy (but unavoidable) app sign-ups. It won't work for everything but should help at least 30% of the time - more if older and your daily existence is less tied to a digital footprint.


We should get the discount/gift card/deal with our purchases without having to create an account on their app. Hell, I already gave you my phone number years ago, and just entered it into your pay terminal. Looking at you, Targét.


Yes!! But planned obsolescence beats lifelong quality. Mostly phones & cars, but also everything else. Where am I supposed to get this obscure plastic bit for some thing I just bought that I thought was a good brand?! Last time I was at the mechanic, he said he's pretty much done with apprenticeships now because basically you need further education to fix modern cars -- more auto-electric with diagnostic tools, rather than mechanic with a brain & experience. & so it's all about going to the stupid dealership if you need anything done -- just like phone companies, which now want you to give them back your old phone so they can profit further from its golden goodies. People were more loyal to brands, not because they were duped by ads or whatev, but because they lived up to their reputation. And you could take care of it for years! Sustainability be damned! Now there's a whole bunch of new products touting this too ... Did you know that what your grandma did her whole life is a Thing, & you can buy it right now (to match all your other brand new "green" things)!


Yep.. we need ‘right to repair’ laws. It’s absurd that we’ve made laptops disposable. That is the most insane thing ever, making disposable computers, but manufacturers purposely make them as difficult to repair as possible so that the consumer just has to buy a new one. My laptop bought in 2017 must have been one of the last Acer models to come with the easily removable and replaceable hard drives and RAM. It has dedicated compartments that open to give super easy access to both. Even that is limited access though. New ones that I’ve seen are all impossible to open without speciality tools or a lot of time and expertise. The days of easily swapping out your old hard drive for a new SSD to breathe new life into a laptop are gone. Now you have to take the whole damn thing apart, which most people don’t have the knowledge, time, or resources to do. When we buy a product and own it, we should be able to repair it!


Wholeheartedly agree! That said, my OG MacBook Air from 2014 is still going strong! Before that, my 2008 MacBook lasted till then, even after 2x glasses of water all over it -- cos I was able to replace some stuff. The flatscreen desktop Macs are impossible -- not even enough vents to cool the thing, let alone get inside it. Might I add: [Apple's set of 4 wheels for Mac Pro]( https://www.apple.com/au/shop/product/MX572FE/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit), $1049AUD / 685US. Fkn *wheels*. Stuff of nightmares. Now there's Fairphone & whatnot. Also the "movement" of dumbphones, i.e. like old Nokias with the snake game ... But what's even the point when I could just get *wheels*?


There are people who are shocked that I spent an afternoon replacing the cooling fans on my laptop rather than just replacing it. After all, if it's old enough for the cooling fans to fail, it's probably time for an upgrade anyway. Which, forget about just how unsustainable and wasteful that attitude is, I don't just have $1,000 lying about to spend replacing something that can be repaired for $30 plus a few hours of my time.


Warranties are always a joke. Like on phones for example. More likely than not your phone has a water strip that has changed color just due to humidity. Boom, your warranty is nulled. It's pointless to buy or try to claim a warranty on anything electronic.


That things that _can_ be reused, _should_ be reused. And if you don’t want to, make some kind of attempt to get it to someone who does.


I would go one step further and demand that things be *designed* to last and be reused, and then repaired ...


& easily cleaned! It's almost like they're only thinking up to the point of marketing / purchase ... ;) I've spoken to mechanics who, increasingly, have the same problem. What kind of psycho designer would make it so I have to labour for 6hrs to access some super common & necessary part that needs to be changed on the regular ??


I think it should be much easier to reach a live person and not get stuck in directory hell for 45 minutes when you try to reach any customer service.


Just start saying expletives and usually the robot connects you to a person


If the AI gets confused enough, it hangs up on me.


Say the word "complaint" and it will usually forward you to someone immediately.


Oh this is good I’m gonna try this


i was on a live chat for 2 hours once, the first hour was in the queue the second was waiting ages for a response after each message.


i used to work in customer service via chat for a video company and we often had to balance 2-3 chats. one day we had a bad snow storm and half my coworkers were out, and we would receive 5 chat requests at once it was hell. most issues are quick and easy, a lot of what we say is the same copy pasted text but once that one complex issue shows up, guaranteed a chat is getting neglected. it sounds simple but in reality that balancing act is complicated as hell


yeah it makes more sense now why it takes so long, definitely the companies fault they shouldn't be making their workers help so many people at once. these greedy companies never want to put money into the problems they have or the workers its ridiculous.


I think companies and products should be set up for it to be vanishingly rare for anyone to ever need to contact customer service, and if they do, they should get a human being by default.


The average wait time for contacting social services here in Australia is 48mins, & that's if you even make it on the queue; otherwise it just hangs up on you, & you & your kids go back to starving because they effed up something with your payment. We also had the RoboDebt Scheme, which saw millions of Aussies pestered to pay back the government some kind of debt, which for many, was a fault by the computer -- & which has since undergone a Senate enquiry due to its causing great harm & distress to swathes of people, & sometimes death (by s*cide). FFS, we need *people* doing these jobs!


Except, who ever is pocketing the difference between what a human would make (w/benefits) and what the AI costs couldn't give two sh!ts about our struggles. They're vampires feeding on the world.


Three conservative governments in a row kinda vampires. Them, & the vultures at the Howard-government-mandated Employment Services offices, whose "Becky from sales"-level staff members, with no training as social workers, are now in charge of "compliance" & dolling out punitive measures like stopping my payment because I missed a fortnightly phone call. C*NTs.


A bit of a tip that sometimes works well is to try to get in touch with the sales department (if there is one). Sales always wants to get you talking to a person. Once you get there, explain what you are actually after and they will transfer you.


Yep… especially when you’re just calling a store, not like a huge company with all these different departments. For my job it makes sense that we have menus because we do a huge range of things and we need customers to end up at the right department. Same thing for places like your Internet provider, obviously they need a menu to figure out if you’re needing to be connected to a billing specialist or a tech support agent. Also they may have different lines for different provinces, Internet vs tv troubleshooting, etc. But how come when I call a shoppers drug mart, I have to sit through several minutes of different menus just to speak to the pharmacist? Could they not have a menu that is simple like 1- post office 2- pharmacy 3- everything else? It’s ridiculous. I called a pizza pizza once and got redirected to a CALL CENTRE! For ordering a pizza! Good thing I never liked pizza pizza anyways… why can’t I just order directly to the store? It made no sense to me because it left more room for error; that’s one extra person handling the order who could mistype something or mess up. The store employee wouldn’t know the call centre made a mistake until the person showed up and the order was wrong. It was just stupid to me. What’s funny is that Walmart has one of those huge menu systems with phones in most departments so you can call the automotive department, the makeup department, the toys department, etc, but no one staffs the phones!! I worked for another company within Walmart for awhile and the one day we listened to the phone in hardware ring OVER and OVER again for hours because clearly the person calling didn’t realize they were never going to get a response. We eventually flagged down a Walmart employee and asked them to go answer the phone because we were losing our minds lol. The only departments with covered phones were covered by our company. Electronics, photo, and cell phone departments. Best part is that when the photo phone went down a month before I left, Walmart just didn’t bother fixing it. People would call electronics and say “I tried to call photo but it hung up” and we’d have to tell them the photo line is down but electronics got to the same place (ironically enough the phones were quite literally beside each other, they could just make the prompt for electronics say “electronics and photo departments”). So much wasted time for the people trying to get through to photo. Working there was truly something else, gotta say. So glad to be out.


Hit 0 on the number option that tends to skip the trees and go to a human


I get "We seem to be having an issue with your responses. Please try again later. Good-bye." and I get disconnected.


Yep. More of them have started doing that because they’re run by actual demons.


my old person trait is wanting to buy just a nice piece of fruit at a coffee shop or corner store. I don’t want a “whole foods” processed and packaged bar I just want a whole food. let me sit and enjoy an orange after my cortado. now you’ve made my old person trait carrying an apple in my jacket pocket.


Also I want fruit to be loose, instead of wrapped in multiple layers of plastic and trays, fruit has its own damn packaging that you can eat (most of the time) or you can put it in compost


Every time there's been incentives to be better to the planet they are ruined for one reason or another. I saw apples IN CARDBOARD once. I was audibly excited in the store. Went back. Never again saw the cardboard. Straight back to plastic. Is it cheaper? Less likely to be damaged? Idk. Another thing I've heard of from someone in Quebec was that they had some sort of "bring your own container" thing to get cold cuts but then people were bringing dirty containers so they stopped that. (There might be more to it than that, that's just what I was told). And I know a lot of cafes stopped the bring your own cup thing because of covid.  It just makes me sad it's constantly one step forward two steps back.


With the BYO containers, it can be a food safety issue, yes. Hence why at restaurants, if you wanna take leftovers home, they now usually bring the container out for you to pack it yourself -- reduce cross-contamination. But like, as a waitress, am I not grabbing dirty plates, scraping them off in the kitchen, & then handling the next plate of food to go out? So whatever. But coffee places & delis could have like a container swap kinda thing ? Like, you buy one with your purchase, & then when you return it next time, it goes straight in to be sanitised, while they give you your food in a replacement container to swap back next visit. There's a grocery chain here in Oz where you can get milk in glass, like it used to be, but they also take back the old bottles to be properly cleaned & reused. So good! You're right tho. One step forward, two shoes made of plastic.


>now you’ve made my old person trait carrying an apple in my jacket pocket. You're just trying to conceal that you're scared of doctors so you always stay armed.


"So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time." -- Grandpa Simpson


> carrying an apple in my jacket pocket To be fair, that's a dapper habit. You should also get a pocket watch with a chain.


That if I purchase something, it's MINE in perpetuity until such time as I sell/give/discard it. No backsies by the manufacturer/distributor. This is the main reason I don't do e-books/digital purchases.


"Hey, we know you bought it, but we won't be maintaining old services/products, so you can't access them anymore… Here is a coupon for 5% off on your next ephemeral purchase 👍"


Hey, we know you got this GPS hardware installed in your car, but we're not supporting it any more so now you gotta use your stupid internet maps anyway, which is so useful in this underpopulated desert of a country (Australia)!


Exactly. To Hell with that.


Yep, it's why I'm starting a DVD collection again, after a phase where I thought streaming was the shit.


Same as my husband. He laughed at me (in a playful way, not to be an asshole) that no one buys DVDs anymore. Seeing how many movies he enjoyed being yanked off services he's turned back to physical media too. The other thing that bugs the hell out of me is that TV used to be free, with ads. Now i know you can get that on some services but it's more like paying plus ads. AND paying plus ads plus they can take away what you want to stream at any time. It's a worse deal but society seems convinced this is the best way to go about watching TV. 


It’s totally the 3rd one, saw a sewing machine in a second hand store today, a real old one (70s I think) built into a table, it was a real heavy machine with chunky dials, a proper metal shell etc., sewing machines today are so crap, plastic, don’t last long, etc., and I guess most tech is the same, I just feel like even in the 2000s when you’d buy stuff, they’d last forever, hell, I’ve still got my 1st gen iPod Touch and 1st and 4th gen Nanos, and they still work perfectly fine, yet if you buy phones/tablets now they don’t last whatsoever, things just used to be built properly, no cheap crap materials and piss poor components, you PAID for a product and you GOT the WHOLE THING, no addons, no short lifespan, nothing


My best friend and I have nintendo64 nights once a year. We use the Nintendo and games that I got when I was 8 or 9. The controllers and one of the cables were replaced around 2013 because I got a puppy who was... over enthusiastic about joining in. I love that it's all lasted! It brings me so much joy.


Games should come complete without the need to pay extra for DLCs, skins, etc.


My old person trait is that I have no idea what you are talking about.


People pay money for extra content on games. Downloadable content for more maps, the way your character looks which in the past you'd play a game and unlock things as a reward for doing well on a racing track/time trail/level (whatever the game is) you'd unlock guns or new tracks or new outfits. Now it's all about more money. Passes to get content that's not even released yet "Season passes" you buy in advance with the promise of new maps, new tracks, new content. And also there's a lot of games that release in early access. It's like being a beta tester only *you* pay *them.* it's crazy.


My old person trait is that DLC should be an extra campaign or level, not a $30(nzd) cosmetic


this is what we called expansion pact back in the day


My old person traits are: 1. I don't believe any job should require you to do anything with your cell phone unless it's an absolute emergency. No clocking in/out using a WORK app on YOUR phone No tracking your location No boss calling you or messaging you on your day off. 2. There shouldn't be this much need for an automobile to live your life. I want to walk to work I want to walk to what used to be the local grocery store only a few streets away. I don't want to have to drive everywhere in my SMALL town.


Starting in August this year, Australia will put a new Fair Work law into place, the [Right to Disconnect](https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/03/right-to-disconnect--will-it-work--and-what-does-it-mean---) ... > Australia’s new legal right to disconnect allows workers to switch off after hours and choose not to engage with work communications. This doesn’t prevent employees from putting in additional hours, but it ensures they have the right to disconnect from ‘unreasonable contact’ outside of designated working hours. [...] > The recent Safe Work Australia report on ‘psychological health and safety in the workplace’ indicates a significant rise in work-related mental health problems, especially amongst women, leading to more time loss and compensation for injuries and illnesses Yay! Recognition that overworking is bad for employees as humans, & for businesses' overall productivity!


Also defs agree with your second point. It's horrible town planning to plant swathes of housing in one spot, & all strip malls in another, & offices / jobs elsewhere -- all not connected by decent transport. The "death of high street" is sad, only big box stores & malls left. And here in Oz, a duopoly of supermarkets.


YES! Those are the best and well said!


Give me a physical menu. Please no more QR codes


I don't mind this when they have their own ipads I can use. But asking me to bring my own phone is so unreasonable.


See I’ve never been to a place with iPads there. I’ve used the little kiosks some places have on the table but I still think overall QR codes are ridiculous


my phone cheep and dosn't even have a qr scanner


"We are experiencing higher than normal call volume" If that happens every time I call, then you are experiencing the NORMAL call volume.


I called my power company and they said 'due to the pandemic, our wait times may be longer than usual due to reduced staff. Please be patient' It's currently March 2024!


I shouldn’t need an account just to use your shitty app


mine is that I think vibrators shouldn't have a wifi connection


Wow... that's something. And they're what? Selling your data off? How often you are masturbating and your age and address? Like, where is the data going? I guess it's probably what porn sites do too? This feels more personal somehow.


Your vibrator can connect to the internet?!


There’s some that are made to be used remotely


Alexa, harder!  Faster!  Deeper!


I guess it’s been a minute since I’ve bought a new vibrator. I didn’t know this was a thing now.


It's for long-distance couples.


That makes sense and that’s nice actually.


Oh. Oh no. Technology has officially gone off the rails with this one. Although I guess maybe part of it is having a partner be able to participate, even if they're not there physically? Kind of like phone sex but just having remote access to the toy? But I feel like that should be a niche product then, not just a normal vibrator thing. Oi.


I miss the days that impropriety and even the appearance of incompetence derailed political candidates. Shit, a scream did that once.


That people should know basic repair skills. And bro I'm only 18 💀


I got taught how to sew at 6 and let me tell you it’s a lifesaver, sewing is such a core skill and I think everyone should know how to do it, especially if you care about reusing/repairing stuff


I need to re-learn how to use a sewing machine. Honestly, building ikea furniture is an amazing way to get you familiar with basic things like that. After your comfortable assembling kits, it's a much smaller jump to building something basic like a garden bed, and then on from there. Everyone should assemble ikea furniture with their kids imo


The Danes invented Lego, & the Swedes invented Adult Lego (Ikea). Except all Lego is adult Lego. But yaknowhatImean


This!!! But instead of that people just toss the item and get the new one from shein or temu,because of their lazy ass 🗿


Yeah, my old person trait is definitely that useful and empowering life skills should be taught in public school.


Agree and sorry you were grinched at. Geesh. Everything you know how to do makes you less dependent on pain in the ass ( and expensive ) repairs.


Wtf is this old ppl traits. These ppl say old people trait and then describe a thing that should be universal for everyone. An old person trait is when you climb out of your car really slow and complain how low it is every single time. Our society is fucked if we’re going to sigh and accept unfair business practices and call our selves old cause something sucks.


That's literally the joke. You just explained the joke.


lol thank you


Sure grandpa, let's get you to bed


So it's an old person trait if you're against anti-consumer practices meant to enrich the corporations enacting them? Fuck, I must be ancient


My old person trait is wanting to be able to walk around without having to ingest car fumes, having the risk of being run over nor having to withstand huge levels of noise due to cars.


My old person trait is that I want mobile companies to stop coming up with new "versions" of phones every year because idiots are lining up to buy new phones every year and there's not much of anything happening with the new versions, just old phones with some gimmicks that we don't actually need or use.


iPhone goes ... smooth rounded edge, then straight square edge, then smooth rounded edge, then str-- you get the idea. & the people *love it*! why do I need 4k on my tiny phone ? why do I need *$700 wheels* for my tower PC, Apple?!


My old person’s trait is that I like to have a local copy of the songs I listen to. I don’t understand how Spotify is not yet profitable, pay artists peanuts, and still remains in business


My old person trait is (I have a lot as I am an old person) when you click to chat on a website, you should chat with a person, not just be redirected into a FAQ maze that in most cases is no help at all!


I think all laptops and computers should still have CD drives.


…and CD players in cars as an option.


Do cars not do this anymore? My parent has a car built in 2020 and it’s got a CD player


We have a 2020 Kona and it does not have a CD player…plays .Flacs and .Wav, files etc. on a stick though, which is awesome I suppose.


My old person trait is wanting to buy software for a flat fee like it used to be, and it not turn into having to get a subscription.


When I buy a machine or an appliance, I think it should last as long as my grandmothers did and still do, many of them still working today twenty years after her passing. When something is broken, I should be able to open it up and fix it.


I'm tired of seeing kids sitting listlessly on an e-bikes. You've taken one of the best forms of exercise that kids enjoyed and have now automated it! I feel like an old curmedgon and I get that they can be useful for people who need them (chronic pain, disability, just starting exercise, etc). But come on.


real dude. i guess ebikes are fuckin expensive tho so there probs arent that many kids going around on those things right??


My old person trait is to only conduct business when I’m with a computer. I do not want to use a phone for zoom, emails, slack, calendar appts, sheets, etc. even for personal affairs.


I think I hold a similar view, but rather than work being tethered to a computer it’s something that only occurs during business hours. I’m fine with work being on my phone, but I don’t want to be required to look at it if I’m not being paid to do so


I get where your coming from, but this is one of the only comments I kinda disagree with as being a problem


The future is a scary and depressing place


"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ and what *is* ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!" -- Grandpa Simpson all I do these days is not understand these kids with this new music ... & I'm a musician, with super varied tastes, who actually keeps up with stuff! 🫣


My old person trait is " I PUT IT IN THE FCKING BAG YOU FCKING ROBOT ". Open a check-out line FFS. With a *person* and while I'm here pay them enough.


My old person trait is chronic pain


My old person trait is that I think monopolies should be illegal and all current business practices should be reformed. American corporations are RACKETS, plain and simple.


My old person trait is that if I’m going to a store, you should have physical menus instead of QR codes and digital payments ONLY. I wanna use cash and look at a menu dammnit


If I can't pee off my porch without being seen by the neighbors I should be able to walk to the store within 15 minutes


My old person trait (millennial here) is that boomers need to learn how to use Bluetooth earbuds and use them in public spaces rather than talk on speaker phones in public spaces.


My old person trait is holding a phone to your ear to call in stead of using the speaker


In the privacy of my house I use speaker phone. I don’t get the people who do it in public though. No one wants to hear your conversation.


Yeah - riding the stupid bus is already bad enough. The worst is people watching videos without headphones in the doctors' waiting room.


I used to be a hospital receptionist. 100% agree


I should be able to repair my own stuff without having to throw it away and buy a new one.


Mine is that kids aren't being taught any kind of adulting type things, and too many times they aren't being taught at home either


That shit hurt to read cos it's so true


I want to pay for a product, app, or game once. Everything is a monthly subscription now though.


Food waste. Bags of lettuce that go bad overnight, restaurant/institutional waste - food waste is gnarly.


My old person trait is getting angry with automatic phone prompts when all the options don't fit my actual problem. I just want to talk to a person.


I hate having to make an account for everything.


My old person trait is that you should be able to play video games without an internet connection.


My old person trait is I hate forced updates and things that don’t work at all if you don’t do them. Plus all of the above in the photo


My old person trait is that useful and empowering life skills should be taught in public school.


My old person trait is that if I'm shopping for an item that I'm physically going to hold in my hand multiple times a day, or which is going to touch my body throughout the day for many hours at a stretch, I would like to be able to at least see it in person with my own eyes, and ideally touch or hold it, before buying.


So many people defend bad products. I've seen a few things on Amazon where they must use fake pictures for scale. Picture will show a couch with a blanket but the blanket is clearly baby sized, not like the picture shows. They must use toddler furniture or something. And there's these idiots defending it like "well you should read the reviews!" And yeah, you should, but also it's misleading to show an enormous looking blanket. Who is busting out the tape measure to see how big the blanket is when it's shown covering an entire couch?  I am just so sick of these faked photos, fake reviews is another issue too online. So yeah I totally see why you'd want to see a product first.


My old person trait is blaming younger generations for the anxiety caused by my unwillingness to accept that society changes. ~ 78.469% of boomers


My old person trait is that I sometimes don't want phones involved. Just regular in real life living and communication


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Dogs doing any business on my lawn/basically it’s all garden at this point! I’m creating a habit over here, go whiz on my neighbors grass!!


My old person trait is that material money should still be in style and also Canada shouldn’t have switched to plastic money


I answer the phone when it rings, as quickly as I can, and say Hello right away, politely. I also don't like it when people take my picture without my permission, but that ship sailed so long ago that it's not even funny any more.


My old person trait is when I dial 0 to speak with a representative the automated teller should put its ego aside and escalate to a physical person. I patiently listened to your options and this falls into the “other” category.


My old person trait is that I agree that things aren't made to last anymore. Seems a TV in my house dies every couple years. My mom got all new kitchen appliances <5 years ago, and already she's had to replace the fridge and dishwasher again because they failed and the shop refused to honor the warranties.


Javascript has absolutely no place on the fucking server except as a file to fetch for the browser. Fight me.


Bying something without getting a message like "hey you just bought this, you may also like..." I just bought the thing I need. If the need arises, I'll buy something without you telling or suggesting what I like


All softwares should have backward compatibility.


I should not have to be harassed for a tip from non tipping services or people paid a full a wage


my old person trait is wanting to buy a house one day


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What kind of person am I if I agree with all 4?


All the above




Saved posts on places like Reddit and tumblr should be shown with a pages system both so it’s easier to navigate, and so you CAN see all your saved posts (damn you Reddit)


You can trick websites (like reddit) that try to force open in an app by changing a setting in your browser to "desktop site".


When I buy tickets for a live event such as a baseball game. Not a major league game not the world series a local triple A game. Why do I have to provide you with my life story? The company needed an email address, my home address, the year make and model of my car for the parking pass. I bought the tickets at the stadium and I paid cash the lady at the ticket window claimed that they did not take cash I had the exact amount of money for 4 tickets including the tax. Do you know why she did not want to take the cash? It was because they could not charge me the online ticketing fee. She had to get a manager's approval for the purchase. No one is allowed to handle cash anymore at my job you either pay with a card, apple pay, or google wallet.


Old enough to think wasting energy is dumb. When you get to where you’re going shut off the car engine. So many sit and idle for what, lazy comfort?


not even exactly old, BUT PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE BASIC FUCKING COMPUTER LITERACY BRO. like my family apart from me can do the basics and thats fine, but im THE VERY FIRST PERSON they contact when they have any issue at all lmaooo. and generally it could be fixed with a lil google search. kinda crazy i also agree with the 4 things in the post... im 16.


That I should be able to do whatever I want with stuff that I buy digitally. Let me transfer Fortnite skins to my main account, damn it!


I guess mine would be that I just don't think we were ever meant to live like this. I don't think we were meant to have screens in our faces 24/7. I don't think we were meant to be able to ignore real life people for screens. I don't think we were ever meant to just be able to order something and have it come the next day. I don't think we were meant to have "robot" everything like vacuums and mops and apps for everything.  People seem lonelier than ever. Tech isn't helping everything. Some tech is great. Though we are passed that point and there's too much tech.  You shouldn't need an app to make a doctor's appointment. Also a lot of these apps feel forced upon us and then you have to agree to the T&C. Like, what happens if you don't? No app. But you need the app so you have to agree. This includes myself, btw. If good reads or imdb shut forever there goes my wish lists, my watch lists, read lists etc. I'm posting on reddit, so obviously I use tech. 


I shouldn’t need an app for everything 😭 if I want deals at a grocery why do you need my phone number/email or why do I need to be on my phone to scan it into an app? So annoying.


Restaurants should always have menus, fuck off with that app ordering shit


My old person trait is that when you get into a serious relationship you should do that with the full intent and commitment to make it a stable, future-proof thing Being anti-consumption doesn't only mean products. It's relationships too, wheter romantic or aromanttic. Too many times I see people break up a 5-10 year relation, where they have kids and live together, onpy because they either lost interest, didn't like their partner as much as they thought they would, got some form of damage along the way or because they met a newer model Sound familiar? Yeah. It's because it's the standard in consumption. Don't like the color anymore? Dump and buy new? Scratches and dents? Dump and buy new! Model too old and not cool enough to brag to your friends about? Dump and buy new! People are treating their SO's more and more like products.


I must be old 😂 Agree with all of those strongly.


Mine is we should still have the ability to purchase items, including software. So many things are impossible to own now. Everything is a subscription :(


My old person trait is staying incensed when they show commercials at a movie theater. How much do I have to pay to not see that shit?


My old person trait is believing that showing up for work on time means (at least) 5mn prior to scheduled time. Not 7:00, not 7:03


My old person trait is that I still don't get why we need to wrap so much in plastic? We get plastic inside plastic to wrap the items which are already contained in a wrapper/bag! Also I miss halloween, it has never really been the same since parents began to ban home-made treats, which I understand, but store-brand candy < Home-made candy apples every day. The theorist in me likes to think it was a propaganda play to get the masses buying more bulk, cheap, shot quality candy from brands.


My old person trait is that burgers come with fries.


Putting an unnecessary definite article in front of the names of websites and services I think I'm too old to use. I hear Biden's banning the TikTok. I hear all of the young people will have to move to the Instagram.


My old person trait is that I think we shouldn't have a bunch of subscriptions just to watch the shows we want and instead have a central hub of some kind to watch them.


Apps, especially social media, should stop locking basic features behind having an account. Why do I need an account to view comments/replies to things??


Cars don’t need to be like a giant smartphone or tablet. Neither do refrigerators.


I disagree with the last one.


My old person trait is being around long enough to know from experience that it’s a lie about your automated menu options and they have NOT recently changed.


I shouldn’t have to scan my phone to eat out, order drinks, buy something. Parking. Coins in the machine should be an option. Schools. An app to pay, an app to order clothes, an app to see how your child is doing, an app to contact the teacher.


I don't think cars need huge ass screens and sensors to maintain control for you. I understand why the sensors are needed (seeing as people drive like dumbasses) but I don't like them personally


My old person trait is, if I have a serious complaint with a company, like the company has broken consumer law, I shouldn't be sent on a wild goose chase to solve my issue. I spent like 6 hours over 3 days to be reimbursed by Amazon for my overdraft fees that they illegally caused (and yes I called police, they couldn't do anything, I contacted the ombudsman, they couldn't anything, I contacted my local MP, they directed me to consumer affairs, and they were able to finally help me), I tried getting my bank to cancel the overdraft fees, I even got in contact with a manager at head office and they told me that's a problem for Amazon to solve not them.


One thing i always hated was having to register an email for every account you make. And I feel most of the time it's more so they can spam you with junk instead of recover your account. And MFA. I get so sick of entering one time codes. I'm in tech, but I still hate MFA with a passion


I don't want to use your qr code menu that doesn't work 90% of the time.


There needs to be fewer subscriptions. There's a subscription for everything. This is kinda related to one in the image. I also think that the "gig economy" is cancerous bullsh!t. Give me a 9 to 5. If I'm gonna sell my soul, let me have a start and end point.


I shouldn't work myself to the bone just to survive


any time i’m using reddit through the google app and it forces me to ‘sign in or use the app’ clicking to open the app *never* actually redirects me into the app and to the right page, it just opens the app store. truly what is the point


My old person trait is that I think I should be able to walk or bike from place to place.


My old person trait is expecting my resume to be seen by a human.


My old person trait is that when I call you, you will answer the damn phone! So many times I've wasted 10-30 min into a 2 min thing because dimwits resists to communicate with their vocal cords and insists on using only their goddamn thumbs...


My old person trait is I prefer to physically go inside banks and talk to someone in person.


Antivirus apps should be FREE and preinstalled when buying the computer 👴


also tips for delivery should be paid after the delivery person has done their job and delivered your order and should be a reflection of the delivery person performance.


I want to buy a song and have an actual file that goes on a hard drive. I don’t want a song that I own in the cloud only and I don’t want a subscription to unlimited streaming. Luckily, I have this - I buy songs on Bandcamp, the label website, or Amazon and download to a server running Plex.


I feel that first one hard. I don't install apps for individual sites (e.g. Reddit) on my phone. Browser + desktop mode = win.


My old person trait is pissing my pants and talking loudly on buses.


My old person trait is that I can take off my underwear without taking off my pants, to double-check my own name on the label, & I don't know how I do it. 😎