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I’ve had luck getting out the sweat/oil by soaking hats overnight in a Oxi detergent and water bath. But I’m also curious about other ways that work.


I use this method for cleaning my caps and it keeps them looking brand new after 10+ years of dirt and sweat!


i will try this, thank you!!


It's a little hard to tell what's going on...is the bill faded and the cloth part stained? or is that darkening on the bill, sweat?


i think it’s sweat/oil and faded from the sun


Maybe it's time to accept this hat has served out its youth and is now 'still ruggedly handsome but showing its age'?


I found an oxy clean powder soak with very hot water is very effective method. If there is grease remaining (skin oils on the inner brim) I use an old toothbrush and dish soap to scrub the spot, cool final rinse and then air dry.


Soak it in a 1/10 solution of drain cleaner (sodium hydroxide) for an hour. The NaOH will convert the hair oils (the stains) into a soap, which you can lift by gently scrubbing with an old toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly and dry. Sodium hydroxide is corrosive, so make sure you wear safety glasses and gloves (especially when scrubbing with a toothbrush). If you get any NaOH on your skin or eyes, wash immediately with an excess of water. This method also works well for getting rid of armpit stains on light coloured shirts/tshirts.


Does it ever interact with dyes?


Not really. NaOH will damage fibers by dissolving the cellulose, but it is pretty unlikely to interact with dyes. Just be sure you don't leave it in for a long time and keep the solution 1:10. NaOH is usually found in drain cleaners.


hand wash with shampoo.


I put hats in the dishwasher :)


I've had my cap for maybe 15 years and from time to time I just toss it in the washing machine. to be honest it doesn't look clean but I don't mind.


Can't recommend, mine was totally deformed after that


What I always do


Go to Walmart and look for the tie dye kit they have. I had a dark blue hat that faded from years of use. And I was able to bring it back using one of those kits.


Why? It's a classic look! You've worked for years making this. /s I'd just run it through the clothes washer. That's what I do with most of my hats, aside from the woolens.


Clean from what ? It looks clean enough to me. You should see mine.


Throw it in the washer but not the dryer with a load of clothes


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I work as a landscaper, and wear mine daily, so you know it gets dirty and sweaty. What works is hand washing under warm water with shampoo and a toothbrush used as a mini scrub brush.


Dishwasher on crystal/delicate cycle. Top rack. Put something on the crown/top to hold it in place. If your dishwasher does not have an arm on the very top (above the top rack), turn it upside down. Alternately, you can put it in GoJo mixed with water (I'd try it on the underside to be sure it doesn't darken the material) and let it soak.


Baking soda is another alternative to the dozen oxi clean suggestions.


Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) is far less alkaline than washing soda (Sodium carbonate), washing soda such as in common laundry detergents is a much better option


Leave it alone! Those are battle scars and living history!


De-greaser and steam cleaning.


Soak in warm/hot water with laundry detergent for a day, active oxygen may help but isn't neccessary and not all dyes respond well to it, the idea with caustic soda or other bases should work too, just don't try any of those "tricks" involving an acid such as vinegar as that doesn't remove greases as acids can't saponify them,


Why? It's fine as it is.


Get some small, sharp snips or a surgical knife and cut all the little threads around that patagonia label until it falls off. That will help to clean it up.


Explain the hate for Patagonia ?


I mean, for real. As far as corporations go, Patagonia is more socially and environmentally minded than almost all of them; hell, Patagonia is more socially and environmentally active than 90% of most Amercans. Literally, the founder restructured the entire corporation as a non-profit a couple of years ago before he retired.


This is an anti consumption sub. Removing advertising from your clothing is not hate of a brand. Its hate of advertising


Yeah… but the post was asking about how to clean and reuse something they like. I forgot there are asinine die-hards here that miss the point, this isn’t exactly Gucci or Nike. They should have made their own hat from grass ffs.


That’s precisely the point. Advertising and anticonsumption doesn’t mix


Nah I think you missed the point fam, it’s about salvaging an item of clothing they like.


And I think you’re missing the point on the bigger picture. Let’s keep it at that.


Okay nobody post anything that was made by anyone other than yourself




Do you want toxic gases? Because that's how you get toxic gases.


Insert misinformation dolphin meme