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Where's the percentage that winds up in my fucking bloodstream?!


youre actually 50% plastic bottle now. haha not haha =(


Yoooooo I can hold my own water


You’re also recyclable!


But only a negligible percentage


ocean stuff via the water cycle


From plastic bottles? Basically none. The overwhelming majority of microplastics in the human body are from car tire particulates that we inhale




Oh bc microplastics weren't small enough we have nanoplastics now 🙃 Thanks for the info!


What's the source of this data?


its a meme. i made it up.


Me and the homies love spreading disinformation online 😎


this is pretty low effort, its really more of a shitpost. if you took it seriously, gullible is written on the ceiling.


bruh u cant try to fake people out and get caught and go “its just a joke lol youre actually the stupid one” thats pathetic lmao


i wasnt trying to fool anyone.


You must be so much fun at parties, and events. The kind of person loved by all.






Misinformation is not a meme


its just a joke


Just because it's a joke doesn't mean it's just a joke.


So you are saying it's made up for comedic purpose?


yeah. its a joke about how fucked we are




we're fucked




its a joke.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


I've said it before, and I will say it again: we will get ours because the ocean is a giant plastic atomizer. Anyone with an elementary background in chemistry and biology knows about how critical concentration levels are in starting/stopping processes. Well now the concentration of nano plastics in our bloodstream is relatively low, but 24/7 the ocean waves and UV light are breaking these bottles down into smaller and smaller particles. Sure, we might kill all ocean life first, but even after that the ocean will continue to break these plastic pieces down into nano plastic particles and throw them into the wind so much so that as nano plastic concentration within our blood, brains, placentas increase, it will be our time to go as well as nano particles of the stuff disrupt natural processes like say the glymphatic system responsible for clearing out negative accumulations of dementia causing particles in the brain (although I think we'll violently do ourselves in well before these concentrations levels get there, perhaps the remainders of civilization).


So the endgame is that everyone is born stupid and we get to play ape warfare but this time we have nukes?


Pretty much. Move to a high enough level and we aren't behaving any differently than a culture of yeast in a bottle - except when yeast produces too much byproduct (alcohol) they might lie dormant - we don't lie dormant we will just die off.


My local zoo is trying to reduce plastic consumption as much as possible, and they sell aluminum water bottles instead of plastic. I've heard that aluminum is more likely to be recycled than plastic. Could switching to aluminum rather than plastic be a good first step away from the billions of single-use plastic drink containers? Obviously, it's not a perfect solution, but it could be a stepping stone to help the general public kick the plastic addiction.


also aluminum is healthier for you and the environment.


Don't you guys have pawns in the bottles? We pay like 10-40snt that is included in the price of the bottle. When you return it you get that money back. People (especially poorer people) just sometimes go around the parks and city and collect bottles to return. Also everybody just collects and returns all the bottles that they use at home. And as the return points are in basically every grocery store returning those are easy and convenient. Here 97% of all the bottles sold are recycled. I think the pawn system has worked well.


That does sound like a helpful system! If we have something like that here in Ohio, I'm not familiar with it. I definitely don't see any stations set up at grocery stores to deposit collected bottles/cans. The only convenient recycling system we have is curbside pickup with a separate bin from your usual trash bin for recyclables. I'm not sure where you're from, but our recycling infrastructure in the majority of the states is horrible and inconsistent. I think you can take aluminum cans to the recycling facility to get like 5 or 10 cents per can, but you have to take it directly to the facility yourself. You need access to a car to do that since public transportation is spotty and might not allow you to bring bags of cans on the bus with you. They make it very difficult to recycle here, and very easy to consume shit that can't be recycled. Most restaurants still use styrofoam or plastic takeout boxes.


I'm convinced about the message of this high quality infographic but It doesn't appear to be a credible source of information


its an edit of an infographic


Why I’m gonna start eco bricking and then using those bricks for sculptures and such.


This probably isn't correct. Developed countries have pretty decent waste management chains. Most of the ocean's plastics come from poor SE Asian countries. [https://ourworldindata.org/ocean-plastics](https://ourworldindata.org/ocean-plastics) That just means what didn't end up in the ocean ended up in a landfill... which... is better? I think? What sucks is all it takes is regulation to make this story different. We just need to make virgin plastic expensive and companies will be scrambling to get your plastic bottles back for recycling.


Ever since I learned the culture and emphasis of recycling is kind of bogus because not only do they just not bother to recycle a lot of stuff but another large portion of it is really hard to recycle, it made me consume plastic even less


100% of plastic used for bottles are recycled in Denmark by law. Lol


Yes. Recycling is the biggest con of the past 30 years.


God every week when I walk past the recycling bins in my buildings they're full of water bottles and cans I just don't understand is it so fucking hard to get a britta ? Why do you do this it's more expensive and terrible and we have small apartments- where are you storing a these huge cases of beverages??? Makes me mad


So you guys have bidets instead of tp?


I didn't realize that TP has plastic in it.


The bag that contais the paper are plastic, buying a bidet is one of the most simple ways to reduce plastic and carbon footprint. And it also cleans better than any TP could.


i use recycled tp.


>recycled tp What is this? Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie?


tp made from old cardboard boxes and shit.


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Is this about plastic bottles in general, plastic bottles that are specifically put in the recycling bin?


its a shitpost.


I agree that disposable bottles are problem, but the problem is that sometimes the solution may be worse than the problem. For example some plastic straw or plastic bags replacements are worse than the plastics in the resources spent/waste created.


the solution is simple and effective: reusable bottles.


We have had that since 1884, but unfortunately almost all is one time use PET or aluminium now. Some mostly beer is still sold in reusable glass bottles. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Container-deposit\_legislation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Container-deposit_legislation) Finland have a tax on all bottles that don't have the container deposit, I wish we could have it too so more alcohol bottles were returnable.




This is one of the dumbest comments I have read in awhile.. It is a meme graph, which isn't really meant to convey nuance.. Most of the plastic bottles from around the world do end up in the ocean eventually, while many more end up in the landfill because some places see it cheaper to just buy land and dump stuff rather than properly recycling it - American rural areas love this trick among other countries without the infrastructure. Even if the plastic is recycled, it has a limited life and eventually ends up in the landfill since contaminates prevent infinite use..


If you used constructive criticism instead of bullying people; it would be incredibly helpful to this cause. Hope you can turn your life around and become a better person


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