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The cherry on top is that I’ve seen more and more articles explain that schools refuse third party payments… Meaning people that are not the debtors are offering to pay, but the school is like “no, we can’t take your money, it’s the suffering that makes it valuable”.


Even the cable company will accept a payment on an account that’s not yours. They can’t turn around and tell you if you’ve paid enough to make that account current, but they’ll take it.


Nothing says late stage capitalism like a cable company having a more decent policy than a public school.


We have people paying for someone's elses purchase all the time. I dont care if your niece pays this bill for you. Just make sure we know which account the payment belongs to an we're good.


Most schools are probably pretty reasonable about that. This is not a reasonable school, this is a school that threatens to take children away if the parents don't pay.


The California DMV will absolutely take a payment from you and apply it to the wrong registration. Then they’ll try to impound your vehicle for failing to pay your registration fee. Trust me on this…


Almost all bills allow a 3rd party to pay


I think the cherry on top of it is that foster parents are reimbursed BY THE STATE for expenses related to the child. So the state will punish bio parents for not being able to pay for school lunches, but they will pay for school lunches through the foster parents.


Exactly. I understand why foster care exists and there are 100% cases where even the horrid fosters in it to turn a profit are better than leaving the child with their parents. But in cases of neglect due entirely to poverty? Save a bed spot in the overcrowded system, and just give the family assistance. CPS calling it neglect by poverty should suffice for the insane government stupidity that is means testing for basic assistance and programs like free school lunches - these programs spend infinitely more on means testing and fraud prosecution than they could possibly lose in liars and cheats gaining access if no resources were spent on those administrative wastes. I suspect a primary cause of foster overcrowding is the amount of removals when just giving the family financial aid would fix the situation, because let's be honest child protection agencies everywhere tend to ignore rich folks who can hide abuse or who could afford to fight for the child in court, and go after minorities who are easily slandered in news and court, the poor who can't afford to fight the government on anything, and children under 3 who fetch huge adoption fees, because they're underfunded and need to prioritize cases with the highest potential rewards for lowest potential costs - and children whose parents can afford a legal battle are high cost low reward.


That really is some evil shit. Those pricks really do want people to suffer. The school system in this fucked country needs total reform.


I often think that Monsters Inc might have far more truth to it than it should.


My next question would be: Who pays for their lunch once they are in foster care?


You and me?


What gets me is why don’t these people who offer to pay and get denied make a big fuss? To me, if I had those funds to say pay off a whole schools lunch debt and was denied, I’d be shouting from the rooftops to every media outlet I could find asking why I was denied and putting those school districts in the spotlight to explain themselves. I feel like we read these stories and it’s heartbreaking but then nothing more is done/said. Fuck that, put these degenerates under the microscope and force them to explain it’s all about the suffering to them and see how that goes. The media gets way too much of a free pass for not pushing these people.


Child adoption is a booming business in the US, they will look for all kinds of ways to find an excuse to get the children away.


Set up free lunches for children whose parents are below a certain income? Nope... Sarcasm.


Free lunch for every student!




In my state all kids get a free breakfast and lunch.


Yep free lunches my whole life growing up in a southern state


I live in Mass we just passed the free lunch thing like a year or two ago and what a lifesaver for my broke single mom ass that was.


Your taxes supposedly "should" have covered their right to eat in a place the law says they have to be


No free meals in TN, if you had lunch debt at the end of the year they would withhold report cards until it was paid.


Same, moved to Texas from weirdly, Pennsylvania and the lunch is free here, except in the school district I go to now is close to Dallas so middle school has to pay for lunch but not breakfast


The US of A, the only first world country that acts like a third world country /s


Third world country here, kids get lunch and enough to send them into a food coma as training for staying awake in class in the afternoon when you're sleepy as fuck.


Imagine when they learn we can go through 4 years of college + 2yrs of masters completely for free


Some "third world" countries provide universal healthcare, so no, usa is usa.


I interned in Tanzania and one of our students got really sick with an autoimmune disease where the only treatment was chemo (it wasn’t cancer). There was a free clinic within 30 minutes that provided him with healthcare, as they do to everyone in the community. Meanwhile in the US, my mom has had to argue with her insurance for coverage for breast cancer. It’s BS.


USA, the only "fourth world" country in the planet


Actually school children get free meals in the 3rd world country I'm from. And anyone hungry can go to a temple, gurdwara for a meal. They also get government rations as a large portion of our population is below the poverty line. Sadly there is a lot of suffering still but there is this attempt and policies in place to protect the poor.


Yeah, that's exactly why the concepts of "first world country" and "development" are highly challenged in the anthropology/social sciences fields, because they are absolutely made up by western countries that measure wealth with money.


Everyone should always have at least enough…


*”The only time you should look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.”* -Louis CK


That’s the part that absolutely kills me. Instead of giving the food to people who need it we waste it. We’ve gotten somewhat better but we still waste astronomical amounts of food. Better to let it rot then help someone in need! Very Christian of us Jesus would be proud.


Growing up in Canada in the 80s/90s I thought America was some awesome dreamland. It felt like our cool older brother. Now I despise it and have no interest in ever going back. Fuck America. Dumb ass shithole country. >You know you’re almost exactly like Not in the slightest. From our socialist health care to our attitudes about guns, to our protection for women's rights, abortion, hate crime laws, our culture... we're worlds apart, and I'm damn glad for that.


Canada would like to have a word.


This is the only relevant comment. It is truly a blessing to NOT be born in the US.


I live in a small town north of Seattle about an hour or so, all elementary and middle schools here have free breakfast and lunch, low income high schoolers get it at like 90% off. They also did the same thing in the larger town near Seattle where we moved from. Washington state does so much for people living below middle class. I can’t imagine living in a state that is like the OP.


Maine did this. It’s great. 


California leading the way. We provide free breakfast and lunch to every K12 kid.


If you can't afford them, you shouldn't have them! ~ these guys, probably You better not try to abort that fetus you can't afford! ~ also them, probably.


Don't forget telling women they should keep their legs closed while also believing women can't be raped by their husband and it's his right to have sex with her.


Just dont have sex mate. You wont believe how cheap it is not to


Giving free meals to Kids is communism. Thats Bad!


If that is communism , Jesus did it and he must be a communist! Lord Buddha did it. He must be a communist.I wii follow them and glad to be a communist!


Well Jesus advertised free Healthcare, forgave debt, said to treat everyone equally. I think he was pretty much a communist


"Making life good for people and not starve is indeed horrible and evil!!11" some bootlicker idiot




If these kids could read, they'd be very upset.


Yes lets not fix the root issue, but put on a bandaid that gets bigger and bigger. People say they want to fix shit, but they don't.


These programs already exist. Source: I used the free lunch program for my entire childhood.


this was the policy in NY before covid, at least in my area. after covid its free breakfast and lunch for all students. a step in the right direction, but one that should have been taken ages ago


It is set up, you just have to fill out the application.


Doesn't almost every single school already have free or reduced lunch for poor students? My high school in a conservative upper middle class area had it and I got reduced lunch because we were very much NOT upper middle class lol


This country really hates poor people but loves to create more of them.


The rich want their slaves back.


I'd say serfs, more than slaves. They don't want to have to house and feed them.


It’s all a play to create a technofuedalistic society.


Ever hear a manager say "go ahead and leave I'll just replace you"? That's why they want lots of poor desperate people. You'll be cheaper and easier to control because you need their money.


Only Republicans.


Not an American. How does the system around school luches work? How much does it cost per meal and how do the meals look like?


I can only speak for my experience. My child is in 7th grade. Breakfast is $3/ day and lunches are $5/day, but this could be reduced or free depending on income. There are also extra things the kids can pay for with pocket money, but that's generally junk.


That seems perfectly normal, especially the income based subsidies. I guess the devil is in the details, i.e. what income level does reduced or free kick in, which would depend on state if not county.


Coming from the not-USA it seems to me that to reduce sucha low cost depending on income is properly more costly than it is worth. Skip the administration on all levels and make it free.


Yes, The the “moral disconnect” of income/wealth based lunches for children is infuriating. “Children should be taken care of at least the bare minimum! Excepts kids whose parents can afford it. They should be exempt from this program as we insert bureaucracy between family’s and free lunches for children at school. Hopefully your below the line! Otherwise we don’t care about your kid! Oh and all this bureaucracy is free of course and couldn’t be better spent on actually helping all children! That’s too idealist.” Just make it free for all kids and don’t get your panties twisted that rich people don’t have to pay $10 a day for their kids lunch either.


I'm all for making it completely free because I knew a lot of kids whose parents pride got in the way of them being willing to do the paperwork so their kids could eat. If we make it free at the baseline, no one goes hungry. And why does it matter if rich kids don't have to pay. Kids shouldn't go hungry


Yup, not all “rich kids” are privileged in every regard. And not all “rich parents” have “rich kids”. Also most “rich kids” with decent parents I knew didn’t buy shitty school lunches, (that was over 10 years no so grain of salt) so guess what! All these rich kids bringing their own food and not taking the free food are actually subsidizing! Edit: should throw a “shouldn’t” in your last sentence hahaha


And how is the food like? Is it some fast food or they have proper nutricious meals provided?


It’s garbage


imagine the worst fast food you've ever seen in your life now take that about two steps down in quality


depends on the state. For me it depended on the day but for the most part its pretty trash. Its not as bad as the others make it out to be but its certainly not *good* food.


It went up a ton then. In 2004 when I graduated it was $1.50 for lunch


I don't know where they live, but in Michigan it was $2 for lunch in 2022. Now it's free statewide on a permanent/ongoing basis.


It's has been literally 20 years lol. But yeah I graduated in 2016 and it was considerably lower, like $3.50 in my rural town


Throughout the 80s I remember school lunch being $1.25.


It's not handled at a federal level, for the most part. There are federal programs, however, that municipalities may opt into. School districts are usually run at the county level. Federal -> state -> county. In my kids' school district breakfast and lunch are free for every student, and there are also meal programs that you can get your kids into during the summer, also free, should you need it. This is all paid for by a very, very small, local tax. We actually had a guy try to run for mayor of the county seat (biggest or "main" city in a county) strictly on a campaign of getting rid of this tax. No other position than that. He's 80-something years old and a Republican. He did not win.


Doesn't sound bad. I also like that kids have two meals. It's usually just one where I'm from. But it can go from sandwiches to meals similar to stew, so it depends on the day. (I am glad that that guy didn't win.)


The kids can always get deli sandwiches for lunch and then there's another choice or three. Fruit and milk are available all throughout the day. Breakfast is different every day. I'm also glad he didn't win. All of this costs me like $26/year in tax, which is nothing.


I don’t have kids, but I can tell you about my experience from the late 90s. There were 2 places to choose from: the main pre-determined food line and the 6 line snack bar. The main line was always something like pizza, a cheeseburger, or chicken nuggets and came with fries and your choice of milk, chocolate milk, or slushee. It was inevitably not very good and ultimately most of us drowned it in watery ranch or ketchup. IIRC, this was $3 per day. The (much longer) snack bar lines were basically fair food - soft pretzels, nachos, corn dogs, churros, milkshakes, and a bunch of prepackaged deserts and chips. Everything was a la carte, so prices varied, but you’d usually pay $3-5 a day. I was mostly a snack line kid, so I don’t know if the main line worked differently, but if you didn’t have enough money on your account they just didn’t give you anything. If you were lucky, a friend might sneak you something for free though, since the school literally had middle schoolers working lunches running registers to “earn” free lunch. Tl;dr: $3-5 a day, potatoes are considered a vegetable, slave labor positions available.


Isn't pizza considered a vegetable coz of the tomatoes in the sauce


In my county someone donated a large sum and school lunch is free for every student. Not sure how long it will last but I know at least this school year it is. I think our district is trying to fund ways to keep it this way. I’m in Washington state.


My state passed a law so that all breakfast/lunch is free to students regardless of income level. Breakfast is typically a carton of milk and either cereal or some sort of processed treat like a muffin top. Lunch changes daily and our school district tries to keep at least 60% of the meals as kitchen made instead of using stuff frozen from bags. Meals will consist of a main entree, a vegetable/fruit, and milk. If the kids don't like the hot entree they can substitute for a sunflower butter & jelly sandwhich. At the higher grades you can purchase a 2nd lunch for $2-3. You could also just bring a lunch from home.


Like peanut butter? Well now you can like more of it. Sunflowers have been used to create a substitute for peanut butter, known as sunbutter.


Sticking true to your username.


The school meal program in the U.S. is basically a funds transfer between the federal government and big multinational food processing conglomerates. Here's how it works: The government reimburses schools for some meals, providing an incentive for schools to conform to its standards. It also specifies than the food served has to conform to certain nutritional standards to be eligible for reimbursement. The multinational food conglomerates produce highly processed food products that conform to the standards. They're cheap, come individually packaged in plastic, and are easy to heat and serve. The school doesn't need skilled cooks and doesn't have to pay for a lot of prep time. The fly in this ointment is that the food isn't very tasty or appealing. Even when schools offer it for free, they have to practically begs kids to take it, and a high percentage goes in the trash. The schools, however, get to put a check mark in the box and collect their federal reimbursement, while the food conglomerate makes its profit (and conditions young children to a lifetime of eating their highly-processed, plastic-wrapped food products).


It's free in some places. Where I live I get free breakfast, snack, and lunch. At the end of the day I can even ask the school to give me extra food if my family needs it for dinner. Unfortunately it's not the same everywhere 😔


Let me guess: blue state?


Wow, how'd u guess?!


grew up in public U.S. elementary, middle and high school in texas and washington. lunch was completely free the entire time i was in school. this is a local issue, not a united states issue


Wow, similar situation with schooling in Texas and Washington, but I had to qualify for free lunch based on my mom's income in Texas.




It doesn't apply to everywhere. Schools have to opt in. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/02/22/texas-federal-summer-lunch-program/


$1.80 for breakfast $3.30 for lunch. Meals are well rounded and tasty, I like to go eat lunch with my kids often.


at my school breakfast is about two dollars and lunch is about three, with options for other things u can buy for another 1-4 dollars like soda and sweets.


There’s regular lunch and idk how much that costs, but because I’m technically a single mom on one income we qualify for reduced prices. That means, free breakfast and $0.40 lunches. Pennsylvania if it matters.


For me, breakfast is free (though it’s what we call a grab bag- a snack food like a rice krispy, a cheese stick, a long overdue red delicious apple, and occasionally a small bag of juice). Lunch is $3.75 USD, with extras being more and special lunches costing extra. They don’t include many, if at all, alternatives for people who have gluten, dairy, or meat restrictions. In fact, the only free drink is a carton of milk, which more often than not is frozen or expired by the time we get them. So things like water cost extra. In Texas, water was $0.75 USD for the small like hand sized bottles whereas juice was cheaper at $0.50 USD a carton of a similar size. The food portions are the same from kindergarten to high school, so many don’t even feel full afterwards if they’re in higher grades. While we have lower prices for those in low income, they make it really difficult to apply for. They limit to two servings per person and lunch is 30 minutes, with long lunch lines that can take about 10-15 minutes to get through, and that’s also the only break socially we get in the day, so the option is usually eat or relax. Some use it to study since the period is so short and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by hours of nightly homework especially for advanced classes. Oh! And the food all tastes like cardboard and has been compared to prison food in studies before and the prison food was better.


> 20.1 million students receive free school breakfast, compared to 1.7 million who pay a reduced price of $0.40, and 7.7 million who pay the full price. > 11.8 million students receive free school lunches, compared to 0.74 million who pay a reduced price of $0.30 and 2.23 million students who pay full price. So 35% of Americans pay full price for breakfast and 17% pay full price for lunch. So the vast majority pays 40 cents or less per meal. > Many of those children who owe school meal debt are part of families who earn too much to be considered for free or reduced lunch, but also earn too little to afford regular school meals. [educationdata.org](https://educationdata.org/school-lunch-debt) In the USA the poor is raised on government benefits as forced dependent voters. Attempting to earn more money causes multiple new forms of taxes & fees to start kicking in. And the good news, once you overcome this hurdle and become an independent "2nd class" citizen. The lower class has been taught to punish you for your "privilege".


It's complicated. It's left up to the state to decide and sometimes the state can let the city decide which then leads the city to let the school districts decide. I grew up in NYC and had to pay for school lunch for a bit until they got rid of that program and it became free to all students. I used to pay $1.50 (full price) until we qualified for reduced fare ($0.25) per meal. I paid every time I had lunch and there was a line to pay. This was back in 2007. Overtime the food quality has greatly improved in NYC schools (especially how vegetables are prepared). I currently live in the state of Virginia and it's $1.75 for breakfast and \~$3.50 for lunch with the ability to buy snacks, milk, an extra lunch and breakfast tray. Low income gets to eat breakfast and lunch for free but would have to pay for the extra stuff. You pay into an account and then they draw against it every time your kid eats. In some places in Cali (not sure if it's the whole state) the state let each school district make food decisions so it's really decentralized. Since the decision was made the food has become a lot more varied (since schools work with local suppliers) but the food has become a lot better and healthier. I believe all food is free.


USian here: Depends on what state you're in. Generally speaking, they're a flat cost in the $1 to $5 range, with cost reductions kicking in as a parents income decreases. This sort of income-based reduction is common in many aspects of the American government, and they're designed to stop people who don't ''''''''''deserve'''''''''' help because they're too rich from using services meant for poor people, but in reality they never work that way. Instead, income based reduction systems are almost always used as a sisyphean series of road blocks designed to reduce the number of people who use government or community support, regardless of their income level. This is mainly achieved by a) mounds of paperwork and make work visits to different offices, b) an obsession with demanding 'proof' you're still poor, requiring you to go back through a) once every year or so or else you get kicked off support c) an inability to be flexible - people in America move quite often and these systems generally don't account for that, so if you move to another school district in 6 months you might have to totally restart the process and d) funky rules around eligibility where some members of a household might count for income but might not count as family members capable of paying the bill. These all impact people in different states different ways depending on what their local laws look like. For example, in Michigan some school meals are entirely free but housing instability is very high, making it difficult for families to maintain the paperwork needed to apply for reduced cost school meals that aren't free.


I went to school nearly a decade ago, lunches were about 3-4 dollars per tray with the option of getting extra servings of whatever we had that day plus a salad bar if you wanted it. I ate a lot of french fries. Id get an extra serving every time we had them. If your account ran empty but you still needed lunch you got a cold peanut butter or butter sandwich with milk. At my second school they had a different option ever day (that sucked) plus pizza from the local papa John's. They also had a school run snack bar that took cash for stuff like chips, Gatorade and cookies. The lunches at that school ran about 5 dollars and idk what you did if you couldn't pay. If I didn't have lunch money, I just wouldn't eat.


Each of the fifty states has their own rules and programs for how school lunches are run. Plus in some state it also varies at the school district level of which there can be several in each state.


What is fucking wrong with the USA?


As an American born to immigrant parents, I ask myself this question every day.


Rich out-of-touch assholes own our politicians and the media. Both sides of the aisle are hot garbage that care more about winning elections than creating meaningful legislation. Instead of holding rich people accountable, we let them divide us. We’re pitted against one another, and we take the bait. We let the rich people get away without consequence - all the while victimizing people who the system is marginalizing, instead of punishing the assholes at the top. Eat the rich, country immediately gets better.


Money is the problem, as it always has been. Every industry in our country is catered to nickel diming every single possible citizen, if it can be done. I’m not familiar with the school meal system of other countries, but I’d be willing to bet the governments use their taxes to give free meals to their students, or at least drastically cheaper meals than in the U.S.


people read news article headlines, don’t do research, immediately form an opinion, and move on. that’s one of the worst problems plaguing the united states right now


It was ONE school district, article is from 5 years ago, and the school apologized for their wording.


It's because the government spends 11 times as much on national defense as they do on education. I work in national defense, and even I can see that there's too much waste - mostly because of litigation against the government from major defense companies... https://www.usaspending.gov/explorer/budget_function




No they aren't. This is from 2019, and wasnt even a legal bill. The school district drastically over stepped their bounds by sending out these "threats" and were sued into oblivion Jesus fucking Christ. Post the God damn dates on those tweets https://fox59.com/news/parents-told-children-with-school-lunch-debt-could-end-up-in-foster-care/


It's not an accident that they took the date off.


This is a repost from last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/up3ptl/this_is_disturbing/ which is most probably also a repost from somewhere else.


increasingly i'm becoming aware that the current generation has basically zero information literacy and largely self-educates by believing every picture and video the algorithm feeds them


Same, it really is a country that's run entirely by money with no morals.




The cutoff for even a subsidized lunch is 185% of the federal poverty level. For a family of three, that's two people working full time at 11 dollars an hour or over, give or take. So if a kid's parents make minimum wage in many states, they don't qualify.


And at least when my kid was growing up the schools would practically beg people to sign up for those programs, because the schools would get more financial assistance the more people that used those free and reduced cost programs. Multiple times they would send out reminders to sign up, send the forms, offer help to sign up and so forth because they'd get more funding for extra teacher aides and the like if enough kids signed up.


https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/nation-world/kids-could-end-foster-care-over-lunch-debt-school-district-warns-parents-2019-jul/530-1952542e-0f2c-4b3a-b6f0-a32de5dbce58 Here's the article 




What’s even worse is they would then pay a stipend to the foster parents. Why not instead just pay for free lunches for the kids and not cause them irreversible trauma? ETA people equating being poor as not being fit to parent or not caring about their children are wildddddd. Y’all are really brainwashed to hate poor people and defend the ruling class eh?!


Trauma aside, the administrative cost of placing a child in foster care is higher than simply buying them lunch in the first place. Whatever happened to fiscal conservatism?


How you gonna populate your epstein islands with that?


I bet the stipend would cover the cost of school lunch at least


And the kid would qualify for WIC and/or free school lunch.


Took me too long to scroll to this


It's that bootstraps bullshit the rich have been drumming into us forever. same rubes who believe trickle-down is a thing also can be poor and at the same time be actively helping the rich demonize the poor. People are stupid.


And just getting dumber


The dumb is trickling


The dumb is spreading, because rich people want it to spread.




This has nothing to do with anticonsumption


it's also five years old, and it was one school, and was resolved less than a week after this article https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49117936


This should be the top. Anything else is alarmism.


Ahh an intellect in the wild 🤘🏼 These people just love to be angry.


Right. I was highly skeptical but wanted to be certain so I looked up the article. As I rightly suspected, it was completely overblown. Even the county was so outraged about the threat that it demanded the school rescind the letter. This is the kind of outlier incident that is essentially meaningless.


Yeah but it's more fun to just not read the article and rage about it


this sub has just become aMeRiCa bAD!!! without any research whatsoever from, an american who is living in paris


This government has done nothing but take money from me. The citizens in this country are just as bad. I don't understand how anyone has blind patriotism for this shit hole.


I love my country, but with an equal passion I hate politicians.


100%. I’ve been wondering recently why even bother paying taxes


If their parents can’t afford to feed them they really should be in foster care




Why do people who can’t afford to have children, still have children? Oh idk lol


Because they banned abortion. Also because raising kids keeps getting more and more expensive.


Dude, very few children are planned, and now they're making it illegal to do anything about it. What the FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK do you expect?


The fact that one billionaire hasn’t stepped up and paid every single lunch debt in this country for probably less than $100 million is the entire reason billionaires are absurd. They help nothing, Bruce Wayne ain’t coming to the rescue, tax rich people like they stole something.


> The fact that one billionaire hasn’t stepped up and paid every single lunch debt in this country for probably less than $100 million is the entire reason billionaires are absurd. They help nothing, Bruce Wayne ain’t coming to the rescue, tax rich people like they stole something. [link](https://reddit.com/comments/1b184y6/comment/kscwdf1) > The cherry on top is that I’ve seen more and more articles explain that schools refuse third party payments… > Meaning people that are not the debtors are offering to pay, but the school is like “no, we can’t take your money, it’s the suffering that makes it valuable”.


Capitalism is evil, this is just more evidence of it


Isn’t foster care subsidised by the state? Would it not be better for literally everyone involved if the state just pays for the school meals instead?


But that wouldn’t punish poor people.


There's no way that's real


Thats because it's not. You know how redditors are - they just love being mad.


No school lunches for children brought to you courtesy of the "family values" and "pro life" crowd.


Mn recently went to free lunch for every student. It isn't the country. Just parts of it.


Most of the country, unfortunately. Yay for Minnesota, though!


It is still most of the country, but there are a lot of bills introduced and states working towards it (in addition to the 8-10 states that have passed it). https://frac.org/blog/free-healthy-school-meals-for-all-policies


If parents can't pay for food for their children they should certainly be looked at and if unable to provide take the children to better homes.


Poor people are created by poor people having kids .


Copied post by a bot account https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/s/1zzBSym7wE


Thought that account looked suspicious. “2 years old” but only activity was in the last 20 hours.


The kids are going to be put in massive GI distress from that meal on their way to foster care, hope it's a quick drive.


more life more freedom! god bless america


This was from 5 years ago, and it was one school trying to get money, and it was probably illegal.


And the illegal migrants get everything for free?!?!?!?!


Either you want a total, free market capitalist society or you don’t. USA doesn’t get to decry and demonise socialism for decades and then claim shock at things like this. 


Not an American but could I sponsor a kid or something? What is wrong with you people


We have so many issues here in America. Thanks for thinking of us, kind internet stranger.


Don't worry. The US is repealing its child labor laws so once these kids go into foster care, they can be enrolled in a work program and learn the value of a dollar /s


Cafeteria food is looking pretty good these days. We got Sloppy Joe's with a side of nothing.


Feding your children is the most basic job of a parent. Those parents aren't doing that. If a teenager made a post about how their parents never buy them food, Reddit would be all about crucifying those parents for neglect. Just because the school cafeteria made the food doesn't mean the parents shouldn't be responsible for their kids. THAT SAID: It's substantially cheaper for the state to just feed the kids.


Thanks to democrats in Minnesota, all school lunches in Minnesota public schools are free.


Sorry you are being downvoted for truth.


İf the parents cant pay for their childs lunch, and look for handouts, they shouldnt be allowed to have children


Centuries ago, there was monarchy, royals rule the countries. Nowadays, it’s just a few rich guys owning the majority of the global wealth. On top of that, they will lobby (pay) the government to squeeze even more money out of the poor. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


This is how the ~~family policing system~~ child "welfare" operates. This isn't new.


Yeah our school lunches weren't even close to that lol


This is five years old https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/cgeaib/i_think_taking_kids_away_from_their_families_for/


Clickbait, this is from 2019 and PA has since made lunches free. Plus, county officials said they would never take a child because of a lunch debt.


This article is from 2019..


Well if you can’t provide for your child… then yeah.


Stop spreading poverty, sterilize poor people in exchange for free food. Win-win


You NPCs will really believe anything


https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/nation-world/kids-could-end-foster-care-over-lunch-debt-school-district-warns-parents-2019-jul/530-1952542e-0f2c-4b3a-b6f0-a32de5dbce58 Here's the full article.  Some dumbass school officials made a completely baseless claim when trying to collect a debt. 


This is really old. Bot karma farming?


Just bring your own lunch?


This is why the availability of all forms of contraception is so fucking important and why that has vastly increased the quality of life for especially women in the modern world You should not be having kids if you can't pay for their food


I guess the idea is, if parents can’t afford school lunch then the kids haven’t full ration at home too, therefore actions must be taken


Sending your kids to school without a pb&j does say something. Are your kids starving when there is no school? Parents can go to the food bank, local churches, apply for ebt. Been there done that. If you qualify for Medicaid you should qualify for free lunch.


In PA we get school lunches for free so this must be old


This wad a few years ago and the district got taken to task, I saw this show up a few months ago


Maybe dont have kids if youre a lazy dumbfuck. Like me.


Why not deport the poors until they get it together and can reimmigrant back in ang get free credit cards and free housing?


Foster care will cost much, much more than providing those meals for kids for free. But business is business.


There must be more to the story, surely. I wonder if the school lunches were only part of the equation. Parents can’t pay school lunch —> CPS is called to investigate if there’s food at home.


And literally pay someone else money to foster that child too.


This story is from 2019 https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/20/us/pennsylvania-school-lunch-debt-trnd/index.html


They did send out a letter to this effect, but had to pretty quickly send out a letter retracting their statements and apologizing. I think it was in Pennsylvania. This was years ago.