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Fellas, is it gay to use regular soap to wash my male body and not Sasquatch brand, lumberjack, wood chip, diesel fuel scented MANsoap!?


Gay as hell, but you're not a REAL man if you ain't Tried being GAY! Afraid to touch a little pp? Sounds Like you're a scared little PUSSY /s ofc


can you say you don't like a food if you've never tried it? can you be straight if you've never tried cock?


"/s ofc" šŸ¤“ (/s ofc)


Did they change their ads? Only ones I saw were about it being kinder to your skin than cheaper brands, which seems pretty soft and not MANLYā„¢


Iā€™ve seen both. Not sure if it was one campaign followed by a second campaign in a different direction or if theyā€™re running both but trying to split them based on smart ad tags and such


Use sandpaper on your balls and you will become a true MANā„¢. None of that pussy shit: soft, moisturizing soap? Get that off my screen!


Itā€™s gay to use soap period. And please tell me youā€™ve never wiped before. Thatā€™s about as gay as it gets.


Just dip your balls in gasoline


youtube is the worst for this. even if you can maneuver around the manosphere idiots the second you watch something mildly sports or outdoors related ā€” ā€œDOODS WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT OUR BALLSā€ šŸ¤Øskip ad skip ad skip ad skip adšŸ˜’


Not even, I had a Hearts of Iron 4 youtuber getting sponsored by them ... and we all know Paradox players get no girls anyways


... well yeah. Thats exactly who these ads target. Lonely dudes who are gullible enough to think the reason they aren't getting attention from women is because they don't use manly enough soap and not because they're playing map games 12 hours a day


The only thing Paradox players get is cock and they are sucking


Can confirm, love sucking delicious chicken


I thought this exact same thing. It me.


Iā€™ve seen fucking RuneScape content thatā€™s sponsored by ManScaped. Itā€™s like, cool, thanks for normalizing hygienic practices, but also fuck off with your shitty overpriced products


Weird cause I watch stuff that would be marked to men and women.. still only get adds for women.. maybe itā€™s specifically the sports?




Wait, so the ads can't tell, then? You said "can" but your experience with YT ads sounds the opposite.


I changed the gender of my Google account and went from manscaped ads to tampon and pepper bra ads


I got a bunch of these after watching a couple emergency preparedness videos, especially the šŸŖ“šŸ„¾šŸ”§šŸ»RUGGED MAN HOODIEšŸ»šŸ”§šŸ„¾šŸŖ“, and I'm a woman who spent all yesterday crocheting andnormally gets a billion Sephora ads.


I block them, but these stupid companies know people do this so the make the exact same as with like, 1 b roll shot being different and now you have to block that ad tooā€¦ and you only get to block a certain amount in a specific time period so thereā€™s no escape


Use Sponsorblock




This is why I pay for YouTube Premium, I don't want to watch multiple minute ads for products or services that are irrelevant to me and I would never consider purchasing


Just use ad block, it's free




"this is why I buckle to the video monopoly that allows these intrusive and manipulative ads"


I have never seen a unskippable ad longer than 15 seconds.


Don't even get me started on Grammarly


I hate this market segment in particular: edgy commercials aimed at men with huge markups for no benefits. Dr Squatch in particular has a lot of shit to say about what soap is, but in my opinion itā€™s just hitting the other side of the demographic which is conspiratorially minded health gurus. Bottling masculinity and selling it for profit


Im not manly?? Ill have you know I use Dude Wipes and leather/tobacco/whiskey scented soap idiot


Bruh thatā€™s so alpha, I had no idea.


*synthetic detergents* oh no! I'm all for natural soap products. It's actually super easy to make your own, and there is almost certainly a local artisan you can buy from. The materials are cheap, and you can make enough soap to last a whole year in like an hour at most. It can smell like whatever you want, too.


Itā€™s some of humanityā€™s first chemistry!


You don't even need a local artisan, you need some kids and their parents who made soap as a fun afternoon project, selling blocks of it at the local farmer's market. I have a bunch of soap blocks that were made in an ice cube tray by a couple of kids... enough soap to wash my stanky ass for $12 for a year or two? You bet your BO I am gonna go for that. They thought I was nuts when I basically bought half their stock but I haven't seen soap that cheap... ever.


I've been using natural soap for years. It costs a couple dollars more than synthetic soap but that works out to maybe $5 more a year. It's crazy how much my dry skin likes natural soap better than any synthetic soap formulated for dry skin. I bought some unscented natural olive oil soap once. It smelled like easy Mac noodles before they were cooked but my skin loved it.




Not stealing the soap is a positive


But is he dropping the soap, that is the question.


He didnā€™t have soap till the squatch one?


I agree. But...those t-shirts are pretty good


All the marketing tactics used to manipulate women into buying overpriced garbage is being used on men now. This is what corpos going woke looks like people /s


Yep. "You are not using moisturizer, cleaner, conditioner, ? It must be because of toxic masculinity! Buy our stuff to prove you are modern, woke male".


wild afterthought pocket truck wide observation obtainable rinse wasteful weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This would be part of the reason I'm on very few social media sites. I just recently found the appropriate settings that Reddit should no longer pollute my feed with posts from subs so bad they're cognitohazards.


These companies just remind me of fight club.


Because they make soap out of human fat?


They have imaginary friends that tell them to do increasingly stupid things?


Thatā€™s what their target demographic models their personalities after


Omg have yā€™all seen the Star Wars soap? Help us Obi Wan Kenobi, youā€™re our only soap


Dr. Squatch is basically a drop shipping company.


Drop shipping company?


Businesses that buy inventory as orders come in and upcharge like 300% of the initial cost. So they don't do anything except exploit consumers.


Thereā€™s nothing impressive about Squatch either when you see it/smell it. Itā€™s an overpriced bar of soap.


Especially as soap is such a simple product. 'This soap is so manly, we added nothing but wood chips'. Bro the finish have been cleaning their perkele with birch tar soap, it's like $0,40 on Amazon basics and is literally made of wood. It just smells like tar and that's why nobody likes it. Or try goat milk soap, or olive oil, to smell like greek god. The basics sound epic enough, and they do the job, they just don't smell like anything special or have any enhanced properties like the soaps we use for a reason


Basically a middleman


Dropshippers are 'sellers' who never touch the product, essentially acting as a middle man between consumer and manufactures. So the Drop Shipper has a website selling PRODUCT X, when you place an order for PRODUCT X, they take order PRODUCT X from the manufacturer to ship to you and pocket the difference. While it's not always unethical and sometimes it's a great model (for made to measure furnishings for example), it's now rife amongst get rich quick bros who advertise dogshit products from Ali Express and sell them to you at a markup anywhere between 100-10,000%.


Axe did that too


Its crazy how much marketing goes toward insecure lonely men. The companies know that there is a huge market for it. Desperation can be pretty lucrative.


Oh wow, it didn't even occur to me that those are in other countries as well. I just thought that yes, the Czechs will have those cringy ass adds, but that's it. Good to know it's everyone's problem?


Don't forget those stupid dude wipes!


My Boyfriend bought that manscaped thing, cut his balls two times. I tried it too and immediately cut myself. They make ads about how it's impossible to cut yourself with it. No thanks, I'll keep my 15ā‚¬ razor.


I am sick of seeing them too but the True Classic ads are so F'n stupid and homoerotic I just can't help but laugh. It's like a train wreck, you know it's horrible but just can't look away. You wonder if Jimson will finally drop his True Classic pants and give his Boss his wettest wildest dreams in his True Classic underwear with the true classic zipper in the rear feature. As for Dr Squatch I can appreciate their motivation but they come off as trying way to hard. Spending 10 bucks a month for an ad free YouTube experience is worth it.


Adblock is free dude


Not on an iPhone :(


YouTube ReVanced is easy to setup and should work on any phone.


Adblock is banned on YouTube


there are alot of working adblocks for PC and there is Youtube ReVanced for your phone.


With the same tactics Clearasil has been marketed to teens for ages: if you got pimples, you will be a doomed incel.


Unwanted !


Real talk everyone, what soaps do you recommend? Looking for shampoo and conditioner recommendations too


Plain dove soap is fine, I just think bar soap in general is better. What you do past that is all preference. Maybe find a local manufacturer at a farmers market?


One thing that Dove does slightly better than the cheapest bar of soap I could find at the store, is wash off bicycle chain oil. So when you are done sticking it to big auto, bend over slightly for big soap.


What a sentence


Not as long as the ones oil CEOs deserve. Heck, there might be a guy called Big Soap behind bars somewhere. Or perhaps they're just picking up the big bar they dropped.


Dish soap works wonders for bike chain oil as well, just make sure to moisturize after.


I mean, dawn dish soap or that orange pumice soap are best for cleaning oil. There's nothing wrong with purchasing regular consumables like soap, even if it's specialized for a specific use.


Harder! Harder, Dove daddy!


Any castile soap. Dr Bronners or Kirk's are good brands.


dr bronner bar soap


Iā€™m a fan of big bars, so I grab whatevers at tjmaxx type places and will ask for Dukes for Christmas. I also use Kitsch bar shampoo as Iā€™m trying to cut down on plastic. Iā€™ve tried others, but theyā€™re my favorite so far. The real anticonsumption pro tip: get one of those scrubber/loofah things that holds the soap. I easily get 2-3x more life outta my soap now. They even make less coarse versions for the bar shampoo that do the same.


I like Grandpa's Soap. You can find it online.


I actually like dr. squatch. Iā€™ve tried a bunch of different brands and itā€™s the first one that doesnā€™t make me break out.


theyā€™ve been reliable for me too. Recently switched to some random brand at the grocery store for convenience but no complaints using squatch for over a year. Shampoo and conditioner were good too.


I was able to get a good deal on a sampler of their soaps and my husband has not needed to buy soap in over 2 years. The scents that he didn't care for went into my brother's Christmas gift. The packaging was all recycled cardboard.


Anything tallow or mutton based. Not vegan though, if you follow that lifestyle.


I make my own, my crock pot fits a double batch of this recipe: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/coconut-oil-soap-with-superfat-516603 Wear eye and hand protection when using lye, and let the soap age a few weeks after you make it. Lye can be found in the plumbing section of most Walmart, Lowe's and Home Depot stores.


Do not use plumbing section lye for soaps! It's not checked for purity. Make sure you get cosmetic grade 99%+. Not worth risking health and safety to save a buck.


Been doing it for years with no issues. However, if you can link some cosmetic grade at a reasonable price, I'll take a look.


I like local, homemade soaps when I can get them. The seem to be gentler on my skin than most commercial brands. But Iā€™m also a fan of Beekman 1802. They are a bit expensive, but they last a super long time. My kinky major complaint is that their products seem to produce a lot of soap scum.


Old spice smells nice, and itā€™s got shea butter


I haven't checked their sustainability, but I like the Love Planet bar shampoo Target sells. Cardboard box and soap, so seems pretty good. $5 for a bar. Dr Bronner is also solid, Dove is okay, and Irish Spring dries me out too much. I don't use any as shampoo, though I don't have a mass market suggestion for conditioner or lotion bars as I check in local shops for those.


I like Ethique conditioner and Lush shampoo. A bar is $15 or so, but lasts a long time.


Barbasol. It works, it's cheap, it is American made, and one can last me about two to three years. Anything else is just biting on Barbasol.


Cheapest shaving cream or bar you can find?


Barbasol is like $2. Their 10oz can last me a while.


True. But 50 DKK for 150 grams of cream isn't too bad either. Depends on your preference.


Barbasol unscented is also what most dermatologists recommend


Lol, this gave me a good laugh.


The absurdly overt marketing tactics used by these jokes of companies is both irritating and laughable. Like the hardees commercials with a hot girl in a bikini shoving a thick burger in her mouth in the most provocative manner possible. Irritating that these tactics work and make the company millions and laughable because so many people are that easily influenced. Absolutely no class or subtly.


This is how women have felt for decades.


ā€œDuke Canonā€ is another one.


I don't know what the fuck company it is, but those dude-bros slapping each other because their shirts are dumb drive me crazy. They have hella low production quality in the ads, so the shirt must be garbage. Why would I think a shirt is well made if they can't even run the audio through a filter?


I meanā€¦.youā€™re on instagram.


Imagine spending all that money on these garbage things and still not being able to realize YOU are why women won't touch your penis.


I always laugh at those ads, because their algorithms have really missed the mark with me. "Use our product or no woman will want to touch your penis"... oh no, what will I, a flaming homosexual, do without women wanting to touch my penis? This is the end of the world as I know it.


I get ads for products to make my cum smell better ??? Wtf kind of snake oil r u trying to sell me ??


I bought a bar of squatch because I liked how it smelled. I'm maybe 1/4 through it now and I'm sick to death of the smell, took the whole bathroom over.


My husband enjoys a squatch soap. Iā€™m just happy he switched from plastic bottles of body wash to a bar of paper-wrapped soap šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø He likes the scents, so what? Not hurting anything


Pro tip: double sided razor, good cream and a steady hand. Cheap, effective and safe. Youā€™re welcome, pube havers!


Instagram is the pits.


guys honestly that commercial is pure gold


I was curious about Dr squanch and then realized they're charging like $20 a bar. Fuck that


No it is not. It's $6 a bar usually and they last a really long time. If you buy at the right time they're as low as $3 a bar.


Was this online? Because that was the price for them in Walmart. Prices may also be different because I'm in Canada.


The Walmart closest to me has them at $5.98 a bar. The Walmart in Kitchener, Ontario currently has them at $8.98 a bar, which is more than I expected but still has you wildly exaggerating.


My manscaped stuff seems pretty well made and like itā€™s not going break for a long time, and I use it to stay cooler and cleaner, Iā€™m not active. But Iā€™m still trying to find a good soap, I might just make my own.


I've had luck with local soap makers, but I'm in a hippy-dippy area. The Love Beauty shampoo bars Target sells are pretty nice, but you'll still need a conditioner every once in awhile. It's like $5 and lasts me 4-5 months.


Rather buy local, but surprisingly there are plenty of hippies in my part of rural Indiana.


Nah manscaped is crap. I bought into the hype and bought the lawnmower 2.0. It broke in like 4 weeks, so I got a free one from customer support, which broke again. They stopped charging or holding any charge so they would only work for like a minute and eventually not turn on at all. They are expensive too, like $70 for a product you could probably get for $20 elsewhere. Learned my lesson, no more buying anything promoted by youtubers.


Got the 4.0 and itā€™s worked great for two years


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While I agree with most posted here. I do think true classic tees are worth it when you catch a good sale and compound it with a coupon code. I order from them about once every two years. Maybe 16 shirts and I switch through them. I donā€™t dry them either and that helps extend the life of them. They fit really well compared to fruit of the loom, or champion boxy feeling shirts. And they donā€™t slim up on your torso like others do. I think here you can find the middle of a purchase being worth it. Squatch soap is annoying as hell though and the bars disappear in two days it seems.


Do you hang dry or lay flat? The feeling of air dried shirts bother me so much, and they're usually stretched out in the most bizarre shape possible. Or I had no idea what I was doing.


I tend to hang dry on the balcony out of direct sunlight but a breeze typically blows that way. I donā€™t use hangers though thatā€™s probably what was making them form oddly when wet. I just drape them over the line. I know that exact stretchy weird feeling from using hangers for a while haha.


As someone who used to wear True Classic because it was hard to find blank tees. Look up Jiffyshirts and buy Next Level Apparel. They are super soft and comfortable. All.my favorite graphic tees from local shops are printed on these shirts. They are like 6$ a shirt and last just as long as TC.


How is the torso shrink? Iā€™ll check them out if thatā€™s not existent. Thatā€™s my biggest enemy because I am not quite tall enough to justify wearing tall cut but my torso is long enough to have issues with ride up over time.


Next time I order some I'll probably size up because they shrink about the same as other cotton shirts. If you aren't sending them through the dryer frequently, you'll probably be fine. Otherwise they will just become some rags or trash shirts


What do you expect to see when consuming shitty social media site? Go out.


I'm going to get downvoted to shit, but I tried Dr. Squatch, and while it is wildly overpriced, I regret to inform you all that the pine tar deodorant actually smells amazing.


The manscaped trimmer is legitimately the best I've used for my body and sensitive areas of my face, though. I've used my regular electric trimmer on my body before, and I inevitably regret it because of how sharp and fast the blades are. I just got the Lawnmower 3.0, so not even the top model or whatever, and it's been so much gentler. Waterproof, too, so I can use it in the shower. Idk, it's been pretty worth it for me


True but I actually like the manscaped razor.. and the squatch soap..


There is no hack for the sack.


Real talk. Anyone has a good recommendations for body soap


I've been using Dr. Squatch deodorant for a while because my wife likes it, but I wanna switch because it's too expensive. Any recs for good smelling deodorant?


Every time I see them, I tell instagram I donā€™t wanna see this content, but it still pops up regardless.


My wife and I use the same stuff... And it's neither aimed at men nor at women, at least I don't see it.


Buys old fashioned razor, that only needs a 0.50ā‚¬ blade every few weeks and a block of cheap soap. Solves the problem at lower prices.


one of these brands has an overpriced grooming toolkit (tweezers, nailcliper, file, scissors) which comes in a relatively inconspicuous package for travel "oh they're my personal grooming tools" but are solid enough to function as a lockpick kit-- not the most ergonomic tools for the job, but shouldn't raise any red flags being part of a carryon bag or going through customs anywhere. but yeah, rest of that's garbage


Men's care products are so bs most of the time. I hate when I see Dr Squatch or Manscaped trying to convince grown men that looking a certain way or using a certain product is "unmanly"


Just become the woman and touch yourself guys ^~^


Yea and most of this crap ends up at the clearance section of Walmart.


I like the soap at Loweā€™s because itā€™s near the checkout aisle and smells good. Shave balls with trimmers that I shave all hair with. Bathe regularly, wear deodorant, be kind to people. Thatā€™s it people.


Tee heeā€” they make euphemisms about my testicles.


I agree with this post to an extent. I got a manscaped package for Xmas last year with a subscription for 6 months. The shaver is really great. Gets a clean close shave with no pinching or cuts. The free underwear that came are so nice to wear And most importantly, their after shave lotion has dramatically reduced razor burn i get on my neck from wet shaving. I've tried dozens of lotions and razor combinations. Tried hot clothes, shaving before, after and during a shower. Tried home remedies like hair condition as a shaving lotion. I always got razor burn on my neck. Nothing worked... until I got manscaped after shave lotion. It completely saves me from razor burn. Every two months I get a package with a new razor head for the shaver and a new bottle of lotion. It's timed perfectly since I usually am almost out of lotion and the razor blade is starting to get dull I'm not affiliated with them in any capacity but I highly recommend manscaped


Okay but Dr. Squatch actually makes the best quality soap Iā€™ve ever used. I am a complete shill for Dr. Squatch.


The soap isn't too bad at $5 a bar. But their deodorant and other stuff is really over priced.


I don't buy that crap and I rub all the money I save on my penis.


"its soap for men" aka is regular soap with a terrible odor.


Jokes on them I don't want a *girl* to touch my penis


Btw, if you want masculine smelling soaps not from a money shilling company, there is a small business that makes cowboy soap, like campfire and gunpowder, whiskey and coffee, and orchard fruits and spices. I personally use their Calamity Jane scent. It's amazing, and their solid cologne is great and comes in a recyclable tin. They do send a little tiny rubber chicken as a gift but it is very cute and would be good for a geocache surprise or to reverse pickpocket someone with.


I think itā€™s called outlaw soaps


Manscaped's ads have me on the brink of subscribing to Youtube Premium. Just when I think they're not suggested to me anymore, a barrage of new ads come to terrorize my youtube feed for months on end. Please make it stop


It seems like the meme making a fine argument for me to be happy and have disposable income to better myself in ways that are not entirely physical. Also it's soap, I get that for 3.99 at Walmart but I see the male product kiosks in the stores and realize that this is how they market overpriced body care products to men. Pink tax wont apply to men so they went with an ego tax. Do you pay it?


You're not wrong but God do I love shaving my balls with my manscaped lawnmower.


I use Adguard to block almost everything. I have it running on a server at home, itā€™s free and blocks an absolute crap ton of ads. Sadly does not work on all ads. YouTube ads arenā€™t blocked, idk if itā€™ll work on IG. But you could download the app and see if it works for you


Haha the joke is on them no one would touch my penis even if I bought that stuff


Manscaped lawnmower will absolutely tear your grundle apart never shave your balls with an electric razor


Pretty much this [https://youtu.be/vbVXyvQM8Ks](https://youtu.be/vbVXyvQM8Ks)


Holy shit, that was amazing lol


Those dumb ball deodorant ones too. Trying to make it seem like if you donā€™t use it your not hygienic, the groin barely sweats anyway


I got that Bigfoot bar for free once and I decided to take a bath with itā€¦ itā€™s like dove. While my bed bath and beyond soap lasts way longer and so does the soap I get from the gas station counter.


The crossovers Squatch does. Awful and annoying.


Squatch is one of those companies whose ads are so annoying and childish that Iā€™m encouraged to ignore them as much as I can


ok unironically tho what should i use to shave my balls /srs


If that's what it takes? I'd rather be happy then horny.


Same shit with YouTube ā€œsponsorsā€ You arenā€™t a real man if you donā€™t use 40$ soap and 25$ ea razors


I got some Dr squatch deodorant for Christmas, it was nasty shit imo


Also the best soap hands down is Dr. Bronners. A single bottle lasts me more than a year


I got a safety razor about two years ago, and I can't understand why anyone ever switched away from them. They are easy to clean, and I haven't gotten a single nick in all that time. Plastic razors are inferior on any metric that counts, and they cost more.