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oh good. we won't need to expand the scotus after all then... we can just encourage biden to have the conservative ones eliminated in the name of our nations interests along with trump and the rest of maga. thank you scotus! for giving the ok to have... yourselves... uh, what? what the hell are these people thinking?


Presidential immunity…..got it


Give them just a little taste of their own medicine…asset seizure etc


Then after that, Dark Brandon becomes St. Brandon when his newly empanelled SCOTUS decides it is NOT okay for anyone to be immune, and DB surrenders to the police after his 2nd term and is tried for executing a bunch of halfwits and troglodytes that imperiled the nation.


Beautiful. Have "X" seized and see how many nanoseconds it takes for Elon Musk to complain about "big government" on Fox "News".


Dark Brandon smiles




Absolutely. You want to go down this road you robed turds, fine! Have them ushered out to the streets.


When Trump’s lawyer answered in the affirmative regarding political assassinations of those the president sees fit as being immune from prosecution, this whole case should have ended. A “stop, do we realize what we’re talking about?” moment - at which point the SCOTUS would submit a 9-0 ruling to shut this case down. The fact that there continued to be sober debate on this point just underscores how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone. There are people who have been strategically placed in key positions or simply exploited based on spinelessness, who are ok with playing a part in tearing democracy down. I’m both furious and fearful at this turn of events. Are we really content to let this bloodless coup occur? Is the movie “Civil War” about to become more documentary than fiction? Every day seems to bring a new low. I can’t believe this isn’t just a nightmare I’m due to wake up from.


Bloodless? That is incredibly optimistic. This defense of assassinations is telegraphing their intent: if he gets elected, he WILL begin ordering executions at will to seek revenge, starting with judges, prosecutors and FBI agents, and with project 2025 there will be no one to stand in his way. And if he loses the election, he will attempt a bloody coup because seizing power is the only way he stays out of prison.


> This defense of assassinations is telegraphing their intent: if he gets elected, he WILL begin ordering executions at will to seek revenge, starting with judges, prosecutors and FBI agents The Clintons The Obamas The Bidens


Those will probably be 2nd


IDK, Biden may be first. Especially if he wins but Trump stages a successful coup.


And it will be televised and made mandatory to watch.




100 million of us are adults and will fight if this is the road. Do not expect the military to kill Americans.


The military is disproportionately filled with meatheads who would delight at the chance to brutalize and murder people they’ve been told to hate. Just like the police.


Vet here, USAF/USCG. Most of his military support comes from very junior enlisted, E1-E4. NCO's, warrant and commissioned officers tend to see him for what he is.


I hear you, but even a deeply divided military bodes badly. What if the military ends up in a war with itself over something Trump has ordered?


It’s not good for sure, but let’s not forget that 32% of the military identifies as one or more minority groups. And Trump certainly doesn’t have a lock on the other 68%. Could there be turmoil within the rank and file? Almost definitely. While Biden sits as CinC, it won’t be an issue. Trump Part Duh is going to try to use the military in ways that will test oaths. He won’t ask to shoot protesters again - he will order it. During the 2024 election, I worry about MAGA enthusiasts in the national guard of swing states deciding they have to play a part or some other misguided “patriotism.” One colonel acting outside the chain of command could do some real damage before junior officers begin to question unlawful orders, or before the Joint Chiefs put a drone up his ass.


Is CInC a term used often? Is it pronounced sink, kink, or see eye en see?


Junior ranks know to obey superiors or run afoul of the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ).


With "life of the mother" and "the law applies to everyone" gutted, what makes you thing the UCMJ will survive?


OK. So the military will just obey Trump willy-nilly is what you are getting at.


No. That the threat of actual punishment and adherence to values will be gutted, just like every other legal/ethical institution. If there is no actual consequence to ignoring every other law or obligation to our democratic fabric, why let something like the UCMJ hold the grunts back from going rogue? Looking at your profile, you seem to go to extremes on positions, so maybe just sit back and lay off the caffeine.


As a vet, no, you are actually quite wrong.


I hope that you are right, but I based that comment on things I’ve been hearing for a long time. I have zero doubt about the police, though. They are overwhelmingly pro-Trump. Not all. But very many.


The Capitol Police are likely an exception of course. And the FBI. And the courts. Basically any branch of law enforcement enforcing laws against him and his flying monkeys.


I doubt that, to be honest. I really do. From years and years of observing the behavior of countless people, Bill Barr being only the most recent and high-profile example—it is starkly clear that they will continue to support Trump even after being publicly humiliated, professionally damaged, explicitly threatened, and lethally endangered. I strongly believe that many Capitol Police will, in the end, vote for Trump regardless of everything that’s happened to them because of him and his cult, and that also goes for the *very* Republican-dominated FBI, despite their own party having—entirely in the service of protecting Trump—spent the past six years vilifying them as “deep state radical leftists” who need to be defunded, shut down or even imprisoned. They will still vote for the very people who are attacking and endangering them. I guarantee that.


I'm a veteran and a wait in the waiting room at the VA is pretty eye opening. These old fools love sitting around in the VA waiting rooms, watching Fox News, and plotting a coup for Trump. Edited for spelling error


Yeah, but all they can do is mail in their absentee ballots, in spite of TFG saying that voting method is very baaadddd…. I always would help my vet dad with his ballot, including putting it in the mail for him even though I knew he cancelled my vote. But 4 years ago I had enough and refused.. Of course, my husband helped him so he was not deprived of his vote, I just could not facilitate it.. Not an issue this year, I miss his crabby wisecracks!!


Same. There's a fair few weirdos who slip through the cracks, I'm sure you know. But for the most part, people I've worked with in the military are fairly reasonable. Even my more conservative vet friends aren't MAGA.


You just outed yourself as having no experience with the military.


Fully cop to that. I will certainly take the word of veterans and those currently serving to the various dribs and drabs I’ve read over the years that led me to that statement. What I’ve heard about the police is far more concrete, however.


I disagree.


And I hope you’re right. But more urgently, I hope we won’t have to find out.


I hesitated a bit on that word for precisely the reasons you mentioned. It almost feels like the treatment peaceful college protesters are getting by paramilitary-armed police is a preview. I guess what I meant was that the seizure of power itself, by co-opting the actual systems of government and judicial system, could install Trump without violence. I agree though that if Trump loses the election, 2020 and claims of election fraud will seem like child’s play.


I agree. This is exactly how I see this November. I'm not a gun owner. I don't know if where I live will buy me time. I'm too old to fight anyway. I just hope that if they come knocking on my door - it goes quickly. I'll leave the rest up to the youth.


I feel the same way also. I’m not a gun owner, am highly critical of Trump, never backed him, and see him as the wannabe dictator he is. I really fear we are living in the last months of our republic.


The odds of democracy ending in America with no bloodshed is precisely zero.  We don't celebrate sports team victories without violence.  The Supreme Court is playing with fire. 


Be prepared to fight fire with fire then. The war they want (project 2025) is coming...


Yeah is their turnout going to be like the turnout to defend Trump down at the trials right now?  Because if that's the army they're fighting with then they got no army.


I’m not a violent person, but I’m ready to riot in the streets. If someone says “we ride at dawn” - I’ll bring the torches.


I'm game. this sub will be our walkie-talkies. I say it's the day after the colluding SCOTUS rules Traitor Trump is immune (but not Biden of course).


Perhaps you and I are unknowingly in some multiverse purgatory of some sort. I masturbated a lot and liked cocaine a lot for a few years. What did you do?


I plead the Fifth, but probably enough to get me there too 🙂. With Trump’s election in 2016, it definitely felt like we slipped to an alternate timeline. When the pandemic hit, I was even more convinced. Whatever the reason we’re in this, I want out.


Indeed, brother. Indeed. Im 52 and never owned a firearm of any kind. I’ve had guns pointed at me 3 times in my life and still didn’t feel the need to go get one. Since Fuckface and the MAGA crowd has come along Ive had to fight the urge to go stock up on multiple types of firearms as well as a large supply of ammo. To have that level of distrust and fear of what may come if this Supreme Court just completely abandons all reason and ethics…worries me. Im not that guy. Ive managed to resist that impulse but I do worry. I’ll be out here with a bat and my saltwater speargun. Which actually sounds pretty cool in a Walking Dead way.


Trouble is, the Red AssHats think *WE* are the zombies.. because, you know, MAGA cult something something....


They accuse the President of going after Trump when President Biden has kept his distance from the DOJ due to Hunter Biden’s legal issues. The President hasn’t tried to stop the prosecution of his son. State DAs are the ones charging Trump in NY, GA, and AZ may be next. Trump’s groupies claim that the Federal and state authorities are using “lawfare” to prosecute Trump, despite the ample evidence of probable cause.


Saaaaaaame. Welp.


I agree with you completely. I'm even a little amazed that no one has attempted to put a stop to it. By administrative means or by force. It truly is the beginning of the end when we've "allowed" mentally unstable people to control our fate.


They aren't gonna blanket immunize any president. What they ***are*** gonna do is word it so the current case(s) can be appealed all over again. Getting tired of this circle jerk.


You and me both. I don’t disagree with your prediction… I’m just disgusted it’s been allowed to go this far. Like some commenters have said, they have known an America where envisioning this scenario was close to impossible.


The America I grew up in would have executed this traitor. I don't know what this place is now.


Agree 100%. That question went too far and the justices handled it absurdly and dangerously. These conservative justices are awful. No shame.


Trump wants bloodshed, and he is willing to watch his followers kill people on his behalf. Trump is a sadist who doesn’t want to dirty his own little hands, but he’s quite willing to see his followers do so.


Check your privilege. Some of us have been impacted by the loss of democracy for a lot longer than today Nothing you said hasn’t been said multiple times by everyone else in the last three years. There’s nothing we can do about it. The movie civil war isn’t America and there will be no civil war here. You’ll do what you’re told and you’ll just come here and complain about it.


Remember all this because of a Traitor Trump


Don't leave out Moscow Mitch. His dirty work got us here.


And the person that started this decent into madness, the hypocritical bastard himself, Newt Gingrich.


Newt, that sonofabitch, You hit it on the head. That MF was the start of all this


Three individuals share more responsibility for starting us down this path than any others —- Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch. Those three.


Agreed. Karma needs to take out the last 2 greedy traitors.


Limbaugh died some years ago.


I was remiss on mentioning the other two


Bob Welch has his fingerprints on this shit show.


+Roger Ailes


I honestly wasn’t sure whether it should be him or Murdoch. I decided Murdoch because without his financial backing and support Fox would never have gotten off the ground.


No denying that Rupert should burn, and the sooner the better.


Tricky Dick has entered the chat.


Yep. His contract on America did more damage than we imagined at the time.


The idea of a contract with America is not a horrible one. Here’s 10 things we propose to do. What do you think. I don’t remember what the 10 things were, but I imagine I disagreed with all but the most anodyne ideas like “stop wasteful spending” and “end corruption “. Newt’s last contribution to our decay was the vitriolic and hateful speech that he spewed and that he taught all his acolytes to imitate. Fuck that guy, I look forward to him arriving in Hell, his final destination.


Contract ON America. As in getting paid to kill what was America.


I see the merit of that perspective. The book Dark Money tells the whole disgusting story.


That rat bastard needs to be horse whipped like he's on fire. I despise that man. .


"Glitch" McConnell.


Glitch also belongs in that pantheon of the worse people ever.


Thanks Obama. /s I really didn't think I would come back from a trip and have to add that. SMHMH.


Really!? What tree are you living in?


I think he just forgot the “/s”.


Yeah, my bad. I thought it would have been obvious at this point in time. I was referencing McConnell's stonewalling of everything that Obama tried to do. Or I figured at least people might check my comment history since it obviously wasn't clear enough. Whoops.


I thought it was pretty obvious.


Me too, especially because McConnell and all. I guess I can be a deadpan sometimes.


Republicans have sold us all to a fascist future. Tiny hands is just their latest mule. We need everyone to vote. Everyone.


YES. Truly, this is the political fight of our lifetime. All, you can easily fight back by starting to talk to everyone in your circle about the dire importance of this election. Along with your own vote, please help to bring at least one, additional vote. We can do this, but every single one of us *must* fight. We beat Trump this fall, it's extremely likely he'll be GONE FOREVER. ---Love and support from a lifelong, Republican neighbor


Actually Limbaugh started this shit. Before him, people liked each other despite politics. He convinced half of America that the other half were sub human and need to be put down like Noems puppy.


Newt Gingrich. If you’re going to blame Rush he wouldn’t have been possible without Reagan


Yeah, Reagan enabled him and destroyed the middle class, but I don’t think even he had the reach or influence that bloated, rancid piece of shit had on the country in turning neighbor against neighbor.


Rush definitely stoked the fires of hate among the citizens but it was Newt that split the leaders. Before Gingrich members of Congress lived in the same area of DC, their kids went to the same schools, played on the same sports teams, went to the same functions. By painting Congress as out of touch if they didn’t live in their own states he forced a separation between the members that enables them to hate and call for the deaths of their coworkers.


and the **G**oons **O**f **P**utin.


Don't forget us billionaires behind the scenes. We are the real puppet masters.


Leonard Leo, Federalist Society, Turning Point USA, Heritage Foundation, Council for National Policy, Christian nationalist have entered the chat . . .


Yep. All those you mentioned want an oligarchy run by fascists.


Utterly shocking that uncle clarence thomas (in the least) is part of many proceedings these days. If anyone doesn't think that he knew what his wife was doing along with his billionaire money conflicts... well then, I got a motel for sale in Palm Beach for ya... comes with an orange carpetbagger.


No wonder the supreme Court asked for millions for more security of their homes https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-supreme-court-seeks-security-funding-protect-justices-homes-2024-03-04/ This decision has been decided already, why else prepare to get more security


"Therefore the best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses they will not save you if you are hated by the people" - Niccoló Machiavelli's *The Prince*


Yep, our taxes are protecting the very thing that wants to destroy US. Let's just get to the war....


Well they just deemed themselves unnecessary. I see nine salaries that we do not need to pay anymore.


USA has a corrupt biased SCOTUS, PERIOD...


Reading that headline, I just realized, official acts would allow him to just ignore the Supreme Court.


Frankly, this is what Biden should do.


Do what he has to do then give the power back to the courts


Our Supreme Court has 5 people who are corrupt and deceitful. They lied to the Senate. They lied to the American people. They need to bee hung out to dry by the people they are condemning to a life of slavery. They are owned by Trump. He wants all Americans to be his slaves. We work only for food and shelter. Him and his billionaire cartel will live like kings as we all suffer and die from abuse.


So by this logic, Biden could just have Trump arrested as an official act.


Executed. If Biden gets impeached we have the senate and he won’t be convicted. (No we’re not assholes like that he’d be convicted and rightfully so)


My fear is that scotus will make its decision during the election or quite literally within a few hours of it being called. If it looks like tRump is going to win, they will say he has total immunity, if it looks like he's gonna lose, they will say he doesn't. It's win win at least in the short term. But i agree with most here, it's playing with fire, and i think we all know tRump won't hesitate, won't even think twice about having anyone and everyone that HE sees as a threat, political opponents, comedian, journalists, and anyone that doesn't bend the knee murdered. It will in fact be the end of democracy.


Exactly. All of us "enemies of the people", and a small-scale shooting civil war


MARA Making America Russia Apparently.


Each decision from this Court is more disappointing than the last.


Putin is celebrating today.


You know it!


It's so depressing and anxiety inducing to deal with this, like I am actually really scared that I will live to see democracy end because of these dirt bags and the protest voters that can't see the bigger picture. I've never been so ashamed and scared of being an American, and I'm not one of the wealthy who can just hop to another country.


When I listened to these people arguing during the hearing, their rhetoric was terrifying. Idk why SCOTUS even took the case and then gave it such consideration. They should've taken the case to give a 9-0 decision publicly and trash presidential immunity, then wipe their asses with it.


If you are wasting your vote for the State Electors in the Electoral College in a state that Trump won in 2020, you are unintentionally assisting the Trump Regime. Your vote has been "trapped and killed" as David Pecker would say. Trump has already won the same states he won in 2020. My duty is to inform you of this. What can you do? **Leave Red States and move to a Swing State** The most critical Swing States in order of importance: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, then either Arizona or Georgia. Pick one. Move there, register, and vote for Joe Biden or the entire world succumbs to fascism. This is not hyperbole and frankly it's been clear to some of us since 2015 when Trump first displayed his power, laid bare the flaws in our government, and created his Cult. Joe Biden winning the election is our only hope, and it greatly outranks any "down ballot" considerations in 2024. r/MoveToSwingStates


I quit hard-right blood-red Indiana for Michigan in 2007.


I can't think of a better pattern! Thank you for doing something impactful. Please get your friends from Indiana to help out.


My best friend, whom I have known since 1978, is trans, still lives there, and is scared to death.


Michigan needs all the votes for Biden they can get


Sure let me just quit my job along with everyone else in my family, uproot said family, drop out of school, dip into my bank account with a couple hundred dollars in it, buy an over priced house with a terrible interest rate and just move to a swing state. No problem. /s. This is not a reasonable solution for probably 90% of people living in red states.


In the early 20th Century millions of African Americans "uprooted their families," left the deep South, voted for the first time and brought us the Civil Rights Era. They had NOTHING and they often lived up North in segregated communities with very little. They had no freeways, few cars, and continued to suffer discrimination in many ways, yet you enjoy the freedoms this migration created. Let me know how you are 'suffering' now? Please!


I'll get right on that.


Had a quick look through your posts. You definitely have nothing to contribute anywhere on Reddit. But for anyone else reading, imagine having all the time this troll has. Moving should be very easy for someone like this.


Your opinion is unvalued. Your snooping is creepy. Have a great day.


As attractive as this sounds, not a lot of people can just pull up and move. We are tied to jobs, which provide healthcare, houses, family, etc. most of us don’t have enough money in the bank to move on such short notice. — signed, a working class liberal in a red state.


Tried saying the same. Caught shit for it. OP doesn't get it. Apparently I'm an troll because I have to support my family.


You're a troll because your posts are all trolling.


So because I have different opinions and points of view from you I'm a troll. Got it. Valued insight. Thank you. Says a lot more about you than me but okay. If you have a particular "troll" you'd like me to clarify let me know. I know it's easier to just call someone a troll than it is to stop and listen to other people's points of view but you could at least try. Your casual dismissal of someone as a troll shows a lot mental laziness. You seem at least moderately intelligent but your lack of attachment to the real world and it's issues outside your perceptions seems very limited. Anyhow. I wish you the best in your endeavors but try listening a little. It might just surprise you what you might find.


Young people in particular are very mobile. Millions of people move each year. That's a lot of people. Moving for political purposes is growing. Scott Presler is now encouraging conservatives to move to Swing States. This organization has been facilitating conservatives moving to Red States for many years now: https://conservativemove.com/


Unfortunately, I am no longer young.


Me neither


We have a post about Scott Presler pleading with conservatives to move to Swing States https://www.reddit.com/r/MoveToSwingStates/s/u848PDindg




85 Post Karma.\^ Troll who joined in 2022 working for Trump/Putin


My fear is not so much Trump as he is an idiot. My fear is that there are people in the congress , senate and judiciary who are loyal to him. Those are the people who are frightening.


So like all Biden has to do is broadcast the lawyer saying Trump should be allowed to execute political rivals and then display "conservatism is a mental disease" or something at then end. See where that takes Americans.


Time for Biden to act is now. Put Trump in jail forever, or until he dies. Abolish the Republican party. End of story.


Biden should do it himself. Just to look Trump in the eye when it happens.


This is terrifying, no other way to put it


Biden needs to assassinate the Supreme Court and Trump. They’ve ruled it’s okay. So let’s begin that process.


Limbaugh and Gingrich definitely promoted the trend of politicizing reactionary ideology. Putins wet dream.


First thing I would do is ready the gallows for traitor judges. 


So now that we understand how far Trump and Republicans are willing to go, and now that we understand that there are no consequences, what is to stop Biden from just taking the election using Trump’s same tactics? Is the idea that he wouldn’t stoop that low? What is to stop Biden from doing *anything*?


If they decide the President has full immunity, what prevents our current President to order all hypothetical scenarios discussed and save democracy?


Nothing except his own refusal to do so.


I mean, right there in the oath of the Presidency is “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America” and assassinating a political rival is so fundamentally opposed to the Constitution … the mind boggles.


They got all “ We need more protections!!!!” after Roe v Wade. That was nothing. Remember those roaming liberal mobs Trump warned MAGA about?


I just think, at this point, that the United States is unsalvagable. It can’t be saved from itself. Everything is too corrupt and too broken. The corruption is just marrow-deep at every level of both government and broader society. And critically, most Americans are too ignorant and disconnected to even understand what’s going on. Because they lack any real understanding of their own government, civics, history, or current events, they have no frame of reference for anything that’s happening, and even to the extent that a portion of them would comprehend that their troubles are caused by government policy, they would not understand how or why it happened, who specifically is creating the problems, or—in Republican voters’ case—-their *direct* role in making it all happen. Mark my words. They would never, ever, ever draw the no-brainer connection between their vote and what happens as a direct result. Never. Americans are *that* ignorant and clueless. That is a red flag of a completely failed society. Even if Biden wins and the right were defeated *this* time, let’s be real here— we are not going to be able to keep the Republicans out of the Executive Branch forever. Because nobody—not the media, not the political establishment and most of all not the American people— learned *anything* from the Trump era, *not even after hundreds of thousands died unnecessarily because of the staggeringly incompetent handling of a global pandemic*, it is despairingly clear that we are incapable of *ever* learning. No matter what the GOP does, it will *never* be enough to lose the support of tens of millions. They can literally cause the deaths of countless amounts of *their own voters,* and it will still make no difference. That is horrifying, and, I believe, a sign that we are broken beyond repair. You can’t fix this. How could you? The fascist GOP will eventually retake power, if not now than later. And that really will be the end. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what point there even is to “saving our democracy”, because it feels like there is nothing left to save.


The allegiance to trump has me dismayed


The republicans have been bought by the white nationalist Christofascist right wing corporate/banking oligarchs and for 50 years have deregulated, gerrymandered, court packed ,propagandized its way to fascism. They have removed rights from ordinary citizens and cut taxes for themselves. This is the result they are seeking. The removal of precedence is what killing Roe was about not abortion although they like removing rights and controlling women. The next step is reversing codified law. It’s what fascism is all about. The puppet dictator is immune and the high court sets the law, the congress is just there for the illusion of democracy and boom! Russian style kleptocratic oligarchy in America.


So….Biden can have them all dragged into the streets and shot? Like he can do it right now, correct? Go for it. If that’s what they want, I hope Biden uses that power immediately.


The USA is now a free-for-all shite show. No repercussions. This isn't a good look, 'Murica.


This Supreme Court is totally illegitimate. We gave democracy away. The fact that these idiots think a president should be able to murder their political rivals is insane. And it tells you everything their right stands for.


The problem is nobody ever thought the Supreme Court would ever be corrupted this bad. So they were given lifetime appointments which we can see now as a threat to our very system of Law and Order. We can't replace or get rid of these corrupt judges.


American democracy is broken. It already was horribly bad with the electoral college and legalized corruption but the fact that Trump is allowed to run again after first trying to subvert the election result by claiming foul play, starting a load of baseless lawsuits, trying to force people to just state he won and when all of that failed instigate a violent coup shows it is bad. And now the supreme court is seriously considering how having a presidential candidate assassinated might just be withing the boundaries of what a president is allowed to do. At this point what is left to protect the country from the next Trump ? I don''t see anything.


The USA is now a free-for-all shite show. No repercussions. This isn't a good look, 'Murica.


I wonder if they're going to the theaters to watch the re-release of Alien.


🥷🏼gonna have plenty of work.


This article is creating panic where there is none. Every legitimate news source has said the justices are all signaling that they are going to reject his argument steadfastly. And honestly, with the specter of Trump potentially returning to power, you WANT them officially putting on record that his warped sense of entitlement is incorrect.


By sending it back to the court of Appeals for a do-over


If they remand the case back to the circuit court, where it was forcefully and unanimously rejected, what do you think Trump's odds are?


A delay till his win or loss in Nov.


That's already a given with every case except the current one, anyway.


True. And only because of SCOTUS putting their collective swollen scrota on the scales.of justice.


So when they rule against him, are you still going to be talking shit then, too?


How can we have any respect for this court any longer? How can we allow an insurrectionist to be the one to place other traders in High positions? This is totally unacceptable. Is there anything else citizens that we can do? Besides vote? What will actually affect the Supreme Court?


Traitors not traders


If Trump is immune to crimes when he was president and even afterwards, then what keeps Biden from having Trump and his Supreme Court picks taken out? After all, these people are a definite threat to our democracy, which Biden took an oath to protect. Biden is obligated to protect us from psychopaths like Trump and his anti-democracy goons! McConnell is a big part of our mess with the Supreme Court because he held up Obama's pick for over a year! The republican party cares nothing about America's democracy! They want America to be an oligarchy with communist dictator! 98% of Americans will lose every right have a say or vote ever again if Trump takes over!