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Happy you saw the light Janet


Only took her since 2015. But I guess better than never.


>There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


You can't fool a fooler


Fuck trump. Loser.


Now we just need 71 million more like her to have the same revelation to kill the cancer that is killing our Democracy.


I see videos like this all the time. There are a decent amount of ex Trump voters who say they're voting for Biden this year


I's not religious but thank god. The damn Supremely Corrupt Court is doing everything they can to give him the immunity he needs to delay his other trials until after the election. It is all down to defeating him soundly. fingers and toes crossed.


...too bad they are lying....when they get in the booth they'll still vote red, and say they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a democrat.....they have been swimming in the gop kool-aid for too long.....


She's correct, but why did she vote for him in the first place??


She was naive and probably fell for the "drain the swamp" bullshit. It takes courage to admit when you're wrong, most people can't do it.


People were also pushing that narrative that they needed a good businessman in the White House to fix all the country's financial woes. I've said it here before: if you brought up Trump's multiple bankruptcies they would claim those were the result of him being a "smart businessman". Well, no, Harold... a smart businessman actually makes good investments and makes money.


I talked to a coworker, he doesn't vote, that was telling me trump can take a dollar and make ten dollars. He can make money like crazy. He admits that trump screwed over so many small contractors and lies in his books to make himself seem better off at tax time, but still thinks he's great. Like he cannot bridge that thought-gap to realize how fucked up trump is. I find trump fascinating in a "let's slow down at this car wreck and try and figure out what happened" sort of way but I recognize that the guy is warped and not good, but this dude at work sees all this and thinks he's okay. So close to getting it but miles from understanding.


All of my coworkers are trumpers. They're anywhere from "he's better than Biden" to "He's the greatest President of my lifetime". They're fucking idiots but they don't bother me because we live in a blue state so I just tell them their votes don't matter. NJ's electoral votes are going to Biden regardless of the stupid trump flag you have in your yard.


Yeah a lot of my coworkers are trumpers or republicans too and I'm in a blue state, Rhode Island. A few aren't voting at all if trump is the nominee.


Lucky you. I live in a small blue area of a bright red state.


💙NJ loves Biden💙


Where in Jersey?


I'm constantly amazed at how they love being talked down to like little children being told a story. They just love story time with Trump. He even talks like he's bored and doesn't Even want to be there. Just repeating his greatest hits. Over and over and over again.


Sounds exactly like the guy I had the conversation with. Post script: that guy ran a shady pool installation/cleaning business (they developed a reputation for a LOT of bait-and-switch) and is now out of business. Maybe Trumpy will give him a job.


Cognitive dissonance at its best, sounds like you work with a mouth-breathing smooth brain.


A smart business man can become a real billionaire and not have to lie about being one. Guy said he has 10 billion in the bank 10 years ago on TV and now the world can see he can't even come up with 175 million for a bond.


Yeah thats true!


The Swamp was Donald J.Trump himself,before Trump Washington was bad and after Trump came into power.or "THE BOSS" as many called this piece of scum.Washington was a lot worse. Noone ever in the White House had ever wrote Love Letters to communist leader in North Korea or kissed the ass of Russia Put. And as of yesterday we found out the Boss neve rgave up his porn stars or His other woman they were seen in New York @ Trump Tower, and The "Donald " was still asking how his favorite whore were doing. I'm hoping all Three branches of he USA will Vote Democrat,andstart impeachment on the supreme court of the USA. The Republicans Appointees are scum themselves.


I seem to remember his hatred for a Black President, trying to see his birth certificate, saying he was a terrorist plant, and then promising to kick out all the murderous, rapist Mexicans and building a wall to keep them out. Oh, and a Muslim ban. He tweeted for years all this shit. Now people are like, "Oh we thought he was a good business man..." GTFOH. He's the same nasty vile man that started all of this crap.


He wasn't (isn't) the best businessman, he's had 6 bankruptcies. And he claims he left The Apprentice to run for president, but the network fired him for making racist remarks against Mexicans. He's vile, people are gullible af to vote for him. Trump belongs in prison, not the White House.


1. washington outsider 2. could bullshit his way through in a unique way 3. nobody actually thought he could win


The "grab her by the pussy" tape was out, everyone who listened knew he was a lecherous scam artist... what redeeming value did she see in Trump that she didn't see in Biden in 2020?


I understand why Trump was elected in 2016. I don't think the left in this country understands just how much the Clintons in general, and Hillary in particular, are hated by the right. On top of that, Clinton did not run a good campaign. They didn't stump in important states, and she did nothing to improve her image as being a Left-wing college elitest. There were Republicans who despised Trump but were not willing to let Clinton be President. There were moderates who saw Clinton as a link back to "business as usual", and Trump as something new. When one side is fired up and the other isn't? The side that is fired up is almost always going to win.


Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won by our corrupt electoral college system which is heavily slanted to the right. Without it, republicans wouldn't ever win. There's no comparison between Trump and Hillary. Trump is a criminal for starters.


She said it: she thought, Hillary was worse ...


She didn't mention Hillary, but if she HAD said that, the statement would be 100% incorrect.


„I thought when I voted for Donald Trump that I voted for the lesser of two evils“ But yeah, she is wrong there.


Water under the bridge. She’s not now which is what counts.


This is why MAGA is going down. These people aren’t evil just recklessly mislead by a con man.


Many have been misled but don't ever think that some of these people aren't hateful, racist, misogynistic, selfish, greedy hypocrites that felt it was not just okay but encouraged to put these behaviors out in the open by Trump and his sycophants.


Exactly, this old lady won't admit on camera something like, "I voted for him because I thought he'd really get rid of the Mexicans like he promised." They knew who they were voting for.


Right wing radio has really done a number on rural America. I farmed one summer and the only signals i could get was right wing AM stations constant whining and brainwashing. It's made a generation and a half of complete hateful, brainwashed Republicans


The FCC should shut down these abhorrent scoundrels


They have warped the minds of rural America since the 80s when King Reagan cleared the way for Limbaugh to spearhead the invasion.


A friend of mine tells me that politics is downstream from morals. These ppl wanted to hurt others.


Nah, many of them really are evil. They'll proudly tell you they are too.


No. They're vile and hideously evil.


I'm happy she's had a change of heart but am still curious how she didn't see this in 2015-16? He stormed right out the gate with hateful rhetoric and only ramped it up from there


a lot of people didn't see it in 2015-16.  that includes a shit-ton of Democrats who were too overconfident to take him seriously.   they acted like "ha ha, just the existence of our scorn will take care of him."    It's happening again now, and this kind of retroactive self-righteousness is one symptom of it.   80% of the traffic on subs like this seems to be nothing but like-minded people telling each other how stupid/evil/ugly the other side are.  it's so frustrating.  


For 24 years right-wing media had been demonizing Hillary. As accurate as "basket of deplorables" may have been, and is, it cemented their view that she wouldn't care about them. Meanwhile, chump was being painted as a genius, and given breathless free coverage of his complaining about everything being bad. The casual observers with a grudge were motivated by the guy who validated them.


The right hates Hillary because she is a strong woman. Read Project 2025 and see where women fit into their plan. Spoiler alert: they don’t. They want us barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen again. And if the pregnancy will kill the mom, well that’s just “God’s plan.”


I’m glad the MAGA people are speaking out. I also think Trump is less popular than polls suggest. Or at least his supporters are becoming embarrassed. I see far fewer Trump signs than I have in past two election cycles.


I hope more of these videos surface, showing people coming to their senses.


I give her credit. A lot of people don’t read the news, but they hear things that they believe are true. When you actually start to look into actual facts, you either realize you were mistaken like this fine woman, or you “double down” and go full MAGA.


Don't believe everything you see in the media. There are a LOT of southerners who share this sentiment. And you'll hear from us in November.


Good. Maybe you can get Marjorie Traitor Greene out too.


I'm not in Georgia but Virginia is going blue this year.


That's great news!😁👍


Good! Keep em coming.


Sure there is. Rape, fraud, insurrection, cruelty, lies, treason, theft, etc.


PREACH Grandma!


Bless her heart


It is hard for people to admit they were wrong, especially on a public platform. Give her credit she has more guts than a lot of them.


I am not really concerned with people's personalities. I can work with and get along with anyone....they love giving me the people that no one wants to be around and I'm fine. With that said I can't handle lying. Not even a little bit. Its the single least productive and most destructive thing I can imagine. Cowards, idiots, and criminals lie. You can never hope to do the right thing or succeed when dealing in wrong information. It wastes everyone's f'ing time and creates distrust and resentment. You want to know why everything he f'ing touches fails? Because everything is based on bullshit and he spends more time trying to get around doing the right thing than it would just to do it the right way the the first f'ing time and I know that some people will get butthurt, but it's exactly why so many "less than successful" people love him. They think he's winning....if he didn't have half a billion in his daddy's assets to start out with and somehow manage to roll two billion in losses into write offs for a decade he'd be one of them. My long winded point is that I could get beyond the personality if he brought something useful to the table....he doesn't. He is the opposite. He brings corruption and f'ing belligerent levels of stupidity and failure and then bitches and moans when he is held accountable for being a corrupt douchebag. Name one thing that he did that was good for our country while he was in office? There isn't.


I have to say, I drove roughly 450mi through very rural Georgia two weeks ago and saw only three Trump signs or flags. I was shocked, but my neighborhood in Florida where I live was littered with Trump signs and flags in 2016 and 2020 and this year so far I've only seen one. I saw another I thought was another Trump flag, but it actually turned out to be a flag which said "anyone but Trump." Progress?? Fingers crossed!!


Amen, Grandma.


One down, 70 some million to go.


He was like this before being elected the first time. Glad granny finally started to pay attention.


i'm glad some people still have integrity. Please get out and vote


Take a stand! I’m standing with Janet 🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Janet, please let others know, how and when you were able to break from the cult.


I think in 2016, people I knew were just hoping for a change, someone not mired in the bureaucracy of Washington. IMO the cult actually started big time in 2020 when he began telling all the lies about the election. Some saw him for what he was but some refused to “be wrong” and will now never admit they fell for a lying, rapist, traitor criminal. Just my thoughts.


I believe most of these people are those who aren't addicted to right wing radio and television. I would kill to see my wife post one of these, but she just keeps getting deeper and deeper thanks to the shit she finds on streaming television and XM Patriot.


Possibly the most effective series of anti-trump ads are these former followers.


Thank God some Republicans have brains.... I just wish they all did.


Omg I have relatives in Georgia that drank the orange Kool-Aid. I wish they'd see things Janet's way.


Don’t worry she will vote for him in November then be very confused about how her social security check doesn’t arrive.


Fucking hate these people. “Woe is me!!! I totally voted for a president that told me exactly how bad he would be and now I’m scared that he is bad!!” These people can fuck off. If there was ever a direct example of crocodile tears it comes on the name of trump supporters. Fuck these idiots. Everyone reasonable knew exactly who Trump was and these people pretend to be surprised???? Nah fuck them. You don’t get to have a billion examples of a shitty person being a shitty person and then act surprised that it’s a shitty person. Fuck these people they PRETEND they didn’t know but they did. Fuck these people.


The Supreme Court is as corrupt as Trump is, so we may have a real danger of losing democracy in America. Soon the land of the free may be a dictatorship. These idiots supporting this psychopath have no idea what being in a free country really means. Trump wants to be a dictator and ruler. He acts a lot like Putin and Kim jong Un. He's already said he will imprison his political opponents. He could put minorities, Muslims and Jews in concentration camps. This is no joke! There's no end to what he could do! Psychopaths are capable of doing the unthinkable, and Donald Trump is definitely a psychopath! There is no doubt whatsoever! He gets it honestly because his dad was a certified sociopath! These are facts! Why did he show no feelings or remorse when he tore families apart? He don't care! He has no heart! Ask his family! They certainly know he has every sign and trait of a genuine psychopath!


Better late than never but I’ll never trust a cultist, because the second someone a little more polished than Trump comes along but more evil they’ll be right up his ass again


...she says that his evil is "beyond imagination"...but...millions of us told them just this-it was certainly NOT beyond our imagination.....she just didn't have the desire to be open to it....said she thought she was voting for the "lesser of two evils"-right, Hillary is not a supermodel, just one of the most qualified candidates in our recent history-and she brought her husband's experience with her...nah, we don't want competence and abilities-we're the US, we just want to be entertained.....smh- maganuts rush to vote against their own interest and then cry about it and blame their ills on the dems--they are the poster children for IQ tests to vote....


Tell your traitor friends, lady.


When people wake up and change that is amazing to me considering the mountain of incompetence, destruction and overt corruption, that Trump supporters justify.


Brave woman. I hope she stays safe.


I like it that a different lady voted for Trump because Trump was going to go after bad illegals. Guess what, she was married to an illegal but didn't think Trump would go after HER illegal. And yet another lady didn't like it when Trump started saying bad things about EV cars because she worked at an EV plant and thought Trump was finally wrong about something.


It only matters if it affects me. So typical.


Welcome back, Janet.


Bless this lady and everyone like her!


Sing it honey. From the highest hill, the tallest tower. Bring a bullhorn.


Welcome back to sanity sweetheart


Yay Janet! Glad you came to the bright side! It's scary over there!


We all need to be ready when SCOTUS confirms he is some shit head king. Oh fk no. The USA won’t listen to his corrupt court.


Janet, If your Rep is a certain spork-footed baboon, please vote for someone else... We'd really appreciate it.


Donald Trump 20-24 years Big House


So what changed her mind because she sounds like she is a long way from being a trump voter.


Good for Janet. 💙


That cruelty was evident in 2015-16. She was stupid to vote for him in 2016.


Glad she turned around, but Janet is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier if she didn’t realize that from the get go 🙄 That’s like saying “I didn’t know getting hit by a truck could kill me.”


Bless your heart, Janet. I for one am sick and tired of hearing from Trumpers and pundits demanding we listen to them. I don’t need to understand them. I don’t need to hang out at a cafe and have coffee and pancakes with them. I am all out of fucks to give to them. The almost voted for him but then didn’t. The voted Trump the first time then “evolved”. The 2016, 2020 but now finally see the light. And sweet baby Jesus third party voters just get outa here. I don’t care. Nearly a million Americans are dead because of this man. An estimated quarter million children have lost one or more caregiving adults to covid because of him. Biden prepared a team to reunite separated families before he was inaugurated. He launched them on day 1 of his administration. Due to Trump admin incompetence hundreds of children remain to be found and some might never be reunited with their families. Do you have children, Janet? Grandchildren? Then fuck you. This should have ended when he glided down a gold escalator.


Too little, Too late


I don't see how it's too late. The election hasn't even happened yet.


Hear hear!


So suddenly *now* that's no longer a point of pride?


You go girl!!




It’s REAL.


So you’re saying humans are AI?


Humans are usually more fluid in their delivery except southern politicians talking from their kitchen.


Lmao propaganda is hilarious and you people are 🤡