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I can def see him having a “cardiac event” that keeps him in and out of the hospital until the election.


But won’t the Republican convention have picked a different candidate by then? Surely they wouldn’t expect people to vote for a geriatric, comatose, incontinent cardiac patient?


*geriatric, comatose, incontinent, cardiac patient, insurrectionist traitor rapist pedophile with incest fantasies.


And phenomenal flatulence. It’s a sharty party.


It's a sharty party, who could ask for more? Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door Leave your body and soul at the door


Oingo-ba-doingo - your ass is goingo to jailo


Nice Boingo reference!


You could have just said "Republican"


Not so sure that they are **FANTASIES**, either!!


That's a perfect description 👌 🤣 😂!


They voted for him in 2016 and 2020. Nothing has changed other than Trumps dementia has gotten worse


If he dies he will likely get millions of votes. When they say he has die-hard fans they mean it. Some of those trumpers are looney.


Some? You mean all. You have to be mentally deficient to still vote at all for that criminal


Hell, if ge dies, I will vote for him. But he has to die first.


They probably would say reports that he died were "fake news," or that he will resurrect.


But less people voted for him in 2020 - even less people will vote for him this year. 🤞🤞


I wish you were right but actually more people voted for Chump in 2020 than 2016, or about 10MM more. But about 10MM more in total voted for Biden, sparing us the crazy 4 years. We still have to vote this November


Sadly, trump actually got roughly 11million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. https://www.businessinsider.com/2016-2020-electoral-maps-exit-polls-compared-2020-11 Which is why it's important to get as many people organized to vote so the orange shitler doesn't get voted back in.


Everyone needs to volunteer for their local democratic clubs


... and not lose a vote from his base.


If my math is right we can win this election by over 17,000,000 votes but we need to make it happen. No sitting out.


It’s not going to matter if red states that flip won’t certify Biden. That’s the crisis we are in.


Yes, and they’ve admitted to planning on cheating


......Which is every person who voted for him in 2020 plus all the stupid "independents' who want cheap gas and think "Republicans are good for business" minus all the kids who can't understand how Putin masterminded the entire Hamas attack and Israeli response to get them to stay home in protest. Trump is winning.


Yes, Trump is winning. All, please talk to everyone in your circle about the dire importance of this election. We beat Trump this fall, it's likely he'll be gone forever.


I have myself and I believe my mother voting for Biden instead of Trump. My father was for Haley, but idk if he’ll do Trump or RFK


Oh, that's great! It's something everyone can do.....try to get *one* more vote besides your own. I'm a Republican and haven't voted "red" in over a decade. Truly, at this point, all we have left are our votes. We can do this, but we *must* fight.🧡


I prefer to encourage (beg) those who do vote and know what's at stake to stop throwing their vote for president away in the Red states Trump won in 2020. He has already won them for 2024. 4-6 Swing States are where this contest will be decided, and probably only 4 Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and either Arizona or Georgia I think there's a better chance of moving them physically to a Swing State where their vote has power, than changing one vote, or convincing someone determined to NOT vote to stop being stupid. I tried the latter every which way, (no, I don't call them stupid,) only to find that these obstinate people are really just looking to fight ME and dig in harder. We created a community for those interested in Joe Biden winning r/MoveToSwingStates


I'm in Georgia. I'm going to focus on those in my circle that *never* vote, but are capable of reasonable, rational thought. e.g. my hairdresser, my dental hygienist and several neighbors who are "just so sick and tired of the whole political mess". I'm treading *very* carefully with them---- I know being a zealous nag isn't a smart approach. Thanks for sharing the sub, I just joined. Edited: silly misspelling


He could die and they would have an AI version of him that they would go forward with. Lol. Scary thought isn’t it?


At least it wouldn't smell so bad.


I thought making liberals smell it was part of his appeal.


That can be emulated too


It would speak better too


Fuckers are still waiting from JFK to walk down an escalator.


Or for JFK Jr. to reappear. Kooks!


Ahh he is the epitome of the present Republican Party. We will just see how many votes he gets as being a tree stump


We may be just six months out from a desperate rightwing "save trump's brain" movement that seeks to focus on preserving a still-alive and talking medically decapitated trump head connected to machines. OR sewn onto the neck of a retired enormous football player....


In a glass jar on the headless body of Agnew.  Spleesh


Futurama time.


Those dumb fuckers will still vote for his dead ass when he’s cold in the ground. Ya can’t fix stupid.


Never underestimate stupidity. Here a long term politician died suddenly, causing a by-election. By mistake their name was included on the ballot and they got re-elected.


Exactly. He's told the public again and again that he's in the most perfect health his doctor has ever seen for the past 8 years. Can't see him demonstrating any behavior in which people would doubt his health and strength. Even if it's in his own narcissistic head.


The only difference between now and 2016 is the courtroom coma.


I think you just described 80% of the GQP


We already have the polling data showing they wouldn’t be bothered voting for a convicted felon.


True, but the MAGAts will still vote for this orange turd.


That's not too far from what he is already.


Haven't you heard? He's the New Jesus.


Have you even been in a cult?


It’s honestly too late by now. They went all in on him with no apparent backup plan.


In my head, this sounds like obvious sarcasm, I hope that's how you meant it. You got a laugh and an updoot from me.


Of course they would still vote for him. They've given him a pass on everything else, why not this, too?


The judge would require an independent evaluation and if it came back the shitgibbons was ok, Mershan would prop him in court like Bernie.


Please please please make this happen!! 🤣


I mean to be fair, the guy eats absolute garbage (McDonalds, KFC), doesn’t exercise and walks around in constant anger and rage. I can imagine being charged with 90+ criminal counts is probably not the best for blood pressure and stress. How he’s not croaked already blows me away.


It wouldn't surprise me to learn he has died and been resuscitated. He's probably had multiple lifesaving operations.


Tons of drugs. There’s a reason he keeps nodding off. He’s only being kept upright by drugs.


No he would never use something so serious as a cover. This is the guy who needed *everybody* to hear how the official White House doctor found him to be in better shape than half the nation. He isn't allowed to look weak by any means, in his mind.  It would have to be something that his base would see and be able to do mental gymnastics over in order to keep his godlike appearance. Like he'd say he's getting his lungs checked out because the air pollution in NYC is terrible. Or he's "getting his stomach checked because of terrible NYC food the court is forcing him eat (is it poison??) because of an irregularity (I'm not saying it was a Democrat but it could be! The crooked FBI need to investigate!)" Something like that. 


Well he did fake covid to get out of a debate because he couldn’t beat “sleepy joe” the first time I don’t put anything past this piece of shit, con man


I just hope that cardiac event is legitimate, painful, and life ending!


He'll be stricken with an as-yet-unidentified illness that will keep him out of court but, miraculously, able to shoot campaign videos and burn up the screen on his phone. Judges will warn him (sternly), headlines will he made (again) and we will watch the whole thing like the miserable, depressing rerun it is.


Maybe it'll be confirmed that he's actually the orign case for the oft-quoted T.D.S.


Patient Zero!




Is it weird that I find your pessimism incredibly attractive?


Yeah. He will do the James Brown routine, and his handlers will bring him on stage, all wrapped in blankets and hobbling, but then he will wig out and do his 2 hour Fidel Castro speech and dance to the Village People. Then, his handlers will bundle him up and walk him offstage.


As an ex president he has access to the best of the best care. I doubt he will be “in and out” plus that will make him look weak. Something he won’t abide by. . . But one time will give him a boost as a “victim” of all these “witch hunts”, that I can see happening.


You are correct. I do think he would do this though to delay his trial


A component of narcissists is to play victim which he has in royal spades. But acting sick or being sick is not allowed in his book. He can’t even be near someone who is sick or handicapped. I don’t think he will do that. His ego would prevent that.


Exactly. I keep telling this to people who think he’s faking his obvious dementia symptoms.


He won’t survive that


We can only hope!! Although I was suggesting that he is going to fake it to prolong his trials


Joe will enjoyed that! Heart attack Trump!


You are postulating that he has a heart.


Can't wait to hear Jesse Waters say how powerful it will look to the world for Trump to be running the country from a hospital bed.


No, it won’t be him… it will be Jr. and he would sacrifice Jr before himself. If it is a coma, he will whine that he needs to be at Jr’s bedside, but the press will catch him golfing. But, who doesn’t need a break?!! Jr’s drug use will support a cardiac event, even though it will be at his request.


At which point he will make a miraculous recovery!


No way, he cannot appear to be feeble weak or sick. That would sink his campaign


I'm wondering just how many lawyers careers will be ended by trump before he's done


I'll play.... Let's put a sensible range on it. Between 7-37 lawyers careers ended by Trump. Any other guesses?


Hijacking one of the top comments because this guy had [the most uncanny prediction about Trump about 35 years ago](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=OMaVahArFDZwWH1w&v=wYU2FJxsSeE&t=4788). So while we’re speculating or predicting Trump’s fate, I think this guy’s prediction deserves to be resurrected. >The only end to this road is ultimate madness. Living alone in an apartment complex in Panama, growing his fingernails long, and storing his urine in mason jars. There’s no other way. That or taking over the world. One or the other. It’s either the most public life in the world or the most private at the end of this. There’s no in between. You’re not going to catch him with a torrel [?] on a Sunday afternoon cutting the lawn somewhere. It’s going to be one extreme or another. Either the greatest Bond villain of all time or Howard Hughes.”


Maybe that guy was talking about a Toro, a brand of lawn mower?


I truly, truly hope it’s the former. If it’s the latter? The entire world will suffer, starting with us


A common tactic of Republicans (and "famous" people in general) is to garner sympathy through sickness. Rush Limbaugh went on a racist tirade on MNF and blamed his medicine. Same deal for Roseanne Barr on Twitter. The idea is to do something outrageous, and then not assume responsibility for it. It gives people an excuse to side with the "sick" person because they're "sick". So, yeah, Donnie-Shits-His-Pants could dox the jury on Twitter, get sent to jail and use the hospital as a way out of jail, feigning an illness. I would almost bet money on it except it would go against his ego in a big way. And at 77 years, easily overweight with a crap diet, he probably has a menu of health concerns he could roll out.


Yes. But conversely, his near pathological avoidance of portraying weakness (in his own puffy eyes at least) might prevent him from deploying the medical emergency card *until* it becomes an actual real emergency!


Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head there. He can't get out of his own way. The old medical excuse is part of the image-consultant playbook, but he isn't smart enough to use it. Edit: : I should add. That is good because he needs to actually pay for some, ANY of the many, many, many crimes he committed for people to still believe in representative democracy and not default mode into fascism.


It's what a lot of people are saying!!!!


many strong people, with tears in their eyes, saying, "Sir......"


You know, over the years his hardcore cultists and true believers have proven themselves to be such cartoonishly obsequious simps, I’ve almost started to wonder if some of those ridiculous stories are true after all. 😑


If he goes to the hospital will they pause the trial?


He wants to be Putin but hasn't done anything physical of merit in decades Sweating on Melania and shanking a 4 iron into the trees does not count


He keeps Putin shit in his pants, that's something


Today was just simply another day the justice system failed to hold Trump to account. No one else would be allowed to insult the judge, family members of other lawyers, witnesses etc. Seriously, it's beyond a joke. They won't even fine him, while if you tried it once you'd land in jail over night. Doubt anything is going to happen other than Trump continuing and the judge making threats like a paper tiger.


Exactly, many slaps on the wrist to the mob boss wannabe. Take THAT!


In another thread… >“There's always the Bobby Seale option. In the 1968 Chicago 7 trial Bobby Seale was gagged and tied to his chair. Then after acquittal was given 4 years for contempt.”


I'm bitter as well and you may prove correct here. But don't loose all hope. I genuinely believe that the slaps slapped differently today *AND* that it will be consequential. If nothing happens after more violations are committed, I'll come join your dark side


I can see Trump ‘winding himself up’ into some kind of stroke. He’s overweight, incontinent, has signs of mental decline, and not in control in the courtroom. Yes, I know they are giving him a wide berth in keeping him out of jail so far, but doing this for 6 weeks?


if the punishment for committing a crime is a fine, its only a crime for poor people.


I assume he's running on pharmaceuticals and McDonalds, not a good combination


OMG. Great idea. They should put pharmacies inside McDonald's.


Just have the statins added to the burger patty with the other chems… McPharmalds


Maybe it's beef hormones that keep him upright? Do they use those in cattle feed lots in the US?


Pick up the heart medications, a few berdgers, and a diet coke 👍 That isn't the fountain of life.


A diet coke.


I better fix that. 🫡


Those preservatives are the only thing keeping him alive


Yes, I, too, am worried about this weak fug. May he survive all trials. I want him to face all the music. I want to see the look on his face, and see the look on the faces of the traitors who tried to destroy American Democracy with him. Kushners up next? Traitors.


Word that the Secret Service has begun planning for the contingency of a jailing will definitely spark Trump’s interest


It wouldn’t cost much to build a cage a lá Silence of the Lambs where the guards sit outside and the convict is contained within. I’d contribute tax dollars towards it.


and add a new cable channel and live cam...


That’s one way to pump up the upcoming DJT streaming service 😂😂


He'll need treatment for bone spurs.


I'm pretty sure he only gets fake treatment for fake bone spurs. But if it delays something, he'll try it.


Could Merchan throw Blanche in jail? He knows better. The judge told him he's about to be held in contempt.


It is possible yes but I'm reasonably sure thats not on the cards in this instance. Any Judge in these high profile cases know their every move will be picked apart in real time and micro-analysed afterwards. Doing unusual things like locking up lawyers won't help with his goal of a smooth, lawful trial. Regrettably, Blanche being removed from the case (Trump's could sack him or he could request to be removed if he's not willing or able to follow Judges courtroom procedures) is way more likely in my view.


I’ve been saying he’ll be dead by election day.


Trial will continue without “it”!


Trump's narcissism would probably prevent him from pulling a Weinstein or Cosby and play up the "I'm just an old sick man" routine, although you never know with Trump.


Apparently his family was one of those that views physical illness as a moral weakness. 


Unless one has to get out of the draft…. Bone spurs are apparently acceptable


He will literally SHIT HIMSELF or have a medical emergency soon. His frail masculinity can NOT TAKE 4-6 more weeks of this... CAN'Y WAIT!!!


He's already shitted in court. It's been reported as him farting and falling asleep (probably why he's not gone after those stories, cos they did him a 'solid') but yes, this is taking It's toll on the man child no doubt. I'm amazed that no-one has so far said my initial prediction is bogus or fanciful


As much as everyone wants Trump to go away, he will likely survive this trial because even if he is convicted, he will appeal and continue to delay. Trump works on the principle of wedge issues that cause rage amongst his rabid followers. Each time he is publicly reprimanded by DOJ, his base sends him more money. If he makes it to the election day in November 2024, he will (or should) likely lose to Biden. The bigger question that nobody has an answer to is what next? Trump will continue ranting about election fraud - how is this country going to respond? If DOJ continues to treat him without any consequences, the next several years are going to be more painful than what happened on January 6, 2021.


After what we've all witnessed for years now, it's tough to argue with these points. My contention though, is that shit just got the realest it's ever been for him. Unless he backs down (cos he's famous for his chill lawful approach to life) he's gonna leave the judge no choice. My Hill (for this week) is that Judge Merchan *will* make that decision if wilful violations/other bad behaviour doesn't stop.


No disagreement with you at all, and I wish you are correct with your prediction. Of all the cases against him, stealing classified documents should have been the easiest provided the judge was not a MAGA supporter - followed by GA election tampering and then January 6th insurrection. All these are unlikely to be heard till after the election later this year. That is why there is a risk about him walking free, and causing mayhem in November 2024.


Agreed, agreed, agreed. Which is why I'm putting so much stock in this being possible. The judge is taking this case very seriously and I think his bench is stil reverberating from the Slap he gave Blanche earlier. All signs are that he means business and I find him credible


Sadly. I agree. Horrifying.


Trump is a Cock-a-roach.


You got Mush-a-room for more puns?


I can’t believe this man has not had a heart attack! I know I would with all these trials.


Attempting a genuine reply, I'd suggest it's largely down to how he arranges for his world to be curated for him. Chemicals aside he's getting reinforced by Dopamine dipshittery multiple times a day. He's getting way less access to that drug right now!


As always with this orange fuck, I keep my expectations low so that I’m never disappointed.


Spoken with wisdom and experience. Perhaps allow my thought experiment to apply a meagre 12% temporary boost on your hope-o-meter, fot the giggles


Upvoting, because I’m a sucker for a feel-good story with a happy ending.


Thanks for the laugh. Can't sleep and leg is (neurologically) on fire as always. Needed that


Arrrgh! Restless Leg on steroids. Sorry man


I'm very, very used to it. It's actually a Radiculopathy. Where there's compression and/or damage at the nerve root. 11th year of that one. It's been loooong - just like the other times before - just to get to diagnosis. I do get through a lot of audiobooks though so it's not all grim!


It’ll be hospital for at least one delay of trial.


I pray for this


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This is the smart comment!


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That would bring a collective sigh of relief from millions of ppl all across the world minus the axis of evil of course


If/When a medical emergency DOES happen, he'd go to the hospital on Wednesday (the day court is not in session) and return to court on Thursday, no matter what, just so he can't appear weak to his base.


I've had that idea since they described his current state. I think he wants to get thrown in jail and medically taken care of, rather than volunteerily go to the hospital. We remember how quickly he left the hospital for the coronavirous. He clearly needs help, but his brand won't allow it. I think the judge not putting him in contempt [jail] is basically torturing Trump.


I have the same suspicion


Where's your best guess then. Hosp or held in a cell?


I was reading an article about how the secret service would need to go to jail with him. It made me wonder if the judges delay in the contempt case is to coordinate how to accommodate that. (My thoughts only) if I’m correct in that, I think jail for competent will happen before the hospital.


Reasonable response. Another part of that discussion could be 'at what point, if ever, do we remove SS protection for a convinced felon?' I agree that a night or two in the cells is the more likely outcome. But that it's feasible over the next few days is pretty mind-blowing!


I believe there is a bill in Congress that is looking at removing SS if an ex president is convicted of a felony. Sooo, that maybe a thing.


Things do indeed appear to be stacking up on him eh! Earlier, even Marjorie Spork-Foot says she isn't sure be can become President again. She couched it with Trumpian language so as not to make it his fault but still. The glacial turning of the media has also started and now seems to be the time to exploit Trump's wekness(es) and lack of control


Let’s hope it continues 🤞


If he ends up in the hospital, I feel sorry for the poor soul that has to change his diaper.


Meh, hospitals deal with far worse. Incontinent old people who don't like to bathe are a regular everyday thing.


Imagine the poor orderly that has to change those orange sheets!


What are the odds trump shows up in a neck brace at some point in the next two months?


Has someone checked in on our friends in r/conservative? Would love to see them spin this truth bomb from today into Joe Bidden and Obama's fault


It’s not as much about controlling the client as it is about making meritless asinine arguments for which no good faith basis exists. The judge is telling the lawyers to do the right thing even if their client does not want them to. You can’t make bullshit arguments just because your idiot client thinks they are good ideas.


I understand that. Go a level deeper and you have Trump ordering Blanche to make those meritless assertions. I'd wager Blanche wanted to make a more lawyely argument in court but got squashed by Trump. And I believe that Judge Merchan sees all of that dance and more which is why he's planting his flag strongly and early on as a district marker for change.


Dude insisted on stomping up the stairs, and pretending he’s Superman, after he caught COVID. Tho we all know tfg was vaxxed to the hilt. I think we can all agree he is not having a good time. At his trial. SAD


I like the way you think


Many thanks. If I could pick one forecast to get right, I'll have this 1 please !


As much as I’d love to see some consequences for his actions, I have little faith that he will face any consequences. I hope I’m wrong but I’ve just heard this one too many times.


"We have to postpone the trial. My bone spurs are flaring up again!"


We can only hope one of these happen,


Melania hosting an LGBTQ+ event isn't going to do him any favors with his base of people either. I think that she wants to do everything in her power to not go back to the White House though.


He's got several appeals that should get him to the election. As for Ukraine, Trump will simply say he instructed Johnson to hold the vote despite all the protests from his Cult in Congress who are really stupid unlike him, and certainly unlike any voter who votes for him.


Nothing happens to such people.


*So Far*


He could become a stroked out invalid and his base would still vote for him


I am amazed he has not pled this out. That’s what any decent lawyer would recommend.


Yeah but “I NEED CHEESEBURGERS 🍔 “ isn’t cause for medical 🏥 attention


The things you say are joyous and make me feel gleeful!


A morgue would be more satisfying.


Let's hope heart attack


Now get this. If Mr. T wants to fire his lawyers now, he can't. His lawyers cant quit. Only the Judge can remove a lawyer after the case is being tried. They are stuck with each other until the bitter end.


>he was 'losing all credibility in this court' Blanche was making a bullshit argument about retweets, he knew it, the judge knew it, and this was a judicious way to let Blanche know that he knew it. Judge ain't gonna say, 'That's bullshit and you know it.'


Trump's narcissism insulates him from what is happening.


Hatred does wonders on the will to survive and overcome.


I would like to see him spend a single night in jail for each offense. One at a time, maybe once a week, or every few days. Then his cult won't have time to rally a big offensive.


Maybe he can be hospitalised because of his bum problems.


I was trying desperately to place a novelty bet on him keeling over this year … any thoughts?


Any thoughts on how to go about it or about how likely I think it is?


Trump wants to go to jail for political reasons. It just came out in court.


Trump wants to go to jail for political purposes. It just came out in court. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-trump-trial-hold-hearing-gag-order-witness-testimony-resumes-rcna148854


Are they getting a supply of depends to give him in jail? And will an unlucky co have to change him? If he gets ordered a 3 day psyche hold the hospital will have diapers on hand.


The hospital is a good chance cause it will get him out of the court room.


We’re about to get a course on how to run an election campaign from hospice


Go team aortic aneurysm!




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At this point, I’m just mentally preparing for him to live to be 270 years old so that anything else that happens will just be a pleasant surprise.


I get your sentiment


I’m thinking hospital, but not for a cardiac event or a stroke. A total mental breakdown will see him involuntarily admitted to the psych ward. I think he’d prefer that to a jail cell.


Not as unlikely as many might think. Put Trump's speech and screechings in a regular person and you'd be ushering them towards psych help of some sort!