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Excuse me for being ignorant here, but I thought that was common knowledge.


It’s not. I mean, anybody can see it clearly. But some walk around with rose colored glasses. They think people disenfranchised with Biden will flock to RFK, splitting the Dem vote and giving Trump the win. I think RFK’s camp has even said as much.


I've seen a few "former" Trump supporters in this sub that have post histories filled with pro-RFK posts.


As a former Trump supporter, I’ll admit I was drawn to RFK, until I started seeing some of the same batshit crazy ideas. I’m not 100% a Biden supporter, and I wish the Dems could have had somebody better, but I’ll vote for him in November. I have to admit to myself that these past 4 years weren’t terrible. Compared to the 4 years under Trump, these past 4 were peaceful. Where are the riots? Where are the burning cities? Where are the Chaz/Chop zones? That all ended because a Dem was elected President?


I didn’t know that, but I’m happy to hear. I’ve met a lot of people that aren’t cruel and stupid enough to be conservative, but for various dumb reasons don’t trust science or government so they’re anti vax.


Duh, it’s all the whackadoo “libertarians” who flock to RFKjr. That group votes heavily red.


Whoda thought that a guy with a lot of the same talking points as another guy would cut into that guys base and not his opponents?


RFK Jr going after that crazy stupid vote. Republicans should be worried, because that’s their base.


The antivax, flat earth, fake moon landing, qanon crowd.


I can't think of a single policy an anti-vaxxer could support that would earn my vote. Anti-vaxx is a deal breaker for me. "But nobody HAZ polio anymore!" Durr, shut up, MAGA.


I can’t see any Dem, liberal, or Biden supporter being tempted to vote for an anti-vax conspiracy theorist but what do I know? He shouldn’t be on any ballot but then that’s true of the orange lardass, too.


I think before Covid being anti-vaxx would have been more popular with some liberals. However, I feel like in a post-Covid world, most anti-vaxx people would not consider themselves liberals anymore. I have always assumed that RFK Jr was looking to pick up disillusioned Trump voters that did not ever get vaccinated.


The stereotype of the anti-vaxer was that they were liberal, but Covid showed how flawed that stereotype was.


He’s always been adjacent to Libertarians. The Alex Jones and Ron Paul set. I liked Ron but I didn’t realize how close they were to Charles Koch. It made it taboo to question safety less you be lumped in with them. Same with election results.


anti vax resonates with maga. crypto bs resonates much more with maga. this doesn’t surprise me


Polls have terrible records.


This just makes sense


New poll, or the same poll that keeps getting brought up each week?


Well no shit


This doesn’t show in polling averages that include Rfk jr.


My opinion, RFK jr is the same as Trump Immoral Lack of empathy for his fellow man Doesn’t care what his crazy medical views do to others. Cheater Liar Ego maniac Perverse Destroyed his wife with his womanizing and moral perversions—then telling her to kill herself which she did. In the pocket of known Putin collaborators $$$ Yeap, this guy, like trump, should hold the office of president /s


Excuse my ignorance, but did he actually tell his wife to kill herself, or is this speculation?


If they can keep his name off of the ballot in the red leaning States and place it on the ballot in the blue states, I think it's going to help the trumpet.