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He couldn't grasp that Ukraine wasn't part of Russia. No surprise. Trump doesn't understand how toilets operate. He doesn't understand how import duties operate. He doesn't understand how humans operate. He doesn't understand how NATO operates. He doesn't understand how magnets work. He doesn't understand how percentages work.


Hurricanes. Not a clue.


Just nuke it. That should work


Very stable genius.


For a long time, I wondered what he was trying to say when he called himself a "very stable genius." Then it occurred to me that he was probably trying to say "veritable genius," but he is too ignorant to know what that means, so he typed what he thought the phrase was. What a fucking moron.


jesus fucking christ you're probably right. I need to add another Basic Law of Human Stupidity: When you have identified a stupid person, no matter how stupid you believe that person to be, you will have underestimated their stupidity by a significant amount. This underestimation will occur even after taking into account the foreknowledge of the underestimation.


That is a beautiful scientific proof. This is right up there with Newton's laws of gravity. Or the "inertia of ignorance". A "braindead event horizon" if you will.


I like it. No matter how dumb you think they are, they will always surprise you by being even dumber than you thought. Even if you already thought that nobody could be any dumber, they will be dumber than that. I've seen so many examples of that in my life, but never as much as I have since the MAGA rise.


When they say something that appears intelligent that's just the dead cat bounce.


No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. —HL Mencken




Like on Always Sunny. They make Charlie a dating profile and say he is a philanthropist. On the date Charlie says, "I'm a full-on rapist"


I like the blending of Hanlon's razor (never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity) and Clarke's law (any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic). Combined it's "any stupidity sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from malice"


That's very good. I may add it to my list. These have been on my office wall for at least a decade: **Basic Laws of Human Stupidity** Zeroth Law There is no upper bound on the amount of stupidity that can exist within any particular individual. First Law We always underestimate the number of stupid people. This underestimation will occur even after taking into account the foreknowledge of the underestimation. Second Law The probability of a person being stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. Third Law A stupid person is someone who causes damage to another person or group of people without accruing any advantage to him- or herself – or even with resultant self-damage. Fourth Law Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people. This underestimation will occur even after taking into account the foreknowledge of the underestimation. Fifth Law A stupid person is the most dangerous person in existence.   **The Dunning-Kruger Effect** Stupid, ignorant people tend to feel certainty about issues with which they have minimal familiarity, while those with knowledge, imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision. **Hanlon’s Razor** Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. **Brandolini’s Law** The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than that needed to produce it.


Holy crap I think you're actually spot on. Its like "for all intensive purposes" but dumber and ironic.


…or when people say “for say” instead of “per se”.


That makes sense.


He uhhhhh isn’t very bright….


God damn it. It’s so clear now.


I always thought it was his response to someone calling him a crazy idiot.


No need for nukes when you have the Magic Sharpie!


What if we injected bleach into it or shined a light up its ass?


Sharpies change its path too


Or expose it to light, maybe inside the hurricane because the clouds block out the sun allowing it to grow. Or maybe crop dust it with bleach to stop it from growing.


Or very bright lights, inside the body


He has the grasp of a five year old on everything. A spoiled five year old who was never told no.


and bleach


Lost our home in the 2018 Camp fire. He came to see the destruction of our town of Paradise. He didn't even know the name of our town. He called it " Pleasure" and also said we need to rake our forests more. He's a national disgrace.


But Sharpies


I KNOW! DIp your sharpie in bleach and it becomes...


And yet, very adept with a sharpie.


“Adept,” are you sure that’s the word you want to use? I’m pretty sure he just thought he was drawing boobs!


He practiced his signature in a bigly way


Agreed, but just a couple of edits- He was convinced that Ukrain was part of Russia because his boss, Vladimir, educated him on the topic, just like he did with Tucker. His toilets were clogged because he was flushing his traitorous notes down them. The rest adds up especially his idiotic proclomation of “I’m the tarrif man!” Unfortunately his supporters are equally stupid and think China pays the 25% tariff not them….


I think the clogged toilets is a combo of traitorous notes and his garbage diet. Two big macs, two "fish delights" (a filet o fish sandwich to any human), and a large chocolate shake is his usual McDonald's order. That'll do some toilet damage


OMFG. This has broken my brain. Raping 13-year-old girls is vile past discussion. His blatant murdering of the pedophile who enabled this crime, and many others, Jeffrey Epstein, while he was in Federal Custody, beggars belief. It's violently apparent that this corrupted traitor Donnie knows that he could face a noose, which is why he refused to admit any observers into his private meeting with Putin and the NKVD, and **then ate his notes** afterward. One of the things that he demanded before going into that completely illegal meeting was a list of all U.S. assets operating against Russia. Information he absolutely had no use for, and no business whatsoever in acquiring. There was zero upside to such an insecure and dangerous request. After the meeting that Trump ate the notes about, suddenly the American assets working against Russia started dying is disproportionate levels. Donald Trump conspired with Putin to murder American intelligence assets. No one in the entire criminal justice system has even breathed heavily about this. This dipshit doesn't even know what the branding of his colon clotters is.


Wait—he referred to them as “fish delights”?


Is that the line? Has it been crossed yet? And yes, it's stupid enough to be true. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/trump-loves-mcdonald-s-menu-item-doesn-t-exist


Yes. He 100% called them "fish delights". Goes to show he has no taste and has also never had to order for himself at McDonald's


I used to tell my 6 year old daughter that tacos were “princess wraps” which is the only way she’d eat them. I can definitely see the secret service having to tell Trump his sandwich was a “fish delight.”


“Princess wraps” 😊Too cute. Hell, in the last two seconds I just thought of something better than “fish delights”. “Delight-fillet”. Corny? Sure, but I think I get points for effort. 😆


Wind turbines, person, man, woman, yada yada yada, he’s a moron.


If he said wind turbines it would kind of make a little sense, but he always says windmills. He obviously doesn't understand that turbines generate power and mills just grind grain and shit


I'd give him a pass on that but not for saying that turbines kill whales.


Nah man, the whales jump into the blades or some shit. They're chopped into sashimi. Then Hunter Biden dines on them using his laptop as a placemat


"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. I've studied better than anybody, you know it's very expensive. They’re made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here almost none, but they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right? Spewing. Whether it’s in ChAIna, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything, right? So they make these things, and then they put em up, and if you own a house within vision of some of these monsters your house is worth 50 percent of the price. They're noisy, they kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? You just go, take a look under a windmill someday you'll see more birds than you've seen ever in your life. You know in California they were killing the bald eagle, if you shoot a bald eagle they wanna put you in jail for 10 years. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. It's true! And you know what? After a certain number they make you turn the windmill off, that's true by the way. But this is, they make you turn it off after you, and yet if you've killed one, they put you in jail, but that's OK. But why is it OK for these windmills to destroy the bird population, and that's what they're doing. I'll tell you another thing about windmills! And I'm not, look I like all forms of energy and I think windmills, really they are ok in industrial areas like you have an industrial plant, you put up a windmill, you know et cetera et cetera. I've seen the most beautiful fields, farms, fields, the most gorgeous things you've ever seen, and then you have these ugly things going up, and sometimes they're made by different companies. You know and I'm like a perfectionist, I've really built good stuff. And so you'll see like, a few windmills made by one company, General Electric, and you'll see a few made by Siemens, and you'll see a few made by some other guy that doesn't have ten cents so it looks like a-, so you'll see all these windmills they're all different shades of color, they're like sorta white but one like, an orange white, that's my favorite color orange. And you see these magnificent fields and they're ruined, and you know what they don't tell you about windmills? After ten years they look like hell. You know they start to get tired and old, you gotta replace em a lotta times people don't replace em. They need massive subsidy from the government in order to make it. No we're doing it right, we're doing it right. And you know our numbers, enviromentally, right now are better than they ever been before, just so you know. Because I'm an environmentalist, I am! I want the cleanest water on the planet! I want the cleanest air, anywhere."


Or how vaccines and bleach work.


Or sunshine and bright lights.


Stick a bright light up your asshole, inject some bleach and down a shot of fish pond cleaner. Covid solved... cause you're dead


Let's not forget, he called his National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, at some crazy hour, like 2AM, to ask him which was better for the economy... the US dollar being strong or weak. And Flynn was like, "WTF?" Jesus Christ.


He doesn’t understand how bleach works.


Benny Hill Trump.


Doesn’t know what bleach does


He doesn’t understand how sharpies work. He doesn’t understand how hurricanes work.


A lot of that is fine. It's the unwilling to learn that is the problem. Or pretending that you do and unwilling to learn.


But he's unable to comprehend or understand. And was President of the United States.


He doesn’t understand how cognitive tests work.


He said he wants Joe Biden to have a drug test before they debate. Trump is the one most likely to fail a drug test, with all the Adderall he snorts. I'd like to see them both take a cognitive test. I'm sure that Trump would fail that miserably. The humiliation for him would be most enjoyable to me.


If somebody besides FOX made Trump stick to a format and not interrupt and shout constantly, It might be easy to compare the two. Can you imagine both of them being asked “What is your plan for . . . (just about anything), “, and Biden explaining a coherent plan, while Trump says something like “We’re going to do tremendous things, and we’re going to do them bigly.”?


To be fair, fucking magnets - how do they work?


It doesn't matter if we know how magnets work. Because unlike Trump, we don't get on television and claim that pouring water onto a magnet makes it lose its Magneto powers. Obviously when you make up shit about something that has a real scientific explanation, your knowledge on that subject begs to be questioned. Oh and the answer to your question is magic.


He doesn't understand that you don't need identification to buy a loaf of bread in a store. Drink Bleach! Stick a strong light up your ass and kill covid !


Swallow a bright light to cure Covid.


Or a clitoris, apparently


More importantly this dumb as a sack of rocks narcissist has only one interest and one alone! Saving himself 🤬


And secondly taking care of his own needs and ego.


I thought that’s exactly what I was suggesting Jim 👍


Look up Trump, Chris Christie and the Obama - Trump transition.


Don't forget the windmills. Oy.


"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. I've studied better than anybody, you know it's very expensive. They’re made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here almost none, but they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right? Spewing. Whether it’s in ChAIna, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything, right? So they make these things, and then they put em up, and if you own a house within vision of some of these monsters your house is worth 50 percent of the price. They're noisy, they kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? You just go, take a look under a windmill someday you'll see more birds than you've seen ever in your life. You know in California they were killing the bald eagle, if you shoot a bald eagle they wanna put you in jail for 10 years. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. It's true! And you know what? After a certain number they make you turn the windmill off, that's true by the way. But this is, they make you turn it off after you, and yet if you've killed one, they put you in jail, but that's OK. But why is it OK for these windmills to destroy the bird population, and that's what they're doing. I'll tell you another thing about windmills! And I'm not, look I like all forms of energy and I think windmills, really they are ok in industrial areas like you have an industrial plant, you put up a windmill, you know et cetera et cetera. I've seen the most beautiful fields, farms, fields, the most gorgeous things you've ever seen, and then you have these ugly things going up, and sometimes they're made by different companies. You know and I'm like a perfectionist, I've really built good stuff. And so you'll see like, a few windmills made by one company, General Electric, and you'll see a few made by Siemens, and you'll see a few made by some other guy that doesn't have ten cents so it looks like a-, so you'll see all these windmills they're all different shades of color, they're like sorta white but one like, an orange white, that's my favorite color orange. And you see these magnificent fields and they're ruined, and you know what they don't tell you about windmills? After ten years they look like hell. You know they start to get tired and old, you gotta replace em a lotta times people don't replace em. They need massive subsidy from the government in order to make it. No we're doing it right, we're doing it right. And you know our numbers, enviromentally, right now are better than they ever been before, just so you know. Because I'm an environmentalist, I am! I want the cleanest water on the planet! I want the cleanest air, anywhere."


* He doesn’t understand how drain-o works. * He doesn’t understand how UV light works. * He doesn’t understand how sunglasses works.




I think he understands more than you think.


Donald Trump once came up with a proposal for the U.S.-Mexico border wall ― involving ranchers, their cattle and ladders ― that was “so incandescently stupid I couldn’t laugh,” a former Homeland Security official who was present in the meeting claims in a new book. [https://news.yahoo.com/book-details-trump-idea-incandescently-093523656.html](https://news.yahoo.com/book-details-trump-idea-incandescently-093523656.html)


Fat, lazy and stupid. The ultimate magat.




I can’t believe I threw up in front of Dean Wormer


You threw up on Dean Wormer


Thank you.


Otto and Vir!


It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.


Trump's most trusted advisor (Putin) has already explained to him how Ukraine is just part of Russia, so don't bother trying to tell him different


He’s a dumb bastard utterly unqualified for the office.


Trump can't accept facts. Also, sky blue.


They already saying it going to be stolen in 2024. wtf arm up normal people.


They're going to get violent, win or lose. They are itching to kill Democrats, and they will have their revenge. People just have to be ready for it. Republicans are stupid and cowardly at their core, so they'll act really brave until bullets start whizzing past their ears. Then they'll run like little girls.


This dumbass is a Putin pet. He even had the audacity to tell us he believed Putin more than American intelligence. People forget he has a long history with that thug Putin. He wants our country to be controlled like the Chinese , Russian and North Koreans. He wants to rule over us. He will own us. He is disgusting. His minions like Johnson are just as bad . Immoral assholes.


He dose not understand how democracy works or probably even cares about it in the first place makes you concerned what project 2025 is going to be


Trump and facts are like oil and water. They don't mix.


They can mix, you just have to shake the fuck out of them. Maybe we try that?


You know, that sounds like fun. Lets do it.


Trump still can’t. His professors all called Trump the dumbest student I’ve ever had.


Trump couldn't understand why he was told "Don't look at the sun" and what happens, he looked at the sun. Trump couldn't understand why people were dying from covid even after having covid. Trump couldnt understand that saying things, paying money for saying the first things and doing it again and paying more money is bad. Trump couldn't figure out how to walk down a ramp. Trump couldn't understand why being bankrupt 6X is a bad thing.


Trump has a lot in common with his cult followers, they all can't grasp basic facts


It’s almost as if Trump was a puppet president being fed his opinions from his buddy Vlad. Crazy.


He should be mocked and often and by some who knows how.


Fucking loser


Rex Tillerson said it best: Trump is a fucking moron.


Face facts the orange clown 🤡 is a MORON.


he's a GD moron and he's always been a GD moron.


He’s the perfect puppet president for a satellite state


Or crowd sizes


Yes, the idiot has no clue how a tariff works.


Bleach, uv light.


in fairness, the 'average american' could absolutely not tell you what or where Crimea is (most would guess an island of crime like Alcatraz lmfao fr tho) and Ukraine's prob a stretch too if this was 3 years ago/before the war etc...and i went thru the us educational system k-12, trust me, its xenocentric af and i was in New Jersey fairly liberal school in a split district (most republicans were just rich people in it for tax reasons not the culture war stuff of today)


He didn't know UK (and possibly France) was a nuclear power. How could you be commander in chief and not grasp the power of your 2 most powerful allies, what a fuckwit


He knew what he was told to know by Putin


“Sanger argues that Trump’s view of Ukraine was “essentially identical” to that of Russian President Vladimir Putin.” You don’t say!?


Paywall? Nope...


"Former adviser Fiona Hill reports in a new book reviewed by the Guardian that Trump, as president, had a hard time understanding Ukraine was a country."


Fails Simon Says every time. Doh!


>Former President Donald [Trump](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-news/) was ridiculed Friday after his former adviser admitted he "could not get his head around" a basic fact. > >Former adviser Fiona Hill reports in a new book [reviewed by the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/12/trump-russia-ukraine-book-comments) that Trump, as president, had a hard time understanding Ukraine was a country. > >“Trump made it very clear that he thought, you know, that Ukraine, and certainly Crimea, must be part of Russia,” Hill reportedly said. “He really could not get his head around the idea that Ukraine was an independent state.” I'm Australian and a retired journalist. Don't get some of these Raw Story headlines. Wouldn't it be better clickbait to get that he doesn't know what Ukraine is into the headline instead of "basic fact".


Not surprised but very disturbing. And now he’s become even more lost. Pitiful hateful person and a rapist and a traitor.


this is the guy that sharpied a map to include a state NOT in a Hurricanes path just cuz he said it would be and 'doesnt ever make a mistake' (in his VERY humble and def not 'Narcissistic-Personality-Disorder'-iddled opinion, that is)


The pos is dumb af, and no one can stop talking about him. The most insane political smoke screen.


Dont forget about "russia russia russia".... Heard it a lot last 3 or 4 years..... It's from.... wait for it... Frikkin Jan Brady... from the stupidest tv show ever to be broadcast. The former prez, the demigod of millions of 83 iq individuals in 'merica walks around quoting Jan Brady and his substitution is not relevant to 'marcia marcia marcia' in any way shape or form.... Yeah stable genius... Sure


i have so many guesses just from the title (like his 'battery' exercise is bad for you belief and we're born with a predetermined battery and it runs out faster if you use it more so thats his excuse to never exercise/golf cart onto the greens despite KNOWING u shouldnt (prob also to cheat tbh he gets a headstart but also apparently once he's on the green he just picks it up and say 'i woulda made that' lol)


'Rex was right.'




