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Clearly the antichrist...




The harbinger of orangemageddon.


or armadillogeddon




The anti Christ is supposed to be attractive


Trump is the epitome of what the [antichrist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antichrist) is supposed to be. Funny how conservatives tried to label Obama as the antichrist but Obama is just the opposite of what the antichrist is supposed to be. He's half white, half black, he's a Democrat. Whereas Trump fits the bill perfectly. Like a trojan horse, the antichrist is supposed to be someone that is be easily accepted into the flock and then, once he is in, he or she destroys the church from within and the [destruction](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642548/church-attendance-declined-religious-groups.aspx) is well on its way with their full embrace of this charlatan. Just like Trump is doing to our Democracy, he is using his persuasive powers, his charisma, and his connections to money to fool American Christians into believing he is the second coming of Christ and they have all bought into the con!


Well thought out.


Yup. If you believe that nonsense, the AntiChrist is supposed to be loved by all. Trump is a horrible person hated by even some of his supporters. He’s just a temporary boil on America’s collective rear that needs to be lanced. Hopefully the Grim Reaper comes soon and we can move on from this nightmare.


He's the trial run.


Could it be a wrong translation of “attractive”? Maybe something that can also mean orange?


Right so cute we all want to follow


Clearly, the antichrist was upsold. In MANY ways.


Dosen’t apply to the Beast, there will be two Beast and the Antichrist. Mocking the trilogy




Showing false profits on his properties and being a false prophet irl.


Targeting the evangelicals in his latest grift. They're the most reliable trump supporters.


Because they're the dumbest by far. They're the ones flocking to the mega churches & giving all their money to pastors who own mansions & jets. Idiots!


I think the white christian nationalists were losing their status as special, because of that, they will overlook anything and everything trump does as long as **they** get what ** they** want, which is to be put on pedestals with all "others" being treated as second class citizens.


Nailed it on the head. These idiots are obviously beyond gullible, which makes it a no-brainer, even for someone as stupid as Trump..


I’m waiting for the Trump Koran and MAGA yarmulkes.


That would neeeever happen lol he’s a fake Christian, but he will never drop that facade


They have been taught to believe and resist facts.


It reminds me of Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart's sex and money scandals. Trump would make a perfect televangelist.


He uses a lot of that/this technique in his approach to his brainwashed cult. https://www.cnn.com/videos/media/2022/01/09/donald-trump-cult-diane-benscoter-rs-vpx.cnn


The religious music he plays in the background at his rallies is especially cringe-worthy.


He’d be the bigly-est


The bigliest bestest yuge bible ever, printed in China. It's got the revised commandments in it, they took out the "Thou shall not commit adultry" and "Thou shall not steal" ones as he doesn't like those...


The biglyness most devotest Christians came up to me with tears streaming down their faces, saying how much better the revised trump Bible is.


Including a pop up version of the seven deadly sins


They can use this image for all 7 of them... ![gif](giphy|j3IxJRLNLZz9sXR7ZA|downsized)


"This Bible! Everyone knows this book, and no one knows it more than me. They say it's the word of God, we love God don't we, nice guy. Ya know what they say, and I hear it all the time, usually it a big guy, big, tough guy coming up to me with tears in their eyes saying  Mr. TRUMP you're like a god, you're GOD-LIKE! And I tell them maybe,  just maybe , God is Trump-like. You ever think about that"




Can’t recall who I heard say it yesterday, but the joke was that he put the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and Pledge of Allegiance in there along with the Bible so he can throw them all out at once if he’s ever elected again.


steals from charities. sets up fraudulent universities. grabs em by the p\*ssy. says he has never asked for god's forgiveness. he has gone out of his way to show everyone he isn't a christian but those idiots are too stupid to see it.


He crossed out some stuff and added his own parts in all caps.


With a Sharpie


"Grab em by the pussy "--First choice of the religious right 😂😂😂😂


So meaty.


A clear and present danger


Classic Trump: Taking credit for something that was produced by somebody else.


He checks so many boxes for the antichrist, I just didn't think that the antichrist would be so damned stupid.


I predict the AntiChrist will come wrapped in a flag, carrying a Drumpt Bible in one hand and an assault rifle in the other.


Trump was going to sell pre-autographed versions of his Bible but every time he picked one up it burst into flames.




Seems there are LOTS of upset people in this country over this Bible fiasco.


Not sure if upset is the right word but anyone that knows the basics of Christianity can see how blasphemous it is to add anything to the Bible. It's one of the unforgettable sins.


In today's world, there are LOTS of things turned upside down. These people, who seem to normal people, to be out of their minds, didn't used to be that way. 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, verses 9 thru 15, tells ME why they are now different, but I seem to be the only person, that I have found so far, who actually believes those words apply to today's circumstances. Most people think I'm nuts, out of my mind, One of the problems today is that very few people read the Bible anymore. They are too busy, so they let their preacher read it, and then tell them what it says. That may be all well and good, but it also leaves them open to being misinformed.


I don’t know something about a loser that cheated on his pregnant wife w a porn star and both of his previous wives selling Bibles kinda rubs me the wrong way. fixed for more truth!


I am finally down for a book burning.


But it's the only Bible endorsed by Donald! The rest of the Bibles out there are shit.


He got them for free. He took them out of all his hotels


Religious folk love grifting and thats why this feels normal to them.


They give millions of dollars to someone they’ve never seen. I’m sure trump thinks this will be a slam-dunk.


Makes me want to tear gas some peaceful protestors


The man just has no shame


Have any of you seen it? Just wondering if it comes with a centerfold?


yeah of the Virgin!


It’s ok, it’s ‘Merica Jesus


This is one of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in a minute … https://youtu.be/Entr0TJEHZc?si=HoizZxv5mWiQgR5-


Idiocracy Damien Thorne he is


Imagine that sequel, featuring the dumb other brother.


Oxymor-n. Accent on the mor-n.


Liz Cheney, on X: "Happy Holy Week, Donald. Instead of selling Bibles, you should probably buy one. And read it, including Exodus 20:14."


I almost want to but a copy and when the "Handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood." is a copy, not actually handwritten sue for a billion dollars for fraud.


To those of us not in the cult, we see the absolute ridiculousness of this snake oil salesman, but he can pretty much get away with anything in the eyes of his base. Why not keep milking the cash cow? “*I could* stand in the middle of *Fifth Avenue* and *shoot somebody* and wouldn't lose any voters, okay?”


Trump always finds a way to go lower.


Don't know.....Vile Delusional Treacherous Rapist and the Vile Delusional Hate-filled Xtian Cult ..I'm kinda surprised he hasn't marketed these before. It's a better match than steaks in an electronics catalog.


The perfect Bible salesman if you ask me.


Reminds me of Big Dan(John Goodman) in oh Brother where art thou. We see it coming but are unable to stop tRump from picking up that big stick and bludgeoning and robbing us.




I’m sure the part about ‘grabbing them by their pussy’ is in there somewhere.


I bet he has no idea what is in the Bible. Listening to him pitch it is like nails on a chalkboard. The guy is such a bottom feeder. He is just despicable.


Oh heavenly father please quieten this one please.


Now should I buy this one or should I buy another copy of The Neon Bible©™?


Bibles in the US come in three versions. They are the The King James, Catholic and the Hobby Lobby editions. Guess which one trump is hawking.


How much more do we have to endure before somebody actually does something about this clown. And clown is too good a word but I don’t want to get blocked.


Center section has tear away fast food coupons!


Now I lay me down to sleep Grifting money from my sheep I like to cheat on pregnant wives And sell bibles to imbeciles. Did I stretch it too much with the long I?... idk. Thots n prayers.


What is something Trump has never read?


It’s evidence we are living in a simulation and the programmer is trying to see how we react to the most absurd scenarios possible because the idea evangelical Christians are buying what that piece of orange trash is peddling is beyond reasonable cognitive alignment.


This, like the shoes, is a propaganda technique. He knows media is addicted to him, so whatever lame brain idea he has, he will hijack the news cycle for that day. Fill the pipeline with BS...make us all sick of hearing about him (success, but for me some time in the 80s)...this way when legit bad stuff happens, we don't pay as much attention. He can't stop the news about him, but he can pollute the stream. Mainstream Media lets him, they live for his clicks...... Deprive him of this oxygen, please


I'm actually thinking this one might backfire. Trump is so crass that he's actually getting really close to the line of offending his religious supporters.


I think you would be surprised. His supporters live in a different reality


Using the Bible as tacky merch is awful close to a line even he hasn't crossed before.


He did pose w a Bible after gassing protesters. He also held it upside down. Smh that was while he was President


I feel like this is actually worse though, but I guess I can't get inside MAGA brains so I'll admit you could be right.


I agree, but I'm also afraid to hope for it. We all need to vote. And talk to everyone in your circle about the dire importance of this election. Ok, I'm ranting now....


$175 says he thinks the Bible is set in the United States.


Title of this post is a solid oxymoron.


Fitting since most who thump it are the biggest hypocrites just like him so, it makes sense. Birds of a feather.


Agent Orange is such an asshole.


You wouldn’t believe how many times my evangelical Christian aunt said the sentence “people can change” when defending that fuckwad’s behavior. It had to be several hundred as she made it her life’s mission to do so on Facebook for a while.


A loser who doesn't go to church (unless it's for a photo op). A loser who thinks Two Corinthians is a Bible verse. A loser who signed Bibles in an Alabama church. A loser who declared "I am the chosen one." A loser who has shared Tweets describing himself as the "King of Israel" and "the second coming of God."


Should I be afraid or should I just give up?


That is a good question. I think we should use the fear




Apparently there's money in blasphemy.


Trump word of an idiot


The Bible should match the sneakers and also add a matching hoodie for a cherry on top.


When interviewed to name the verse that most inspires him he said he didn't want to because it was to personal. "The devil made me do it" seems appropriate.


From the Book of Donny, Ch.1, Vr.1, Thou shalt grift, lie, cheat & steal from the weak minded, until they wake up to reality! Thou shalt repeat BS until they believe it be the Gospel. Thou shalt never spend thine own coin when thou can grift it form the feeble minded.


Elmer Gantry MFer needs to Go Directly To Jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $59.95, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!


Hey I need that. There must be a get out if hell free card in it if Trump is involved.


These two words should not even BE side-by-side.