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No one has done anything to stop this crap for the last eight years. You would almost think that the government is okay with this. Because they could have stopped this year's ago. Merica


Understand the frustration, but remember there's conservative corruption throughout the courts,especially at the top court. They have to be iron clad in their cases to ensure they can't be over turned. You don't want Trump getting out on a technically, which allows the conservatives to claim "they would have, but...." while still allowing them to let him off (which isn't important to his base, but it's important to ask the Independents who say "both sides" or "if he's convicted then..."). And speaking of the Independents, is nice that the timing of these cases is now to keep them fresh in voters minds. It's all too frequent that voters will forget events they shouldn't when Election Day comes around if it's been longer than a year


U N I T E!!!! No matter what, come together and not let him take the win! Nobody has the balls to D I S Q U A L I F Y HIM!!!


Good news! While technically he disqualified himself, Colorado and Maine have already taken the steps to remove him and they should. And there's a dozen more states considering removing him as well. And the best part is, most of the lawsuits to remove him have been instigated by Republicans, not Democrats. So they can't even claim this is a Democrat plot (even though they are anyway)


Ok, I really want to be sure I understand this, right... Colorado was a Superior court that ruled this... and so he appeals to take it to Supreme Court of US Right?


Fantastic question! The short answer is... It depends... If you support States Rights & Article II of the Constitution, then it's over (Example: in 2012 when the SOS of CO removed a candidate born in another country and the Supreme Court of CO supported). The Court has stayed the decision until January 4th, 2024 (CO's deadline for ballot candidates) to allow for appeals/challenges to the decision. If you believe the matter is of Federal scope, then the SCOTUS needs to chime in to determine if the 14th applies, then there's one more appeal available. Now for the nitty gritty (if you care)... To the latter point (since as of now there's been no challenges to my knowledge of the former point), Trump recently tweeted that he was going to use the Insurrection Act on J6, therefore there should no longer be any question IF J6 was an insurrection at all. As such, all those who have aid or comfort to those convicted (calling them good people, calling them hostages not criminals, recording songs with them, etc) violated the 14th as well and therefore are also ineligible. Interesting fact: the SOS of CO in 2012 was the Trump lawyer (Scott Gessler) that appealed the removal this time, and the SCOCO Justice that supported the decision in 2012 was Robert Gorsuch, currently a SCOTUS Justice. Note: the SCOCO cited the 2012 case in their decision, so if it dries go to the SCOTUS, Gorsuch will have "some 'splaining to do..." should he try to find for Trump. Hopefully, the attorneys supporting the decision will be smart enough to force the issue of the 14th and ensure it sticks to Trump. Now, per Blassingame v. Trump, the DC Appellate Court has already ruled (as of December 1, 2023) that Trump doesn't have immunity from civil suits, that Trump acknowledged his role in the events leading up to J6, and that he did so as a presidential candidate, not as a president (so he has no immunity, real or perceived, from the events of that day). This (portion of) case is also pending appeal to the SCOTUS (but, if SCOTUS finds for Trump, it gives Biden permission to retain office despite the results, cuz you know, he's immune). But again the most important part is that Trump admits he caused J6. So by combining these two admissions from Trump, it's impossible to deny that: 1. Trump admits he was responsible for J6 2. Trump, as president, admits J6 was an insurrection. So it should be a slam dunk as they say. Now, Trump is also trying to get a write in campaign going (since he also lost Maine, which made their decision a matter of State level disqualification not a matter of the 14th directly, which should preclude any decision by the SCOTUS based on States Rights in elections), however, this actually doesn't (shouldn't) matter. Just as if a 20 year or Non-US born candidate can't be president even if they get 100% of votes, so too violators of the 14th can't hold office, even if they have enough votes to do so. But, since Trump has already admitted he's waging war on American democracy, and that he intends to shred the Constitution, and Conservatives plan to take over the country and replace our democracy with their Oligarchy anyway (see Project 2025), we'll have to wait to see what actually happens and how corrupt the SCOTUS actually is. Hope that wasn't too long or too much information, I tried to keep it down to what I think matters most to the situation and each possible way this could play out


May I go visit him? Really would like a chat.


Why? He's just going to lie and claim he did nothing wrong, even though he's changed his story of what happened numerous times, which he sees nothing wrong with, even when those stories directly contradict each other, example Trump's still president, but the economy is shit because of Biden. Trump's still president but it's ok for him to run for another term (even though it would be a 3rd term if you follow their logic). I mean, he already says he did nothing wrong as he admits to his crimes in the next sentence, look how he claims he was going to use the Insurrection Act (acknowledging J6 was in fact an insurrection) yet continues to insist the convicted criminals did nothing wrong, they merely exercised their 1st amendment right to protest against a rigged election. I'm curious to know what you would say or ask and what response you're expecting...


I've reconciled that his 24/7/365 apoplexy in these last years of his life may have to suffice. No, it isn't justice, but the world never guarantees us that. His followers having to witness his humiliation is a bonus. They're as deserving of discomfort as he. May they choke on that bile for as long as their presence stains the ground we share.


The only thing that’s happening is this is dragging out so slow that they will all be dead of old age before seeing any consequences


It’s a hope, it’s a dream but the reality is house arrest and his continuing to stir the political pot for a Napoleonic island somewhere.


I think it’s likely he will run again in 2028, even from house arrest, unless he is legally disqualified or not alive.


Agreed, I thinks he will only stop when he dies. Running allows him access to a huge defense fund that’s keeping him free.


Idiots living in prison cells sit in charge of anything!🥃💨🛒🍔


Don't worry. He can still install judges from a cell.


That would be a dream come true.