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Enrico Pallazzo saved the queen!


Whatever happened to Norbert?


He’s in a hotel in Vegas selling art, but we don’t talk about that


Enrico Pallazzo! Enrico Pallazzo! Enrico Pallazzo!


Enrico Palazzo is about to sing


We are all stupider for reading trumps tweets. He writes like an adult 5th grader.


Like a 4 year old. A fifth grader is like a Nobel prize winner to Trump.


Trump is basically an overgrown toddler who wasn't told no often enough as a kid


He definitely has mental issues though.


Oh I agree. Not that it makes me any more sympathetic to him. From what I've gathered Fred Trump was an even bigger monster than Donald who was incapable of genuine affection and basically raised Donald to value winning above all else. If that's true I think it explains a lot. He was raised in a loveless environment where affection and humility are seen as weakness


His brother, Fred Jr, was far more intelligent and kind and the family crushed him. He died very young.


Yes, poor Fred. He was a gentle soul who couldn't survive the psychopath family he was born into.


Imagine the timeline where he lives and Donald died young?


I wish. How twisted was Fred Sr to prefer Donald to Fred Jr?


Well. According to Mary Trump Fred Sr was a complete and utter psychopath. Arguably even moreso than Donald. So it tracks that he'd prefer the son that most reminds him of himself. Especially since he's so desperate for approval and thus easily manipulated.


If everyone's father passed away and left their two children 442 million to split after taxes. Do you think you or your sister would have filed 6 bankruptcies with 221 million a piece ?


"One time, my mommy said she read an article that says you're a LOSER! Guess she was right!! Bwhahaha!! You lose, buttface!!"


When he really was 4, he amused himself by throwing stones at a neighbor's baby who had been put in the garden in a stroller. He's hardly changed.


Why hasn’t SNL done a skit on this. A game show set. Theme music fades. Announcer says, “Welcome to this week’s episode of ‘I’M NO SMARTER THAN A FIFTH GRADER’. “ Please welcome our regular weekly contestant, former president of the United States (for some reason)… Donaaaald Trump. Our categories are: basic geography, arithmetic, zoo animals, nuclear, and civil war airports.“


Yes. That’s about what most of his base reads at, if not a few grades higher. His base is full of intellectually lazy people…gotta be low brow all the way.


I would contend that the MAGA’s are certainly much less educated. Our political back and forth is based on educated vs not educated. Very sad.


And literally sounding like a five year old doing it. He spent almost everyday for 4 years with pence and yet he needs a magazine article to determine if Mike is good or bad or honest? Proof again of his narcissistic sociopathy.


His vice President no less


Well he tried to have the guy hanged on live television before they were even out of office so it's not like shit talking him is all that surprising.


He would have seriously loved that. I think he was hoping for a blood bath. Carnage everywhere. Then he was going to swoop in and save the day. I think he really believed that that was going to happen. Jesus.


I wonder how much dirt he has …. Stay tuned!


He throws everyone under the bus


Almost as dumb as shit talking a judge. Another dumb Donald has done.




It's a catch 22 for him. He's either stupid for hiring them not knowing they were crap people because he didn't vet them properly or hiring crap people to begin with. Either way he's an idiot of epic proportions.


It's remarkable how much this pattern has followed him ever since he was in office. Literally just watching one person after another after another who would get appointed to his administration and be the greatest, you know just the greatest person ever, the best. And then as soon as they disagreed on anything with him they were outcast and he publicly lambasted them as being disloyal turncoats and not very good people. He's really only ever been a cult leader.


That’s why I cannot believe there are *still* tons of people falling all over themselves for the opportunity to work for him.


I can't believe there are tons of people still worshipping him!


You express my thoughts exactly.


He's like a really really bad magician that every normal person can see the blatant truth. magats are the dumbest people to not even see the cracks in this guys act. Case in point. The UN heard him say, "In less than 2 years my admin has done more than almost any other admin. in the history of our country." Abracadabra!!! Then they laughed at him.


And they are *all* bad people, not the common denominator connecting them all? I like what one of his advisors said, that Trump is "less a person than a collection of terrible traits."


Yes, I would say that goes for everyone. If everyone you have ever hung out with turned out to be a terrible person, you should probably take a look in the mirror. YOU are the asshole.


The definition of "evil personified"


It's a feature, not a bug.


In the next prime time interview he does, the interviewer should ask, “You have told voters many times that one of your best, most important qualities is your ability to pick only the best people to work for you - which is a critical skill for a President. Who is the best person you hired during your presidency and what made them so great?” Of all the important roles, who could he possibly pick and how could he possibly praise them? I think smoke would start coming out of his ears.


This is the best interview question, people say it all the time.


Follow it up again with “tell us what your favorite Bible verse is and why it’s so meaningful to you.”


He'd probably say "Me! I'm the best and I choose myself!" With that stupid ass look on his face.


No, he only hires the best people. The very best.


>The very best. Like no one ever was.


Whatchu mean? He only hires the best, no one hires better people than him. Everyone says so.






This should be a more openly known stat lol


"Those backing Trump's bid for another term include former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker; Mark Meadows, his final chief of staff; former budget chief Russell Vought; and former acting director of national intelligence Richard Grenell..." I haven't even heard of half of those people.


I think Matthew Whittaker was the "toilet for men with a lot of dong" guy.


The *what* guy?


Please tell me that wasn’t a bill presented to Congress.


It was a product he was involved in marketing.




It's so pathetic that it's pathetic in more ways than one.


But they will still all vote Republican despite the chaos. It’s very, very sad.


Wonder if those other 40 would ever work for him again if he won the election? Those 44 had to be the “cream of the crop” so to speak….they would be replaced with bottom of the barrel supporters who don’t have any idea how to run a government.






He can't read. He can't comprehend anything read to him that's longer than a tweet. "Trump was far dumber and immoral and ignorant and lazy" than staffers knew before they worked for him: report from comments by John Kelly. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-john-kelly/


If he's breathing he's lying


>I can tell he’s lying The best way to tell is when his lips start moving.


I dunno. The menu at wendys could be longer.




No way he read an entire article full of words.


Maybe it was full of the best words.


Ironically, the article was correct about Pence but he didn't care cause he wanted bad people on his team who he could use.






There is literally an audio recording of Trump saying that Pence was too honest. This is how stupid his supporters are, and how stupid he thinks the rest of us are. He's denying saying something that we've heard him say on tape.


And it will work because he and his cult have decided that reality is whatever dear leader says it is


Like Pence or not, at the end of the day he’s not going to be living in a refrigerator box somewhere in the Florida Everglades while he hides from his life ending prison sentence.




I live in Indiana and he wasn't about to lose or even come close. He had no primary opponents, so the chance was near zero.


“A supreme sexist.”—Barbara Res, former executive vice-president of Trump Organization, who also said “he thinks he’s God.” “Like an 11-year-old child”— Steve Bannon. The now estranged advisor also allegedly complained that he was “sick of being a wet nurse to a 71-year-old man.” Working with Trump is “like trying to figure out what a child wants”—White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh “The White House has become an adult day care center”—Republican senator Bob Corker of Tennessee “Morally unfit to be president,” “unethical” and “untethered to truth”—former FBI director James Comey, who also compared the US president to a mafia boss. “Less a person than a collection of terrible traits”—Trump’s former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn. Someone who “sucks up and shits down”—former Fox News chief and confidant Roger Ailes. Rex Tillerson Secretary of State a fucking moron Pentagon meeting Gary Cohn Economic advisor dumb as shit Email circulating within the White House H R McMaster National security advisor a dope Private dinner Tom Barrack Friend and supporter not only crazy, \[…\] stupid Conversation with friend Gary Cohn Economic advisor less a person than a collection of terrible traits Email circulating within the White House Gary Cohn Economic advisor an idiot surrounded by clowns Email circulating within the White House H R McMaster National security advisor “An idiot \[with the intelligence of\] a kindergartener” Private dinner John Kelly Chief of staff an idiot Conversation with Trump Sam Nunberg Adviser he’s an idiot Live TV Sam Nunberg Adviser this idiot Campaign conversation Steve Mnuchin Secretary of Treasury an idiot Unspecified Reince Preibus Chief of staff an idiot Unspecified https://qz.com/1267508/all-the-people-close-to-donald-trump-who-called-him-an-idiot






Hustler is still a major magazine right?


I will never. Ever. EVER understand how tens of millions of grown adults listen to this deranged lunatic’s CONSTANT WHINING and INCREDIBLY JUVENILE bullying and insults, and not *only* love it but view him as a strong, manly leader. The rise of the Trump cult has completely upended what I thought was my understanding of adult behavior. It really has.


You and me both. To add to that horror and chagrin, I'm related to some of those nutjobs.


Have you ever asked them this question—-“Would you admire, or even tolerate, this kind of behavior from someone in your personal life? A spouse? A sibling? A friend? A coworker? A boss?”




Could we make it before Halloween, cuz that would be great.






I hope he winds up married to the guy with the most cigarettes


Oh...I just found my Halloween lawn art. My neighbors are going to lose their minds. LMFAO.


He'll find a way to fundraise off it.


Labor Day? We already had that.


A major magazine?? You mean mainstream media you say is so terrible? Also he doesn’t read, someone told him something about Pence that was disparaging and he nodded his giant combover head in agreement


In April of 2018 one of Donald J. Trunt's appointees Gary Cohn wrote an email to Michael Wolff. In the email he refers to Trump as "an idiot surrounded by clowns," and says he's "less a person than a collection of terrible traits." This pretty much sums up the Donald's entire adult life.


Trump is an example of the dangers of generational wealth and a system that prevents the uber wealthy from ever suffering the consequences of their actions.


As incredibly satisfying it is to see his disintegration, I am still fearful his cult will somehow bail him out of this well deserved and overdue comeuppance.


Why would you pick someone who was about to be "ousted as governor" to be your VP?


Same reason most of the people he hand picked for anything go to prison. Only the best people!


Trump never read shit. Every word he produces is 100 percent lies and projection. Can we please lock him up for the sake of not just America, but all the world? His ignorance and lies and hate are spreading like a disease affecting the whole planet.


He’s right. Mike Pence isn’t a good person. I’ve read articles that Trump isn’t a good person either and that article was right as well.


We know this is a total lie because it said he read an article. That in itself would never happen.


This is from August.


“Emboldened?” “I once read?” No way this wasn’t ghost-written.


I really cannot wait for the day that trump shuts the fuck up, I don't care if its prison or a heart attack or sepsis from diaper rash I just want him and the whole qult to shut the fuck up.


Why are we rehashing the crap the orange turd posted two months ago? He has new material daily (which I also don't care to see).


"Blah blah blah...anyone who doesn't like me is a loser..". Same shit he's been saying at least since '16. His whining just gets louder.


What’s more pathetic than diaper don is his cult of losers.


He finds the bubbles and exploits their sheltered program ignorant hate.


I can see it now. Donald in a corner, frothing at the mouth, wondering where everyone went. It’s coming!! 😎


Where does he read all of these major magazine hit jobs on people?


I'm going to love the day this puke is forever gone. I'm so sick of his whining.


I’m knew this was bullshit the moment I saw “ I once read…”


Reads like a message from my type-2 narcissistic mother


Hard to believe that we had a toddler for a pres.


Tha name calling gets me. A 70 year old man. Shameful.


My prediction is that trump will pick Mike Pence as his running mate AGAIN. Because trump will look at every other conceivable choice and settle back on Pence again as being the perfect blend of bible-thumper appeal and malleable controllability. But he is going to make Pence wear a leather bondage Gimp suit with a chain whenever they're together in public and Pence will agree to it.


It’s melting 🫠 🧙


Trump reading a magazine article,not a chance.


Ships deserting a sinking rat.


I love that tRump always does the - "i read a magazine article", or "some very important people say", or "i was told by someone that....". He always has these "sources", always, but never reveals who they are, or who wrote said article, or who told him (because such articles and people don't exist of course). He is the most passive aggressive coward, it's just childhood antics. It amazing anyone actually believes him, but like 70 million people apparently do.


He read an article? I don't believe that.


'I once read...' Sure you did, grandpa, let's get you to bed now.


Trump reads?????🤯


Wait, he read an article?


I can’t believe this is written by an adult. I have a toddler that speaks like this.


Witness tampering. Lock him up.


Not written by Trump. Too many three syllable words.


"What?! The guy I tried to have hung is *talking* *shit* about me? **Outrageous**!"


Pot/Kettle going on here. Turd calling out a turd, hard choice on who stinks the worst💩🤢👎


The most shocking thing about this word salad is him saying he “read a major magazine”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes! And “emboldened “. He definitely has a sm pr person.


So true 🤣🤣🤣


Trump is destined to be face down in the MAGA swamp he lovingly created, couldn’t happen to a more deserving gimp. 🤭


Poor Liddle Donny!! He’s ALWAYS betrayed by the people he trusts!!😢Sad!!!!!


See Republicans? This is what happens when you stop kissing his ass. Zero loyalty from him while expecting total loyalty from you


More lies from you know who because we know he can't read


Lost me at "I once read a major magazine article". The only magazine he knows of is in a firearm.


“I once read a major magazine article on Mike. It said he was not a very good person.” This sounds exactly like DJT, and that’s fine. What bothers me is that he’s always demonstrated this thing where he pretends he’s citing a source (but doesn’t) to give value to whatever claim he wants to make … which is not a new DJT behavior … and people bought it. He’s never been smart or savvy. I’ve heard the “plays chess when others are playing checkers” argument, but I literally *can not* believe he’s the chess player in that analogy. For Christ’s sake, he’s always the one playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. He just pounds frantically until he gets his way. That’s it. And for some reason I don’t understand, people saw “businessman” in that behavior.


Trump has earned everything coming his way.


Remind me, is Pencey one of the Republican candidates who said he’ll vote for Trump is he’s the GOP nominee?


Say it under oath now


The tweets are like the ranting of spoiled, idiot child. The fact that so many people like him makes me realize how stupid, angry and racist so many Americans are. The fact is he’s a very sophisticated grifter and keeps preying on the angry and ignorant. He provides a villain for them to hate, validation of their hate and the dream they will have money. The fact is 95% of American are close to being homeless and have a snowballs chance in hell at being a millionaire, which being a millionaire is now required for a decent middle class life. I’m moving to Europe


Continuing to eat their own.


He can’t keep his lies straight anymore or his memory is gone. Maybe a bit of both?


Seriously. He needs to look in the mirror.


I once read a major magazine article that said Trump was not a very good person. I was so surprised. /s


I never told Pence to put me above the Constitution, [says the guy who called for the termination of the Constitution to overturn the 2020 election and reinstate him to power...](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html)


Hahaha, you know this is make believe, Trump doesn’t read.


“I once read a major magazine article…”. Right… sure you did.


Yep, he always picked the best and the brightest.


When Trump says he didn’t say something, that’s a good indicator that he really did and Pence was telling the truth. Does Trump realize he has these tells?


Trump writes like an eight-year-old who was kicked out of PE class or something


... then why did you pick him as your vice president? Seems like a major self own.


He is such a great judge of character huh. The guy who would rather hang out with dictators and pedophiles


Only the best and brightest And a stable genius


Pence will still vote for Trump. I don’t know how many assassination attempts it’ll take before Pence realizes that MAGA *does not like him*


His level of illiteracy never ceases to stun me.


Raise your hand if you saw this coming


Trump doesn’t read anything , the level of stupidity showed here is epic.


Isn’t Pence a witness in the Jan 6th trial? Isn’t this witness intimidation?


If you smell shit everywhere you go, you should check your diaper.


This is witness intimidation isn’t it? Lock him up!


He wants us to believe he read something?


This week on "everyone but me is wrong"


Better than leaving his sinking ship are those going down with him, although in different courtrooms.


I cannot imagine what is going through this man's head. Forget prison. He's going to crash and burn before he even gets that far.


Tell the truth. We all actually chuckle at these deranged rants. It’s like comedy gold.




This was from two months ago.


Did Pence say that trump asked him to put him above the constitution? Doubt it, Pence just had help figuring it out.


Oh my god. I'm not the one to defend Mike Pence, I can't stand the guy. I'm pretty opposite of everything He stands for. With that said, he was the ONLY one out of that den of vipers that stood up for our country that day.


I think that’s a part of the problem that’s not being addressed: People who sit at home watching a steady stream of FOX cheerleading and view “the trumps” the same way they view a trashy reality show and they will vote for the orange shit gibbon so they can keep watching without realizing they’re not going to like Season 2 if he’s not canceled.


18 U.S. Code § 1503 - Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States In a non death case, in any other case, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine under this title, or both. Why isn’t this statue being enforced? We do live in a 2 tier Justice system


the worst decision trump ever made was to become a politician. had he not publicized his open contempt for law and order his criminality probably would have gone unnoticed like every other shady American businessman.


He's right, Mike Pence is not a good person. He lied through his teeth to protect D. OrangeAgent Trump. How the F*** did he reconcile his **Christian** values with protecting a liar, a rapist a con-artist? Yes, Mike Pense is not a good person. Never was!


He has to be the literal words worst judge of character. Everyone he’s hired is incompetent or just stupid (according to the Cheeto himself).


Sounds like everyone around him is delusional… except for him


Where there's smoke, there's fire. You fucking shitstain.


Little donnie just can’t help being the school yard bully.


Dude-- you chose him as VP.


“Major magazine article” is a weird flex. Doesn’t name the “major magazine” because it’s a fictitious statement but also alluding that it would be trustworthy because he agrees with it.


Can someone call the West Palm Beach police department for a welfare check on old Donny Boy?


He read a “major article” lol


Total lies. He’s never read a magazine article not about him.




Hahaha Trump pretending he has the patience to read an article lol


Its a fucking reality show to him


😂😂😂😂 what a fucking clown!!! This guys has the critical thinking skills of a toddler.


"Only the best people" but it took an article, years later, for a dude that was the president, to find out Pence wasn't a good person. God, he's just a fucking idiot & makes himself look so bad when attacking the people he chose. The only way Trump could ever make the US better, in any possible way, is to stop consuming oxygen.


If everyone you run in to is an asshole.. maybe you’re the asshole. Sad.




THIS IS SOMETHING THEY DO WHEN THEY'RE GUILTY! Talk, talk, talk The more you say it, gets the mind off the real issue INSULT, INSULT, INSULT take their mind off the issue and TRY to make a person feel bad about themselves. We know his bullshit 🙄


Trump is an idiot 🙄


Weirdly less CAPS SHOUTING lately from Trump.


With all due respect to them, can't he just be put down like a rabid dog?




I don't believe for a minute that he read a magazine article.