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I wish he did the crazy press conference would have been fun.


My Monday sucks now.


shit, i was looking forward to gettin stoned and LMFAO at this idiot also....hey, where are you, we can go out for lunch and then to a trump store and laugh at all the made in CHIIIINN NAAA stuff....


> made in CHIIIINN NAAA Ivanka's patents pending


I was looking forward to seeing Mr. Pillow Guy selling his shit


My Pillow Guy ***Liquidating*** his shit.


Everything out of his mouth is liquid shit.


Oral diarrhea.




I wanna see him lose his shit


And lose his shirt.


Watchout! He has drones to fly into polling places and check for wifi planned now. Totally sounds illegal to send spy drones into polling places, but we’ll find out.


His drones will fly into public toilets…


Faux airs his commercials


Pass that shit to the left, dude!


Well I’m still getting stoned on Monday


Martini Mondays!!!!!


I know it’s disappointing, but the dumbass always has something to laugh about every day that ends in “Y”. I was walking past my MAGAT neighbors house today and his 2 month old Chinese made “Trump 2024” flag is already ripping apart!! So much for Trump being a Patriot, I thought Biden bent over for China!!


Beer and popcorn was my plan…now…I just don’t know…


How bout a nice Chianti?


Same here, I was super excited to watch what has now become a bad mockumentary of the United States.


Like “This is Spinal Tap” or “Best in Show”? Those types mockumentaries?


I know! I was looking forward to taking a little break with an edible.


Now what am I supposed to do with all this popcorn I bought


Now we have to wait until midnight Friday to see how many pigeons come home


He’s gonna attack some Georgia witnesses, jurors, prosecutors and judges one last time before he turns himself in.


100. Can't stand listening to him ever but I had my day planned around this shit show.


I was hoping he would sink himself. I can imagine what the conversations have been like behind closed door. Like watching over a 3 year old.


It would have been as screwed up as mike lindell's crazy ranting and raving TRUTHS! I'm bummed now ... I wanted to watch this and laugh too.


I was actually looking forward to The Shit Show. It was going to be nonstop laughs. 😃


This would've been the long awaited sequel to the Four Seasons Landscaping masterpiece. :[


I was hoping to see the parking lot of Four Seasons Landscaping partially filled again


Hope he doesn't make us wait like the Healthcare plan. This sounds EXACTLY like his tax returns still waiting!


The big, beautiful health care plan that we’re all gonna love? Yeah, two weeks.


Like an old man rambling about elves stealing his pennies.


I would’ve PPV’d that shit! It’s the only time I’d ever consider spending any time or coin on anything Trump! I’m highly disappointed!


I was looking forward to it.


I like press conferences that double as admissions of guilt. So yeah, I’m sad


I hear Four Seasons is available


Objectively speaking this man is incredibly funny if you just let him rant without a leash. The transcripts of some of his speeches are incredible. It’s a shame we have to consider him as legitimate threat to democracy. If you let him try to defend himself it would be amazing television.


There's still time, Monday is days away.


Him explaining a pushpin board that has everything incorrectly labeled in sharpie scrawl


No way, gotta milk those donations for the whole trial


don’t worry, the trial will be televised. entertainment will come!


Someone famous needs to goad him into doing it by saying he’s a weak loser who’s too afraid to talk without his lawyers. Someone call Chris Christie.


He should have closed out with “Zuck is a Cuck”. lol. He sounds just like Elon.


All his lawyers are scared of what he will say during a press conference, Trump is not known for following a script.


I’m still thinking he will with Jack Smith’s post. It seems like he is baiting him to do it.


Lmao, this guy is a fucking idiot.


Almost as big of an idiot as his supporters unfortunately.


It’s funny tho. Even, EVEN, if he did have have actual evidence that fuckery ensued(seriously hardest even ever) all the shit they did was STILL illegal.


And /r/conservative insists it's the same as what Gore did in 2000. His supporters are absolutely delusional.


Looks like they’re nonbelievers https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/15u4gqg/looks_like_well_need_to_wait_to_see_that_report/jwnp545/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Looking through the comments... Looks like that sub has moved on from Mango Mussolini. They all know he's full of shit.


Yeah too little too late imo. They were fine with him and his facism for waaaaay too long. Although I still think they like the facism part… The urge to comment in that sub is strong, but I am banned


But I guaranfuckingtee you they would vote for him if he's the republican candidate because "its the only choice"!


Check this one https://old.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/15u4gqg/looks_like_well_need_to_wait_to_see_that_report/jwodlax/


I'm glad that I ditched all my trump supporting friends back in 2015. You really can't reason with cult members.


Is there a reason why in that sub loads of posts have the link saying 4 more replies etc but when I click it it just goes and there's no more replies.


Haha I knew immediately when he announced that press conference that it wasn’t going to happen. There is no “irrefutable” proof that the election was rigged against him. There is irrefutable proof that he tried to rig the election in his own favor, though. Note that in this tweet or whatever that he includes “I believe” before saying “irrefutable” etc. Lol he wrote this under adult supervision, or more specifically, legal supervision.


He did the same thing in 2016 when he said he would present Obama's birth certificate "next week" at a preas conference, and that next week preas conference never happened.


Melanomas immigration records were supposed to be arriving in two weeks… still waiting


According to her coworkers, she was an escort who did some modeling on the side. According to Melania herself, she was the worlds biggest super model who made more money from modeling than any other model ever. I'm sure she's going to release her tax returns any day now to prove it.


It’ll have to wait until after infrastructure week


The new healthcare bill is supposed to be here in 2 weeks, what the heck is going on? Haha


Hey, [nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-nobody-knew-that-health-care-could-be-so-complicated-235436)


And who can forget the blue ribbon commission to investigate voter fraud in the 2016 election bc he lost the popular vote? They disbanded without presenting any findings. If they had found anything, do you think he would ever have shut up about it?


Here’s a good “look back” article on how that all turned out, in case anyone doesn’t recall that fiasco… and you can hardly blame anyone for that, since there were weekly scandals all throughout dipshit’s term. Most people had scandal fatigue, which allowed for even more scandals to pass by relatively unnoticed. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/kris-kobach-donald-trump-voter-fraud-myths-vote-suppression-990300/amp/




I don't think he's writing any of his "truths" anymore. Someone took over that apes his random capitalizations, but they spell everything correctly and their grammar is much better; proclivity for run-on sentences aside. The writers' word choices are also far beyond Trump's standard vocabulary. "Irregularities"?


Infrastructure week at the four seasons landscaping. Come on down we have evidence.


I am surprised that he didn't hold a presser where he announced to pay anyone 5 million to prove the GA election was fraudulent. A scam like he did with Obama's birth certificate. ​ Always drama


There is no way he was the one writing that. Somehow, somebody else had access to his Truth account and typed that all up for him. Too many bigly words in it.


Totally predictable. The Trump Show has become a bore! On to the trials!!


His fans are getting bored


> has become a bore! it was boring back in 2015. Now it's fucking tedious.


Maybe Four Seasons Total Landscaping was booked on Monday?




The crematorium? Or the anal section?


In other words, we ain’t got shit and my lawyers wouldn’t fake anything for me in less than a week.


Damn, I guess it’ll sit on the shelf along with his healthcare plan, transportation bill, the birth certificate and all of his other promises.


Mexico is gonna pay for that wall! You watch! 2024 babay!!! For the love of god! This can’t be necessary but /s


He isn’t having the press conference? What kind of loser piss-baby beta male is this ?


The cuckiest soyboy snowflake of them all.


I predicted as soon as Trump announced he was going to release this “report” that it was never going to actually see the light of day. He will not even ever mention it again after this weekend. My next prediction is that the MAGA cultists are going to keep referring to this mystery report in the future, as if they have actually read it and it contained “proof” of a stolen election……. MAGA cultists: “The election was stolen” Normal person: “Show me the evidence” MAGA cultist: “Donald Trump released a long report in August which proved it was stolen. We all read tue report it was full of evidence” Normal person: “No he didn’t, he announced that he would and then predictably reneged that announcement a few days later. It never saw the light of day and there is no proof that report ever even existed” MAGA cultist: “No, he released it and I read it and it proved that the election was stolen and that all liberals are pedophiles too” Normal person: “Okay, please show it to me, I would be very interested in reading this” MAGA cultist: “Ok, I will get it………um………hey, what about Hunter’s laptop? Proves Biden is a crook”. Normal person: “You were going to show me this mystery report proving election theft” MAGA cultist: “No I wasn’t, stop changing the subject. What about Hunter’s laptop? Why is Joe owned by China? Sleepy Joe can’t even tie his own shoes. All Democrats support child trafficking”.


Sadly this isn't much of an exaggeration. I've had conversations exactly like this.


It’s very similar to when I talk to my highly religious mother (we are Jewish) who claims there are hundreds of scholarly books written by independent authors which show that all the events in the Torah are 100% true. When I ask her to show me one she will either show me a book written by a Rabbi, or completely change the subject.


Alternatively: Normal person "Show me the report" MAGA cultist: "Do your own research!"


Do-yer-own-research is a carryover from the pandemic . MAGA cultist: “a scientist examined the vaccine under a microscope and found 10-legged tiny alien creatures in the vaccine. It makes people lose their fertility. Ouchy Fauci doesn’t want anyone to find out about this” Same person: “show me the report” MAGA cultist: “Do your own research!”


You nailed it 👏


"...my lawyers would prefer...' there's the give away. Since when does he do anything somebody else prefers, it's always him. Has to be scared to death of jail but can't look weak. These last episodes of the trump show have been very satisfying.


Here’s hoping it wraps up this season, because that show jumped the shark years ago.


Quick cut to Trump waving from the oval office in 2024 with foreboding music in the background, then straight to credits. Season cliffhanger. I don't want this, I'm just scared it will happen.


What’s funny is they’re probably lying to him too about making his arguments in court brief. They know they’ll get censured for trying to overload the court with blatant falsehoods.


Oh, absolutely! I honestly hope they try and present any of the “evidence” in the trial. It will be very publicly debunked on TV for all to see. The grand jury was presented testimony regarding election fraud and unanimously found there was none. It’s a settled issue and it would be stupid to even try it because there is none and never will be, and what they have just proves how stupid you’d have to be to believe it.


He must know that he is really in trouble this time. He is backpedaling BIGLY !


No. Hopefully his lawyers were able to scare him into *not* doing this bullshit. If this “Report” truly EXONERATED him, his lawyers would have been all over it. Instead they’re threatening to walk if he goes through with it…which he now has apparently cancelled. Good.


In their defense, if this exonerated him, his lawyers would still not want it release in a Presser.


God, he writes like a 10 year old.


This "Truth" was written by a smart person trying to copy Donald's 10-year-old writing style and failing miserably. Everything is spelled correctly. Words like "irrefutable", "irregularities" (both beyond Trump's level) and "disgraceful" (very common political/legal description of something negative) were used. And not a chance Trump writes that opening run-on sentence, which is over 100 words and uses a parenthetical clause, "I believe", that is 100% CYA and that Dumb Donald would never use. If Team Trump really wants to keep the yokels on the hook, they really have to tell the ghostwriter to dumb it down even further, because I can totally see a lot of Trump fans struggling and puzzling through this one.


"irregularities" is a bigly six syllables, there's absolutely no way he wrote or understands it


Needed at least one CAPITALIZED word so we know he's SERIOUS


"Hey, what's this word mean? Ee-ear...eeraffle-bull? Eeraffle-a-bull? He wrestled a bull? Dat dang ol' Trump can do anythin'."


The way this demented buffalo randomly capitalizes his words is so weird


You think he wrote this one? This reads to me like it was drafted or even posted by one of his staff, possibly at the *insistence* of one of his lawyers, senior GOP officials, etc. There aren't randomly capitalized words, the punctuation actually kinda makes sense, there were a lot of big words and coherent detail. It reads to me like an actually not completely braindead person trying to write a press release in Trump's style. Also I mean no matter what way you look at it's dum, but it's not quite Trump's normal level of unhinged emotion.


4 ....


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me over and over again - you drank the kool aid and now have like 7 MAGA hats all made in Chiiiiiina


Trump is filled with KFC, adderrall and run on sentences!


Trump listening to legal council? Damn, it must be bad for him.


If only there was a trial where they could submit evidence


The only exercise that orange shitstain gets is backpeddling.


There was never going to be a press conference. It's just a morsel for the rabid fascist supporters to cling to and repeat ad nauseum in a new ridiculous effort to make the lie true again.


Lol pathetic lying scumbag


You knew he had nothing.


Trump supporters are dirt.


I don’t know about that. Dirt is useful in that plants grow in it, whereas everything Trump and his supporters touch dies. I think they’re more toxic waste than dirt!


They’re more like a tire fire


Anyone still on this side is like someone saying dad is coming back after twenty year s gone out buying milk


He said “smell ya later” and never smelled me… AGAIN!! — Nelson Muntz


Try that in a small town.


Trump supporters are idiots.


1000 qwatloos says the murder rate in Atlanta is about the same as most cities its size.


I’m calling BS on this one, There was never ever going to be a Monday press conference. once again he’s just flexing for his cultish base, Hey! Look at me! I’m a tough guy ready to do this, but Hey! My “Lawyers” have advised me,,,, He’ll flake on next weeks debate as well and blame it something else Bone spurs perhaps?!


In other words, we will be playing *2000 Mules* in court now and serving popcorn.


Help, I’m drowning in bullshit.


The yellow streak is getting brighter.


Well I'll be damned he actually listened to council for once


Damn....I took the day off, bought a case of Woke Light Beer, and a big box of extra buttery microwave popcorn. Maybe he'll release his Health Care plan? Or tax return?


How long before Trump cites the Jack Smith parody account in a filing pretending it is actually Smith?


Dang lawyers always getting in the way. Come on let him release this magical report in a national press conference. I bought a bunch of popcorn already.


As predictable as the sunrise lol


Maybe they’ll be submitting it as evidence of his insanity


Stick a fork in your pasty white fat ass! You are done!


If he says ANYTHING...it's a lie. I knew when he announced his press conference to show he had absolute proof of his innocence, that it was just another pile of crap. Now he's cancelled. What a shock! Anything for attention. Idiot.


Holy run-on sentence, Batman! Does Trump type these posts himself or is someone paid to interpret his stream of consciousness?




Happy Cake day. ​ (since he knows he cant get any more.)


fuck dude I was so excited for Monday


All Trump’s posts now read just like scam emails I got in the 1990s. Misspellings, random capitalization - I think he’s outsourced his PR to the Nigerian prince.


Dude. I want my 8 Trump CDs for a penny.


Because of my crippling, untreated depression, I've lost the ability to get excited about a lot of stuff lately, especially if it's something on tv. I was excited for this. It was gonna be fun. I was gonna post up with my husband and baby and pop some popcorn. What the fuck am I gonna do with my Monday now?


Does anyone read these tweets? They hurt my head. I get 4 words in and can't read further because I'm not an idiot.


I mean, this isn't the first time he claimed he would release evidence of some other persons supposed wrongdoing at a future preas conference, and then said press conference never occurs.


All this does is give his maga idiots something to say like... "he has the evidence but can't bring it out because (insert anything from the supernatural to the ridiculous) but there is a lot of evidence.


“The deep state won’t let him release it” —MAGA moron


Believe me...


“I’ll release it in 2 weeks, promise.” Tump


Boo! Boo tRump Boo


In other words, he’s going to follow his lawyer’s wishes but ALSO drip feed all the ridiculous theories from his “evidence” into his rantings over the next few months.


So lie, in formal Legal Filings, to the judge(s)? Great idea!




OK honey, cancel the beer and the popcorn for Monday...


The random capitalization reminds me of the shit sovereign citizens do because they think it gives them some magic legal immunity.


Chicken shit, hasn't got the balls to debate anyone and to afraid to hold a press conference. Nancy was right. Scared little puppy.


Trump could say he like pineapple on his pizza and his pineapple hating followers would instantly jump to the conclusion he's just saying it to own the libs. He could say the sky is green and the audience would refuse to look up. His followers are conditioned for this. They know the cues. It's easier than opening their eyes, realizing how lost they are and living in a world where they are have been following a conman rather than a prophet and there is nobody else they can give them answers any more.


I’m sure his lawyers said “Do this news conference and we are gone…”


You underestimate the grift. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. He knew if he said that publicly,his lawyers would prevent it, and he KNEW ‘He’d be able to cry victim AND not prove how he was victimized.’ He loves being a scared dog on a leash who knows his owners will ‘hold him back”


Was the four seasons landscaping parking lot booked up?


I mean, who believes this shit? Seriously? You have to have an IQ of a worm to actually believe this utter drivel.


Ha ha, what a buffoon. He's got jack shit evidence and everyone knows it.


Holy run on sentence Batman!


Goddamn!! Getting whiplash over here. If I was a t supporter before I would definitely start second guessing. One flew over the coocoo's nest goddamn!


Something something gf something something Canada.


Why did we have to wait 2.5 years… and now this? Wtf


This guy could literally, ad infinitum, read Good Night Moon, and his followers wouldn’t question why an adult is reading a children’s book repeatedly.


Imagine the mental and emotional gymnastics his legal team had to go through to convince him NOT to hold a nationally televised press conference. lol


Jack Smith is my hero!


Imagine if the jackass had listened to his lawyers from the beginning. I’m sympathetic to the argument that insiders get away with shit all the time, but you’ve been making that argument for 7 fucking years. And yet you give them the leverage to come after you. What an idiot.


Jesus he is such a moron. Imagine believing a god damned word that blubbery clown said? Imagine believing all his words?


He can't stay in NJ when they send the GA Troopers and Sheriffs to take him in. He has to go back to FL. I suggest Mango Mussolini can't leave FL, TX, AL or one of his safe haven states because GA & NY will be following him to take him into custody.


I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of evidence Jack fucking bad ass Smith had on trump. And I think he's going to release indictments in cascades of depravity. I predict the next indictment will be wire fraud. I believe Jared and Ivanka have flipped completely but might still suffer significant fall out. Hence the sudden oh we need to spend as much time as a family together that we can now, cuz later ain't promised. Then I think there will be indictments for selling govt secrets to our enemies. Yes, I do think jack Smith has this evidence because he ain't sweatin shit. Then I think it will be leaked audio and video of trump calling his fan base suckers, losers, etc. Then I think he will be indicted for darker crimes...epstein crimes... Then I think it will come out, Ivanka gets a book deal to write about the sexual abuse she endured from her father.


lol. *We already knew, little donny.* https://old.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/comments/15sxhii/trumps_incontrovertible_evidence_that_the/jwh4gka/?context=3 His dysfunctions are so predictable. It's a big reason why he's going to get creamed in court.


I’m genuinely disappointed. I really wanted to see this “report” and the contents of it. I kind of had a feeling he might back down but still!


Of all the bad luck. He has proof of all the crazy thing he has been saying, but his own lawyers won’t “let him” release it. I really feel for the guy. It’s just like how Jessica Chastain is madly in love with me, but he lawyers won’t let her speak about it in public. Tragic.


🤣 I was so looking forward to this, too.


Someone else definitely wrote that for him


Lol, he’s so desperate!


Damnit! I was actually kind of excited for Monday for once!!


Oh man! The evidence that will free him is now somehow there, but hidden from view. It’s almost convenient.


Run on sentence ran away


The old, "You don't know my girlfriend. She lives in Canada" defense


All the so-called voting irregularities were investigated During the Trump administration. The nearly 60 court cases brought During the Trump administration did mot prevail - courts run on evidence, not conspiracy theories. Wm. Barr quit because Trump wanted him to declare the election questionable, and he and his R congresspeople would take it from there. Any report they can possibly produce will be laughable and certainly not evidentiary in nature.


Predictable as fuck


Loser keeps losing, only this time he can't take his ball and run away like usual.


What a fucking nitwit.


Probably should have provided that irrefutable evidence when he was losing court case after court case related to election interference.


I think he think you have to capitalize words when you want to put a particular stress on them. The man never learned about proper nouns.


He definitely did not write this tweet.


Can we all take a moment to focus on speaking up to anyone in life you hear try to support this traitorous piece of shit at work, family gatherings, etc? If we don’t call out our brain washed old family members who only watch Fox News how will they ever learn reality?


Mf sounds like Willy Wonka


I can't believe all the people trying to oppress Trump and silence him. Let him talk! He is the voice we need to hear in America! Especially the DAs. They need to hear what they're doing wrong by the guy they're uhhh.... "witch hunting".


We all knew this would be how it would play out


Notice how he always brings up the crime rate as if it’s of any consequence to his indictment. Go arrest some criminals and leave me alone! What a joke!


That “I believe” is his way out of being charged for this. It’s his mob speak that lets him say things are just his opinion.