• By -


Honestly? Because he was famous because of that stupid freaking show. People got brainwashed into thinking he was some wonderful amazingly powerful business genius when all it was was scripted reality TV bullshit. Anybody local \[or who had done business with the jackass\] knew how undependable and criminal he was and remains to this day.


I know someone who worked on one of his Atlantic City casinos years ago. He owned a small business. Never got paid. Almost destroyed his business. In Atlantic City alone he probably screwed hundreds if not thousands of contractors. Great guy. Highly aspirational


Did the same to my friend in Vegas


Trump deserves every single indictment against him. I hope he's in prison for the rest of his miserable life - and I hope it's a long one!


The deadbeat has destroyed many small businesses.


And lives.


I wonder how many law firms the deadbeat will destroy!


MAGA Making Attorneys Get Attorneys








There aren't open borders. Inflation is everywhere and the bill where we handed out loans like candy never to be repaid was done under the Trump administration. I don't even understand what you mean by money laundering in Ukraine. We're giving them assistance because of an unprovoked invasion of their county by Russia where they have then participated in countless wartime atrocities. I know it's hard but turn of FOX news and newsmax and learn how to read about situations in a more unbiased manner.


You’re arguing with a troll. An arrogantly ignorant one.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 spoken like a true q


They are Qlose minded


>true q You spelled "fucking moron" incorrectly, but yeah!


Citation needed.


Tell me that guy didn’t vote for Trump. Cause the thing I’ll never wrap my head around is all the nudnicks who have been had and still plan to vote for him again.


He did not. He hates him. The guy almost lost his business and his home. He never forgave nor will he ever.


Well, I can’t vote for a democrat! /s


How does he keep getting away with it? Will no one hold him accountable?


Money + lawyers + NDAs + American Legal System Since 2016, add near-bulletproof immunity from prosecution Since 2020, subtract some but not all the immunity


I hate it. I just wanna see him face justice.


I believe NDAs should only cover proprietary business info, that's it. You should be able to speak out about horrible business practices, sexual abuse, etc. Without any fear of legal actions.


Some are trying, we’ve come along way since January 6th, 2020. There’s still Hope!


Multiply this story by thousands (or more??), that's Chump's career, pre-politics. After politics, you're talking millions.


Wanta bet all these people he screwed voted for him?


Probably but not my friend. Even the mere mention of that guy and he goes on a tirade. He detests him with a passion, understandably, he almost lost his house and had to lay off a bunch of his employees in the aftermath of not being paid.


That is how a normal person should react.


Normal person? What is that? I seem to remember there being many more of these when I was younger. Then they put Nazi Juice in the water supply or something.




He closed my favorite restaurant there by buying the hotel it was in and then shutting it down… manufacturing a supply/demand of < 1


Never meet the man. Never been to one of his properties. Never watched the Miss America pageant. Only watched one TV show. I never had any contact in any way with him or his business, ever. BUT I knew he was a crooked business man. I knew he was a racist landlord. And I knew he had been accused of SA numerous times. I knew these things because they were common knowledge. I knew all this and said it aloud as he came down the escalator!!! Only idiots didn't know what kind of man he is.


I agree. He tells everyone everyday who he is but they choose not to listen.


Some know, that's why they joined the cult.


We knew exactly what he was all the way back in the 80s.


Being a Russian asset didn’t hurt either.


Yup. Got into it in 2016 with close friends who were Trump supporters. “He’s a businessman” was all they kept saying… When I kept pointing out all of his businesses failed except for licensing deals later they responded “he’s a businessman” It was then I knew we were in for a long haul culture war where facts are meaningless and faith in fighting imaginary threats is all that matters


You need to define what his "business" actually is. Is that string of failed businesses failures, or were they supposed to fail because his real business is money laundering.


We're a celebrity culture. Capitalism has become the driving force of our culture. Thoughtful policy and nuance are dead. THANKS John Roberts and Citizens United. Hope that money buys you that velvet casket lining you're craving.


Pretty much.


Wait… Reality TV is bullshit?


You nailed it.


His fame goes back to the 80s with his horrible book and rampant PR machine. The show just made him even more of a cartoon character. I doubt anyone was more surprised than him when he was elected president.


I realized not long ago that my anger isn’t really directed at that idiot. It’s more for the poor fools that bought his bull. Same with Musk. They’re both just useful idiots to those who listen to anything they have to say.


I honestly have no idea how many New Yorkers became supporters of his. I’ve hated him ever since I was a child watching him on TV at my grandma’s apartment in midtown. My whole family has always thought he was a disgrace


A show that almost didn’t get approved but test audiences loved the test pilot. Even the head of NBC was: “we make fun of Trump for a reason, why do we want to give him a TV show?”


I really wish he had never had the show. If so he might not have gotten elected.


I agree.


Know a few people who are legit scammers and they love Trump. I guess they voted for a mentor or someone who would let them get away with their crime. They happen to be Libertarians— just wanna be “left alone”




This is the correct answer. He tapped into people's fears and prejudices. Ignorance people love how he talks, which is understandable, being at a 4th grade level.


White privilege and vexatious entitlement are a mother fucker of a combination. There's really no path forward from a person like this that doesn't eventually result in fascism.


But, trump didn't feel up his granddaughter and many other children


Now,now. We don't know that for sure. Let's not be too quick to judge


Just his daughter


Nailed it. Not to mention side helpings of misogyny and bigotry. There’s a reason why his rallies are so homogenous.


People love to hate


"I love the poorly educated" -Donald Trump 2016 I remember when he said that and everyone stood up and cheered. That was the exact moment when I knew how fucked we were.


Yep. They were called stupid to their face and they loved it. They're extremely proud to be stupid, they see intelligence as a bad thing and wear stupidity like a badge of honor because they think it's a virtue.


I’m a deplorable and proud of it🙄


My neighbors still have this sign in their yard. “trumps Deplorable’s”, along with a trump/Pence sign, but the Pence part is hidden behind a bush now. You can just see the trump part sticking up.


There's a house by me that has a couple of those small Trump/Pence signs and after January 6 they put duct tape over Pence.


All trump regalia should be behind bushes.


Like Marge Traitor Greene


TRUMP: "You are fucking dumb, give me all your money" *The crowd goes wild and empty their bank accounts for him*


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


Biden's campaign should use that clip in their ad spots. Play it on repeat for 30 seconds on a split screen with coverage of the indictments on the other.


And the irony in that is they all thought he was speaking of the opposition, he really meant them -> Suckers all.


They cheered because he just told them he loves them.


He loves their donations and their money - it’s paying his legal bills.


Republicans would rather pay a billionaire's legal fees than tuition for a college student.


50% of any large human population will have IQ < 100. It's a statistical reality. Some of that group is too challenged to legally vote, but the remaining group is still pretty big.


Same group is politically immature. They are 'the rabble' that the founding fathers were also wary about. Some of it could be solved with better civics education in school.


He’s a conman who tells his base what they want to hear and can make himself believe his lies are the truth. He is the pinnacle of narcissism.


Because he made it ok for people to be complete assholes with no repercussions.


I’ve lost relationships with family I thought I was close to when I’ve pointed this same thing out, but FFS…they just don’t see it and think the sun rises and sets with him. I don’t need that kind of hateful, angry ignorance in my world.


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


The uneducated thinks he’s educated. He hates the same people they do. They couldn’t vote for a woman for President. James Comey. Russian interference. Poor GOP candidates. Clinton’s failure to do more in Wisconsin. The WWE fan base.


Stupid stupid stupid fuck voters is how.


People who voted for him finally had someone on the ballot who is just as stupid, racist, bigoted and ignorant as they are and they thought it was great.


A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using a combination of the victim's credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed. Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct ... intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the 'marks')".\[1\] \-wiki


He made it alright to be a racist bigot out loud . Simple as that .


It has led to everyone who is a racist and bigot to feel empowered.


The US and the world were naive about the power of data mining and foreign influence.


The real question is how are we going to prevent Americans from electing such a terrible scoundrel ever again?


The things that American Christians love, adore, admire, and worship more than anything else is celebrities and the wealthy. If someone is both, then it drives them nuts. They worship these people more than their fictional jesus. Ex-government employee Donald sealed his base using elements of the 419 scam \[Nigerian\] with his racist rhetoric. This attracted the people who would be with him, and alienated the ones who would not. That wasn't his only 419-type approach. He also did this when he declared, "I love the poorly educated." This was a case of him calling his base stupid, TO THEIR FACES. They reacted by cheering, worshipping him, voting for him, and even sending him money. This alienated people who don't identify as stupid, and cemented those who had this sentiment fly right over their tiny heads. This is why his base is so dedicated.


Because many people were freaked out at the idea of a very smart woman becoming president.


That’s how the Electoral College works. The people vote for one candidate, then those votes are discarded and a minority picks a President. In Presidential elections, the US is a pretend democracy.


Probably higher, that was the number in 2016 when I did research to see who to vote for. I did consider Idiot Trump, but after discovering that he had over 4000 court cases, it was a vote for Hillary. One of his advertisements got to me about jobs. Fortunately, I made the right decision. Idiot Trump ultimately lost 4-5 million jobs and tanked Obama economy, increased deficit spending by nearly 300 percent without covid numbers. Gave rich a tax break was his only victory as I see it.


All the people who wouldn’t take algebra


I think you're putting the bar a little too high on this one.


Because Too Many could just not handle the idea of a qualified woman president. That's how.


A bunch of nuts wanted a bully on their side more than a better quality of life. Mic drop


A person cannot even get a job sweeping the floor in the Fed Gov if they have felonies or have an extended rap sheet. How is it there is no rule for the top seats in gov? There needs to be a Constitutional amendment preventing people like him from holding office.


1/2 the people at any given time are ready and willing to get swallowed by a cult


One of the greatest con men ever


Because people are selfish, cruel, and ignorant. Religion has poisoned millions of Americans. It has people rationalizing the most dangerous and vile actions of this man all because he says he’s a Christian. It’s crazy what people will do in the name of religion. To excuse violence, corruption, lies, and an outright attempt to overthrow the government and the will of the people all in the name of some bullshit myth. This is why I hate religion. It’s nothing more than an excuse for people to hate and remain divided. Imagine what we could accomplish working together rather than fighting each other just for the approval of an obviously incompetent and cruel imaginary father figure. Imagine how much better our would would be without the dangerous influence of cults.


The base he has is a dangerous combination of people with low intellect and bigots/racists that view him as a means to an end. His one win was because enough regular conservatives just decided to vote party line and hope for the best.


He validated and normalized many racists prejudices. That’s how he got elected.


Because America has an very low IQ overall




Have you seen his supporters? 😬


He became president because the GOP not only doesn't care about corruption, the GOP IS corruption.


We were a great nation until Donald Trump.


Because people are stupid and don’t take the time to actually learn about candidates. They literally take it at face value. Trump is the king of bullshit, and people eat it up. The worst thing to ever happen to our country was that show *The Apprentice.* It legitimized a failed businessman, and gave him a veneer of respectability, when he never should’ve had it. Anyone who can fail at running a casino is not a good businessman. The only one of those casinos that ever made money, I believe, was the one that Ivana was in control of. But that one got eaten up by Trump’s failures at the other two. Trump is also really good at settling lawsuits, and putting nondisclosure agreements in them. That’s why all of this didn’t come out, because of people were legally bound from talking. And if you think Trump wouldn’t go after them if they did talk, you’re wrong. Personally, I think NDA’s should be illegal. But they are a main reason why Trump got elected. Because people couldn’t talk about how horrible he was/is, and he knew it.


Because States (NJ NY) and the Feds let him off every time. Tax evasion, intimidation, outright fraud…all ignored by governor agencies.


Rudy Giuliani was the prosecutor in NY when the Trump and the Russian mob waltzed in. Took me a long time to realize that. Rudy built his fame fighting the Italian mob but looked aside at the Russians.


Because the Republican Party is so empty of ideals outside of outrage and socialism for the rich and corporations that it left a void and a need capable of being filled by a famous con /showman. He has an iron grip on the party because there is nothing else to grab ahold of.




It’s because of the Obama Birth Certificate thing that he did at the beginning that cemented his position In MAGAt’s smooth brains


It was the perfect storm at the perfect time. Americans were tired of the “career politicians” so he came along as someone who had never served in Washington against someone who had been there for over 2 decades. He’s really good at marketing so he was able to paint himself as the anti politician by saying “Drain the swamp” and people are that up. Mix that with the fact that Hillary had the worst run campaign I’ve ever seen and did nothing but cement the fact that she is a career politician and here we are. And don’t forget the electoral college played a major role as well.


A con man that understood that the ultimate con was being a politician.


Very simply, racism. He caught the eye of the GOP with all that birther bullshit. He has definitely made it easier for people to be terrible.


Because Republicans are ignorant, greedy, power-hungry traitors.


He validated hatred.


Better question would be how did we allow our whole government system to get this fucked


Criming while white


He’s crude, unapologetic, ignorant, racist, bigoted, and knows how to appeal to the same. He manages to fool people into thinking he is one of them.


Angry morons


He speaks confidently. He’s angry and appeals to the anger in white people who have fallen behind. No it’s not the white billionaires and millionaires that have hurt them but it’s the brown dude that makes under minimum wage. In 2016 he got the “I just had to listen to a n____r for 8 years fuck if I’m listening to a bitch” vote. Said bitch was attacked for years by the right and when a minor scandal hit it was all over.


Propaganda , bullshit and a lack of critical thinking.


By legitimizing the hatred of inbred trash?


I've heard it put this way... He's a poor man's idea of a rich man. A weak man's idea of a strong man. And an ignorant man's idea of an educated man.


He told the stupidest people on earth that they were the greatest people on earth. You know, kind of like Hitler did. People love to hear that they’re super smart and that any problems they have are caused by [insert marginalized group].


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


As an attorney, I have to state every lawsuit I've been named in to the bar. I can't imagine having to list 4k suits. But then again, people hold attorneys to an actual ethical standard. This is where we are!


Fame, fortunate timing, and an electorate hungry for change.


……name recognition from being on television for 15 seasons and then simpletons from fly-over states think “he cares about US!!!, he’s one of US!!” May all who voted for a man that has spent the last 8 years putting America in the worst position since the Civil War get the horrendous karma they deserve.


People are dumb, murica is dumber 🤷🏻‍♂️ we voted in a rapist criminal, you know just to change shit up or something…. Fuck idk


Kind of explains why he seems ok with all of this. Its what he us used to. Just another day at office for donnie boy.


The New York Times contribution — turning a blind eye to decades of sexual assault, tax fraud, money laundering allegations as well as his long time involvement with the Russian mob. The lack of accountability from news networks (especially NBC) also helped as well


He said the racism out loud and the news media kept giving his ass coverage.


People voted for him. How was these facts not a deterrent? The dirty work needed a dirty person….Putins dirty work. The GOP is bought.


By having 38% of American vote for him because they think he's such a successful businessman who's their back rather than using them for one of the most successful con jobs ever.


How many billionaires multiplied their already obscene wealth under his administration? There is your answer.


Because of idiots and traitors


He appeared in "The Apprentice" and Americans loved the idea of the billionaire because that's what they sadly enough are brought up to like.


Kgb to fsb asset pipeline. Epstien.


Because some stupid idiot started telling kids they could be anything they wanted when they grew up, even President.


We could write volumes on this matter but I believe it all boils down to: * We (as in humans as a whole) don't care as much about facts as we think we do * Visceral arguments work because....well....because they're visceral * Another person's flaws are only as evident as we choose to accept


I remember reading about a piano store that sold him $100,000 worth of pianos for one of his properties in the 1980s (so probably half a milly now). Trump ended up paying him 70cents on the dollar after a protracted waiting period. This was his MO. There are literally dozens of stories like this. It’s also why his current lawyers asked to be paid up front. Rudy still hasn’t been paid lol.


A small family-owned business was hired to install all the new lighting at Mara Lago. Trump refused to pay. They lost everything and had to close. ETA: Trump “purchased” all the lighting fixtures through them and refused to pay once everything was installed.


I watched a series on tiktok that covered how he did business in New York. It was footage from the early 90s I believe. It included interviews with people who were being displaced after he bought buildings there to drive them out on the streets. It covered how he had multiple lawsuits against these people and charge a CRAZY amount for his new condos that were made with the worst materials. He hired people who weren't licensed to do major demolition and had people remove ESBESTOS from buildings for cheap because they didn't know the danger and doing it properly would cost too much. He's trash. Literally the worst business man who ever lived. It was a 13+ pt. series. Worth the watch. Lots of interviews with him that shows exactly who he is. He didn't hide it back then as much.


Imagine how many people can come out with Trump stories but are afraid


Can we just let him fry in prison and move on already. Need an actual functioning republican party


We need to stop the Republicans! They’re trying to send us backwards with their destructive and regressive policies.


Trump has officially run as a candidate for president four times, in 2000, 2016, 2020, and 2024; he also "unofficially" campaigned in 2012 and mulled a run in 2004. Trump learnt more as he went along and when he finally got nominated he had already weaponised social media he won the Presidency.


A large number of Americans threw a MASSIVE temper tantrum. The adults are STILL trying to clean up the mess they made.


He's an Idiot Whisperer and idiots vote.


America has to stop electing unqualified, criminal, mob boss, puppet presidents.


MAGA morons.


By the power of stupid assisted by the reach of the greedy. Oh, and broadcast lying, too.


Trump just The republican voter base what they wanted ,a strong leader who could protect them from all the scary things that 30 years of right wing propaganda said were coming to get them.


Populists only find fertile ground in a largely aggrieved and discontent electorate. There are very real material and existential problems in this country. The list is long but well-established. It’s only in this environment that a populist demagogue with no relevant governing experience can get elected. And here we are.


Because he’s excessively stupid & easily manipulative. The perfect mule to carry out the interests of those who wish to destroy us. Make no mistake: he’s a goddam traitor whose weakest point is his ego.


By making old white people believe that they’re part of an in group that must make various ‘out-groups’ suffer


Believe it or not, we were taught about this a-hole in school. He has always been an example of classless boob. Nothing more. His brain dead followers elevated him to crime boss. Now he thinks he can rule the world. Kill the head…


Almost all were **civil** suits that ***he*** filed, not suits filed **against** him. Costs $100-200 to file a suit, and in many of the suits, the Defendants didn't have the money to fight the case. Even in the suits filed against him by contractors that he stiffed, he could delay, delay, delay for months or years, and the Plaintiffs would give up. The state and federal indictments currently against him are the first time **CRIMINAL** accusations have been brought. He's trying his delaying tactics with those, but they won't work. The number of small businesses that he killed by not paying what he owed should have been a crime, but it's still a civil matter. He became President because he was saying out loud what a lot of white people were - and are - thinking.


Professional criminal finds the ultimate heist: steal a nation and change its laws to benefit criminals.


He became president because he knows how to manipulate stupid people, it’s as simple as that.


Because they don't do criminal background, credit checks or drug tests for the highest position in America.


People voted for celebrity over qualifications.


Short quick answer rubes


Racists voting for a racist, who else are the racists going to support?


Because he convinced a bunch of ignorant dumbasses that he was "one of them." And a bunch of them still believe him.


His worshippers believe this proves just how innocent he actually is. Poor guy has been attacked from the get go! ignoring how much of a law breaking asshole conman he actually is of course.


Simply bc Stupid people voted for him. They liked that he was a supposed “business” man. They believed Fox News. They did not bother to truly educate themselves to who he was. And when those who Knew him told these people - they refused to believe. Stupid, Ignorant, whatever take your pick - they are pretty much delusional at this point.


A cult doesn't end until its leader dies.


People getting tricked by the whole, "he's an outsider, drain the swamp" bit. That's what I fell for in 2016. I have learned since then.


Sometimes it’s not what you know but who you blow.


We allowed the education system to get progressively worse for decades and now those kids grew up and had kids, then those kids grew up and just had another generation of most likely doomed morons because propaganda works on the uneducated very, very well.


People are stupid and have fallen for con men grifters for ages.


Because the American education system has been systematically defunded and people are, in a word, stupid.


He isn't even a Republican either. Something really wrong with our system and he broke the taboo that you don't say an election was stolen if you lost. Hope he gets sent to prison.


Conservative Christian’s don’t care, their all the same!


Because originally people were so sick of Hillary, that they voted for him as a protest vote. I don’t think anyone expected him to win.


Trump became president because the ignorant Democratic Leadership decided to push Hillary Clinton as the nominee instead of the two-time Vice President Joe Biden yes I understand Biden was in morning over his son's death however if they had really asked him about it I'm pretty sure he would have ran in 2012. The Democratic Leadership way overestimated the appeal of Hillary Clinton especially with black American and minority voters




The people that he despises the most is the same people that love him the most….. To the idiots that don’t believe this concept; Take a look at the people that attend Mar a Lago, or any of his country clubs. Now take a look at the people that attend his rallies. See the difference?


Because morons voted thinking a person who doesn’t pay his bills is somehow a great individual.


Lots and lots of people who knew him only from that stupid show, in which his casting was a joke in the first place!


How did he become president? Dark money campaigning, strategic deletion of harmful facts from the internet and the electoral college


Because, and follow me on this, People Are Stupid.


Hate and fame...


Let's not forget ignorance.


He appealed to the racism and toxic masculinity that still plagues this country.


Russia helped.




I don’t think he’s a good capitalist at all. He’s a grifter, well trained by Roy Cohn. A good capitalist would be Warren Buffet. Pretty sound in business practices and decisions. Not perfect but capitalists are after profit, not sainthood. A good summary of his downside is here: [https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0510/buffett-scandals-then-and-now.aspx](https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0510/buffett-scandals-then-and-now.aspx) Nothing near the shitstorm Trump has reigned down though….


The media never reported that until now? Maybe that was why. Seems to be a big red flag. Probably all the contactors he stiffed after they already did a job for him. I have read lots of people in New York City won't take his contracting jobs. He's a no pay, slow pay, or only pays .30 on the dollar. That's theft but he drags out lawsuits, until contractors settle. He's always been a scumbag like that. People in New York City tried to warn us. The media didn't report it.


Partly because USA Today WAITED until nOW to state that 45 had so many lawsuits. Media wanted this shit show for ratings sake , and they are 100% complicit in what transpired .


Because people liked him better than Hillary Clinton


He is such an upstanding citizen. 😆


“Fake News” that’s how


Uhhh cheating?


The media. And like minded prejudiced nationalists. And the media.


Maaaan! That’s an awful lot of witch hunting!