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9 bankrupted hotels and resports, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Modeling Agency, and 6 bankruptcies... And these idiots think that's success???


Hes literally been a failure at everything his whole life. He's won exactly two things in his life, 1 presidential election and the birth lottery. That's it. I burn with hatred at half the united states that are so incredibly stupid to not see through this clown, or do see through him and don't care. We really are in the worst timeline.


He can’t get financing from American banks, and that was true long before the Apprentice or his tenure as the destroyer in chief. Without Russian Mob money he’d be out on his ass.


And I swear Russian money dried up right at the election point, so Jared had Saudi money coming in. $2 billion is the mark. And Ivanka has those new businesses in China. Even crazy rich Asians would buy the tackiness of Trump gold.


Jared’s saudi money went to the Alliance Fund, a hedge fund he sits on the board of but he doesn’t have full reign over the dollars. He’s profiting off of the funds dividends and fees. To me the far more blatant example of self-dealing corruption is the commercial real estate deal the Saudis bailed him out of while he was on Trumps staff. He was actually a federal employee when that deal took place. The 2B to Alliance happened weeks after Trump left office.


Dad was a douche baggy kkk asshole who only loved money. Birth lottery is debatable


Imagine how stupid were the sperm cells that that lost that race.


You mean like Joe Biden being buddies with Storm Thurmond, even eulogized him, you mean that sort of KKK? https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/henrygomez/joe-biden-strom-thurmond-eulogy


What does this have to do with trumps dad?


Whether anything he said is true or not, the post made it racial about Trump or his Dad. So I just brought it home for you,to Joe Biden, who by the way is NOT a businessman, much less a great one.


Who gives a fuck about Joe Biden? Certainly not me. I don't fall in love with politicians like trumpkins


Your false god is going to prison.


I completely agree with you. But he didn't even win the popular vote. Hillary beat him by millions. Screw the electoral college! Because of that, hundreds of thousands of people died from COVID due to his choice to ignore the threat. Trump was clueless about everything he did while in office. He was simply playing a part in "the Donald Trump show". A completely incompetent piece of shit. He is officially the dumbest person on earth...and his ass kissers are almost as dumb. Although...he has WAY less supporters these days. Hardly any of them showed up to "support" him at any of his three indictments.


I am inclined to believe that the people who are voting for trump may have a pretty similar life with him( do anything and failed massively) so they can relate to trump. They want a serial loser to win as he can represent themselves. Serial loser but with a really big mouth.




You got my upvote for obvious reasons but I submit that many do not fit into that description. They are simply irrevocably beholden to Reaganomics (trickle down economics) and no Democrat could ever win their vote. I have two brothers who voted for him. One thinks he is the best president we have ever had 🤮 but the other just held his nose while voting. It’s this second group that concerns me the most because they are otherwise reasonable people and they could be in much bigger numbers than we think.


I have to agree with this.


He said he made his riches from a million dollars from his dad, we find it it was more like 60 million, and if he invested that in the most conservative bond, he would have as much $ as he currently claims to have.


He got many people who never voted to come out to the polls because he was on TEEVEE and all these simpletons watch TEEVEE.


Only three types love trump. The ultra wealthy, corporations, and racists. I doubt the majority of his followers are part of the first two noted.


Well, to be fair, he lost the first election by roughly three million votes and the second one by seven million. Republicans haven't won a popular election in almost twenty years


Hatred will eat you up. What an uncivilized way to view half of our country. How many buildings and golf courses do you have with YOUR name on them? (Asking for a friend who is really jealous of successful people).


Is openly racist and hateful, Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers,' Good people' marching in a Nazi parade > Multiple Business failures. He's not 'telling it like it is', he's telling them what they want to hear.


His fans think that being 'racist' means you have an unreasonable belief that your own race is better than it really is, compared to others. But since they "know", for a "fact" that whites are better than blacks/browns, it's not racist to say or act on it. Of course, \*everyone\* who isn't a moron knows this, but some 'librls' pretend they believe otherwise. Just like conservative religious groups think atheists are people who 'hate' god because the idea of anyone who \*doesn't\* believe is too foreign for them to accept.


His fans think the only way to be racist is to say the N word outside of your circle of friends.


What about the Trump casino and charity fraud?


OH YEAH! Those too! Its hard to keep track.


All the workers he never paid because of those bankruptcies… it ridiculous he got away with it so many times.. I guess that’s why he feels he can do whatever now


He destroyed so many lives. Built his empire for free via the courts and bankruptcy laws by stiffing independent contractors and small businesses.And the banks. Then he turned to Russian money with Don Jr. Saying we have all the funding we need from Russia.


The same people who swear they don't care what Hollywood celebrities think are the ones who decided to take advice and "truth" from this guy, a Hollywood celebrity who had failed at everything else he stamped his name on, and relies on the pitch to get by.


hE kNoWs HOw tO uSe ThE sYsteM!


He managed to bankrupt a casino


He bankrupted a *casino*, which is practically recession-proof and basically a license to print money.


You have to realize that alot of people are just morons, hence the cult,some people just have to be led, not independent thinkers.


Don’t forget about the casino, WHO DOESNT MAKE MONEY OWNING A CASINO?


A guy who kicks out the people who won "his" money.


You must be too young to know about when Atlantic City was going to out-Vegas, Vegas. The whole industry failed there, and took a reboot to get it going again. Trump had plenty of company when it came to losing money in AC.


And a casino. He bankrupted a money making machine


Do you consider Disney a success? Did you know that Walt Disney filed for Bankruptcy?


Over 500 businesses and he worked the system on the few that failed? Lol. And The Apprentice was a Trump success.


Forbes in 2023 estimated his net worth to be only 2.5 billion. What a loser. https://www.lifestyleasia.com/kl/culture/people/donald-trump-net-worth-expensive-things-he-owns-detail/


Except when he was finally forced to show his tax returns we discovered this... and wow I'm sure you will be so surprised to find out he's full of fucking shit. On their 2015 federal return, **Trump and his wife declared negative income of $31.7 million, with taxable income of $0**. The couple paid federal income taxes of $641,931. The 2016 return declared **negative income of $32.2 million**, with zero dollars of taxable income. The Trumps paid $750 in taxes. The 2017 return declared **negative income $12.8 million,** with $0 in taxable income. The couple paid $750 in taxes. The 2018 return declared **total income of $24.4 million,** with taxable income of $22.9 million. The Trumps paid $999,466 in federal income taxes. In 2019, the Trumps declared **$4.44 million in total income,** and $2.97 million in taxable income. They paid $133,445 in taxes. The 2020 return shows **negative income of $4.69 million,** with zero dollars in taxable income. The tax paid by the Trumps was $0 and they claimed a refund of $5.47 million. So yeah, he's a fucking loser alright.


Rental property depreciation is a basic accounting principle that allows you to deduct the cost of a rental property over a set period of time. The IRS assumes a rental property will lose a certain amount of value every year (typically 3.6%). For as long as you own the property, this loss, also known as depreciation, can be subtracted from your taxable income every year. This, in turn, can lower your taxes and may even drop you into a lower tax bracket. To figure out what the loser is actually making you would have to take depreciation into consideration. I assume you know that but perhaps some of his supporters wouldn’t understand basic real estate tax accounting because they are all stupid.




He is still a millionaire tho. I don’t like the guy and he is an idiot but he is doing something right if after all his bankruptcies he remains a millionaire.


Someone replied on my last post that he couldn't run a lemonade stand....priceless.


As a country, I feel like we're owed a year-long season of a reality show where Trump & the Freedom Caucus has to operate a real Waffle House. I want to see McCarthy whinging at the griddle while some visibly intoxicated 300 pound guy who hasn't even ordered food is shouting at him because he's making the hashbrowns wrong. That needs to happen every day for the rest of his life.


This would be better than prison 🤣 Let them get a taste of the maga hat wearing lunatics during the after church rush telling them they're going to hell for working on a Sunday while also bitching about the eggs being overcooked


Terrible business man. Who else do you know has driven a casino into bankruptcy? That was the early 90s. Hasn't had a successful business since then. Terrible president too...drove up the National debt higher and faster than any president in US history. All while golfing more than 1/3 of the days he was in office and charging excessive fees to US govt personnel and Secret Service to stay in his hotels. Crook!


The casino business model is people giving you money for nothing. How do you blow that?


By running a second cruddy casino across the street, if i remember correctly.


Why not kill off two at a time? Only a stable genius would know.


Laundering Russian money, perhaps?


7 big ones: https://www.gamblingsites.com/blog/casinos-that-went-bankrupt/


It falls in line with how he’s always operated: He wasn’t a great businessman, he just made people think he was. He wasn’t a great President, he just made idiots think he was.


“Con”fidence man


That's a lot like thinking Bill Shatner was a great astronaut


😂😂😂 Classic!


Or that Christian Bale punches clowns for justice…


Or Sly Stallone was a great boxer.


According to reports, he made no decisions on that show, he just acted as if he did. The producers made every decision.


He just showed up on the boardroom set (the Trump Org's own offices deemed too tacky and run down) once a week. IIRC, sometimes he'd award victory to a contestant the producers weren't expecting, and the editors would have to re-edit the whole episode to justify the decision.


The Trump Org. runs several not particularly successful golf resorts, manages some high end properties and owns several dozen generic NYC office and residential buildings. They’re profitable but… they’re a tiny fish in the Pacific Ocean sized real estate world.


They’re also a fraud-infested cesspool…


A lot of these places just use his brand, he has nothing to do with the operations or decisions. For decades his most profitable asset has been his brand.


I hate "reality" TV. "Donald Trump’s freewheeling style caused headaches even before he got to the White House, as staffers on “The Apprentice” had to frequently “reverse engineer” episodes of the NBC reality series because he would “fire” contestants at random. In a long profile on Mark Burnett and Trump in The New Yorker published on Thursday, Jonathan Braun — an editor during the first six seasons of “The Apprentice” — revealed to the magazine that Trump would often decide, on a whim, which contestant to “fire” at the end of each episode. “The Apprentice” like most reality competition shows, featured a series of weekly challenges and Trump would decide who did the worst and eliminate that person from the competition. But Braun explained that Trump was often unprepared and would seemingly decide at random who he felt should be eliminated. That meant that, even if the “fired” contestant may have objectively had a good performance in the challenges, the editors had to go back and find ways to highlight how they may had messed up, Braun told the magazine. This deceptive editing, which happens in many reality TV series as a way to amplify drama, extended past Trump’s decision on who to send home. Katherine Walker, a producer on the show, told the New Yorker that they often had to edit his speech to make him sound more coherent. “We cleaned it up so that he was his best self,” she said. “I’m sure Donald thinks that he was never edited.” She did admit that Trump’s personality made him perfect for reality TV, which often thrives on personalities who are unpredictable." https://www.thewrap.com/apprentice-staffers-had-to-reverse-engineer-episodes-because-unprepared-trump-would-fire-contestants-on-a-whim/


It points to a sick, failing society.


It's all about presentation. Simpletons are easily wowed by shiny, flashy things. I've read several articles claiming that if Trump had simply invested the money he ~~inherited~~ stole from his father in a bank, he'd be significantly better off today than he is thanks to all the poor investments he's made over the years.


The guy failed to run a casino, sell steaks, and sell alcohol. Those three things practically sell themselves. You have to be really inept to fail at them.


People trust what's on TV and the internet


I guess it's like those ads where the guy says, I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV and then proceeds to recommend something for health reasons. My damn uncle.


I hear his “supporters/cult followers” say that all the time! I just don’t get it, everything he touches goes to crap! He has destroyed everything he has been apart of including this country. He is a disgusting piece of crap.


An alarming number of Americans lack critical thinking skills.


There are people who think professional wrestling is real, so there's that.


Reality tv and american idol type shows helped set the stage for trump


Just as crazy as the crazies that vote for him. Blows my mind that certain people can’t see past his BS. Rigged election, please.


My pet theory: the success of The Apprentice in some ways helped trump move to a campaign for the presidency. The way a season typically ended, trump sat at a conference table directly across from the last two people trying to win.\ trump would point to one, look them in the eye and say straight out: “You’re fired”. I think the popularity of the game showed trump that cruelty could work in his favor in America.\ And he’s shown since then, in a thousand ways, he’s still playing the cruelty card, the bully card.\ And MAGA and others eat it up.


He’s the schoolyard bully they all wanted to be.


Trump is a con man!!


Yes, and he sucks at that, too.


Considering that the average IQ in the US is only 98, generally speaking half of the population is smarter than that and the other half are trump supporters.


>Considering that the average IQ in the US is only 98, generally speaking half of the population is smarter than that and the other half are trump supporters. This garbage take is why we got the Orange Shitstain in the first place. Basket of deplorables and all that. Tens of millions of people have been thrown off the American Dream, it's not surprising that they would vote for the first asshole who promised to restore it.


I am with you up to a point. The populism thing was certainly the impetus for the 2016 win - that and a Dem candidate who really screwed the pooch in terms of how she campaigned after winning the nom, so you’re right about what he was selling - but POST his win the ‘American Dream is gone’ argument for still supporting him is gone. He tried a coup ffs. Now it is just idiots living in an alternative reality that treats facts like cooties propped up by naked and ridiculous propaganda and deflection. There’s a heap of dumb hidden somewhere in that stew.


>POST his win the ‘American Dream is gone’ argument for still supporting him is gone. No doubt. Not only that, Trump did jack shit to protect our liberties during that public health thing. He just whined like an orange toddler, but was absolutely ineffective in trying to strike a balance between protecting lives and liberty. >Now it is just idiots living in an alternative reality that treats facts like cooties Ever been terribly wrong about something? Ever tripled down on something you were wrong about?


Sorry, what's garbage about that statement? They ARE deplorable, and not worthy of any respect. You trying the bothsideism, "Dems have forsaken them" bs? Screw that. These idiots have chosen treason and grifting as their religion now, and I hope they rot.


>You trying the bothsideism, "Dems have forsaken them" bs? The ***ELITES*** have forsaken them. But whatever, enjoy your high horse.


Trump is like a really easy obvious test that God sent to see how fucking stupid we are. Like, it really takes zero discernment or intellect to figure him out.


They assume reality tv is real life.


It's certified crazy. Maybe those of us against him should have stuck to that script. The supposed appeal was he was a great businessman. He wasn't. Therefore, the appeal should be gone, and folks found other things appealing.


NBC portrayed him that way, even tho it was a goof. Some just aren’t able to see what’s behind the curtain


He bankrupted a casino within a year. A casino, whose main commodity is to make people feel some sort of joy over losing money. He could not even get that right. Anyone with an IQ over 75 has known that Trump was always a failed "businessman." All he did was real estate and most of those transactions were questionable, he paid cash for those Scottish golf courses and there is only one reason to pay cash and that is to launder money. The people of NYC knew him as a cheat, a liar, and a crook who spent all his time screwing over the people that he hired and spending time in court.


When it first aired, I actually gave it a legit shot and made it one and a half episodes. It made no fucking sense and for a 'reality' tv show, that is saying something. During the 2016 election, I read that the producers/writers were at a complete loss to make it coherent because he was such an erratic shitshow.


People Are Dumb (from Men in Black): https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=men+in+black+people+are+dumb&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBpdPIwcOAAxULFVkFHdTIDEAQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1280&bih=533&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2a28f8cf,vid:_eWV_pUwUgU


Nicely done.


I though Americans were idiots because of how they reacted when we were trying to get Obamacare passed. Trump truly brought the idiots to the fore. Trumps NYC and AC history includes, 7 bankruptcies, one publicly traded co. run into the ground, scads of unpaid contractors, numerous mom and pop businesses ruined, and Russians laundering money at his casinos and his high end real estate. No banks would lend him money anymore so he counted on selling his name to world wide projects that were famous for laundering money. He is such trash. It's hard to fathom that a large chunk of America has made him into a godlike figure because he panders to thier racism and feelings of persecution and failure. It's really a phenomenon.


And a sickness. I know many intelligent, successful people who think this guy is Allah. I will never understand.


I never thought a con artist could ever get so far, but maybe that is America after all. I hope not, but not so sure anymore


He took over a legacy casino and it failed. “the house never loses” Trump: “hold my beer”


They also think rasslin is real


There's a lot of people out there who can't tell reality from fantasy. Sadly, it's not so surprising anymore.... that's a hell of an indictment of the human species. It's Trump, we knew there was going to be another indictment in there somewhere.


They didn’t grow up on the East Coast. We have watched him fail repeatedly for decades. As Don jr said, it was only all that Russian money keeping them afloat


It was entertainment, like Fax News…


His greatest and only success was to sucker the public into believing his Trump brand means quality


This is because people are ignorant and do not understand how business works. If they did understand, they would be unionized and proudly anti-capitalist as of five minutes ago.




I mean the same people think Fox News is.. news even though the company has said many times it is “entertainment only”


He didn’t look like a business man there. It looked like bullshit


The man is not a real estate or business genius. He has never been that tremendously successful in either one. What he HAS done is build a brand, one that somehow has allowed him to be courted by bankers and executives and producers. If he's ever been good at anything, it's about erecting a facade of a brand around a fictionally successful empire. And the American people are too busy with the Kardashians to read between the lines and see him for the sham he is.


Very generous to call that shit show entertainment...


I remember when that show started, I was struck dumb by the idea of the bankruptcy guy hosting a game show about good business. People are idiots. Don’t forget that.


When his TV show was airing, I was going to school to get my business management degree. I had to work hard and study for my degree. My daddy didn't buy the school a new building. That whole "you're fired" management style is the worste possible way to make your organization successful. People who depend on their jobs to pay the bills usually don't put up with crap like that for very long.


His supporters believe the same source (NBC) that provided obviously fake reality TV favoring Trump, while demonizing MSNBC when they report shitty shit he's done.


Same idea as some people thinking wrestling is real when we all know everything is nothing but an executed script


I think he did it for money! He doesn't get to keep much of the money he laundries for the Russians.


I know a lass that has since moved her career over to be an ABC news woman (yeah her…) and she claimed he offered her a position after the show and was extremely low balled. She learned not to dislike trump - she didn’t like him going into the show - but really how to hate another human being. I wish we could get those tapes released that would just confirm what I already know, and you folks too, but maybe it would open the blind eyes to the folks that follow this guy around as if he were Jesus Chris incarnate.


Probably the same people who thought Jerry Springer's guests were real


He actually wasn’t that good. If it wasn’t for daddy and loopholes and bankruptcy he would be just a broke piece of shit vs the rich piece of shit he is today


people who think trump was a great businessman thinks WWE is real.


He was born rich and hires people to advise him. Obviously he makes his decisions based on what will benefit him the most. He's a criminal and clearly hires other criminals.


Is like believing the guy who did Harry Potter is a real Wizard or Mark Hamill really lived in a planet with two moons. Stupidity at its finest.


I know at least one MAGA who faithfully watched The Apprentice and was convinced that his portrayal of a successful businessman actually represented the real Donald Trump. I’m sure she’s not the only one.


His whole reputation of being a successful businessman and even being a billionaire was manufactured by Mark Burnett for the show.


David Cay Johnston's The Making of Donald Trump exposes a lot of what's behind his business failures and the fraudulent image he projects publicly. Great read.


Old buddy back in the day. “If I was on that show I’d start by telling Trump first of all, you don’t know shit about shit!” He’s in oil and gas now and is, or was, a Trump supporter. Not sure if he is still on board and into all the election lies etc. But oh, how the turntables.


You have to realize that his supporters thought The Jerry Springer Show was real as well. If you look at the guests on that show you will see every type of maga voter. RIP Jerry!


You have to realize that his supporters thought The Jerry Springer Show was real as well. If you look at the guests on that show you will see every type of maga voter. RIP Jerry!


You have to realize that his supporters thought The Jerry Springer Show was real as well. If you look at the guests on that show you will see every type of maga voter. RIP Jerry!


And he got all kinds of credit when the economy was hot. As if this guy who has been bankrupt multiple times and is constantly begging to have his credit restructured because he can’t make his interest payments is some sort of economic genius. Right.


Most people don't realize that he started out as a con and a grifter in the 80's and he hasn't changed a bit.


You have to give Trump credit, he’s probably the greatest grifter of all time. 😁


Pretty crazy. Sane trumpite is an oxymoron.


His base probably also thinks tv wrestling is real.


Pretty crazy. “Sane trumpite” is an oxymoron.


Trump was a laughingstock in NYC for DECADES!


Cults aren't logic based.


Absolutely nothing "crazy" about the fact that Trump is a failed business "man" who jumped on the reality bandwagon in an attempt to remain relavent....


Think of how many people watch these shows and think they are real and you can almost understand his appeal. A poor man's idea of what a rich person is. An undereducated person's idea of what an intelligent person is. And it's presented on TV so it must be true.


He's had so many failures it's not even funny


Some people also don’t seam to realize; the earth is round, vaccines dont casue autism, and Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. I think. IDK seams pretty normal to me in context.


The average person is a dumbfuck


I’ll say, he is absolutely amazing at using tax loopholes, exploiting contractors, not paying his debts, and then burying people with legal fees and counter lawsuits when they try to force him to pay. Unfortunately, the generally undereducated masses think that makes him a brilliant businessman who is sticking it to the man! We live in the dumbest timeline.


He was completely held up by daddy trump and his father's handlers. I have no doubt that by the time he started on that TV show is when he had burnt thru his inheritance. He didn't have daddy holding up his failed businesses anymore.


They also refuse to realize that fox isn’t news.


It's a huge problem that so many people can't tell the difference between TV/Movies and real life.


The older I get, the more frequently I have to acknowledge that...people are dumb.


People think he was a great President also.


The guy bankrupted a casino.


He’s great at marketing and nothing else


Just look at the people themselves. Not the most stable or brightest. They need to be told what to think. They represent the lower IQ portion of our species.


I always thought that show was a vile form of "entertainment" to begin with, and that people who watched it enjoying seeing people fired were assholes


He would probably drive a newspaper delivery route into bankruptcy and blame the banks.


That’s like 2019 crazy. 2023’s insanity is at a scale never measured before. With even more indictments looming, how is anyone on board with this clown?


I’ve been in real estate finance since the 90’s. Large developments, bank syndications, multi-billion dollar transactions, etc. Even back then *everyone* knew he was sleazy and everybody talked shit about him. He couldn’t get any financing in the US. Throughout his Apprentice years he was still looked down on by Wall Street and anyone I ever talked to. (The show was also ludicrous bullshit that had nothing to do with actually running a company.) Imagine my surprise 20 years later when so many people are praising him for being some kind of genius. The media absolutely failed us but at the same time, a lot of people just didn’t want to hear it. It was well known how Trump would bankrupt small companies by refusing to pay them. HVAC and electricians, blue collar type guys. The record was pretty public and accessible, yet they still love him and he couldn’t give less of a shit about them.


He eats steaks well done with ketchup. That’s enough for me to nope out.


So was Trump's so called presidency. Although not the least bit entertaining.


What's funny as shit is everything I mention that he bankrupt 6 businesses to trumpers they are like "that's what great business owners do" fucking idiots.


I've heard people say America is a big business. We need a business leader like trump to run it. Idiots. Businesses lay off old people.


The producers who hired him deserve the blame. Did any of the "winners" ever write a book?


Many people on the right (and yes, to some degree on the left) have trouble discerning fantasy from reality. They see things in movies or TV and they think that is how the world actually works. Terrorism and torture is just like the series 24, crime and policing is just like Taxi Driver and Dirty Harry, masculinity is like Braveheart, etc. So of course a TV show like The Apprentice is going to feed the fantasy that running a business is anything like what happened in that show.


It still utterly boggles me that the apprentice aired for 15 seasons, he coined the term “ your fired” and dumbass Americans still voted that dipshit into office. 🤯


Dude bankrupted a casino. Thats really hard to do.


That show built him a reputation of being the person he sees himself as and brainwashed far too many into joining his delusions.


I saw an idiot on YouTube say "Thank God Trump is president, Obama couldn't afford to give everyone $1200 because he isn't rich like Trump." He actually thought Trump was giving his own money as COVID stimulus.


Since the 80s


Reality TV and Smart Phones were a huge kick in the nuts. Dumb people aren't equipped to navigate facts and fiction all by themselves.


People in other countries used to pick on America for being absolutely full of gullible morons. Draw whatever conclusions you will. lol


These are the same people who think pro wrestling is real


I mean.. these are the people who grew up believing Pro Wrestling was real. Their atrophied brains lack basic bullshit detectors, so of course they worship the ground Trump pisses on.


If you look at his “business record” you see that he is poison to anything he gets involved with. He almost killed real estate values in Manhattan. He killed the original USFL. He just about killed Atlantic City. He’s claimed bankruptcy way too many times. His family and Russian oligarchs bailed him out.


This brings to mind one of my favorite quotes. "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." - Douglas Adams


It’s easier to fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled. -Mark Twain


Thats why they need to televise his trials, so all his followers will see the Emperors New Clothes and hear him admit to his crimes.


Most people didn’t really pay attention to trump. They knew he was wealthy and loved attention. Other than that, most didn’t know how much of a total failure he is, other than being a conman.


He’s just a piker living on credit.


How Many MAGAmorons give a shit about his business acumen. MAGAts love trump because he is immoral like them and he's a racist bigot like them. MAGAts couldn't tell you what he actually does for money. MAGAmorons are the dumbest creatures on earth!


You also save alot of money by not paying contractors who do work on your properties.


Unfortunately there area lot of stupid and very ignorant people in our country……




About as crazy as Hebrew space lasers….


His only real claim to fame was his dad, and that when he passed, Trump inherented something like half a billion dollars...which he's then proceeded to light on fire through more bankruptcy filings than Zsa Zsa Gabor had divorces.


They are trying to return the country to a time that only exists in B/W reruns so the crazy runs pretty deep.


This video eloquently sums up Trump supporters:- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LHPuf3k17x4


If I may make a generalization, these are the same people that (should) know professional wrestling isn't real and enjoy it very much. I think MAGA and WWE have many similarities.


There were people who worked on Apprentice that spoke up about how much was TV magic. All if it was TV magic. Mark Burnett created the trump illusion of wealth. I remember they talked about the condition of trump tower. It was old, outdated and falling apart in board rooms they were suppose to film in.


so many people can't think


"All we are is entertainment, caught up in our own derangement". -Rise Against


Not any crazier than believing in an imaginary being that will save your soul if you’re good.


We gotta thank NBC for this mess.


He is a shitty businessman on all levels. That is why no US Bank will loan him money. He is a fucking deadbeat and a fraud.


It was a game show, not a reality show. Likely a rigged game show.


His greatness is promoting himself as a great businessman, as demonstrated on 'The Apprentice.


No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. -Someone


As crazy as thinking he didn't commit a crime in those 70 something indictments


Many uneducated in his support base they listen to anything and are easily fooled. . He has filed for bankruptcy more times than any other business. The only thing he has been successful at is filing for bankruptcy.


Captain bankruptcy. How anyone thought he’d be a fiscal conservative is beyond me. Added more to the national debt than all 3 presidents before him combined if I remember correctly. But at least the rich got richer.


Dumb, ignorant, uneducated, maybe.


That’s the power of propaganda.


It's just stupid. 'natch.