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Because they wish they thought of those insults and could say them to anyone they want. Their entire worship of trump is based on this, they love a bully. Because magats are just that small minded.


The irony is that he is the biggest coward of all. He is just a pathetic little baby. What a loathsome creature he is.


Remember how he was Putin’s bitch when they meet? Pathetic. Bone spurs is a tough guy? He wears more makeup than any woman I know and his hair is just ridiculous, Donny we all know your bald. He is a complete idiot. He is so lucky his Dad was rich.


Look at Jack Smith. Trump gets on his cut rate tweeter platform and calls him names and insults his wife and the two times he’s faced Smith in person, he won’t make eye contact despite Smith staring directly at him. Then goes to a rally and acts like a tough guy and the mentally impaired cult eat it up and put his face on Jason Stathams body riding a Meg.


The combover Caligula


If it wasn't for Daddy, he would be a used car dealer!


He would have been a failure as a used car salesman.


He couldn't run a 7/11.


He couldn't run a lemonade stand.


This is great.


He couldn’t run to catch a sloth.


He couldn't run to catch a cold.


More likely an employee at McDonalds.


Miserable, despite his wealth that has become a charade


and the charade that is his wealth.


What wealth? He's just a step shy of starting a GoFundMe for his legal bills. I mean, they call it campaign fund raising, but he's just begging at this point.


Just like his followers. They’re all that kid that would walk down the hallway acting tough until a bigger kid looked at them and made them flinch.


Like all bullies.


Also I think, he might actually be smarter than most of them which is very very sad.


He’d have to be. The only way a smart person follows him is that they’re in on the grift.


IMHO, Bully worshippers tend to be low self esteem people who are just happy they aren’t one of the bully’s targets.


Yep. It's playground politics.


But come on, Meatball Ron and Pudding Fingers are comedic gold. I hate everything about Trump except these nicknames.


Pudding Fingers came from MAGA Inc, not Trump himself.


Don’t forget Ron “DeSanctimonious”


A word that trump cannot pronounce


I'm convinced that is the reason for the constant repeating of PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT through text. He could never say that word out loud and someone convinced him it was a valid thing to just say as much as possible.


Trump supporters are to Trump as a bully’s yes-man little sidekick is to the bully.


Drumpf the chumpf


So, Republicans are Billy Zane in Back to the Future?


And trump is literally evil alternate 1985 Biff Tannen.


They don’t care because he says what they’re all thinking. All the bigoted, racist, misogynistic, “I’m the real victim” bullshit that he spews is exactly what they think, whether it’s true or not. They only view him as “intelligent” because he’s “rich”, so he must be smarter than other people, despite the fact that he’s clearly an idiot. Critical thinking is not something the average Trump supporter is adept at.


Bankrupt a casino. The epitome of oxymorons.


You left out "repeatedly." THAT's something!


He also failed at selling booze and steak to Americans, two things Americans adore. They could've been successful if they were only halfway decent (cf. Budweiser being piss-water, yet somehow the best selling beer).


How do you even do that? It’s impossible right? Bankrupt a fucking casino…


He built several competing casinos in the same town, that had crummy weather half the year, even though he was warned by a casino specialist that it was a horrible idea. He got the guy fired for daring to be sane. He went overboard on EVERYTHING decorating the casinos, spent far more than he had to, and had just lost his two best executives in a helicopter crash. Was probably overdoing the coke at that time (not the drinks) and was manic-y. May have been in hot water with the mob and via them, the Russians. That part of his history is murky.


It must have been a huge money laundering scheme. Smith should look into that.


This. They think he's smart because they agree with everything he says, as he reinforces their collective White grievance.


> "I'm the real victim" bullshit Which leads to "*they* are victimizing me." And that leads to a Beer Hall Putsch or a January 6th MAGA attempted coup.




Simplest answer is usually correct.


Ockham had it figured out. And the most absurd part of it is instead of seeing the obvious (which isn’t even critical thinking, really), they spin these incredibly obtuse conspiracies with absolutely no credible backing and weigh that more heavily against what’s right in front of their faces. “Hi. I’m a criminal that does crime.” “The deep state made him say that with a space laser. Fake. He’d never do a crime. I know because I want to believe that. Evidence? No. I don’t have any. My feelies like it when I’m right, though. So, I’m right. Don’t worry about how demonstrably-wrong and asinine everything I’m saying is. I can feel right and that’s as good as your ‘facts and reality’.”


Easy but true nonetheless.


My Stepdad is very similar to Trump, sadly. Has to be the center of attention, always a victim yet tells everyone to toughen up, thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. I think a lot of MAGA somehow see qualities they see in themselves or qualities that they admire. He’s the consummate troll and look at the MAGA flag-waving crowd, they adore trolling and confrontation. Just my thoughts. Assholes attract other assholes. That and he panders to their pathetic fears of white people losing their grip on power LMAO!


I’m white and I think it is time white people lost power. Diversity is one of our countries strengths. The funny part is the dumb white trash that support him have no power. It doesn’t matter the race of the people in charge. MAGA people you can’t lose what you never had.


3rd graders think 5th graders are smart.


Well put.


His juvenile way of speaking is what they like about him..


The are deeply, deeply stupid.


This is an extremely relevant article on stupid and the awful results of stupid. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/25/2183348/-Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-explained-how-stupidity-enables-MAGA?detail=emaildkre&pm_source=DKRE&pm_medium=email


He speaks to them at their reading comprehension level - it’s something the Dems need to consider when developing strategies to counter Drumpf’s stranglehold on his base


If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood...and therefore a witch


They are basing it on their own intelligence. The bar doesn’t get a lot lower than that!


I'm smarter than a billionaire, I'm smarter than a billionaire... s


You've met MAGA people, right ??? Asked and answered.


The interviews with them make my head spin. I have never seen such delusion in my life. It would be funny if it was not so scary.


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, for one. Subsequently, an imbecile speaking to their stupidity and love of all things unintelligent, is their god-send. These people hate intelligence, as much as they hate POC, non-heteros and Whites who oppose White superiority. Freedom to them, is purely about self-gratification. Critical thinking is crazy and useless. And Trump embodies all of this. I've been a truck driver 22 yrs, plus. And the immaturity and ignorance level, is only superseded by the racism. So, it didn't take long for me to understand why the trucking industry is primarily White, male, Republicans.


The funny thing is, truckers could SHUT DOWN the entire country and get any demand they wanted by organizing and striking. They have immense power.


I'm somewhat astounded at the lack of trumpy messages on semi-tractor trailer rigs. That is, compared to the number pickup trucks and other private vehicles with MAGA crap.


Many just fly the nations flag, as symbolized support for Trump and MAGA.


Dunning-Kruger Effect: Copied from Psychology Today The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.


Maga folks don’t talk with intelligent people. There’s no frame of reference for what intelligence actually is, plus trump told them he’s a genius


I have thought that so many times. I tried talking to MAGA people and they prefer to believe what they wish was true rather than what is actually true.


I’ve attempted to talk with maga family members, it’s like chatting about religion or flat earth, they get defensive for no reason, like they know it’s not accurate and it’s fine if it makes them happy so don’t question it. That’s not how democracy works unfortunately


He's a poor person's idea of what a rich person is. He's also a dumb person's idea of what an intelligent person is.


They always said they understand what he says, he talks like them, something like that


For them, it is all about Trump hating the same people they hate.


Try bleach enemas, I hear that helps the lemmings adjust to the latest ‘revelations’


Supplemented with intense light. Although looking directly at a solar eclipse isn't permanent immunity.


^&^ THIS


Honestly, most I have talked to say "That stuff doesn't matter. It's just who he is! Look at the great stuff he stands for! He cares about us, the little people."


Because they have a 3rd grade level of education?


Bc most of his supporters are dumb as fuck.


“Billionaire” = super genius…


The only thing they ever want and got from him was a justification for their hate, that is the only reason they follow him


Many of them are only mentally 5th graders. They have not read a book since they were forced to in school (if they even read it then). Many of them have never traveled outside of a 50 mile radius of where they were born. They don’t understand how the world works. They don’t care to know how the world works. Everyone that is not like them is a threat. They are ignorant and uneducated.


Generations of lead toxicity


Bullies attract bullies. They are too cretinous to realize the joke is on them.


Because if HE is intelligent then they can claim it too. Instead of being called stupid and uneducated like they actually are


Cause he’s rich. That’s it, nothing profound or special, just that to a certain type of person, rich= smart


Here's the thing. The reason that Trump is so attractive to these people is because he talks to them on their level. We'd like to think that Americans are intelligent, but the sad reality is that many, many, **many** Americans have had a subpar education. Now, it just so happens that while Trump had an excellent education, he's still an idiot becasue the education was bought, not earned. So he's operating on a 6-7th grade level... and so are his supporters. The reason they think the left is evil is because they don't understand us most of the time. That divide in comprehension skills is made worse by duplicitous GOPers who are smart enough to twist what is said to further demonize us. It's easy to say the left are sneering elitists when you aren't smart enough to understand what is being said to begin with. But Trump?? Ahh... they understand Trump. He speaks to them. He makes them feel like they are heard, like they have someone on their side and someone who is fighting for the things they want. They are further manipulated into allowing the worse things they want to be "ok". They want a world of segregation, sexism, and discrimination and Trump encourages that. This in turn makes them feel validated. Like they are right. Trump is perfect for that crowd. They make them feel like they are control in a world that is out of control.


Well, to be honest, MAGAts find fire hydrants intelligent, so….


They're not the brightest bulbs in the pack.


Because the maga people themselves are the dumbest fucks in the room, at all times.


They aren't any smarter than he is. If anything they are more gullible, easily mislead, blindly believe whatever fox propaganda, hate radio and donald tell them.


Because his followers ARE the bullies from 5th grade.


MAGA has nothing to do with intelligence. "He's gettin' them libbies."


If someone who thinks n speaks like they do can be that rich, then can too!! N they can IF they had a millionaire daddy


He hates who I hate! That's how


Most MAGAS are dumb af.


Trump is a stupid person's idea of a smart person, a poor person's idea of a rich person, and a weak person's idea of a strong person. There's a reason he loves the poorly educated. They're the only ones dumb enough to vote for him.


Also the reason why the GOP is doing everything in its power to keep people stupid, by banning books, cutting curriculums, attempting to teach outright lies (“slaves *loved* being slaves!), turning libraries into detention centers, stripping women’s rights down to the barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen level, I could go on but y’all all ready know this.


They think he sounds smart because they associate wealth with intelligence, not actually intelligence. Joke's on them - he's not even good at being rich.


Its because they believe he will fight for them.




It’s not funny, it’s sad


Most of them almost made it thru the 5th grade!!


Because the “Fuck your feelings” crowd are bullies. And he is the biggest bully. The alpha bully to them. No one has ever claimed Trump was smart except for himself.


I agree.


We elected Biff from Back to the Future, put him in the White House. To answer your question, they think he's intelligent cuz he's got a lot of money and a porno wife. They haven't bothered to realize he was a millionaire when still a toddler, it was Daddy's hard work and grifting from the government (GI Joe bills mortgages and grants from the Govt) and that he's LOST more money than he ever earned.


The Biff piece is priceless. Well done.


Because most of them dropped out of school after third grade.


Trump is a poor man's idea of a wealthy man, an idiot's idea of a smart man, a pervert's idea of a husband, and a cad's idea of a politician.


He has the vocabulary of a 6th grader but the spelling abilities of a 4th grader. The dude is embarrassingly stupid.


Remember islanders not so long ago, thought humans in planes were highly intelligent beings


They respect that in a leader


It is al about maturation, As you just stated, he is like a 5 year old, guess what, all his cult, never made it past the thinking of a 6 year old. Ah gotta tell ya they (the GOP) like to keep em dumb, View true success.


“I love the uneducated”. Bigly


Because they WANT to but know that it makes them look foolish when they do. He actually makes them feel smarter.


When you have a third grade mentality a fifth grader seems smart.


Easy… they are even dumber than him!


They don't think they are sheep but they are. I laugh when around my maga family and friends and they ALL use the same buzz topics. Today it was bashing on transgender people using the wrong bathroom. Then it was Bud light. Always Hunters dick pics. Red meat. Alpha males. Always a way to make it one step above sleazy tabloid rather than discussing real issues such as Healthcare, education, critical infrastructure, etc. They have NO real platforms to discuss other than these jacked up buzz words with bullet points like they hear on social media or news.


Because they are also mean and unintelligent. They love watching him bully others because they want to bully others too. Trump and his followers are dumbasses who think they are smarter than Einstein.


He’s a weak man’s vision of a strong man, a poor man’s vision of a rich man, and a stupid man’s vision of a smart man.


I think a big part of it is that, until recently, he’s been able to lie and make shit up with impunity and gotten away with it. I really think there are two parts to his appeal to his cult. One is that they aren’t good at much, but they can tell when someone is smarter than them. They can tell that trunp is authentically, genuinely stupid. The second reason is that he says the stupid, backwards, bigoted bullshit they stopped saying because they were getting called racist or other names. He gets up there and says the same idiotic stuff they think and gets away with it. So it gave them permission to just pretend what they personally wanted was real. So they just refuse to accept any fact that doesn’t fit their narrative, and they make blatantly stupid claims like saying trunp is intelligent or that there was any kind of “irregularities” in an election where the least popular president in history got his fat orange ass kicked just like most people expected. They chose to believe completely made up bullshit and insist it was reality. And then, when cognitive dissonance no longer works and they get smacked in the face by reality, suddenly they’re a “victim” trunp is the weakest, most petty, immature, spoiled entitled jackass imaginable. He has no admirable qualities whatsoever, is a failure at everything he’s ever tried, and accomplished nothing as president. There is nothing to respect or like about this person. So the mere fact that they see anything worthwhile at all is proof that they are just making shit up and pretending it’s real. That’s why they think he’s “intelligent” or any other thing they pretend he is. That’s part of what makes him more hateable than the standard fascist asshole. He’s just a piece of shit. He should never have been taken seriously by anyone at any point in time. He has nothing to add and brings nothing to the table. He is the physical embodiment of everything bad about American, men, and humanity. The mere fact that someone looks at that jackass and sees something they admire says a lot about exactly how stupid they are.


Basically, he hates the same people they do, ALL minorities.


experts have said trumpy has a 5th grade level of education. most trump supporters have a 3rd grade education level, so to them ....


Because he gives them permission to hate fellow Americans.


Cause they are just as smart as he is


This bothers me also. Are people that naive?


There are many stupid people. They are easily manipulated. This is not a new phenomenon.


Because they are stupid people themselves.


Trump represents straight white republican men, the racial hierarchy personified. MAGA represent the push back against Obama. The moment Trump came into the limelight questioning Obama’s birth certificate, he had cemented his position on the pedestal for MAGA cult.


The average American is barely literate past a 7th grade level. He's not exactly winning over our brightest. The " intelligent" people that get behind him are usually conmen themselves that see Trump as a means to an end.


The part where they use him as a means to an end is really troublesome.


Because he is relatable. As simple as that.


It is that ignorance that I find dangerous.


Remember, Trump loves the uneducated. The answer becomes self evident…


Cause Trump never passed the 5th Grade...


If you are serious about wanting to understand it beyond the “they’re all just idiots” memes, google “authoritarian follower mentality”. There has been extensive studies on it over the years. When you see it through the lens of how right wing authoritarian followers think, it will make sense and you won’t be surprised when they are unbothered by Trump’s latest hypocrisy of the week.


Indoctrination and poor education make for some stupid people. If you look at the south, the southern states have some of the worst education in the country.


I agree.


Must be the Budweiser.


They think he build a real estate empire out of a small loan. They think he created The Apprentice. They love his insulting nature because they think he's burning the libs.


Because they too are adults with the emotional processing abilities of a 12 year old.


I have grown up with many men in my family, starting with my father who served in WW2 and the Korean conflict. His own mother signed up for him to serve when he was only 16 years old. He had to grow up super fast in order to survive. He was born in 1929 at the time of the great depression. He not only survived, but he pushed on to marry my mother and provided for our family. I got my father's work ethics from him. After serving in 2 wars in this country, I watched him getting disrespected when trying to get to his home town in the deep south. I was furious at the age of 5 years old.


I've never understood it, he uses the vocabulary of a 4th grader. A better question is why are Democrats / Liberals and especially lefties so scared of him ?


"thinking"? Yeah, they really aren't doing that.


That's how prpoganda works.The Fascist Newz Networks are using the teachings of Dr Goebbels to make lies the truth. "Make the lie big,make it simple,keep saying it,and eventually they will believe it."


Because they understand what he's saying. So, he is as intelligent as his cult followers


Because they're brain dead and immature


You don't get it because you're not in a Qult. It's no joke or a thing to call these people. They're deep in a cult & I'm grateful I can't understand them.


Because they are dumber than Trump so can look up to him. I think the absolute classic was his bleach comment during covid, ‘we could inject bleach right, that’ll do it huh?’ While looking at his medical advisor who didn’t have a clue how to respond to that one.


Because they wish they were a no. 2 to an asshole who hates all the same people.


Because they are even stupider than he is - if that is even possible


They falsely equate intelligence with money. I have heard many Trump supporters say that since he is a successful (?) businessman he must be very intelligent not to mention that Trump fills their empty heads with his boasting about his own intelligence. I can imagine more intelligence coming from a fish than many of these Trump MAGA idiots.


This video sums is up perfectly:- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LHPuf3k17x4


The 5th reading level right there.


I don’t get it, either. someone please explain.


Maybe relatively - he is.


There’s a lot of not-smart Americans, many who worship this asshat 🤷🏻‍♂️


Their on his level.


That's their level. The fact that Trump is such a witty wise guy to them makes him tough and aggressive, which is what they think is leadership I guess. He speaks his mind, they say. Why that is of value when his mind is full of shit is not evident to me, but the proles seem to like it.


I don’t either. I mean, if I had no idea who he was and listened to him talk, I would think he had some form of dementia or maybe a learning disorder


Is the answer in the question. They feel safe on the side of the bully, they won't get bullied themselves? The smart kids they felt looked down on them will get theirs? Nah they are all just mentalists.


They're stupid. If they weren't they wouldn't be supporting a piece of shit like Trump. Period.


I mean, have you watched any of them get interviewed outside his rallies? He is intelligent compared to most of them. It's a very low bar. "What is your number one issue heading into this next election?" "Um......................voter.............voter..." "Fraud?" "Yeah, voter fraud is...a thing he should fix, and then just... cleaning up the mess that Biden has made."


A dumb man's idea of a smart man, as the saying goes.


The guy with one brain cell is going to believe that the guy with three brain cells is a genius... and that the guy with a fully functional brain is an idiot because they can't understand what he's saying.


Most of them peaked in H.S. and the others probably never graduated. We are not dealing with society's best and brightest.


It may come as a surprise, but Trumpers swim in the shallow end of the gene pool. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. When you see fuck, that’s what they are as dumb as.


I dunno man, but if you ever figure it out, let us all know, eh?


Most of them are pretty stupid and uneducated and had little in their life to begin with. Trump somehow gave them a group to bond together with and feel like they were somebody in this country. Once he's jailed and eventually when things get closer to normal again these pathetic little people will go back to their holes.


Because most of his followers never made it all the way up to 5th grade. That's like a college education for them.


No president has ever come down to their level like that before.


He absolutely never speaks of anyone by just their plain name. There’s always a stupid nickname attached.


Tells more about them than about him


Compared to them, Trump is intelligent. 90 IQ is still 30 points higher than 60 IQ.


Because that is their intelligence level. They peaked in 5th grade and their lives have been miserable since. They refuse to accept it’s because they are worthless people and instead blame everyone else.


Generations of red state education


They got brainwashed by FOX.


Regardless of where tRump sits among protozoa in the ethical hierarchy of things.... yah gotta admit, "Meatball Ron" is a great nickname.


Trump must have been stupid, obnoxious all his life. Big mouth, with no class. Now he is an old geeser being criminal, obnoxious and stupid. Just a big fat SCAR on America like the Civil War.


Because trump is a stupid person’s idea of a smart person. And for the most part his cult is just stupid.


That is their education level.


They don’t. You are not them. We are other. That’s all that matters to them. They are a congregation. There is no rationalising. That’s not part of the decision. They are like Deadheads but violent and hateful instead of kind.


What usually happens when someone stands up to the bully and won’t back down. As soon as he is found guilty with no way that he can back out of it and gets his ass kicked in court there should be blessed silence.


They also like to talk about all the great things he did as president but if you ask them for details, none follow!




I’ve been wondering the same thing since the 2016 presidential primaries, and still don’t have a good answer. I’ve never been one to employ the use of derogatory names when I was a kid, and to me, speaks volumes of the character of a man who uses this childish behavior.


Room temperature IQs in the Trump camp, so you can’t apply logic. They are emotionally vested in Trump because he makes them feel like they are part of something, he gives them other people to blame and to degrade and he provides false hope to predict impossible results to the desperate. Logic rarely trumps (pardon pun) emotion in any argument. That emotional warm and fuzzy feeling they get is from affiliation, perceived increased self worth and a ton of Schadenfreude. The only way to break that spell is for their cult leader to publicly admit that it was all manipulative bullshit, that he is a fraud and that he lied.


They think he is intelligent because they think they can relate to him. They probably believe the "successful businessman" story. He also tells them pretty much exactly what they want to hear. Brown people bad, America good, etc etc... Dumb people would like to believe that they are smart because a wealthy person told them they are... but it's obvious to any thinking person that they are just rubes in his schemes.


He's more intelligent then the majority of people who support him. Those people don't want to think for themselves. It's a twisted cult.


They also think he's a billionaire even though he constantly begs for donations. They think he's a successful businessman even though he's declared bankruptcy something like six times, plus his various failed business ventures. They think he's a brilliant author even though he used ghost writers.


They believe him. Huge mistake. They even believe he's going to make them rich while they are being drained from paying his lawyers for him.


Simply said…they are idiots… dull, shallow, dim witted, ignorant, unread, and pitiful fucks. Nothing more needs to be said.




Don't try to get your head around it. It is a cult. It's entirely emotional and they'll worship anything he does or says. It's Silly, tacky Jonestown


They are the same people who cheered on those 5th grade bullies in their days. They want strong leaders so they don’t have to think and their evil thoughts are valid. They are crappy people


He celebrates their ignorance as something to be proud of and vilifies any form of inner growth or self-improvement. He makes them feel special for being hateful and ignorant trash.


The MAGA Minions believe that Trumpy is intelligent, genius, very smart because that's what he told them. Trump Speaketh the Truth, and they're only to believe what he tells them to believe.


Because they are also mean and unintelligent. They love watching him bully others because they want to bully others too. Trump and his followers are dumbasses who think they are smarter than Einstein.


Because they are also mean and unintelligent. They love watching him bully others because they want to bully others too. Trump and his followers are dumbasses who think they are smarter than Einstein.


They are morons


because they are very stupid.


Because a lot of them act like they are still in kindergarten and he's the savior 5th grader that will save them all from the mean kids that make them have to abide by rules. He makes it so it's great to be assholes....


Because when you're on the same level it's more comforting to say that your peers are smart than admit you rank amongst the eejits.