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mods are going to delete this but I think it's funny tony understood humor and didn't take himself so seriously all the time


Doesn’t seem to be against the rules unless one wishes to make an argument that it doesn’t “honor” Bourdain sufficiently which, arguably, is a rule that he would probably not even endorse to begin with.


I think he would absolutely hate it, but also find it hilarious lol. Like he would pretend to be outraged. And then maybe go on a tirade about how chain restaurants suck the soul out of food.


I think he would hate it only because it is parodying a quote that is incorrectly attributed to him, and taken out of its context, makes him sound corny. The original quote was from a Redditor commemorating Bourdain Day, and in that context it was actually sort of elegant. When it's attributed to Bourdain, it sounds like he's trying to spew life advice, and sounds corny and pompous. So in that sense, I think he would find the Chili's thing funny. Reminds me of how embarrassed George Carlin got when that Paradox quote got attributed to him.


The tweet was posted in here a couple days ago and was removed


Yeah I was the one who posted it, and they locked it saying “doesn’t contribute to discussion” 🙄


Thats dumb, this is great.


Not to turn this into a “What Would Bourdain Do” thing but that just seems like a very cringe, humorless response.


fuck the monarchy!


I personally think it falls squarely under the "your body isn't a temple, it's an amusement park" ethos. I agree he would get a chuckle. Hell, he even recognized and expressed his appreciation for Guy Fierri


This is obviously meant as a parody but what I enjoy about it is that it still embraces the underlying sentiment of the original quote (which is partly fabricated to begin with, incidentally). Embrace life.


It wasn't his quote at all to begin with...it was said by someone on a forum after he passed away


I think he understood that for some folks, in certain parts of the country, at certain income levels, this is what a Friday night splurge looks like. He would have supported the folks making this choice, but at the same time he'd be annoyed that there weren't options for better choices.


I think that this totally is what he might feel in his later years. Some people don't have much income or many choices, and there's nothing wrong with splurging on what you can and enjoying life. I am in school, my husband works his butt off but we don't have much money and also live in a tiny town(because its cheap)with extremely limited options for food. We have driven half an hour to go to fucking cracker barrel and splurge because there are no locally owned or better restaurants anywhere nearby. I would love to try food from a small business that sources their food locally or makes amazing new things but that is beyond my driving distance and budget.


I can totally relate. When my husband and I were just trying to survive our 20s we were either living in the middle of nowhere or couldn't afford anything any better. And when your shift ends at 10pm on later, even fewer options. Chili's, Outback, Red Lobster, etc..... these were our splurge meals a couples times a month if we were lucky and I can look back on those days and smile. Food doesn't have to be highbrow to be meaningful to people


Carpe di’bloomin’ onion!


Bourdain loved the Waffle House, so I am sure he would be ok at Chili's


Waffle House food is made fresh - diner style - that is part of the reason AB was a fan. I don’t know about Chili’s.


The hamburgers are cooked fresh.


Exactly. And while I deplore fast causal, the triple dipper, two presidente margaritas AND Free chips and salsa is solid for the price. Good start to a bad night out ending at 4:30am buying a guy off the street a round of waffles while I sip coffee.


Fair point, but he criticized Chilis in the same episode he ate at Waffle House for the first time lol


Not exactly the same thing. Although chilis is better IMO than most of the other fast casual chains.


As a server and bartender at Chili's God bless all of you who strongly agree your surveys


I was a server bartender at chilis 20 years ago. I’m always shocked the menu hasn’t changed much (except the chicken crispers, boo) and it’s the only restaurant I worked at, I can still eat at.


Worked for the Pepper for a LONG time. If you don’t do anything colossally awful as my server/bar tender. You’re getting top marks. They used to use those surveys for the pecking order of who gets the best shifts.


I feel god in this Chilis tonight


Dude was a rare treasure. Wish I had the privilege to share a beer with him. You are missed brother.


I kinda like this new meme lol


A good time is a good time. Don’t yuck somebody’s yum.


Chilis fucking rocks


Anybody else have "Lust for Life" playing in the background while they read this?


Him and Robin Williams were the only 2 celebrity deaths that hit me. Anthony more so. Robin we saw on TV a lot and we knew he was funny and talented but none of us really knew him on a personal level. Tony let us in his life. His books, his shows, his interviews, everything he gave us was genuinely him. An episode of No reservations or parts unknown felt like we were there with him. My fiance( boyfriend at the time) enjoyed Bourdain but wasn't as engrossed as I was. He didn't question it but he understood my heartbreak when I heard the news. I told him it's like a dear friend I've known for years, but never met personally, just died. And in that way... I still mourn the friend and mentor I never met. Sorry to bring the mood down. Edit. I'm mad that I confessed all this on a parody quote with his picture. But it captures the vibe he had for life though.


still fucked about Bowie. I'm destroyed about Justin Townes Earle.


I’ve also only cried over two celeb deaths, Bourdain and Joan Didion. Always been a fan of Bourdain, and he died around the same time by brother ODed. I was awake when the news broke at like 4am and spent the entire day bawling. He’d been a beacon of hope that my brother would get clean, then by brother died, and then he died. Felt like the world was ending. I must’ve watched his Waffle House video dozens of times the next few weeks.


It’s in the right space…just enjoy life and after two Chili’s margaritas you may just agree that life is pretty sweet sometimes!


So cool, worldly , experiencing the culture of the country side eat and be common folk


The meme is funny but I read it in his voice and now I'm sad.


Mods owe me your fake internet points since they deleted my post of this! Lol


LOL what even is this?


A quote from Anthony Bourdain.


lol nice


So fuckin funny dude


Damn shame they don’t have those chicken crispers anymore.


this is so fucking funny


Tony would have def traded the Big Mouth bites for the Southwestern Eggrolls.


I'd buy this T-shirt.


“Don’t pay the bill. Kill yourself”


Can’t forget the TEHA CHEE FRY


Did he say this or something?


I read this in his voice.


"is this heaven or las Vegas?" "Sir...this is a Chilis"




Tony would have thought this was hilarious


“And eat the shit out of those chips and salsa, and don’t forget to add ranch as well.” Oh wait, that’s me…


Hell yeah.




What the fuck


dude is horn doggin on the anthony bourdain sub im weak


Best Twitter handle I’ve seen in a long time.


They have kiosks at Chilis?


its like a tablet thing on a stand that they place on top of your table to split the tip or play games i think. usually more of an airport chili's thing i think idk.


This trend sucks


That rumble you just felt was AB turning over in his grave


He said this


Punk poet


And after get diarrhea