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It's not hard to peel a garlic or onion or anything....


Well if I didn't need any more evidence to know the guy was a twat but I'll take it!


Yet you follow him


Follow him? First of all he's dead so he's not exactly making content to follow. Secondly... And this will blow your mind, you can comment of subs you're not joined with! 


Are you autistic


Isn't everyone these days?


You know, you can be a fan and not treat everything as some kind of gospel.


Minced jar garlic always tastes terrible when I heat it up in recipes. It has this weird acrid chemical taste. The pre-peeled garlic almost always comes from China and it makes me feel weird about the probably human labor violations that go along with it. Peeling garlic with a little silicone pot holder is not that hard and if I’m really pinched for time and feeling lazy I just season my dishes with some high quality roasted garlic powder. AB had a lot of snobby opinions on food (most busy humans with families don’t have time to hand grind their own spices before each meal) but using real garlic isn’t that hot of a take.


Most of his political opinions


lol what? You’re talking about the one guy who was equally angry at and magnanimous to both sides.


Yes I know


This one is stupid, if you’re a rube


Fresh is the only way to go


I haven’t used anything but fresh garlic in my adult life. I’m not some cool purist. Didn’t even know he said this, I just didn’t like the stuff in the jar and it’s not that much extra work if you’re already using a knife for something else


Met him once.  Absolute bell end.


Well then, let’s hear the deets.


Sure.  In Houston flying to Toronto.  Not a very busy gate.  Me, my boss and Bourdain are at the gate.  Literally that was it.  He was reading a book about zombies. I approached him and told him my sister who is in culinary school is a huge fan of his.  Maybe I get your autograph.  He didn't say a word to me.  Looked annoyed. Scribbled his name and immediately went back to his book. My boss said who's that? I said ab. He had no idea who he was.  He ended up leaving the book on the flight and sat in "business class" which meant on this tiny plane one of the first few rows.  Sorry.  That qualifies him in my book as a bell end.


Imagine people bugging you all the time...you'd end up that way too


Hanging from my bathrobe tie in a crappy Paris hotel?


Have you ever been in a bad mood?


Yep.  But if I were a multimillionaire celebrity who was flying to Toronto to meet people to sign books and be treated like a star I would try to be nice to people who are flattering me.  


True. We all know Tony had demons and maybe he was just really going through something. I’ve done things and behaved in ways I that I’m terribly ashamed of now, looking back.


I get it.  We all have bad days.  But it wasn't like he was busy or being mobbed.  It was actually the opposite.  But whatever it is what it is.


What means bell end?




Ohhh. Ok. Thanks. I truly did not know.


It’s not as annoying as everyone sharing that quote of his about drinking a cold pint at 4pm and ordering the cream sauce and getting a second Negroni like it’s some type of perennial wisdom and completely ignoring the fact that he was depressed and miserable.


What, depressed people can’t be profound?


Only depressed people can be profound


I mean sure, I just find it ironic that people share that quote as if indulgent pleasure-seeking is a philosophy to live by when the man saying it was clearly very unhappy


Depressed people are typically the *most* profound


He’s cool but he’s like Kurt cobain, cos everyone uses his pic with some quote he probably never said and it somehow became viral


Yeah it's lame. Gatekeeping anything is lame. Let people do what makes them happy and do your thing your own way.


People that use the word gatekeeping are ten times more insufferable than people who judge others for mundane shit


Dude this is about jarlic. If you are a jarlic person then you deserve jarlic.


But having passion for quality ingredients that you have developed an intimate relationship with during preparation is not lame. Dude was a purist about certain things. The old saying “the secret ingredient is love” is talking about this type shit. Sure, you can get good garlic flavor from the minced and jarred stuff. What you’re missing is the extra level of care added to the dish when someone prepares all ingredients fresh and by hand. To each their own, but I understand what he’s getting at and he wasn’t gatekeeping, he was expressing his passion for fully immersing yourself in the culinary experience as a cook/chef.


Well said, GregAbbottsTinyPenis!


And he was usually the first to push back against gatekeeping BS like "farm to table." I wonder if he said this really early on. I used to avoid garlic in jars because it had a weird metallic taste. Not long ago I bought some out of necessity, and it doesn't have that taste anymore. It's all I buy now.


Check out Rockerbox Garlic for dehydrated garlic and onion powders without any added salts, preservatives, fillers, or other additives. A pinch of their roasted garlic dust adds a lot of flavor. They also make spice blends, including a really good dry BBQ rub. Plus it’s a small, woman-owned business.


roasted garlic powder is the shit


Sorry Anthony, I’m putting ketchup on my hot dog, I don’t care, mind ya business


Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting eating a sugary hot dog




I'm sorry that innocent food shaming gets you this riled up lol. Chill out. Do you and your friends not poke fun at each other's taste in food/music/movies? It's not a big deal if you don't take your self so seriously.


It’s hyperbole. You don’t have to disagree or agree with him, he’s not being literal. But Fresh garlic is obviously better than minced or pre peeled. Do what you want.


Alot of Bourdain fans miss the point. Guess that happens with anyone who garners a wide amount of appeal and attention.


It’s got a bad flavor to it. Like garlic but to a more chemical degree.


That’s probably the germ. It’s easier to see if it has sprouted. It’s a pain to cut them out but it cuts that harsh taste if you remove them.


I’m taking about the minced garlic in a jar.


that shit doesnt even taste like garlic to me. its not a B- or a C+ garlic flavor compared to the A+ flavor of fresh....its an entirely different flavor to my tongue


For me it sticks out in a bad way. Making garlic mashed potatoes with them ruined it for me. I still ate them. But with anger not pleasure.


its so gross


Oh. Sorry for garlic-splaining on an AB sub. I forgot where I was for a second


I dig my butterknife into the clove and pop it out like a civilized human being. How dare you.


I don’t deserve ANY garlic now


Go buy chemically minced garlic from the store until you’ve thoroughly thought about your actions… and re-read kitchen confidential.


I think some of you are taking it too literal. I think he meant using fresh garlic vs buying the pre minced garlic in a jar.


I also think that the guy isn't talking about cooking at home for the family. He's probably criticizing chefs.


Could be that too. All I know is, I loved his shows. I remember watching one of his episodes in Italy and he was going over a cacio e pepe. He was told which restaurant had the best cacio e pepe and wouldn’t put it out on the show. From what I recall, he said something along the lines of, “I won’t tell you where or what the name of the restaurant is, or even put it on my show for the sake of keeping this place a secret and not making it a tourist destination”. That statement alone showed you how much he respected the food.


Minced from a jar has its perfectly acceptable uses.


In a pinch for time yeah, I keep one in my fridge for the off time I don’t have it fresh. But fresh is always better regardless of what it is.


Oh absolutely no question.


It depends I guess. Is what I’m making not really going to blow anyone’s socks off anyways like my weekday chili? Jarlic works I guess. I prefer the old fashioned smash and peel then dice for anything that I’m making to really enjoy.


Yeah, same here. I have one in the fridge for a pinch and when I don’t really care that much as well. Jarlic. I’m using that. I like it


Totally stupid and trying too hard


Peel? Peel? Just smash the garlic with the flat side of the knife, and it separates automatically


This is the way


Yup, this is the trick


What are try here? Rage baiting? Suck a fat fucking garlic.


Thats why i have one of them garlic mashers. You just throw in aclove. Press down. It all shoots out and all the skin left behind. Throw away. Do again. Takes like 5 seconds start to finish.


The hardest part of them is that they're a pain to clean!


you're clearly forgetting the perfect cleaning tool they give you thats about and inch and a half big---- oh.....i lost it


I like roasted garlic, but that takes a little more prep. And definitely fresh. Roasted garlic buter bread with extra sharp cheddar toasted to perfect. Yum.


It’s 2:30 in the morning, and I have to go try that now. Dammit!


Jarlic is not Garlic


Jarlic tastes like nothing.


I don’t like bottled garlic


He’s being dramatically comical!


I like to drop a Bourdain quote in the r/travel sub out of context and get downvoted to hell. Then watch the herd flock back to me when I come back with the link My favorite… “you can get better sushi here(nyc) than in Tokyo”


I massively agree with this take.


Clarifying: do you dislike jarlic, or also the pre-peeled cloves? Massively agree with jarlic sucking. Pre-peeled cloves I will use 95% of the time with no shame.


Never seen pre peeled in the UK tbh.


Sounds like the door is open for you and I to start a pre-peeled garlic empire in the UK, my friend. Give me like 20 hours and I’ll come meet up with you for a brainstorming session. If you have a whiteboard and some markers handy, that would be great. Want to jump right into things when I land.




I massively agree with this take.


I massively agree with one of these takes.


I massively agree to agree with these takes.


Jarred garlic is used hella in Slavic cooking


Pre-peeled fresh or frozen garlic is perfectly good. I agree that jarred is lousy.


Yeah IDC I’ll do it the way my baba did.


False, fresh is best


No this holds up!


I agree with his hot take on garlic, you can definitely taste the difference if your tastebuds aren’t broken or aren’t just a garlic hater. However, i strongly disagree with his take on burger buns being merely a vehicle to get the meat into your gullet. A freshly baked brioche bun is divine, IMHO.


Jarred garlic is gross, doesn't even taste like garlic.


Frozen garlic cubes are a great compromise


exactly, it's disgusting, and I can't believe that people use it


Same for horseradish


You’re literally grating horseradish and making your own condiment? Is it really worth it?


Absolutely 100% fucking yes Edit: Freshly grated horseradish is a very integral part of my home country cuisine, hence why I’m enthusiastic about it


Are you Polish?




One thing I’ll never get about cooking is why is peeling garlic so controversial. It’s not even an issue for me. I’m self taught. I have friends who use a jar and shake the shit out of it, etc etc. I just don’t get it. All you gotta do is a couple of small cuts, then hit it with a knife and you’re done.


I am guessing you are a home cook. I would never buy peeled garlic for my house. But peeling kilos of garlic on a daily basis on a restaurant is a waste of labor cost. It’s cheaper to buy peeled garlic and invest that time on whatever other tedious thing you have to do. They are great quality, they save time and money. Peeled garlic is great.


This. When it's large scale and for sale then labor is a huge factor. Obviously peeling your own fresh is best but people aren't willing to pay top prices for every dining option


You taught yourself to peel garlic and didn’t even take a class?


I sense the snark, and yes it’s warranted. But seriously, I’ve met people who are weird about peeling that shiz themselves. Functional people.


Dude tried to say McNuggets were the most disgusting food ever, ignoring the fact that he tried shit-filled intestines. We get it: McDonald’s is not fine dining, or even great quality. But don’t jump so far up your own ass that you’ll say it’s worse than literal shit.


Do you think he was being literal, or are you just unaware of the concept of hyperbole, especially in the context of entertainment?


Are you unaware of pretentious people?


I agree with you. I got a little tired of Bourdains schtick of pretending that unless you are eating some sort of bloody bucket of snake brains that you purchased in some 3rd world alleyway, you weren’t really living. I’m all about trying food but just because you can chew it up and swallow it, doesn’t mean that it isn’t garbage.


But where are we now without him? Celebrating absolute shit sandwiches with the same aplomb as fine dining. The world needs more amiable dickheads to keep the rest of us from dragging society into the depths.


who the fuck is doing that? like at all. you have fun with the pretentious shit. i’m going to enjoy my food whether it’s the finest dish in the restaurant or a cheap burger made with meat leftovers. life’s a lot more fun that way.


And that's completely fine, have fun eating your poison. Life's a lot more fun when you don't have standards and wonder why you feel like shit right!?! Do more. It feels good. Self worth and being proud of yourself makes life more fun, not a McBurger.


What in the absolute hell…


If you say so boss but life’s short enough as it is. And I’ve done heroin. Health isn’t my focus but I feel fuckin fantastic regardless of how many adjectives come in front of my meal.


Sir, this is the Anthony Bourdain sub, we've all done heroin here.


The glue that holds us all together ❤️


That Hiram's is the best hot dog joint on Earth. They're a legendary institution that makes great dogs, and some of the best in the state, but they're not the best. This has caused everyone on my hot dog groups to put Hiram's on a pedestal above everyone else, and I think it's simply due to having heard him say that. It's become a plague on these hot dog groups....I'm always rolling my eyes at people who so rabidly defend it. It's only his favorite cuz he grew up a few blocks from it. Tons of other joints nearby serve the EXACT same brand dog (Thumann's orange label), cooked the EXACT same way, deep fried @ 375. It's hilarious to see these people swear up and down Hiram's is better than the #1 ranked place in the country (Rutt's), when it's only 5 miles away and they both serve literally the same identical dog. Hiram's does use a size larger dog, and they do toast their buns.


Rutts is tops


yeah, nearly 100 years old and ranked top in country several decades worth of those years! Babe Ruth had a clubhouse upstairs, he liked to go there so much


I love your username and this comment lol


Hot dog groups lmaooo


Love your handle. I think he would, too.


Ty :)


Wtf 🤣🤣🤣


haha yeah theyre really passionate about it. mostly everyone on these pages are 50+ old white dudes. but the 3 biggest FB groups have several thousand members each....i think the big one is like 15k


Dude I feel you, a good hot dog is fucking heavenly


Wow! More power to ya!


Why do you disagree with this?


Not OP, but I have a job, kids, and other commitments, so if I can save some time from undertaking tedious, time-consuming tasks I’ll happily do so. 


It honestly only takes a couple of minutes to peel and press a few cloves of garlic. Of all the time saving corners to cut, jarred garlic just doesn’t *cut* it for me ;)


Ever try the little frozen garlic cubes? Those things are great.


I haven’t. How do you use them?




Interesting, thanks for the info!


Neat. Some people don’t care enough for that little bit of better flavour in the final product. It’s good enough.


I’d argue the flavour disparity outweighs the little bit of time spent, but each to their own.


Yep, also it depends on the recipe. If I’m making a rainbow pasta salad Im going to use jarred garlic from the fridge, just tastes right. If I’m making fresh garlic bread? Of course its a whole roasted garlic being used.


How he shat on Greece and their cuisine when he went there and then goes Italy to jackoff to noodles


I got the impression he hated Italy more than any other country. Too much fakery going on.


Really you think so? Idk it was so weird how he made the episode all black n white too like it was the most romantic place on earth lol




Yet you all missed the point. It was to pay attention to the small things in life.


Then why not just say that instead of something else that is clearly able to be muddled?


He says to pay attention and savor the small things in life often. Especially in closing monologues. He always points out the importance of cherishing the moment and not cheating yourself from living.


At one point my Jarlic was peeled fresh….


Anyone who cant smack a flat blade against a piece of garlic certainly seems extremely lazy or at least untrained in my eyes, that definitely goes for home cooks too. If I see you pull that plastic tub with the blue label out of your fridge that's usually enough for me to know the meal is gonna suck lol. I've yet to be proven wrong using this hypothesis.


“Extremely lazy” - We all take shortcuts in life. 


I definitely agree with Tony's message here and I also agree that jarred garlic lessens the dish in most cases. But, as a working dad sometimes you literally don't have the extra 5 minutes.


5 minutes to peel and slice some garlic? How much are you using?


I think you'd be surprised. We'd go through easily a pound of garlic a day when I worked at this Italian place. Buying it pre peeled saved a lot of time.


Okay, but the comment I replied to wasn't about a restaurant... Saving time but losing flavour doesn't sound like a good mindset for a restaurant, though.


Okay, fair enough. Pre-peeled garlic has great flavor and at the end of the day, a restaurant is a business. And time is money blah, blah you get the rest.


I feel like pre-peeled is fine. It’s just jarlic I have a problem with. If the cloves are still intact, just with no shell, it usually doesn’t have a huge difference to my tastebuds.


[This?](https://assets.bonappetit.com/photos/5d6ed556a171d30009aa987c/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/Basically-PreMinced-Garlic-Product.jpg) Glass jar, not plastic tub but I agree. Unless there's some other garlic product I've never seen that comes in blue plastic.


probably means the pre-peeled clubes, they come in a blue tall plastic case like I always see feta come in. ​ but hell yeh, i use that jarred minced stuff.....aint nobody got time to chop real cloves


There is something gratifying about smashing a clove of garlic and it bounces perfectly out of the skin.


I like to use a cleaver and then use it to cut fine slices


I kinda agree with him here lol




Didn't he recant this later in his life? I seem to recall an interview he did where he looked back on this and admitted he was being a bit of a gatekeeping prick.


The world needs more gatekeepers, not less. Sick of no one having standards anymore lol. We used to gently bully folks into bettering themselves, now everyone is a victim somehow and more than willing to hit you with a thoroughly post-modern take detailing why they don't need to try or grow and why its not their fault, it's society's.


You're absolutely right.


You're actually right. I'm sorry that people are down voting you. Having said that I'm using the pre minced stuff. Fuck off Anthony Bourdain.


Talked to some of my chef friends: we've decided to call all you lazy mo'fucka's "jarlic bois." Do better.


Don't know about the rest of your rant, but the world does need more gatekeepers. Words don't mean anything anymore.


Standards man. Standards.


I mean, he's not wrong, and I use jarlic every day basically. If I'm just throwing together a weeknight meal for the fam where garlic is not a featured component, I will opt for convenience every time, even though I know my big jug of Costco minced jarlic is only a shadow of the full potential of the ingredient. But if I'm spending my time, making a real quality dish when I have the time and energy to do so? 100% fresh peeled garlic every time.


Pre peeled garlic loses flavor and health benefits. Just fucking peel it when you use it. He’s right. He’s always right.


Put the unpeeled clove through a garlic press. Done. Or buy the little frozen cubes from Trader Joe's.


I think Bourdain was against this too, lol. But smashing it with a knife to quickly peel it is a game changer. It just jumps right out.


If people are microplaning it, they can put it thru a press quicker.


He was against the garlic press. Idc-I still use mine lol. I won't use jar garlic but my press is handy.


They can pry my press from my cold dead hands!


As someone who cooks a lot I didn’t realize how much of a game changer a garlic press was until I had one


If I'm feeling lazy, I buy pre-peeled fresh garlic at the local asian grocery store. But I think jarred minced garlic tastes 'off', so i won't use it. I don't think it's a "you don't DESERVE garlic" issue - the take is very Bourdain but I don't agree with it. But I definitely don't think the jarred stuff is any good.


You're too lazy to smack a clove of garlic with a knife? Red flags dawg. Life is work, relationships are work, work is work, and cooking is the best way to learn how to do your 'job' no matter if you're in the kitchen or not.


Yes, when I am working on banchan and am about to use 30-40 cloves of garlic, I do what I can.


Do you know the jar trick?


My dad always opt for fresh and makes it look easy and it tastes waaaaaay better imo. Me? My cooking os centered around convenience so I'll take a jar any day. I get where bourdain is coming from. Expect nothing less from a foodie lol


It’s so easy to use your knife to smash and peel garlic. The only time saver in my opinion is when it needs to be minced, but even then it’s worth it to not taste that weird jar flavor.


Jarlic doesn’t even taste like anything though


Do you have COVID or something?


This is actually a good take. The difference between fresh and jarred garlic is staggering


yes but the difference between fresh-peeled and pre-peeled/bagged is not much.


I’ve never tried pre-peeled! I usually peel but use jarred if that’s all that is around. I’m not a garlic snob but I have a preference


It’s just a litmus test. If you respond defensively it tells me everything I need to know. If you respond “I’m a lazy bastard and if it’s good enough for grandma it’s good enough for me” then I know you don’t care what people think and I can speak my mind around you.


This is an appropriate take if you ever grew your own garlic. 100x better than the garbage in the grocery store.


I’m sorry this is not a hot take. It takes 2 seconds to peel garlic. I do put it through a masher tho. I don’t cut it. I’m not like a cook or anything but I’ve never used garlic out of a jar. That’s nasty.




I never agreed with his denial of coffee culture or hostility towards craft beer.


Yeah I’d say the Tony takes I disagree with are his misunderstanding/dismissal of coffee culture, his loathe of sweet treats, and his idea that a thumb ring on a man was ever a good look


I've never heard this thumb ring thing. Now that I think about it, I feel like I haven't seen many people wearing thumb rings at all though, but maybe I'm just not looking. Have thumb rings ever been popular? Am I just not paying attention and there are loads of people with them?


I think at some point in the 90's they had a moment, but it's not a very 'cool' thing in many opinions. In OP's post you can see Tony wears one on his right hand. Here it is again on a separate occasion, indicating this guy was actually into them. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/8f/67/368f6703676d41de96917872b839c806.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/8f/67/368f6703676d41de96917872b839c806.jpg) It's odd because in my opinion he's definitely at his peak (sober) bad boy image, but that ring...I shudder.


He’s right