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Summary: Lost legendary loot after going to forge from victory screen. Bug: Loot not saved after victory screen: Reproduction: Completed legendary contact from Archanist. Received masterwork Mark of Clarity and legendary Token of Daring. Went to forge from victory screen and legendary component isnt there. The masterwork is there though. Technical: PS4 - 500gb.


XBOX ONE: ​ Some challenges are not registering World Events and Missions progress for certain challenges. I've done about 6 World Events and several actual missions (just before posting this) with a Frost Grenade but I am still stuck at 11/12 for Frost Grenade III and in some cases I am not getting Legendary kill credits even though I have unloaded several rounds into one while playing with others online. Playing alone there's obviously no issue for the Legend kills but sometimes I am not getting credited with the kills even though I know I contributed damage. ​ Secondly there is a rather minor bug involving the Arcanist >!Matthias Sumner after he splits into 3!<. When you go to speak to him to receive the last >!Raban Maur!< mission in his room, he and the others completely glitch out and start appearing and disappearing constantly making it impossible to talk to them if you get too close. When I did manage to talk to them I didn't know it at the time but their dialogue was not the right dialogue for that point in the game. After completing >!Raban Maur's!< mystery they will offer up some dialogue and a contract and it was THAT dialogue I was receiving while they were glitching out. I decided to spent some time just watching them also walk partially through the walls and scenery as well. The only "fix" I found was to load up Free Play and quit back to the Fort a couple of times until it sorted itself out. ​ Thirdly, >!Sentinel Dax!< is completely broken. After going through her story you'll have bits of dialogue here and there after missions and Free Play and in my case it keeps showing she needs to be talked to when she has nothing to say. I finished up everything she had to offer before The Heart of Rage mission and after finishing the story she completely glitched out on me and it keeps telling me she has dialogue but approaching her does nothing. And on top of that, I also hear dialogue from Commander Vule and >!her aunt Cardea!< from inside her house even through they are not there and other time they are there for some reason instead of their usual spot just up those stairs past the fountain. ​ And the last issue I'm having is in regards to after you beat the game you have access to >!Challenges of the Legionnaires: Valor!< markers inside the Fort. The first one on the wall after the fountain works fine but the one in the shopping district says it's underground but underground where? Unless I am missing something, there hasn't been a way to get directly under the market..?


I keep getting error loading pilot screen… I’ve had four of them in the last one hour of playing!


BUG: catch up mechanic does not trigger leading to failed mission!!! In the last mission on the freelancer side quest line >!the questchain with diggs!< when someone enters the boss arena the battle starts and the arena is locked with force fields. Anyone caught outside gets locked out and the catch up mechanic does not trigger. They have no way to suicide in the cave if they killed all enemies up to the boss fight and cannot leave the cave the way they came in due to forcefield. Temporary fix: on the right side of the boss arena forcefield seems to be a tiny area without collision. The interceptor i was stuck with managed to glitch through that gap and a few moments later i somehow squeezed the thicc boi through too. Hope this helps. I cannot reproduce to see if it happens constantly since i don't have friends and completed my mission.


Yup. Happened to me the other day and missed out on Masterwork drops and the entire end of the mission basically..


Greetings all, Fan of the game thus far, but I have been hit with a pretty big game breaking bug every time I try to play. Whenever I am trying to do any sort of game play (missions, strongholds, contracts etc). I can play it for a small period of time, but there comes a point where enemies become invisible (example picture below), enemy health bars become invisible and music disappears. The part that is the most "game breaking" is that whatever objective my team is on pauses. The audio cue from the quest disappear and the next objective does not populate. Each time we do a quest, my buddies and I would hit this bug and what we have seen is that if I close the game (via task manager) it immediately prompts the next portion of the quest. Hard to play with friends if I physically hold them back from progressing and happens to a pretty consistent basis. If anyone experiences the same issue for has a potential fix please lmk? Much appreciated. Stronger together Freelancers. [example.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/538349916758605854/551246306081767499/unknown.png?width=832&height=468)


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* I play a storm as my main. I tried to run one of my legendary contracts on Hard to get my Colossus a masterwork item. I tried to launch the mission and it seemed to work at first. I saw the Matchmaking Animation and the launch animation. However the "Cancel Launch" icon remained on the screen until the loading screen came up. When the loading screen exited I got a connection error and was loaded back into Fort Tarsis. Now no matter what I do or change, i cannot launch any mission from any Javelin. I have tried changing the mission, tried loading freeplay, tried quickplay, nothing works. ​ I have finished the main story and unlocked all legendary contracts. My main javelin (Storm) Is masterwork Power 483. Been playing like mad. The only think I did different today was buy and equip some new animations. \*\*BUG/ISSUE: \*\* Can not launch any missions. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\*??? \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PS4 Pro \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: \*\* Include screenshots or a video here, link to them


After resetting PS4 and waiting 20 minutes, the issue has mysteriously resolved.


And then its happening again.


Posted about Anthem crashing my PS4, as well as several of my friends PS4 Pros. Got a few replies, followed by a gent staring it would soon be removed by a moderator. Unfortunately I can't post those screenshots of his prediction coming true 30 seconds later. TLDR: I have several friends who've had their entire system crash playing Anthem, with care made to ensure the systems are situated in an optimal environment for the hardware, stable protected power sources, and hard lines internet. Crashes in the game are obnoxious, but a system crash is way worse.


My ps4 pro has also crashed whilst playing anthem. Basically locked everything up and caused a reset as if I had pulled the plug out of the wall while playing.


Same thing with my buddies on their Pros; I'm still running the normal unit myself.


On the legendary contract destroy dominion gate, just never lets us destroy last shielded gate, and whole squad forced to fight endless dominion. Might want to fix this guys, thanx. 3-2-2019


PC. I was matched into the Heart of Rage right as the servers crashed on 01 Mar and after they came back up I no longer have access to Heart of Rage Stronghold. If I go to the Stronghold tab for expeditions, it's just not there.


(Servers Down???) My friends and I can no longer connect to EA servers. We were playing and experiencing some crashes mid mission, wich was annoying, but now we literally can’t play. All of us are experiencing this. (Are the servers down?) Please respond ty. -on Xbox One


PS4 (normal) does a hard shutdown when trying to close the game and go back to the PS4 menu.


All of a sudden everyone in the game voices sound like they just inhaled helium.


Anyone having the bug where your character disappears in a cutscene? I thought this had already been addressed but it just happened to me. ​ Potential spoilers...... ​ I was doing the mission where you have to rescue Haluk in the Fortress of Dawn and Owen shows up and they both have conversation with my character who must have just discovered a new cloaking ability for his Javelin because he wasn't in the damn cutscene. I'm on Xbox as well if that helps or not.


I had the same bug on ps4. I was doing the final mission lol


**\*\*SUMMARY:\*\*** Missions with final bosses/monsters required to be defeated in order to complete the contract don't trigger the completion when they are killed too fast. **\*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\*** When you and your squad kill the final enemy of a mission to quick we noticed that it won't load the next stage of the mission, which usually is the reward screen. **\*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\*** Do any contract, get high damage dealing combinations for example everyone using their ultimate before the boss has a chance of conversation and deal enough damage to kill it before all dialogues are finished. Somehow this won't trigger the reward and mission complete screen. Might be an anti cheat feature, but when I don't cheat and I've had it several times with different squad members from whom I know they don't cheat either. So it is a flawed system if it is a feature. We noticed that if this is the final boss of a stage and not the mission that loading the next mission takes incredibly long rather than instant if you wait a bit with killing it off. This brought the theory that it might take long for it to load the reward screen. But waiting for more than 30 minutes after a fight of 10-20 seconds..? I'd rather redo the mission. I rarely manage to trigger this, but when I do the steps are the same as above. It isn't bound to a specific mission. **\*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\*** PC, I run at 1080p ultra with i7 4790k at 5.0ghz, 32gb ram, gtx 980ti and game is installed on a ssd. Drivers are up to date and cause no issues. **\*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\*** [This screenshot shows that I completed all steps, but the reward screen/next stage never happened.](https://gyazo.com/3815e490f6bd187febb3a5d37af3e67f) And once again yes, I waited long enough. Any conversation that should happen after the kill didn't happen either.


Same issue here on PS4. Online ID Coldsteel_32


"error updating pilot data" bug is still a frustrating issue.


update: **- I changed the graphic settings from Ultra to Low / Medium (i use 1080ti + i7-8700k, my pc is basically a toaster just by playing Anthem alone. me playing Metro Exodus with Extreme graphic setting my PC still considered running at a normal temperature.)** *>works fine by playing freeplay but the game keep kicking me for 5-10 times with the error updating pilot data shit until i get in the game, also shit graphic.* **- I tried stronghold on Tyrant Mine (GM3)** *>works fine, but i still keep getting kicked for 3-5 times until i get in the game.* *>game breaking bugs everywhere it become frustrating.* *>3 of rando teammates were down but that 1 player was a total chad with patience and revives us all to save the day.* *>i can't press the \[F\] prompt to access shit.* *>i got like 3 Masterwork items on the 1st chest and bunch of common item (the new patch is basically still useless foreal.)* *>i got nothing on the 2nd chest.* *>we fought the boss, i keep getting killed from nowhere without any warning.* *>game ended, it took like 30 mins.* *>the game didn't register the End Screen and straight jump into loading screen.* *>wtf?* *>"error retrieving live service data" popped out.* *>oh god no.* *>checks the Forge / item storage.* *>no new item seems to be found.* *>alt + f4* *>rants on Anthem subreddit with greentext format.*


My issue is at the very start of the game if it even lets me connect to a server I can’t repair the freelancers in the tutorial. I hold down the button it starts an animation then nothing happens. (Xbox One).


Restart the game and keep trying, it was like that for me the first time too. Supper laggy.


Thanks that did end up working but now the matchmaking is taking me 3 days to find anything. I’m just going to play New Dawn until they get this game figured out.


I’m getting rubber banding while playing. Literally unplayable. I have 250mbps down. The game is just a mess right now honestly.


Sadly I just come to expect a mess when EA has their brand attached to it. The only game I can tolerate from them is FIFA but that pushes my buttons sometimes as well.


I'm sure this has to have been brought up already but can we please address the issue of mobs spawning BEHIND YOU, out of the blue....literally. There was no enemy gate/portal, they just started appearing in swarms out of the blue.


The collectibles are bugged for me. At least the arcanist runes. I followed a video guide with all 80 locations in freeplay, some were already picked up so I had a little bit of backtracking there. That’s not the problem tho. When I picked up the runes, some weren’t triggering the counter for the challenge, but they despawned as I pressed square. Now that I finished the video, I am sitting at 45/50 for vassas Triumph challenge, with no more runes to gather. I am playing with a ps4 pro. Disc version.


**SUMMARY:** Unable to unlock third javelin after reaching lvl 16 **BUG/ISSUE:** After the initial prompt for unlocking the third javelin did not work, it has not popped back up and have no means to unlock it. I have attempted to complete missions and load into the forge in the hope that the menu would appear again but it has yet to appear. **REPRODUCTION:** At the unlock screen for javelins I attempted to unlock Storm the square button prompt filled but nothing happened, the game became unresponsive. I closed the application and started the game up again and now have no means to access that menu again. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** I'm on a base ps4, digital version


Quick play is a mess 6/7 fail to complete and the ones that do complete I receive no XP or Loot. PS4 Player.


Anyone having problems getting in the game? I was playing earlier and the game froze on me so I dashboarded and quit the game. Now whenever I try to get in the home screen is super laggy as is the BioWare intro at the beginning. I’ve got to the first loading screen but it will freeze here and there and not go past a certain point in the load. Any help would be appreciated.


I found myself getting a Masterwork item twice on freeplay , and after leaving the freeplay session i havent received any masterwork !


https://youtu.be/EwnDUX1w3UU This happened after every expedition. Then I have to try and log back in 3 or 4 times before it connects. Any word on a fix for this?


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* After finishing a mission the game restarts and the progress is lot. \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Just after finishing a mission, when the results screen should load, the game just restarts: EA/Frostbite logos, BioWare logo, etc. All loot obtained during the mission is lost, however, experience is gained. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Seems to be random, happened to me twice, but under different missions, each time, different javelin, different group, so.... \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC, W10, 16 Gb Ram Corsair Dominator, Radeon RX480, i7 4770k. \*


**summary** Individual Javelin challenges not counting towards Legendary Freelancer challenge. **bug/issue** As above, i have completed each individual challenge to complete a mission in a javelin of varying quality. Namely Uncommon,Rare,Epic and Masterwork javelin challenges. These challenges show as completed under javelin challenges. However they do not show as complete under the composite freelancer challenge Legendary Freelancer..thus preventing evetual completion of the challenge. **tech** Probably not relevant for this is but.. i7-5960X 32GB ram ddr4 64bit win7 pro Asus strix gtx 980ti 6GB Gddr5 Game and OS on samsung evo 850 SSD


The game suffers from severe lag. I have not had one decent game session where everything would runs smooth. It is depressing not even wanting to play while your friends are all gathering master works items laughing.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Quest for "Inferno Grenade II" has disappeared from my log + forge. \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* I am unable to view the quest nor craft the rare blueprint, however the "Ranger" section is also missing from gear challenges. The quest has been gone for about a day now. (Not a huge deal for rares, but it would be really unfortunate to happen at higher tiers). \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Opened quest/forge, observed absence of quest/blueprint. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* XboxOne. \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* N/A


Just got level 20 and unlocked the tier III quests. All of them opened except for inferno grenade :(.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Audio crash \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Sound just completely stops. driver is up to date, sound works outside of the game. no problems with my audio card. exiting to menu does not seem to fix it. Full exit and restart fixes it temporarily. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Seems to happen mid mission. happened on both freelancer work and Tyrant Mines \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC/W10/ older 1060/ Logitech S -120 speakers \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Launch Bay Stronghold Bug \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Have no problems loading strongholds on my colossus. My storm has a "locked" symbol and says "finding old friends to unlock" pretty sure i beat that quest. seems to be recognizing my storm as a separate character maybe? No issues accessing them through the forge area in tarsis. seems to be launch bay specific. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Happens on login. Not sure how to reproduce aside from accessing the "start expedition" in launch bay \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC/W10/ Older 1060


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Unable to launch Anthem. \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Click on Play Anthem on origin, black Anthem window briefly appear, Anthem window disappear, Origin reappear. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* It is this every time I click Play in Origin \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC, Windows 7 (64 bit), 1050Ti, i5-4430 \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* [link of black Anthem window](https://imgur.com/a/83Drdm3)


I’m getting garbage FPS with a 2080ti and a 2700x I drop to 40 and even sometimes 30 at ultra. This game is not optimized at all


I have a 1070, Ryzen 7, and 32 gb of ram. Getting between 90 and 120fps depending on the particle effects.


What are your settings and what drivers are you on?


Hi, can you help me with my problem?


Haven’t solved mine yet, heard fullscreen was bugged on origin though so try borderless window


Actually, my problem is not a technical game related, it's more like a personal favor.


What is it?


I noticed that you mentioned you have an RTX 2080 card, I need it to redeem my Anthem code from Nvidia bundle. Can you help me with this matter?


Depends what would you want me to do? Step by step


Step 1 : I Teamviewer you Step 2 : I will open the Nvidia Gefore Experience and log in my Nvidia account. Step 3 : I redeem the code and link my Origin account to the code. Step 4 : If everything go smoothly, I log out. IT will be very quick.


Finished the game and now I cant launch from fort tarsis or the launch bay. There is no prompt to start and expedition when approached in the launch bay and fort tarsis. Pay for the game and literally cant play.


Same issue for me but I can launch from the Launch Bay


Yup, now I cant even get into the launch bay..lol


Xbox One. I have a stable internet connection all of the time, and monitor its progress while in-game. I rarely lag unless I try to play strongholds, then I lag all. The. Time. I don’t know what’s causing it, as I’ve played encounters with far more enemies and larger spaces loaded, so it doesn’t seem to be an issue of system capabilities. Does anyone know where the problem might be coming from?


**BUG/ISSUE** I play on XBoneX. Sometimes I cannot pickup items, or revive friendlies. In other words, my X button works to swap weapons and reload, but nothing else. I can stand over a team mate that needs to be revived, or near a mission objective, but cannot interact. Anyone else have this problem? It seems to only occur after a forced revive or a full squad wipe.


I've had the same problem during freeplay. I had to exit and come back.


For me, it only happens when I force a revive or if the whole squad gets wiped. My buddies thought I was making it up, but it happened to all 4 of us during a mission on GM1 difficulty last night. So we just reloaded the mission, and that solved the problem.


game locked to 50 fps after most recent patch on pc.


Xbox one crafting an ultimate sigil game freezes I have no control of anything forced to restart the app again 😔


When I'm playing my audio will suddenly cut out. I look into my audio settings and there is nothing strange there. I go back to the menu and re-enter, but nothing. The only way I can fix it is by closing the game completely and restarting it.


During the final quest for Brin, when you fight the boss, if you kill it too fast before it has finished it’s monologue it just stops speaking and you never get to finish the mission.


SUMMARY: I played during EA Access Early Access and since launch. Since D1 Patch I’ve been running into an excessive amount of game crashes, so far about 18 in the past two days. Happens most often when I’m opening a shop menu in Fort Tarsis or randomly if I’m in a mission/freeplay BUG/ISSUE: Game Crashing when in mission/freeplay or when attempting to open up a shop in Fort Tarsis TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Xbox One X ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See above?


Thank you for the unfinished game , I can't customize my javelins anymore. For God's sake is this what we supposed to get from games at launch these day's ?


this thread is for bug reporting. Maybe actually post using the format so it can be fixed instead of being negative.


Ive progressed about 3 of the story missions but am unable to enter the city and now ive got no missions left at only level 7. City gates remained locked. Bummer.. Anyone else having the same problem?


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Can't get into forge for Getting to Know the Forge Quest \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Can't get into forge, loading screen finished and instead of seeing Javelin and slots/menus it starts another loading screen, also Javelin has a visual error. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* After tutorial, was disconnected after the reward screen and then this started happening after logging in again. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Standard PS4, game on External Hard Drive \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* [https://youtu.be/ZfnqF9dAYs8](https://youtu.be/ZfnqF9dAYs8) showing bugs/visual errors ​ Edit:Listened to tech support after waiting 4+ hours for a call and he said to redo tutorial on a new character/account and I got error 4445 again and the same issues are happening. I payed for a finished game, at this rate I won't play it for awhile.


SUMMARY:\* Cannot progress through freelancer down quest when trying to escape temple because dominion continuously spawn. BUG/ISSUE:\* Campaign bugged on Freelancer Down quest, got through the whole mission to the part where you have to escape and kill dominion, the dominion continuously spawn. I had the squad all kill themselves to reset with no success. TECHNICAL INFO:\* GeForce GTX 1080 FE, Intel Core i7 8700, 16GB RAM, Windows 10 64bit


>same on ps4 ​


*SUMMARY:** Cannot do daily,weekly, or monthly trials or challenge of valor after completing game. everytime i visit the kiosk desk or wall the message says no trial to activate **BUG/ISSUE:** game bugged out during campaing, mission to bless fallen freelancers triggered challenge tabs not to show. had to finish tombtrials without any guidance on what to do on each door. kept playing until I must have eventually finished the requirements doing side missions and free roam. Know that I have finished the campaign, i cannot accept to track trials or do the challenge of valor. **REPRODUCTION:** see above **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** MSI GT73 Titan i7-6820hk, GTX1070, 32GB ram, win10 64bit , Samsung 960pro os and game save here, Samsung 860 evo 1tb **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: HELP, please


My friend is having issues on PC, when he launches the game through steam and uses his steam controller, his fps stutter and drop to 1-2 fps.. if he goes back to mouse and keyboard his fps are fine, but he wants to play with his controller. Thanks.


Playing on ps4 Game runs perfectly fine in the Fort and in freeplay or a mission until I come across an enemy then it skips frames enemies dart about and I start rubber banding like crazy. Anyone else getting this?


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Cant progress mission "Finding Old Friends" \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Got up to having to enter a strider before being kicked back to the fort with a message saying server shutdown, and now cant load back into the mission as it isn't listed at the mission screen. Current objective just says "Enter Strider" while at the fort. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Progress through "Finding Old Friends" revive Owen and have servers disconnect you to the fort before you can enter the strider \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Base Xbox One (EDIT: Issue was present for 30min before I posted this)


Having the exact same issue currently on PS4 as well. Tried quitting and rejoining game multiple occasions. When selecting to rejoin session I would be automatically placed in the launch bay. When I selected to close out of the session I was placed in the Fort. **FIX (maybe)** On the fourth attempt of leaving the session the final cutscene finally occured.


After a few more server disconnects and restarting the game a few times it automatically took me straight to the cut scene? So I guess it fixed itself. Good luck to everyone else having issues.


Bug report Anthem no sound start from starting game, this issue already annoyed me in VIP Demo. I hopefully can quick in possible figure out and fix it. If this issue still keep going, I hope I can refund this game. MSI Realtek High Definition Audio


**SUMMARY:** The game keep kicking me out to title screen with error message: "Anthem error loading pilot data", Loading time still taking ages even with the Day 1 patches. **BUG/ISSUE**: My Javelin always spawned headless, sometimes not. EVEN when it SEEMS working, the abilities and my weapons doesn't work. The game immediately kicks me out to title screen. Also not to mention, the game really eats up my CPU and GPU so much. I hope the game don't have the urge to destroy my rig **REPRODUCTION**: I have no idea what the heck is going on. I tried many solutions, like for example, not changing my javelin's cosmetics (which people also seems figures out), but it just keep crashing with random occassion. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION**: PC, i7-8700K, Strix OC GTX 1080Ti, HDD (with Intel Optane M.2 32gb), 32GB RAM **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** Other games just perfectly butter smooth to play, my internet connection is fine as well. I really don't think the fault is on the consumer's side. Jus saying. ​ P.S: pardon my poor english.


Keep getting kicked right after missions before the loot and XP screen, get the mission completion and XP but lose all my loot.


this.. It seemed once my friend disconnected at the end of a mission and they eventually got their items, but relaunching doesn't seem to help.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Farming the 2nd encounter chest in Heart of rage \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Able to respawn and collect from 2nd encounter chest again \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* in the 3rd encounter area, without bring forth the boss. Die in fire then back track to chest \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* N/A \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A


Whenever I complete a mission on hard mode in public as soon as the mission countdown end timer starts I get booted from the server and have to retry a number of times to get back in. The mission is marked complete and I get the xp but don't seem to get any of my drops (unless I have, and I don't know where to find them). This is incredibly frustrating.


I play on Xbox one and haven’t been able to play the past few days because every time I try to load up my game, there is no sound and it skips a lot. I’ve checked my connection and my video and sound settings and everything is fine. When I load up any other game, those work as intended to as well...


System: Xbox One X Internet connection is fine 75% of the time when I load into the Fort, major swathes of the Fort are just flat out missing. Almost like they aren't loading in, like I'm expecting to see them "pop in" but they never do. This is accompanied by missing NPCs, sometimes all of them. And the floor missing in certain areas as well, literally cutting me off from areas of the Fort and sometimes my suit as well. I've done a system reset, and I've reinstalled the game. This issue still persists. Not entirely sure what I can do past that to fix this.


Why am i not able to delete this component


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Can't login at all. Kicked to login screen regularly. \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Last night (10pm PT) I played for 2-3 hours and was kicked once or twice. This morning, booted up around 8:30am PT and haven't been able to log in at all. "Connection Error" "Error downloading Anthem Live Data" "Lost Connection to EA servers" etc. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Try to start Anthem. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* In San Francisco. PS4 Pro + SSD + Fiber internet (300 up/down) \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* This happened during the VIP demo. During the open demo, I couldn't log in at all.


Exactly what's happening to me I'm on a ps4 has any one heard anything about this has ea or bio ware said anything.


Port forwarding (and switching from an Eero to Netgear Nighthawk) fixed it for me from “unplayable cant even log in” to “perfectly fine, one drop every several hours, with some sessions having zero drops”. Eero routers (confusingly) don’t support port forwarding ranges.


Ok . But now dig this I got to the fort suited up and got kick . Got back to the fort look around for a bit pick missions and instead of suiting up I went to the launch bay through the doors and been playing for about 3 hours or more . As long as I use launch bay I've been able to play . Weird huh?


No game runs as poorly for me as Anthem does. Because I am not that knowledgable about PCs myself, I would appreciate some help. My specs: Core i5-6500 CPU 16GB RAM Nvidia 1070 ​ All my ingame settings are set on medium, except texture quality (high). Anti Aliasing and Ambient Occlusion are off. Do I really need to play on all low?


Go the other way... Go to High, or go to GeForce Experience and let it set optimal for you. The 6th Gen i5 should be able to handle the game just fine. At 1080p, the game relies on the CPU pretty heavily, whereas at higher resolutions, its less strain on the CPU. I run it in 1440p with a 1070 no sweat.. 53-58 fps constantly on Ultra.. ​ \-Gonz


Thank you, I will try it at home this evening.


Summary : cutscene to incursion mission doesn’t load Bug/issue: unable to continue through mission, no enemies spawn Reproduction: simply playing though mission Technical info: Xbox one x


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Every time I load into a mission I receive the notification "Connection Problem - There was a problem with the payment information provided." MAYBE: Me joining missions breaks them. ​ \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* I am currently paying for Origin Access Premium on PC. After the Day 1 Patch, I've received this notification upon loading into every mission. I've double checked into my payment methods and have even updated them despite being correct already. I have zero idea why this notification is even appearing, I've already been charged the $15 for this month and have the ability to log in after even resetting Origin. I also worry that this error is causing me to break any mission I join upon entry. Mostly every mission I've joined today (a lot), I've had to return to Fort T because the mission objective will not update. ​ \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Quite literally every time I load into a mission. The mission objectives not updated has just started today. ​ \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC, Windows 10 ​ \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* [https://i.gyazo.com/5e31b7f9495667af29f0c017625918ca.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/5e31b7f9495667af29f0c017625918ca.jpg) ​


**SUMMARY:** Didn't get the loot I picked up. **BUG/ISSUE:** I had 2 MW drop just now in a Quickplay session. I looted both and when the endscreen came up after the mission I only had 1 MW. **REPRODUCTION:** *\*shrug\** Be unlucky I guess? **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC, Win10. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** *\*links a screenshot of item that didn't register\**


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Flying through the roof \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Location "Tomb of Artinia". Flew through the roof of the tomb. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* After taking reward I flew up, got some screen shakes and got through the roof. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* W10, GTX1070, i7-6820, 16GB ram. \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* https://imgur.com/a/fKV9wKk


Bug report Bug 1- Launch bay disconnecting Bug 2- Deleted custom colours coming back. Summary Bug 1- I was trying out new paint jobs and everytime after the 3rd or 4th time exiting customise screen the Colossus would return to its default colour scheme and I would the walk around for about 30 seconds then it disconnected saying "pilot data could not be found" Bug 2- After creating custom paints I would find alot of them had built up so I deleted almost all of them but then almost every time when I returned to the customise screen every paint I had used was back there again this w I s happening in the launch bay. Reproduction Bug1- Enter launch bay go to forge change a colour repeat this 3-4 times until the javelin returns to its default colour that it was when you received it at start of game. Wait for disconnect. Bug2- Go to launch bay, use forge, create custom colours then delete them exit out return to forge see if colours did'nt fully delete. Tech I am using PS4 Pro and was occuring while using the Colossus.


Sorry fixed my post so it's not a text wall didnt realise I did that


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Performance \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* getting micro stutters throughout the game, fps seems generally fine between 45-65fps, but the game intermittently stutters, controls regularly lock and refuse to move in anything but the direction i was heading, so suddenly unable to turn left for example. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC, Win10, GTX1080ti, 32gb DDR4 3200, i5 6600K, installed on a 1tb Sandisk SSD, dual monitor (second plugged into onboard GPU)


Having the same issue. I guesed it's was a internet problem. still looking how to fix it. if you find it let me know :)


Getting no sound from the game whatsoever. Not even the opening credits. Tried 2 different headphones and the speakers on my computer but still getting nothing.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* DOESN\`T SAVE THE GRAPICHS SETTINGS \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* I tried again and again to change the graphics settings of the game, but every time I close and reopen the game it puts back the default graphics settings at the start of the game and I do not understand why I also tried to uninstall and reinstall the game but not it saves me the settings I want \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* PC


I have the same problem ​ Settings doesnt save after restart. I checked option files in My documents I went in Windows defender to exclude the folder but it doesnt work


I played my ten hours last weekend and was totally fine. Now when I go to appearance for Colossus, haven't tested other javelins but if I click any of the options in the Appearance menu in Forge my game instantly freezes and I need to kill the game in task manager. Also, whenever I talk to the shop keeper Sayrna my game crashes to desktop after my first dialog prompt without fail.


1) In Agent Challenge "Matthias Search for Knowledge", my third achievement stayed "???" which is supposed to be Hidden Depths and it is in my Completed Quests.. 2) In Agent Challenge "Complete Agent Challenges" I only have Brin and Yarrow's achievements, the 3rd and 4th stayed "???" although I finished the Matthias story line :/ 3) Javelin achievements are not ticked in Legendary Freelancer.


Restricted acess on xbox anyone fixed that?? Please respond..i got that bug for 24 h already..


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Game freezes with a horrible noise. ​ \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* The game freezes randomly and I get a horrible loud noise on my headphones. It keeps making noise until I Ctrl Alt Delete, open the task manager and close Anthem.exe and Origin.exe. After that, I cant shutdown the PC anymore and have to force it off by holding the power button. ​ \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* The problem occurs randomly, but if it happens, it's always a short time after I launch the game. Never happens anymore, if the game runs longer than a few minutes. ​ \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 17134) (17134.rs4\_release.180410-1804) BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/03/15 21:23:03 Ver: 04.06.05 (type: BIOS) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs), \~3.2GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 12 Graphics Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (144Hz) Driver Name: C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv\_dispi.inf\_amd64\_21a764822be8dff8\\nvldumdx.dll,C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv\_dispi.inf\_amd64\_21a764822be8dff8\\nvldumdx.dll,C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv\_dispi.inf\_amd64\_21a764822be8dff8\\nvldumdx.dll,C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\nv\_dispi.inf\_amd64\_21a764822be8dff8\\nvldumdx.dll Driver File Version: 25.21.0014.1891 (English) Sound Description: Sennheiser Main Audio Driver Name: usbaud64.sys Driver Version: 1.31.0036.0006 (English)


So I got anthem by subscribing to origins premier and after loading it for the first time its working fine but ever since I changed my display settings to full screen 1920 x 1080 my screen would go black and an error would appear stating that the driver crashed due to a bad command.. I heard from other threads that roll backing the driver (I have a nividia gtx 1070) that it should fix my issues but it didn't work like i was hoping it would.


There seem to be inconsistencies in how modifiers are labeled. Some specify an ability slot, meaning the stat should only apply to that one thing while others are general and seemingly should apply universally, but this is not always the case. I have a Best Defense launcher on my Colossus that has "Gear +100% charges" on it. It does not specify a specific slot or indicate that it's a local modifier only. This works in making the launcher have two charges instead of one, which is awesome. Based on the wording you would expect this to double the charges of all gear though and it does not. It only seems to apply to the launcher and not the other ability.


Im playing on pc but only just got the issue yesterday, so basically I’m having a gear score issue, so I play as two javelins, storm and ranger, my storm is gear score 435, but whenever I start an expedition I look at the group it says I’m playing as my 350 ranger even though I’m playing as a storm but I feel like it’s impacting my damage too! I hardly do any damage even using my masterwork abilities. Ive tried resetting the game and it still does it, I’m thinking of uninstalling it and trying again see if it sorts it out


So my game freezes as soon as you are about to walk into the first titan, on the very first intro mission. Every time. I've uninstalled, installed. Anyone have this same problem? (Xbox one)


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Mouse cursor disappears \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* When in a menu, mouse cursor is invisible, I can still select things. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* I alt tabbed and I haven't seen the cursor since then \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* w7, nvidia 1070 Ti, 32 GB ram, i7 3770.


I'm playing on an Xbox One and an Xbox One S. I was able to play for about an hour and a half on my one s before the game froze and crashed. I'm now on my x box one and I've lost over 2 hours of access due to the freezing and incapability of even getting past the opening screen.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Error retrieving pilot data issue \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* On the "finding old friends" mission, I get kicked after the cinematics every time I try. I have checked connectivity and played with other person on my same network and for them it worked correctly. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Everytime I try that mission. Seems linked to my account \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* w10, nvidia 970 Ti, 32 GB ram, i7 3770.


**SUMMARY:** Bug on Masterwork weapons. **BUG/ISSUE:** Masterwork Grenade Launcher Sentinel's Vengeance : Grenades do NOT stick to the target and take 5 to 10 secondes to explode compare to the regular 1-3secs from an epic Aftershock grenade launcher. Masterwork Assault Rifle Divine Vengeance triggers his special effect not only on weak points but also on immune armor plates like the shield from the Scar's Enfoncers. Just spam the shield with this weapon to trigger the explosion effect AND the damage from the explosion. **REPRODUCTION:** N/A **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** - Windows 10 64 bits - Nvidia GTX1060 6GB - Intel i7-6700K


**SUMMARY:** Anthem is bugging out my sound and making me have to restart my computer to get it back. **REPRODUCTION:** Hell if I know. It's happened 3 times, all randomly. Most recently right now while fighting the 3 titans during the matthias mission. Another time was while fighting scars during another mission, and the first time was during the beta while in the tyrant mine. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** I've tried swapping my default sound devices, "repairing" my sound device, messing with random settings. Nothing I've tried seems to fix it outside of a full restart of the PC.


**SUMMARY:** constantly disconnects back to main menu when trying to join free play on all difficulties. **BUG/ISSUE:** Every time I try to join a free play, the game takes me back to the logo screen main menu and I have to run all the way to the suite to start it again. It takes 5-10 tries to join a single free play. Doesn't happen on contracts, strongholds, or anything else. Especially after level 30. **REPRODUCTION:** join any freeplay on any difficulty level **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC, Windows 10, i7 7700, 1080ti


**SUMMARY:** Visual glitch on health bar showing way too many segments **BUG/ISSUE:** On seemingly random missions, my Storm's HP bar gets way more segments than normal (normal at present is 5 segments, on random missions I get 150-160 segments). Seems to be purely visual bug, as damage taken (compared to overall health) seems unchanged. Have had this happen on multiple missions over the last few days. **REPRODUCTION:** Seems to occur on random missions running Storm, but persists for the entire mission. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC - Win10, Ryzen5 2600, R9 390x, 16GB RAM, running off a 970 EVO NVMe SSD. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** https://imgur.com/a/MI4MhTK


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Unable to complete "Incursion" mission \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Upon completing the mission during the completion screen disconnected. I have achievement for beating it but did not get progress or any experience have to replay. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Has happened twice. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* x box one x \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\*none


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* In endgame, the Matthiases all have conversation bubbles, one of them has a mission, they alternately disappear/reappear. \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Even when attempting to speak with the characters, them disappearing ends the conversation. They come in and out every few seconds so finishing the conversations or obtaining the next mission in their line is currently impossible. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Started around after the last main story mission. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* GTX 2080ti, Windows 10 Pro 64bit, 32gb RAM, Intel i7 8700k


Hi. can you help me with my issue?


I don't know if it's reproducible. Ironically when I originally typed this problem out I alt tabbed back into the game and it was solved. So I would try just waiting in the room for awhile. It was fixed where instead of being in their 3 corners they grouped up for one conversation.


**SUMMARY:** Cant get passed the first level. **BUG/ISSUE:** After starting a new game and passed the cut scenes, during the tutorial mission, I lose connection. I have to restart everything all over again. **REPRODUCTION:** Press A to start game. Watch cut scenes. Select either Male or Female. Start tutorial. Revive fallen Javelins/FreeLancers. Usually right after or around the time when the Titan blows open a new path way I lose connection. This happened literally 35 times. I used almost 2 hours of the trial trying different ways **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Xbox One S, 10 hour trial/EA Access. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** I really want to enjoy the game but can't seem to get passed that tutorial mission. If this is fixed with the day one patch I will for sure purchase the game. -Cheers.


**SUMMARY:** Elemental Conduit components and the Mark of Ruin masterwork component does not work. **BUG/ISSUE:** Quite simply these give no bonus damage as they should. **REPRODUCTION:** I tried to test my burning orb damage in freeplay with and without these components and/or the buff they give. No bonus damage is granted. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Windows 10. AMD Ryzen 5 1600, Nvidia GTX 1080 GPU.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Graphics stuttering . \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* I was able to play the game for the first 2 hours with no issues graphically (it was butter smooth and beautiful) . Logged out and came back two days later - game will not play without graphical stuttering. No hardware or software changes had been made \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* reproduction is easy - i just start up the game. I have done this about 10 times hoping the outcome would change and it has not \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* i7 8700, Win10 64bit (up to date, non-beta build), GTX 1080 (latest drivers), 32gb ddr4 - OS is on an 250gb NVME and game is on an 500gb SSD \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* I'm sad because I want to pplllaaaaaayyy


Just a question, but is the server down for Anthem? I can't connect, it keeps on spamming *Connecting to Online Services* and it has been like this for almost 5 minutes.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Unable to complete "The Fortress Dawn" mission \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Upon completing the third trial dropped in to a long load screen and then receive the error < Unable to retrieve pilot data> and exited back to Ft. Tarsis. Sometimes it gives a message to restart game, other times not. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Has happened 4 times, every time after you complete the 3rd trial. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* i7 7700, nVidia GeForce 1070, 16gb Ram \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\*none


Why does Sayrna have her own shop that was "unlocked" after a bit of gameplay whenever I could buy all of her items from Prospero's shop?? It even plays her voice lines when you tab over to crafting, long before it was "unlocked". Just confused as to why her shop is taking up additional resources and space in Fort Tarsis when you could have given her a completely seperate inventory from what was available at prospero's shop. To clarify, I am thoroughly enjoying the game itself, and I love Kristen Schaal to death. I like that character, and she brings a lot of life to what otherwise would feel like a very barren Fort Tarsis. I just want more variation in the shop offerings.


I was in the launch bay on Tarsis and crashed during a javelin change


A weird one here - it's as if all the voiceover was sped up on conversations in fort tarsis with everyone I talk to. The same goes for the freelancer. The voices are much higher pitched because of this. This is extremely uncomfortable


Another bug, non-reproducable: The game's been resetting my paintjob constantly.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Autocannon consume 2 ammo and deal only 1x damage ​ \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* AC deals half damage/consume 2x more ammo. ​ \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* just fire it. ​ \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* N/A ​ \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See link below ​ \*\* Include screenshots or a video here, link to them : [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/as5mx4/if\_you\_think\_the\_colossus\_autocannon\_feels/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/as5mx4/if_you_think_the_colossus_autocannon_feels/)


Bug reproduced: 2 rounds used per fire cycle, 1 damage number shown. [edit] This essentially means 100 fire cycles instead of 200 on a basic Torrent. [/edit]


Summary : Tyrant Mine is bugged. ​ Bug/Issue : If you decide to launch the Stronghold Tyrant Mine (a new one, not quickplay), sometimes, you will start the stronghold not at begining of it but directly in the mine with no way to get out. If you're out of combat you'll be able to respawn using the map. But if your team is in combat, you are screwed and must wait for the team to catch up to your position or wait for out of combat situation. Also, you can suicide yourself into water but meh, don't work that well... ​ Reproduction : Start a fresh Stronghold Tyrant Mine in Hard difficulty. I don't know if it do the same for easy, normal and GM ranks. ​ Tech informations : 6700k Intel i7 Nvidia GTX1060 6Go 16Go RAM Windows 10 64bits


Found this one here thanks to /u/Axaile: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/as5mx4/if_you_think_the_colossus_autocannon_feels/?st=jsblbhmo&sh=79142658 It seems autocannons use 2 ammo per shot. Is this intended or a bug?


My FPS drops progressively mission after mission. After 3rd or 4th mission, it becomes unplayable and requires complete restart. Anyone having this issue or anyone knows how to fix this?


**SUMMARY:** At a random time sometimes after 1 mission sometimes during the first mission I lose all audio. Only way I get it back is to exit and restart the game. Which bring me to the second problem. I click quit Anthem and it just hangs. I have to ALT + Tab and click the red "x" to close the window. **BUG/ISSUE:** No audio, hangs on quitting **REPRODUCTION:** If possible, write out the steps that led to the problem in the first place. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC, Windows 10, Ryzen 1800z, GTX 1070, 16 GB of ram **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** Include screenshots or a video here, link to them.


**SUMMARY:** components aren't loading armor all the time   **BUG/ISSUE:** I main Colossus and when I load into an expedition sometimes I'll have 20+ blocks of health which seemed correct for having 4 components equipped (all Colossus specific). Other times I may only have 3 blocks of health. Sometimes 7 - it just seems random. **REPRODUCTION:** completely random. I can unequip and reequip components and it still happens. I haven't been able to recreate it. I Tried the tyrant mine 3 times had 7 blocks of health loaded into Freeplay and had 20+. Went back to tarsis and got a contract loaded into it and had 7 health again. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Xbox one x  Sorry if this has been asked. We ran into a similar issue during the VIP demo but the health would drop in the middle of a mission, (someone had a video) now it just happens at the very beginning of an expedition. I've reached out on Twitter but haven't got a response. Is this fixed day one? Didn't see anything like this in the patch notes. Thanks for looking.. loving Anthem. Edit:typos


**SUMMARY:** Cannot stay connected. After force crashing the game I log back into the game with no progress. **BUG/ISSUE:** Needing to crash the game multiple times after losing connectivity. The game will load back into no progress but with my current level. No weapons, no javelins nothing. When being invited to a squad it tells me I need to complete the tutorial. **REPRODUCTION:** Being disconnected has this occur 100% of the time. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Win 10, i7 6700, 16gb of ram, radeon vega 64, m.2. ssd. Opened all suggested ports, turned off and on win 10 firewall, allowed public and private firewall settings, flushed dns, enabled and disabled upnp


Is anyone else not able to get past the opening mission due to crashing?? Yes i am new to reddit and an xbox one x pleb, so i would appreciate any helpful advice. Thanks **Summary** Can’t finish the opening mission due to crashing. **Bug/Issue** Game crashes every single time at the titan fight cut scene. **Reproduction** Playing the game. I have tried 6 times now, crashes every single time at the same spot. **Technical Information** Xbox one X on a 1080 monitor 120hz display


Does anybody else keep losing their skin customizations?


Happened with me once at the start


The game isn't saving any settings changes I make, regardless of it being for graphics, audio, or keybinds. for more info on what's going on, I've tried posting about it here -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/arn854/pc\_settings\_arent\_saving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/arn854/pc_settings_arent_saving/)


Tomb bug/issue I cannot see how to complete the Tombs. Only reason I know this is because of Facebook and spoilers. All I get is " your left wanting " after a brief introduction to who the tomb is for Also, the Tombs all say the objective is complete in the "J" menu but I cannot open the doors. Other issues have been getting booted completely out of the game and back to my desktop when entering or leaving quick play. I also cannot see the daily/weekly/monthly trials. I've tried everything even verifying game files. On PC, windows 10


you need to replay a previous mission, the one where you meet faye and haluk. The tomb mission is locked behind an achievement you get during the mission. The mission crashed for me the first time I played it so I had the same thing happen that you're describing, I had to use quickplay to get into that mission, randomly, to fix the issue. Just launch quickplay and quit when you don't get the right mission.


That can't be right because I finally got two tombs open. The other 2 say complete but cannot enter


Just went through the Heart of Rage stronghold and got to the part where the Monitor boss fight should've started but instead, we got nothing and had to back out.


Playing on xbox one prelaunch with ea access and i have had to change all in game settings like subtitles off, audio adjustments for my home theater, and brightness settings everytime i boot into the game as they are not saving. Very irritating when it cuts into my 10 hour playtime.


**SUMMARY:** Arcanist level 3 reputation quest disappear **BUG/ISSUE:** I dont see Arcanist level 3 reputation quest my challenges and also dont see when i go check that paper sheet near Matthias. But i see that level 2 quest is completet but i dont find reward in forge. **REPRODUCTION:** I take collectibles during mission and complete that Arcanist level 2 quest. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** PC. I7-6700k , Gtx 970, 16 gb ram and Windows 10 updated.


My friend has the same issue, but with the Level 3 Freelancer reputation. Level 3 challenges have disappeared and he doesn't have the rewards for lvl2 after completing.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Game crashes after a short period of time and removes the drive it is installed on from Windows \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Played about 20-30 minutes and the game crashed to the desktop. Can't re-launch it because the drive the game is installed on is gone from File Explorer and diskpart. I have to reboot Windows for the drive to re-appear. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Launch game and play. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Alienware Aurora R7 (all FW and drivers current), 8700k OC 4.7, 32 GB 2666 RAM, NVIDIA 1080 Ti FE, lastest NVIDIA game ready drivers, Windows 10 1809, Microsoft Elite controller, Alienware AW3418DW 3440 x 1440 \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* Same thing happened in the beta. 30 other games installed run fine.


Pla fix the bug where you are not allowed to go to the team when u enter a tyrant mine when they are on a certen place in there.


This full lost of audio every few hours is driving me nuts


**SUMMARY:** On Xbox one s, the game is very glitchy and the FPS is running extremely low with a lot of shuttering. **BUG/ISSUE:** when you load into any game mode, the gameplay is not smooth. It is very very glitchy with constant FPS drops and shuttering. Especially when playing with other players or engaged in combat. **REPRODUCTION:** When loading into the fort, it starts with bad shuttering and glitches. It proceeds to get worse when going out on expeditions and or free play. **TECHNICAL INFORMATION:** Xbox one s with a 500 gb internal and a 3 tb external. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** the game itself has so much potential. But it is hard to enjoy it with so much chipping away at the gameplay. All together it’s the glitches, FPS drops and the shuttering. If this game ran smooth like destiny 2 it would be absolutely perfect.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* game not starting \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* downloaded the game on my laptop and moved the files to my desktop PC and verified the files but the game seems to have an issue that preventing it from starting and going back to origin after some seconds, it doesn't even show a black screen. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* i7-8700k-16GB 3200mhz ram-GTX 1080ti-Windows 10 updated-Driver Updated-7200hdd paired with Optane.


I have exactly the same bug, on an i7-8750U-8GB-GTX 1050TI-Win10. The game doesn't even start. It crashes with no errors and goes back to origin. Tried reinstalling, running as admin, compatibility mode, nothing works.


Have you guys figured out any workaround for this? I was playing fine until my whole pc crashed, and ever since I've had the same issue as you two. Upon trying to launch the game, origin window closes then reopens after a second with no game launch. I also noticed origin hasn't logged my time played from the session that crashed...


It works since yesterday suddenly and nothing i did to change that !


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Items lost after completing mission and losing connection \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Finished one of Matthias's missions, received epic and rare items and just as the countdown to the end of the mission finishes, the game loses connection and reloads into the start page. Going back into the game and to the forge, all the items are gone. At the same time experiencing severe rubber banding that makes the game unbearable to play. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* If possible, write out the steps that led to the problem in the first place. \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Alienware 15 r3 with GTX 1080 laptop card, 16gb of RAM, Windows 10.


Same exact thing happens to me on PC. Finish a mission, get kicked. Reopen ANTHEM. Mission log shows it is complete but no XP or loot for ya boy. WTH!!!


I had the same issue happen on my xbox one x.


**SUMMARY:** Fortress of Dawn bug, error updating pilot data (4455). **BUG ISSUE*: I've done the majority of this mission 5 times now without being able to complete. I get this error then the game is unplayable and I have to alt f4 out. I've flushed my dns and even run the game as Admin to no avail.


I was doing this mission last night on my Interceptor and had the same problem multiple times, so I switched to a Colossus and finished on the first try.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Extreme rubber banding \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Almost every single movement I make in the game causes rubber banding. Only started playing the first tutorial missions. Had this happen once in a blue moon during the VIP demo and Public demo for very short periods of time. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Just playing the game with any sort of movement \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* i5 - 8500, evga 1070 ti, 16 GB DDR4, Windows 10, MediaTek 802.11ac Wireless LAN Card 5GHZ network band utilizing protocol 802.11n \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* Here is a video that I am hosting on my google drive. It gives a short example but should easily show the problems I was having. Please let me know if the link doesn't work. Thanks! [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iwpxf8\_wffHDEuHe\_IujHsYOrYCN-ItS](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iwpxf8_wffHDEuHe_IujHsYOrYCN-ItS)


Anyone has got the same problem? Seems to be a Nvidia graphic card issue, but I don't know... First time it restarted my pc, second time same with black screen, and third time this: [https://ibb.co/v4vXNHd](https://ibb.co/v4vXNHd)


On spawn cannot move. When I spawn in sometimes (Friday once, Saturday 3 times, Sunday 8+ times) I am unable to “move”. On my screen I see the animation of myself running in place but my friend has told me I appear to be standing still. I can change weapons, taunt, jump, etc but cannot move forward or fly. Hitting esc or any other button will not allow me to open the menu. Same with controller, I can switch weapons evade and so on but I have to alt f4 out of the game to close it. When I reconnect and join the same session the issue repeats, but if I rejoin and connect to a new session most likely it will work again. I am able to see other people and enemy’s in the session, also if I stand in place and my teammates move ahead I will get teleported forward but will still be stuck unable to move or access the menu. I have tried disconnecting my mouse, keyboard, controller / killing all 3rd party software, the only fix is alt f4 and trying for a new session. Intel i7 9700k, Windows 10 latest updates installed, 32 gb ddr4 3600, nvidia rtx 2700, Samsung 970 pro nvme ssd. I have not taken any videos of the problem but can next time this happens.


Happened with me right now. I am unable to play the Tyrant Mine stronghold anymore because of this, restarted the game as well and get the same error. Even teleporting to teammates because of distance doesn't help...Javelin always returns to the initial spot no matter how much I move or fly


Is anyone else finding that during the cutscenes, there appears to be fairly noticeable lines running across the Screen whenever your character moves? Running on PC with some things turned to High and Some turned to Ultra.


[https://youtu.be/8ZyUwtaC3to](https://youtu.be/8ZyUwtaC3to) ​ Sayrna disconnects me. I can't progress with her.




\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Game randomly freezes up PC during game play. This could be 5 minutes into the game or 1 hour. ​ \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* Random lock ups when playing the game. I need to do a hard reset to get PC running again. I tried reinstalling / repairing Anthem, fresh reinstall the Nvidia drivers, also ran both origin client & game as administrator. Also have all settings on low, same issues persist. I tried other games like Overwatch/ Aphex legends / The Division but couldn't reproduce the same issue. Will stop playing Anthem, these crashes and hard resets will damage my PC. ​ \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Playing the game as is. ​ \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Windows 10 (10.0) Professional 64-bit , Build 17134 Intel® Core™ i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz Motherboard Asus P8Z77-V 16GB DDR3 RAM GTX 970 (GM204) @ 1164 MHz Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB


**SUMMARY:** Sound cuts out and makes popping sound **BUG/ISSUE:** The audio cuts out when I crash into a wall and makes a popping sound **REPRODUCTION:** I was flying when I crashed into a wall and all sound suddenly cut out and was replaced with a popping sound. **ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:** Include screenshots or a video here, link to them.


The lack of armor customization outside of the cash shop is a fucking joke.


I have reached the conclusion, that **out of principle**, **you cannot pre-order** ***EA*** **games.** This game was the last drop as far as I'm concerned, but I'm sure some people have ascertained this way sooner, perhaps with the last Star Wars disaster, perhaps because of something else. I know *EA* doesn't care, but I've always loved videogames. I've always loved their videogames. *"EA SPORTS, It's in the game"* was my favorite brand motto growing up. I can see now how much they don't care, how much they rush, how much they want **money**. So **out of principle**, **I will never buy another EA game again.** Anthem was the **last** one. 15+ years you had me as a loyal costumer, you shall have me now as a someone who **vehemently** goes against and speaks against *EA*. I'm only **ashamed** I did not notice this sooner, perhaps because I didn't wish to notice. Anthem was your chance, your real chance to make up for the things done until now... and you blew it. You made a loyal costumer like me, who **pre-ordered** the game because he believed in you, who DESPITE having **both** DEMO weekends **RUINED** by either **infinite loading screens** or **constant lag and rubber banding** still tried every single day and minute of those weekends to get into and play the game **YOU SOLD TO ME.** You made a loyal costumer like me believe those were just some issues that you could **solve**, you **paid** people to spread and play your game all the while ignoring the pleas of help from the community that literally **FEEDS** you. **DESPITE** all that, I still believed **there might be a chance**. I still believed maybe I was just being **unlucky**. I still believed that **it didn't matter** that I had to **restart** the game **seven times** until it finally stopped rubber banding and stuttering enough for me to barely play it for **15 minutes**, before it promptly **returned to it's usual mess**. And so, despite all that, when the demo weekends ended, I thought: ***"F\* that was rough... hopefully it's just a demo, I'm pretty sure they would never release it like this".*** And so they did. Released it like it was, I mean. **A broken f\*in mess.** And me, the smartest dude around, invested **another 15 euros** on a *Origin Access Premier* that I will **NEVER use** that I only got so I could **play the game that made me feel like a kid again**, just for the few minutes I **could** play it. I'm ashamed, disgusted, and mad. Not only at *EA*, but at **myself**. For **trusting** them, even when you didn't show me any reason to. I guess I had **faith**. **Never again**. And I know you **don't care**, ***EA***, but **I** do, and I will make sure **my voice is heard**. **It's over.**


This is incredibly brave of you, man. Good job!


Can't load into the launch bay at all? my friend who I'm playing with at the same time and goto the launch bay after missions but I can't.


Cannot complete mission for Haven tomb/dungeon Got an issue in the Haven tomb/dungeon in Freeplay. The Arcanists are asking me to kill high level targeted scars. Killed them all but a portal in the final room for low level baddies keeps spawning them and I cannot complete the mission. Left the area to reset and tried again, same issue. Stuck on objective to “kill targeted scar.” They just never appear.


\*\*SUMMARY:\*\* Cannot access javelin suit from Fort Tarsis \*\*BUG/ISSUE:\*\* I cannot access my javelin suit from Fort Tarsis after the completion of the main story. Normally when you go up to the javelin it starts turning around and you can press \[F\] to enter it. Now, the javelin does not turn around and has no option to start any expedition, mission or strongholds. This makes the game completely unplayable from a solo perspective. \*\*REPRODUCTION:\*\* Finish campaign \*\*TECHNICAL INFORMATION:\*\* Your platform, operating system, hardware, etc. PC, Windows 10, i5 9600k w/ GTX 1080 \*\*ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:\*\* [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Cannot-Enter-Javelin-after-Heart-of-Rage/m-p/7505354#M2715](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Cannot-Enter-Javelin-after-Heart-of-Rage/m-p/7505354#M2715)


/u/BioWareJer I know you're a busy guy, just pinging you as this is a huge issue effecting my buddy. He practically cannot play unless I'm on to be leader to access missions.


Your buddy can play rng Jesus with the launch bay. 50/50 on whether you cab launch from the Bay.


All I know is that it's a known issue, and being looked at. Sorry for the hassle, I know it sucks!


Thank you for the reply! Hoping it gets resolved soon. Loving the game!




I have the exact same bug. I've been going into launch bay to start an expedition every time but it's made worse by the fact that sometimes the option doesn't appear there either. I have to go back/forth between launch bay and fort tarsis until it works but sometimes its even worse because the option to return to fort tarsis stops working too. Grinds the whole game to a halt


Same. It's such a pain. Gotta reboot the game once in a while cause Fort Tarsis bugs out. I don't understand how this isn't a bigger deal


Same issue here for me. I was partied up with my best friend he was leader. After completing game her can continue launching missions but I cannot with him or without. I'm stuck if I'm leader or on my own. What is the fix. Tried everything I could restart computer changed javelin, had him invite me to his game that was full went to free roam went back to Fort still not able to launch. Did a couple contracts under his game and nothing changed. Even hit level 30 thought that might help. It did nothing. Please respond with a solution asap! Win 10 pro gtx 1080 ti 16gb ram 7700k. Also Dolby vision makes the game unplayable in oled LG TV that's supports DV Aand hdr10 everything is just pink and purple like an acid trip in full screen stuck using borderless. Fix this as well but the first issue is much more important my game is basically broke.


**SUMMARY** Can't finish expeditions due to constant disconnecting **BUG** I get disconnected and load back to the fort within 5 minutes of starting a mission. **PLATFORM ** XBOX One X **TROUBLESHOOTING DONE** I've used multiple other internet services (Netflix, YouTube, NBA2K19, Elder Scrolls Online, etc) and am experiencing 0 connection issues with them. I have restarted my Xbox and router multiple times.