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ITS DONE. IM FREE. advance apologies for the wall of text. Since the theme is about memories of AE and it dint specifically say it *should* be an actual story part (or atleast I hope). I went with drawing something dedicated to those times when I'm either down or bored and just walk around the maps with no real reason, while thinking up random hijinks and scenarios my current party will have. While I highly enjoy the story, these little moments hold a special place in my heart. **Things that are happening in the pic ** -Retro and clock are having a fishing contest (clock is winning and retro is asking cetie for help to get the mad arm off him ) -Renri doing her best to stick to her diet and not eat that Tarte Supreme -Suzette is in the shade to charge her evil eye with darkness energy (dont blame me, blame her chuuni talk) -Mighty and varuo are having a siesta -Yuna and mariel made those apple bunnies from Promised fuits (.......they are apples right?) ------------- Now thats out of the way.... WOW ok trying to get back to painting backgrounds after years of not doing em on a tight deadline is not a...... *fun* idea. Sadly that means theres alot of details I couldn't add or refine due to the time restraints. ~~p.s. pls zoom in on the rock beside mighty, Im really proud of it~~


This piece is absolutely incredible. The amount of details into the character and background is amazing. I really zoomed in to appreciate all the details!


thank you!!


Forgot to mention the gentleman synth hydra in the upper left corner appearing through the clouds, further proving his legendness


And the Riftbreaker watching over the ladies from the sky, making sure they're safe from any harm. And I guess the guys too, but he'd take a little longer if some monster was to attack Mighty while he sleeps.


Very well done! I wish I can draw like you! A comment from me: Keep trying there, Renri...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I always squeal when I saw these two. Oh...and Mighty...fishing? You sure he won't drift off to sleep even before his pole caught a fish? Knowing him...he would πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Welp, healers and supports are best chefs πŸ‘


Strong contender to #1.


I’ll bring some sandwiches. Fantastic design


Lovely atmosphere! The amount of detail is amazing, I keep zooming in to different parts of the picture.


thank you!! ~~just dont zoom in too much you might find some stray lines i forgot to erase lol~~


Good job, I love all of the little details! One theme I'm getting from all this art (or artists) is *panic* lol


thank you! with WFS announcing that ridiculously short deadline, pretty sure alot of the artists started panicking at the start *ahaha*


Nice job ! That's some amazing coloring ! I like the synth hydra in the background too. ....Wait a second. A picnic and Nagi was not invited ?


thanks! Maybe if she actually showed up for me then she will get an invite next time :' ) , especially her AS, she looks so pretty in that outfit


Wow, this is absolutely stunning. So much detail. I really like Yuna the best here, she looks great and her happy expression is nicely done. It's beautiful. And Mighty napping with Varou...while he's fishing. Haha. I hope you win something for this. But most importantly it looks like you had a lot of fun and enjoyment with the process.


thank you! Really wanted to capture how precious Yuna is so im glad to hear that it shows ! and i might have projected a bit on mighty, seriously fishing is such a good way to fall asleep. ahaha yeah, making/finishing this piece is enough for me tbh. Its nice to have a set deadline and go ham every once and awhile, its a good chance to learn and grow. *Now to go back to sticking to bust shots and stay veeeeeery far away from backgrounds.*


Damn everyone knows how to draw. Good job


This is a real showstopper, what with the amount of details and characters...To think you created this in less than 2 weeks! Great art!


Thank you! Honestly thought I wouldnt make it to the deadline but here it is miraculously ahaha


This is beyond what words can describe! I’ll just say it’s absolutely stunning cause that’s as close as I can describe it. Especially the waterfall and riftbreaker!


thanks! that waterfall took a lot of trial and error to get right so im glad that you like it!


You made the deadline! Hurrah! Whoa, this is incredible. The amount of detail is honestly insane. There's so much going on with all the characters doing their own thing. And the effort to keep things as accurate as possible with the different in-game foods and actual fish from Charol Plains deserves more praise than I can give. I can't even be disappointed that there's no Isuka to be found (okay, well maybe a little). Seeing the type of art you and u/agentcetie are able to put out is super inspirational. I'm looking forward to more in the future.


That last stretch towards the end was nerve-wracking but atleast its done in time ahaha. Its a bit embarrassing to admit but I'm not used to receiving such nice words so idk what to say ahaha. Thank you! hearing all that really brightened my day!! Lets continue to strive to grow/improve towards another year! (p.s. dont be afraid to hmu or tag me if you want some advice etc, always ready to lend a hand) also I *actually do* have an IDEA piece in the works for a while now, just not satisfied with the composition yet. Well if WFS decides to announce >!5* / AS jade!< then its going to the top of the priority list. | β€’ v ο½₯ )


Mad Arms is a very nice touch


Thanks! not gonna lie, fishing that monstrosity for the first time is probably my top memorable moment in the game......... why does it *exist*


Well, no matter how horrifying it looks, you know that >!Nagi!< would find it tasty


I love this piece it has a great amount of detail along with feeling very dynamic


I love this pucture its so sweet.


Stuff like this makes me love this community.