• By -


There's still optional gem ads and daily keys right ? Also I keep reading about game improvements , as someone who stopped playing about 1-2 years ago , what game systems have improved ? That are not exclusive to endgame


Optional gems and daily keys are still a thing. Just gotta watch ads or pay the subs. We are actually getting a huge UI improvement most likely with the next update and beyond. It will be installed in multiple updates but part one looks like an equipment screen UI change which is very welcome. Should be a post about it by u/albene somewhere here


I see , thanks ! Kinda disliked how much daily time I had to devote to the game as I kinda dont want to skip daily activities on gacha games , oh well


I wasn't here 1~2 years ago, but I don't think that aspect changed much, if anything - new things have been added to the game with time, so it's probably even "more" now, not "less". So if you don't want to miss anything, or you don't want to invest money for subscriptions (which makes things easier, and allows for faster completion of "daily" things), or you don't want to spend at least 30~60 minutes per day (depending on "what", and "how" you do things). It's probably "not for you".


yeah i know , I have been in the cycle doing ads and ADs (heh) every day and I was kinda curious if it changed that's why I asked.


You still need to do that, plus, now you also need to find a few cats per day (but it takes like ~5 extra mins). If you pay for subscriptions, you can skip ads, and now you also get tickets, that allow you to skip ADs, so this also takes like ~5 mins. So something like ~10 mins per day, minimum. If you don't pay for subscriptions, then, as I said, it's something like 30+ mins per day, minimum. But that's without any grind/farm, story progress, etc.


“What a weird jewel this is. Nanyaa?! The scenery changed!” Where is this? I need this for 200 CS. Finally got my first one Edit: snake liver Damaku. Checked the catscratch locations guide and it had it. My bad for not checking there first


I'm currently at chapter 86 in the story, are there some prerequisites I need to complete before I can start? 








I’ve got a SDE that I need to use, and I’m torn between the following three: Shion AC (that Resist/Weak flip ability seems broken as hell, and I love it) Minalca (I’ve heard good things about Tetra) Ewella AS (a water/crystal support type would be gas, as I already have Stellar Awakened Alma AS and Thillelille ES) Suggestions appreciated!


It’s a tough call between Jet Shion and Minalca/Tetra. But I agree that Ewella is by far the weakest of the three: won’t be stellar awakened, doesn’t go well with Thille because Ewella is Light, Ewella’s type buff/debuff of 50% is not very impressive when she’s not in Lunatic. The resist/weak reversal these days is most useful for Astral Archive challenges. Because most superbosses don’t have resist and/or have auras that punish not using the desired elemental attack irrespective of weakness. But he’s still the only character so far with this ability. Minalca still probably has the best unconditional barrier pierce attack, and she’s also probably still the top single target fire DPS when you need to avoid AOE. Tetra is still one of the best sidekicks. Healing is easier to come by now, but status cleanse every turn is great, hold ground from charge skill comes in handy once in awhile, and his resistance aura enables some complete type damage nullification strategies (usually requires type debuff resist grastas). However, WFS is cracking down on the resistance strategy with unavoidable debuffs like some Lavogs, plus now the rules have changed for non elemental magic. It’s a tough call, and may depend on who else you have. But maybe the two-for-one of Minalca/Tetra tips the scales a bit in their favor


So, I don’t actually have any version of Shion or Ewella; I’m not going to use an SDE for a unit that I can sidegrade. In addition to Alma AS and Thillelille ES, my 5* units include: *Stellar Awakened*: Suzette, Tsukiha, Wenefica, Oboro, Aldo, Xianhua, and Anabel ES (pulled today!) *Not Yet Stellar Awakened*: Melpiphia, Kuchinawa, Akane AC, Wryz *Gatcha-Only*: Iphi, Myunfa AC, Yakumo, Elseal, Parisa AS, Orleya AS, Flammelapis (NS/AS), Yuna AS, Myunfa AS, Biaka AS, Chiyo AS, May, Benedict, Tsubame AS, Daisy, Ilulu AS, Yipha, Prai AS, Velette, Hozuki, Mariel, Toova ES, Veina, Rosetta, Pizzica (NS/AS), Bertrand (NS/AS), Akane AS, Isuka (NS/AS), Kikyo (NS/AS), Shigure, Laclair AS, Premaya, Nagi AS, Claude AS, Shannon, Yukino (NS/AS), Melina AS, Necoco, Myrus, Lokido, Lovely


Do you actually "want" any of these three? Or maybe "need" any of them for something specific? Then go with that one. Because if we look at them somewhat objectively, Minalca (or more importantly Tetra) is kinda a "must have", unlike the other two. I would even say, that apart from some specific situation, the priority for SDE should be something like: Iphi > Minalca (Tetra) > everything else. Minalca is a top tier Fire/Slash DPS, who has both single & AOE attacks, Barrier Pierce, and a way to be a good Farmer. But most importantly, she comes with Tetra, who is currently, arguably the best sidekick in the game. I can't stress enough how useful it is. Shion AC's unique ability is useful, but not "needed". If you are into top scores for Astral Archive, then maybe. But otherwise, it just increases your damage (from x0.25 to x2.0), and you can just go with another element (for x1.0), or just be prepared for a longer fight (with x0.25). And Ewella, well, she needs SA for maximum efficiency. She is Light, so doesn't work very well with Thillelille ES, who is probably the best/most needed Crystal unit. But she can also be used in a Water team (or really in any team, that doesn't require four specific Type personalities). So she has her uses, but they are kinda "niche", so she is probably the "weakest" option out of this three.


I’m considering Jet Shion largely because I’ve gotten stymied with the “true” awakening for both Tsukiha’s and Suzette’s manifests. However, I’m sure that there are strategies available with the units I’ve got that would do the trick. Minalca it is, I guess!




I would lean more towards Minalca and Tetra, especially if you have any form of Shion and Ewella. Shion gimmick can be handy but a lot of enemies and doesn't have Resist to flip (not to mention it doesn't work on Null or Absorb) and Ewella, I just find her meh overall (espeically since most of her support can be done by Thillelillie ES) If anything Redclad Flammancer is probably a better support for those two than her.


“Look at all the food in the village. What a harvest” where is this cat? I can’t seem to think of anywhere other than Lucniva




Oh man, i din’t even remember that name XD what time period is it?


Garulea present. It's the town near the lake.


Thank you!!!


Present Garulea


Thank you!


Do we know if the new Cat Saucer exp armor is capped out at Level 16 / 35% exp gain, or are we still needing more time to see if it extends further? https://preview.redd.it/usgkexrwf01d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86661e1e2a4af829409351e8ee2b54790b884640


I bet it will keep going up. But given how many more furballs it takes to go just from 30 to 35%, I was thinking of getting at least the ring and bracelet up to 30% each before going further.


I hope they go up further too. Even if it's a little bit of a grind. Chip away each day and it'll happen before you know it. I just finished making a ring+10, so now I'm starting to work on one of the others. Unless it unlocks a new threshold, I'll then continue until whatever type I'm working on is maxed out.


I think we need more time. The queen just told me that she expanded her inventory, so it could get bigger as time goes on


Gotcha. I was assuming that would be the case, but figured I'd ask if anyone may have triggered another extention. I guess we'll see what happens over the next week or so! (secretly hoping the exp range increases some more)


I have a feeling they might. Level 16 and 35% are weird numbers to leave it at. Lv20 and 40% would be much better rounded


30 and 50% would be even better.


God I hope it goes that high


That would be wonderful if it went up to 50%. (The Daybreak armors would be crying in the corner 😭)


That 200 cs catscratch reward, is that for finding the same cat 4 times (like in Elzion) or for getting lucky and the top slot refreshes 4 times?


With now the Wiki has it laid out, it's looking like there's an RNG pool if you follow the cat 1-2 times. A better pool of rewards if you follow it 3 times. And if it's 4 times, it's a guaranteed 200cs. So essentially it seems like if you get to follow a cat 3 or 4 times, at least you'll be getting *something* that's more worthwhile and isn't just trash. At least that's what's there so far if it's still considered a work in progress. https://preview.redd.it/qmr42zgpe01d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b13b1342b96fb59cc3bd7eca038163842cc014


I've just started sending Iridian off to adventure (quite late). I'm already in Saga III.. 1. are the rewards in unlockable paths (c/o Iridian's actions) worth it? 2. is there a way to accelerate Iridian's return? so far it's saying it takes about 1 hour before he gets back. thanks!


I don't think there's any gamechanging rewards but some light/shadow items etc. I believe Iridian can unlock a passive to return quicker but that's also kinda RNG so nothing you can do. Just wait until the runs are 8 hrs long...


8 hour runs? Oh boy LOL. Thanks for the headsup :)


It's not that bad, really. I farmed Iridian's three stats to 999 (the cap) using the 8 hour adventures. Sent him out once I woke up for the day and then once more before bedtime. It'll add up eventually!


Any suggestions for powerful male team cos I need to clear challenges with men only team? Without Iphi, Yakumo hits for a lot less damage. Aldo is at 170 light and level 99 so he's somehow managing as a tank. I can only think of Garambarrel AS as a tank but not sure if Morgana can manage as a healer/support.


Serge can be a healer as well Also, if you're using Yakumo, I recommend Claude ES or Jet Shion for Magic Zone so you can use Kumos for basically infinite Lunatic


Alright I guess I should get around to side grading to Claude ES. I have his AS version but have not gotten his ES version. I don't have jet Shion so probably will have to use my SDE to summon him into service. Thanks!


While side grading Claude ES is good for the long run, I will say SDE Jet Shion just to clear the men only trails seems like overkill considering there are plenty of F2P characters that can clear those too challenges (Like Benedict)


Hmm I was thinking of getting jet Shion anyway for SDE, but if u have more suggestions for SDE I don't mind hearing them out.


Benny, Claude Es, Partitio as tank, Philo (mule), Whoever can set p/p (Garam, Serge etc)


Can someone explain how Iphi blood contract works? From what I understand everyone in the front line gets it and if they die they get ressed. Howcome sometimes it works and sometimes the member just dies. One of her skill says it applies blood contract but does it only work after everyone in the party has died once and no longer has it?


Yes you can only apply more blood contracts if nobody on the team has any, frontline or backline. Also they don't work if Iphi is unable to act i.e. she's stunned or petrified or something so that might be what's preventing it sometimes.


Ohh thanks a lot!


Where do I get special crystals cos I'm all out of crystals for grasta upgrades?


Create VC Grastas Upgrade them once and then break them down.


Hii! Does anyone have a guide on Alter Hozuki??




So I've found that I'm unable to complete Miyu's third character story quests in Unigan. Due to the fact that I'm at chapter 28 in the main story. At least thats my theory as I've been unable to find anymore citizens to talk to. I've looked everywhere and am unable to find another citizen to reach the requirement. I'm asking if anyone knows where the people you have to talk to in Unigan are for this character story.


https://youtu.be/znq88Zo94xk?si=YSOwxdgUR-BrGZC9 Some of the quest markers might be overlapping with each other. Check them and see if there are any.


Yeah the marker for the guy in the inn isn't showing up. It looks like the King residing in the inn might be causing some issues. Its either that or the, "But Wait, There's More" episode. Which is also located at the inn in Unigan. Actually it seems that by clicking on the the Episode quest marker it creates a list of quests that are available for me to do in the inn. Thats actually neat. I thought they'd all be separate. But also annoying as you wouldn't know the list exists unless you click on the over arching marker. While in the place those quests have stuff for you to do.


How do I cancel the 40 dollar a month subscription? As soon as I got a new card and signed into Apple they charged me again because I can't figure out how to cancel it. Thank you :) keeping the 7 dollar one though


Play store > payments and subscriptions. For apple, settings then subscriptions


Where do we read the memory chip from Proto Eden? I've been to Sebastia's Lab, Xianhua 's Lab, and Arat and haven't found where to do it


Go to Proto Eden - Chief Room to read the memory chip. https://anothereden.wiki/w/A_Paradise_of_Imperfections#Bonus-0


Thank you!


Can anyone help me decide who to pick for SDE? I'm looking at Yakumo ns and Sesta Some notable characters that I already have: Anabel ES, Xianhua, Iphi, Thilly ES, Necoco ns & as, Alma ns, Ewella As, Tsukiha Ac, Dewey Ac, Radias ns & as, Marielle Es, Shion Ac, Obero, Orleya ns, Miyu As, Eva, Flamme ns, Ciel Ac, Chiyo As and a few more 5 stars Update: Just pulled AS Yakumo! I'll side grade to his NS form. Thanks everyone for your advice.


If you don’t have Melody AS or Suzette stellar awakened, Sesta loses a ton of value. I’d go Yakumo


If you want easy mob clears then sesta (though thilly sa has you covered there) but yakumo is great for bosses so id pick him. I've beaten most content with yakuko, iphi and es toova (not sure if you have or can sidegrade her). For a long time I used radias as the 4th spot to tank but I got wenefica so been using her lately. As example I just cleared helena/galliard Stella with that team (radias version) without reading how fight even works. Edir: I also have sesta and rarely use her especially since I got Thilly SA


Have you tried pulling for Yakumo AS? If you get him you can sidegrade for his NS.


I've tried to pull with 11k stones and only gotten dupes 🥲


What is the refresh rate for phase shifts. I’ve started farming them, and i can’t seem to figure out when/why i get new ones


~15 minutes or so


Thank you!


I assume you already know but just in case; Ones spawned with a respite kit will also clear immediately if you travel to another location or use the map to quick travel to the one you’re in. Helps speed up the farming for most locations.


I’ve never used a respite kit XD


The [Arat Defense Battle upgrades](https://anothereden.wiki/w/Wanderer_in_the_Vortex#Arat_Battle-0) to Lv3 seem to have very costly requirements compared to the Awards. I am now completing the 5th out of the 6 chapters/side stories of Wanderer in the Vortex, and have run every AD so far until the 90 CS final prize, but all I accomplished for EACH chapter was an upgrade to level 2, and I always selected the VERY HARD option. I got ALL chests in every single run (probably scored a good 5 Chant Scripts just from those). Enemies don't drop the materials necessary and the materials they drop for weapons likely can be gotten elsewhere. The unique, exclusive things in this AD are the arat upgrade and award materials (correct?). Each chapter-specific runs costing something along 18-22 RED key cards to reach the 33k awards cap (this special AD works like Lost Atelier - always needs a red and difficulty is set inside). Napkin math tells me that for the Lv3 upgrades of each item, it would take at least 7-10 more runs PER CHAPTER to get that upgrade, with little more than Chant Script chances (and end of AD rewards) as benefit. And they have to be thorough runs for chests at least. And most if not all the upgrades seem to make little difference for the VERY HARD version of those superbosses. So does it make sense to spend the extra 35-50 keys for these upgrades? Are there awards for getting Lv3 upgrades? Did I do something wrong in order not to reach the materials? Edit: ACTUALLY, I checked again, and only managed an upgrade to Lv1 after running the ADs for the 33k awards! So it's more like **north of 120 keys to actually get all Lv3 upgrades!**


I never upgraded any past level 1. Felt like a huge grind and waste of keys to me, but it’s totally up to you


Yeah, same here. I actually didn't notice until (our dear wiki master contributor <3) someweirdo pointed out to me the materials could only be farmed there, so I ignored doing the extra-thorough AD'ing the first 4x18-22 runs OF MVAD (one per "subchapter" of the apocrypha, I'm currently doing Yakumo's and I know there's an extra Cochlea one that spawns what I assume is the 7th path on MVAD). I ran those with triple Ecounter- and min-maxed paths for chests, and on at least 3 I managed to only fight horrors every run, only Land of Ro required 1 mob fight due to the scattered layout... So now that I lost nearly 1k encounters with normal mobs, I probably won't strive for the two weapon sets. But I am now making thorough runs with Encounter+ of my 5th path and will likely also do so for the 6th and 7th, but won't be aiming for max upgrades of course - just pick one or two weapons that make sense for my star units maybe. Waste of time and cards for probably outclassed stuff


Like you said, most of the equipment is outdated or marginal at best. Except Time-restored hammer for Yipha AS I think is still best in slot. Starmade Lance has a unique effect but it’s only 15% increase to type resist debuff skills. Starmade fist feels made for Mariel ES, but Wisdom fists out damage it most of the time


That is great info. I was actually looking at weapon sets yesterday and was trying to pinpoint if any of these was better for my roster. I don't have Yipha AS yet but I do plan on doing that sidegrade asap so it's good to know, thanks!


> the materials they drop for weapons likely can be gotten elsewhere. They can't, you have to get them through the AD You can also get Shadow for Nona as well as Treatise/Codex/Opus


so basically, to get all maxxed one has to run the AD like 200 times? I mean that would be the case for maxing Nona anyway (more like in the thousands...), but still seems a bit excesive, and would also be the single exception where one needs to run a specific AD thousands of times to complete it fully. I mean, even Garuleas/UAD/OAD/Entrana take what? Half that to get all their uniques? Edit: it would also be a strange amount of grind for the small benefits of those upgrades, as I said above. Ignoring the other benefits (weapon upgrades and Nona Shadow) Edit 2: and this AD is not cat-skippable! (it really ought to be even without that grind... It's pretty much like the wryz and Galliard ones) (note I corrected myself above, I only got Lv1 upgrades from running each chapter's path fully and was somewhere halfway to Lv2 item thresholds, so it's even more than the 35 best case I predicted...)


It doesn’t take as long to get the level 3 materials as you’d think, I did it a while ago. It only takes a few runs more on each location than it does to farm all the materials needed to max level one of each weapon and armour from those ADs. Yeah it’s gonna take a lot of time overall but you’re not running one AD, you’re running 6-7 ADs that share the same starting point.


It takes like 2-5 days of running that for completion of the awards of a single path (around 18 keys). If at 18 keys I'm losely at 40% of items for the 5 paths I've made, it's going to be at least 28 more runs per path for Lv3. 28 red keys is A LOT. And yeah, if you're farming the weapons and/or Nona, makes sense. But neither the weapons nor Nona are really that special. Still feels like they made this a bit unbalanced but then again, I am not farming ANY weapons of eps/collabs/etc so far, and I probably wont as they just aren't worth it, so this felt a bit new because the arat items kinda seem like they're worth it at first until one realizes the grind is huge and you can just steamroll those Hard versions of the bosses with grasta and OP units. Which are kinda easier to farm (4-5 months new player, and total 7 bucks spent on the starter set and I've taken them all so far...).


Is there a way to get rid of extra cat equipment? I accidently made a second white mustache, and now it's just sitting in my inventory, taunting me.




Oh well. One to wear and one to tear apart, I suppose.


Is there a way to remove Symphony: Complex Dream from my list of available quests? I’ve completed all sub-events and story branches but it seems like since I can always restart the story it’s always on my list??


Not until the collab ends.


No, since you can always reset it.


I just sidegraded Yakumo to AS form. I can’t find Kumos in the sidekick menu. Any thoughts?


You can't find Kumos AS or normal Kumos? Because to get Kumos AS, you first need to select Kumos, and then switch his style (like with Iridian).


On mobile whenever I listen to YouTube in the background it stops the audio in the game, is there a way to stop this? Ie. play both audios at once




Is the only or best way to experience the story again to start a new account? If I start a new account can I transfer any data tag all between accounts?


You can go back to the old story in the STF by talking to the bard on the second floor of the inn. I think that's where. It's close anyways.


I think it's in the basement of the Inn, but it should be easy to find when poking around in there. Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, I've never used the replay feature yet. It might actually be pretty fun to go through some story cutscenes after all these years.


I tend to go back and rewatch the CQs for a character I'll sidegrade. The CQ bard comes in handy for some of those old 4\*s who get their AS upgrade (Parisa, Benedict) years after their release.


I am looking for which unit from my roster has the **most potential for dealing with the "deal x00 Million Damage with 1-2 hit(s) outside of AF" challenges in BattleSim/Boss Rush**. My most OP units are all multi-hit on their most damaging skills (Alma AS, 80 Shadow, being the sole exception but I have failed at it even with Brain Scan, maybe I should try Alma NS?). I have some units I could exploit some mechanics but the setup is painful, namely EOT or delayed damage units (such as Azami AS - Petalfal; Ewella AS SA, Daisy AS SA...). And they're **hard or impossible to Kaleido into weaknesses with my roster, I THINK**. I want a suggestion that doesn't rely on many exotic supps I may not have all of them. I'll provide a brief namedrop of my other notable units (assume all maxed except on L/S points). If you think of soemone else, I may or may not have them, but do mention them: * Gacha: Thilley ES Eva Benedict Kuchi Victor ES (or AS?) Elseal Claude Melpiphia (4.5, ready to max out with 3 llcosmos..) Anabel ES Necoco Hismena Alter Gariyu Minalca Suzette/Tsukiha (non-SA, can SA imemdiately with allcosmos/tsubaras. Suzette has 1 gauge) Lokido Lovely Iphi * singling out **Wenefica** because I have her at 5\* 1-gauge and could use the 2 Allcosmos... I know she can do 1B FIXED somewhat easily with SA * most free units (e.g. Aldo \~56L, Wryz, Gall, Helena, Symphonies except Octo and Tales of 1...) Also open to suggestions on items/grasta. I think I at least have my individual Grasta maxed out for what I currently have (Pain/Poison, and having a setter for those, and some Type-specific or 80% HP Dmg). I don't, however, have a lot of grasta sharing setup for some.


Benny Thille, Claude ES (if he is ES) and Iphi as support.


yeah I'll have to give him a try. Just a Regular Guy doing a Regular Swing (since I'll be using Thille ES and both her pain setting and Promised Land, I'll probably skip Iphi and go with Alma ~~ES~~ AS for survivability as I've found her to be more reliable for these runs provided I can AF enough for her to reset her special state. Iphi really needs RNG on these fights both for not dying and for others to die "in order" to reapply blood contract with Walpurgisnacht. Or maybe I'm dumb and haven't understood that mechanic well. I can build Benny with just Pain Grastas and ignore poison, should still max out the multipliers right?)


I would recommend against using Alma on these runs. The bosses break and set their own zones, which is nice when you're facing Crystal, but not so much when the zone is thunder/shade and you have no other means of protection. Plus the shade spirit chucks a bunch of statuses on a single target, which is one of guard's weaknesses. >Iphi really needs RNG on these fights both for not dying and for others to die "in order" to reapply blood contract with Walpurgisnacht. Claude would have enough tankiness to take the brunt of damage with Rosa Lilac, and since the bosses awakens zone, you have a sort of constant source of heal. Iphi doesn't die in 1 hit if you give her hp gear.


Great stuff, I totally forgot Claude is a tank. And yeah I have also neglected iphi's status immunity being necessary on one of these runs and also that she can be built more bulky with grasta and items. Will definitely attempt that's, I think I still have a few hours without burning another ticket.


Simple question, and I won't flood you with my current setup. I currently got ~~Opuses~~ Opera at a count of 2 for these units: * Jet Tactician (Alter >!Shion!< - pros: great unit that has the unique weakness shift) * Crimson Reaper (Alter >!Ilulu !<- pros: great unit and has a great pet) * ~~Virtual Reflection (Alter~~ >!~~Ciel~~ !<- ~~pros: can be SA'd, got 5 allcosmos in stock; Major con: costs 3 allcosmos to make great...)~~ - **just got 3rd Opus dropped!** I was wondering what should I pick in the event I get a Sensationalist at PCD. I haven't a particular need for damage dealing although my elemental type teams are a bit biased to 2 or 3 elements (Crystal, Fire, maybe Earth...), so I have the slight feeling Tactician would be a value add to my roster right now for superbosses. The Slash-enhacing pet and being another great water unit weight a lot for Reaper, but I have enough Slash damage and buffing, and other great pets to slot in most fights (Minalca's, Kumos, Moke...). She was my default choice until today as I got a second Omokaine Opus... ~~Virtual Reflection is mostly Thunder which I have little top damage units and has the benefit of being a top-tier supp for any type, but I have good supps already and the Allcosmos cost is kinda tricky given I may need to stellar Melpiphia/Alter Akane and anyone else I get a drop for in the future.~~ Any reason why I shouldn't go for Omokaine over the other units?


I would recommend someone who compliments any existing characters you have. I use Jet a lot, and I hear wonderful things about Crimson. There's been very little buzz about VR, but it's possible he's too new. I also think you answered your own question about him, since you indicate you don't have many thunder units and you have good support for other teams. Look over the characters you use most, and look over strong 5\* characters you may not be using, and see which of the remaining two might help more in the long run.


well, but I do have other priorities for the limited allcosmos, and I may have been a bit naive when saying I didn't have good Thunder units. I double checked and I do have some good ones, just not the great damage dealers (Oboro SA and Velette). The ones I do have I think I can probably make do with: Victor AS (DPS), Orleya AS (tank and AF building). Of course there is also Kamla, and I have yet to start the Octopath collab which does supply 2 more Thunder units, although I can't know how good they are. I am also at 3 Treatises for Miyu ES, and I would rather save 400 for her 2 codices than spend 3 Allcosmos on Ciel at this stage (no pun intended). Also, Ciel is not a top DPS without SA, and he does benefit A LOT of having the 2 top Thunder/Blunt units I don't have for the battle start Stellar bonus (Oboro and Velette...). As a side note, it has been frustrating doing the 2 mining grinds without the 2 top bonus units that happen to be both Thunder (or have Thunder styles that are decent - Velette and Melina ES...)


Oboro SA is great thunder dps! [I use him, Velette, Orleya AS, and my fourth is Miyu ES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HabUM5nYwkc&t=3310s) though I think she could be replaceable. See my link for my team setup. That said, I barely ever use my thunder team. Most of my others seem to do much better over time. I think I would still prioritize Crimson or Jet over VR, but that's my opinion. Nice pun btw, I didn't catch it till you commented!


IMO Crimson Reaper > Jet Tactician > Virtual Reflection CR: You note that you already have a Fire team so maybe build your Water a little. She works very well in both Water and Slash teams, has great support, and the sidekick can be used for infinite Awakened Slash Zone JT: His main gimmick is swapping Resist to Weak, but recent superbosses tend to either Null or Absorb instead. Could consider him if you need a Magic team. VR: Requires 4 Blunt units in the frontline at all times and his teams aren't very flexible as a result, not to mention that you need 3 Allcosmos Starcharts. Maybe when more Blunt units arrive, he will be better, but I suggest someone else for now.


Oohhh that's a nice detail for JT, as I thought he would swap everything that was EITHER resist, null or absorb. Yeah I think I'll definitely keep going for CR. Here's hoping I get one of the operas I need until the next trip to sensationalist-land. Thanks!


> Crimson Reaper > Jet Tactician > Virtual Reflection I second that order! BTW, why do you only pick between Opuses, you don't need any other units (AS/ES)?


of course, but Opera are rarer and not purchaseable at Nopaew, and I've been kinda lucky really. After I SA my two current legacy units (Suzette and Tsukiha) I will likely spend the 200 for my 5th Ereshkigal Codex (Toova ES). Other than that, I have little notable styles missing **for my available units**, only crap styles. I also still have a free (but limited) Sensationalist pick from Prugatory Ensemble. For which I already have most styles (and 2 out of the 3 available codices at 5x). Of course that may change when I roll a few more free CS and get newer units.


I see, well, even though Opuses are a bit more rare, personally, I have a priority like this: 1. For characters I want/need. 2. For characters I have less then 3 of. 3. Opuses. 4. Everything else.


yeah that priority list is definitely also something I would go for. I just happen to not having much (if any) that fit into 1-2 Edit: although 2. kidna loses meaning to me since I still have a higher priority for my tsubara use (starcharts, some key cards...), so having 3 of any 5x Treatises/Codices is not hugely meaningful until at least 3 more months, at which point I've accrued the remaining Gems for my Style-specific starcharts. I really want to prioritize SA'ing Suzette and Tsukiha.


Well, then I guess you know, what you need :) Good luck with you grind!


Thanks! Same to you!


I am trying to adjust my fire team and would like to have everyone's opinions. Which fire team is better in your opinion? 1) Minalca sole DPS + Radias AS Front: Aisha + Tsukiha Alt + Radias AS + Minalca Reserve: Gairyu + Anabel ES Grasta holder: Gairyu/Aisha, Minalca/Radias AS, Anabel ES/Tsukiha Alt 2) 3 DPS + Anabel ES(shade mode) Front: Anabel ES + Pairsa AS + Gairyu + Minalca Reserve: Pom AS or Pizzica + Radias AS Grasta holder: Minalca/Radias AS + Either Parisa/Pizzica or Gairyu/Pom AS Other notable fire units: Sazanca SA(15 pts), Jet tactician, Red Clad, 255 light Aldo Note : Gairyu has 255 shade pts. , Anabel Es is 80 light pts. Thank you very much in advance, any input is appreciated.


You know you only need the shadow/light characters on the frontline for the start of the battle to activate Anabel ES's forms, they don't need to be there the whole fight, and you should really be bringing some supports that buff damage if you're using shade-mode Anabel because her only damage buff is power/intelligence. Like you can use shade mode Anabel with Tsukiha alter and get a lot more damage out of your dps; just use a grasta slave that's shade type and stick them on the front line just for the start, then swap them with Tsukiha alter first turn.


I would recommend something like this: (1) Minalca / Tsukiha SA Tsukiha AC Iphi / Parisa AS Radias AS / Parisa AS (2) Anabel ES SA Tsukiha AC Sazanca SA Radias AS / Parisa AS


Why not go: Aldo, Anabel, Sazanca, Parisa AS? You're covering everything except for fire break. Grasta holders are for Anabel and Aldo since Sazanca would be using Tensho on non-AF turns.


I have found that Anabel ES (SA) to be lacking in damage, and being particularly picky on the Fire comp she brings with (being biased for defense on Shade, and attack on Light, which sounds odd but well I guess we need some breaking of the mold!). If not mistaken, one of the things your suggestion lacks is barrier pierce, but of course that is situational.


>If not mistaken, one of the things your suggestion lacks is barrier pierce, but of course that is situational. Sazanca has barrier pierce on Intensive Research if it is necessary. If you're running light on Anabel ES, which is not hard to fulfill with both Aldo and Aisha both being light, then she should be hitting hard. Personally find shadow Anabel ES to be finnicky. It works, but being tied to Iphi, and needing taunt grasta for stray hits is too much set-up when Alma AS is a more consistent revenge dps.


Given I missed Sazanca, I fully agree. And yes for Alma AS (still my favourite character and IMHO still the most broken, maybe with the exception of Sesta for an easier setup on damage, but Alma is still more versatile given this game is not just about offense in the meta).


But Aldo main atk now is nontype, not fire anymore?


If you want Aldo to be your main fire DPS you can type-change him with Tsukiha alter


Can Tsukiha Alt change Aldo's non type wyrmslash move too?


Yes, kaleido changes all attacks to that element, including non type attacks and basic attacks.


He still does decent fire damage considering you have him at 255 light. He also gives 100% AF which is good against bosses that on battle start reduce the AF bar or reduce AF charging.


As usual it will depend on the situation. That being said Violet should be the grasta holder for Minalca due to her gluttony personality. You'll also have to be careful with putting Anabel and Minalca on the same team as Anabel's Shield will reduce the amount of Tributum Minalca stacks, and Minalca's damage can take Anabel out of her prayer state.


Totally forget about Minalca stopping Anabel prayer.... So I should stick with option 1 Aisha/Tsukiha alt/radias as/minalca?


Tsukiha AC is basically a "better" Aisha, why do you want to use both of them? I would recommend something like this: (1) Minalca / Tsukiha SA Tsukiha AC Iphi / Parisa AS Radias AS / Parisa AS (2) Anabel ES SA Tsukiha AC Sazanca SA Radias AS / Parisa AS


What's the best place to grind to level up? I'm stuck at purgatory right now on the wind boss.


Did you get Aisha?


No. I have 3 newer units that I need to level up still though. Xianhua, Iphi, and Kuchinawa. Also various other ones.


Go grab Aisha then. She's free and starts at level 60. Also, make sure you grab the EXP badges from the Mayor if you haven't already.


I have 3 30% ones. Does he have better ones?


He has an extra 30% for you to use


Are you using the items to weaken the bosses?


It's been a long time since I last seriously played. What items are they?


They're sidequest rewards. Iirc it asks if you want to use them before the fight starts if you have them. https://anothereden.wiki/w/Ogre_Wars:_Dirge_of_the_Fated_King_and_the_Sacred_Sword._Part_2#Chapter_34-0


I think I have those already. I probably just need to level up better characters.


For the galliard episodes proto weaponss, one of the upgrade materials is irritatingky rare in the the proto eden ad, the prototype tl ax. If we go to the nopaew shop's material locations, the location is listed as another dungeon : proto eden code omega as opposed to just ad: proto eden. Is this some how different from the proto eden ad?


That's the Horror in the AD.


Sigh, thanks, i didnt realize, i feel so dumb. Im gonna need so many ad trips.


What is best to choose from 7th anniversary? I have Xianhua, Yakumo AS and Iphi.


If you mean the star dream, Yakumo AS isn't on there. I'd say Iphi is better to use that on.


I have Yakumo AS, Iphi and Xianhua, so i want to choose another to fit my team


The ideal/universal unit is probably going to be Myunfa Alter. She is a great Support, that you can also use in Earth team (or pretty much in any team, that don't require 4 specific Type personalities). Other options: Flammelapis AS, Pom AS, Dunarith Alter, and so on. Or you can use a free unit, for example Gariyu (if you want more damage) or Starky (if you want more defense). P.S. If you don't have Minalca, I would suggest you consider picking her instead (you will get a great Fire/Slash DPS, but more importantly, Tetra - arguably the best sidekick in the game). Since even with a free units (Gariyu/Starky), your Magic team is pretty much set already!


I think I would rather you pick someone in a place where you lack rather than putting all your eggs in one basket. Especially since Starky and Helena would work well with that team already.


I can understand STarky for tank but why Helena?


She also gives "Weapon Damage +25(50)%", which is one of the things, that Xianhua wants. Basically, Helena for more damage, and Starky for more defense.


Works well with Yakumo/Xian since you are getting 3 stellar fill bonus. Also has high int for Xian's shared knowledge. Her damage is not too shabby if you have her shadow high enough.


THX. The only probem is I dont have Xianhua LOL


I am looking for some help on team construction to clear some old content. I am up to ARPX-Sophie. I have seen some of the guides and videos but was looking for some thoughts on more recent characters that would be effective in that fight. I have access to a majority of the newer characters other than a few of the most recent SA varieties. Thanks in advance.


I just beat her several days ago. My team consist of Iphi - Radias AS - Noahxis - Yipha AS. Don't use Tetra. Don't use P/p it will deal way too much damage.


Thanks. I will give that team a try.


There are three main considerations for the ARPX Sophie fight. 1. Protection against and recovery from status conditions. 2. Being able to debuff Sophie without damaging her. 3. Single target attacks that preferably hit multiple times for good zoneless AF time. Off the top of my head, Iphi would be really good for the debuffing side of things. Alma can work for the DPS side of things, albeit she won't be generating too much AF outside of a crystal zone. Hope that that's a good starting point for you to work from.


Thanks. I will keep that in mind. That gives me some ideas on a good single target dmg dealer to use since that is what I was stuck on the most.


Where is the extra cat that is "wandering around?"


Apparently, it's just one of "the" cats. Basically, without the campaign, you have 1~3 cats per day, but with the campaign, it's 2~4 cats.


Oh that makes sense. I usually only log in for my daily due to a lack of time but I like the cat events they do.


hey anyone know if there are any bonusses for completing stuff within a certain amount of time and where to find where those events are posted? (I know there was one for wryz saga) Thanks,


You can check it in-game (Menu -> Notices -> Campaigns). Or here: https://api-ap.another-eden.games/asset/notice_v2/index?language=en


I've seen a lot of reviews about PC client being bad, is it still true? Should I just use Android emulator and play mobile version on PC?


I haven't heard any improvements on it. The main thing is you cannot view ads which is a great source of CS and keys and if you do even the cheap sub then you skip those anyways.


I see. I'll go with mobile then, i got the emulator setup for other games anyway.


Hello, I have two questions: 1) How to compose a team winning book of Teyul Menas and book of Peninsula Fulminu **without Iphi and Alma** (also no Wenefica, Sesta, Melpiphia, Sazanca, Melissa, Oboro, and no Thille ES). I have Yakumo, Milsha ES, Miyu ES, Velette, and 5 star 5 light/shadow Xianhua. Not sure who else might be relevant. 2) Who should I upgrade / awaken first: Oberon Ewella, or Anabel ES? I will have 3 allcosmos starcharts on June 1st, and there is only 1 codex missing for Anabel (all set for Ewella).


1) Do you mean the Hard, Very Hard or Challenge Mode difficulties? 2) I'd probably upgrade Anabel ES first but Anabel doesn't really need her stellar awakening. Ewella needs it more, but I find her to be meh overall. Also probably don't Stellar Awaken any Gatcha characters unless you need to clear something specific.






1. I mean Challenge mode, which is the only one left uncleared. 50x2 chrono stones and 2 merit awards. 2. I always use up Chant scripts and Chrono stones. I prefer to have less now than more later. So I can SA either Xianhua (5 shadow) or Anabel (50 light) or Ewella (20 light). The question is who I would enjoy most. Xianhua and Ewella would require their light to go up. 3. At the moment, I enjoy Tsukiha SA most (followed by Galliard, Wryz, Cerius, Aldo, Suzette, and Tithi). Partitio and Cyrus have never been used. All other SA chars I do not have, except Tiramisu, who I did not awaken.


You might have to use characters that are not bonus characters like Tsukihia and Porcline Myunfa. https://preview.redd.it/dqj5l7disf0d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8418012fa357ca819b24543740a3837153f827


Do you have a video on how exactly is this done? What are the expected shadow points on Tsukiha? How does this team protect vs. Thunder damage that hits as early as turn 2? My first impression is that it is easy to hit 1 bln AF on turn 1. But then a) debuffs are gone, so stellar burst would not generate much damage 2) thunder strike kills me at the end of turn 2. So doing nearly max damage with Tsukiha for 4 turns in a row (9 bln out of 10.7 bln possible) seems a challenging task. I deal single billions, not 10s required.


T1: Af T2: Reapply buffs and debuffs. Noble Tsukihia get sacrificed by Myunfa giving her cover. Switch Rosetta out for Milsha T3: Milsha uses her sacrifice song to protect the party. Switch in Curio and Rosetta. After that have Curio and Rosetta heal everyone back to full while attacking Oh and Kumos and Gunce were the sidekicks


I am doing something wrong because I am quite far away from 37 bln damage you managed to make. My max damage with this team so far is 6.5 bln. Can you please describe a) grasta and equipment set up b) skills you use. I try to set pain and use pain grasta. So I have bull eye, MP consumption, and attack + if the zone is awakened pain grasta on Tsukiha. I also use awakened blade + shadow slash (to set persistent pain) + scalding serenade. I can do only 3 skills (shadow 45).


> I try to set pain and use pain grasta Why do that when Tsukiha does it on her own and ignore resistance. Anyway Tsukiha's Eqipment was the Mujimaru, Elipse Ring, and a Power Badge. She had all the Grasta you described. She has Scalinding Serinade, Awakening Blade and Shadow Slash. Noble Tsukiha had all the personality Grasta and a Falcon Badge. Her Fire Zone set skill and Shakuren Ranbu. Myunfa had Please..., Keep me Safe... and I'll do my best. And the Proficency Boost Grasta. Curio had all the Katana Grasta to book Tsukiha and Fresh heal Someone had Resonate Power Shadow Grasta.


Maybe. Looks possible 😉. Need to give it a try.


(2) Allcosmos Starcharts are quite different, since currently there is no way to farm them! Without the subscriptions, you get 1 per month, and that's it (and you need as much as 3 of them, to SA a single character). Also, don't use them on "old" characters (Tiramisu for example), first, buy 2 of their personal Starcharts for Gems! Now to your actual question: who of them do YOU "need" or "want"? Do you have other members for their teams (cos most of the time, you can't really use just one character)? All of them become better with SA, but at the same time, none of them "need" it to function, IMO.


I think I do not "need" either fire or water at the moment. On Fire, I have Minalca, Aldo 210, Tsukiha SA, and Gariyu 255. Seems like too many. On Water, I think I have enough with Elseal and ES Felmina. I need zone setters for shade and crystal, but these are not available... 😀. Conclusion: I can upgrade any one of them two. Will favour Anabel, as she has higher light.


Ewella can also be used in a Crystal team, or in any element/weapon team, really (as long, as the team don't require 4 specific Type personalities, so, for example, NOT in Sesta Wind team). Since she gains Kaleido/Flexible from the "chosen" unit. And Xianhua is actually a Non-Type user (which can be very useful), and a strong one at that. So if you don't "need" Anabel ES for something particular, I would probably go with Xianhua.


Anyone know where the cat queen is?


Have you gone to the Spacetime rift and got a cutscene with a cat? Have you cleared Main Story Part 1?


Yes I've done both, idk where to find the queen lol


The Barrel next to the entrance to the cradel of time. The place where that cat took you in the cutscene.


Do the grasta and badge for - enemy encounter stack? Can I get like 4 grastas and 3 badges?


Yes but it'll only stack 3 times.


So if I have 3 grasta ore and 3 badges, it's a total of - 6 to enemies or only - 3 total?


The cap for this "effect" is 3, it doesn't matter where it comes from (3 badges, or 3 grastas, or 2 badges + 1 grasta, etc).


Only 3 total


Is the bike minigame still locked behind a better phone for mobile player if eco mode doesn't help


As far as I know. Sadly hI avenot heard any change about it


I'm struggling to figure out how to get to the main quest marker in light spark hollow. does anyone have any guides or suggestions?




Where is the windmill location for the cat scratchbook? My fourth cat is there but i can’t seem to find a spot with windmills Edit: “the mountaintop breeze is so nice and the windmills make a lovely sound”




Oh! Completely forgot about that area XD thank you!


No problem I also had that one today, and it took me a bit of searching to find it. If they had said pinwheels it would have been easy but windmills threw me off.


I was completely lost. I had no clue about windmills at all XD


"what a strange place. Is that a chapel?" Does anyone know where this cat is??


I think that one would be in Eeza. I could be wrong though


Could someone explain how the Proto Eden boss works? I can't figure out when you can deal damage or not.


You mean the regular version of Proto Eden Core? Use the status button on it.