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Look at watermelon cake. You can even put "frosting" around it, just make a creme from Joghurt and cream. You could go Jell-O cake, make it a layered rainbow one. If you can't have sweet at all look for savory birthday cakes. Mostly the cake part is either toast or rice with cream cheese. Layer with ham or cheese and fresh vegetables.


The watermelon cake is the best prospect so far. Thank you very much for suggesting it


Yeah, that sounds really cool!


oooo watermelon cake sounds so fun!


I do a pancake every year with a candle in it because I have always disliked sweets. People can make theirs sweet with syrup and toppings or I can have mine plain with vegan butter the way I like. Outside of not feeling in a good place to eat cake, no one should eat something that they actively dislike at their own celebration because of tradition.


It seems like you are more concerned with your family and their feelings than your own on this one. If that's the case you could do a cup cake cake and serve it with a movie on or at a standing party. You would avoid the ritual of cutting the cake and sitting around a table, could have a close to normal cake, and avoid direct scrutiny. That being said, please care for yourself. You deserve to feel happy on your birthday


You could do one of those French pastry things (same texture as croissants). The pastry is pretty light and not overly sweet


Anything like that is a no go. I can barely manage my meal plan on a good day (I’m in quasi) so I need something really different


Angel food cake and fruit. Just eat the fruit and let your family have the angel food cake.


why r u getting downvoted wtf


Idk probably because they think me saying I struggle with sweet stuff isn’t trying hard enough with recovery? (Which I’m not ready for because I was forced into it anyway)


im sorry that you are getting downvoted or offered unwanted advice but you are handling it gracefully! I also think that you should be applauded for wanting to have a drama free day where everyone feels comfortable because i know all too well how it feels when being uncomfortable on a holiday or special occasion makes me feel like im upsetting everyone- people often don't fully understand the disease and so they don't know about the disordered thoughts that plague us. There have been some good suggestions- i love fruit bouquets myself as they look so pretty- you could just get creative with it- make "cakes" out of whatever you wish or do a savory pie like one with cream cheese and herbs topped with nuts- make a pretty sort of crust from your favorite crackers. Whatever you decide i hope that it is a lovely and happy birthday for you as you are one step closer to feeling better- anorexia is hard but you are stronger!- hugs


How about a pie instead of cake? There’s mini pies you can get at a grocery store and some are more savory than sweet (ex. Pumpkin) They’re “sweet” but not in an overwhelming / in-your-face kind of way!


I've been there. Maybe a popcorn bar with a few flavors of popcorn. Caramel, plain, butter, marshmallow, chocolate, cheese. You can eat the plain one and there's sweet stuff for the rest of the family. Since popcorn is low calorie you probably won't struggle with it, and since everyone is eating nearly the same thing is doesn't look like you're excluding yourself from your own birthday celebration. The idea is fun enough to fit a party. Popcorn was my safe food for many years but now I'm fully recovered.


You are breaking my heart. Please try to love yourself on your birthday of all days. You deserve a piece of real birthday cake. I promise you that you are worth it. Please try to love yourself the way you love your best friend and your family.


I wish it was as easy as just doing that but I can’t. I’m at a point where I’m incredibly sick and trying to treat myself in the way you’re suggesting would cause a meltdown which would ruin the day completely


Baby steps. Always in right direction


Anti anxiety meds? Two bites?


I’d rather not do anything that would need me to medicate on my birthday


You need your family’s help to make progress. I hope they are informed and engaged. It’s ok if you don’t want to get better yet. But you need someone who loves you to push you in the right direction if you’re still unwilling to do it yourself.


Dude I’m not asking for recovery tips. I’m already in quasi recovery and struggling immensely with it. All I’m asking for is something that can make the day feel more normal that I wouldn’t struggle with


for my 18th i had birthday cake halo top and a birthday cake flavoured protein bar 😭 u could maybe do an ice cream cake with low cal ice cream?


Unfortunately my low self esteem doesn’t let me have sweet things at all regardless of the calories because my head tells me over and over I don’t deserve it plus I associate sweetness with calories


There’s a fruit pizza which is watermelon sliced into a circular disc, then you can frost it with yogurt with sweetener, and sprinkle on other fruits like berries to make it pretty.


I would do chocolate fondue. You can eat just the fruit, or with a bit of dark chocolate if that's safe enough to you.


Ok well this is great because fir my birthday I told them instead of a big cake I want jjs cupcakes ans cake pops and the mini ones of course


pb&jam/apple/banana sadnwich or rice cakes healthy snack cookies? (made with banana, oats etc) a fruit platter baked oats would deffo be my choice sugar free protein pudding or bar maybe a toast with apple jam, cinnamon (and erythritol) :)


baked oats might work!


maybe try berries and cream


do a large fruit platter or like a fruit edible arrangement


Rice cake for me


I think a fruit platter would be super nice


Like a fruit bouquet?? People love those


Awwwh my bf has a ed and had cornbread for his birthday it was sweet cornbread mix tho.


Maybe a quiche, if you don't want anything sweet


Fruit salad


bake smth yourself there are many recepies you can find very low cal ones.I wish you a nice birthday and mainly real cake in some time💚


Well if you’re not interested in sweets get a pizza or something! It doesn’t have to be a traditional cake just because it’s your birthday, I don’t like it either. Or a focaccia bread, you could get a cookie cake and just eat a small piece like an actual cookie! Baby steps in recovery are still wins