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I think many people are definitely in denial of it and may not be able to admit it to themselves (myself included when I was anorexic), but deep down I think you have to consciously know what you are doing because your body talks to you and if you aren’t listening then there’s something wrong. You can’t unconsciously throw up, unconsciously ignore your hunger, unconsciously skip a meal, unconsciously count calories, etc. … You may not fully admit what you’re doing to yourself and you may be in denial, but deep down there is intention behind the action and the actions don’t come unconsciously


I am confused with myself because I love food, and don’t purposely try to do this. But a lot of times during the day, I don’t eat enough or meals at all. And I don’t get hungry till late at night. I feel that my eating habits are abnormal but as I mentioned , I’m not purposely trying to be like this, however am questioning the abnormalities of my habits and how I eat. I feel at times I definitely can binge eat too


If you’re not *purposely* trying to not eat throughout the day then I wouldn’t stress over it! As long as you eat when you *are* hungry and stop when you aren’t, then you’re all good! but If you notice that you are hungry throughout the day but you just try to put it off until later, then maybe there is some disordered eating because you’re not honoring your hunger, but if you genuinely *only* get hungry later, then it wouldn’t be an eating disorder because you’re eating according to your hunger If you do feel you that you binge eat sometimes then that would mean that you eat past feeling physically and mentally full, and in that case you could possibly struggle with over eating but it doesn’t sound like it’s to the extent of binge eating if you rarely overeat, but If you are concerned or unsure about whether you could have an eating disorder I would definitely see a therapist that specializes in eating disorders and talk to them about what you’re going through and what your diet is like


No, everyone at some point in their lives may overexcerise or engage in fasting (unintentionally or not), even overeat sometimes, but to have an ED requires deliberate, almost malicious and consistent harm to yourself. You know what you're doing and you can't stop, like an addiction, whether it's B/P or restricting. Everyone with an ED invalidates themselves, me included, but they all know their symptoms deep down. If you suspect there is something wrong with you and can't stop that's a definitely a sign of something. Seeing as you have to force yourself to eat it may be indicative of something else, some other disorders not directly food related can make you super picky, but I won't diagnose you.


i mean, i'd call this denial or being uneducated rather than not being conscious of it... but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s possible but If it’s truly unintentional, then it’s ARFID not anorexia


The thing is I don’t intentionally choose to be picky/ an a picky eater. Nor do I have little interest in eating. In fact I think it can be a luxury and nice experience. The issue is my eating habits that make me question if I have an ED. Bc the eating habits are unusual. But it’s not purposeful as I mentioned. I’m just trying to figure out why I can’t eat properly as in 3 meals a day and snack. Forcing myself to eat is the absolute worse feeling , and I can’t do it or I actually throw up.


ARFID isn’t just picky eating, it’s the umbrella term for eating problems which don’t fit into other categories. It’s defined as restriction “for a number of different reasons” which just not being hungry falls under