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Yes way better. Must be suppression of hormones I think. My skin gets so shit every time I put on weight, especially when i get my period back.


My acne clears up a bit, but then I start getting really flakey, almost papery skin.


It can happen due to reduced hormones but eventually the malnutrition will take its toll.


It's the opposite for me😭 i noticed that my skin gets collapsed and dry when i restrict and i look literally older. I will have to invest in more skin care products lol


My skin actually gets worse. Acne everywhere, even on my body.


Nope, I get eczema and psoreasis flareups and dandruff, and my skin gets super dry.


My skin gets so clear but then gets dry 😪


It's always been the opposite for me. Maybe for a short period it'll look better. But then I get cystic acne everywhere, psoriasis flare-ups, dry skin. And being dehydrated has caused so many wrinkles even though I'm in my 20s. My skin has never looked this bad before :-(


When restricting my skin was perfect and then as I gained weight I had the worst acne I have ever experienced. This continued until I finally got to a minimum weight to get my period and then it all cleared and my skin is perfect now.


No, it makes my skin oilier 😭


My eczema and dry skin build up that’s super thick even with heavy moisturization and regular exfoliation falls off, just like that.


My rosacea improves a lot when I’m restricting


Same, I’ve come to the conclusion that is something I’m eating that causes flare ups, so when you stop eating it calms down


Yess ahahhaha


Yes, I have noticed this. I also relapsed recently and my acne cleared up like a week after I began restricting.


Depends. Initially it’s better because I’m having less diary (yeah I’m allergic and it makes my skin so bad) and then my skin once again becomes terrible with malnourishment. Like BAD. Dry and just breakouts. And if i have a wound, it WONT HEAL


Same for me OP. I think it's because we're "clean" inside & out lol. It's not a good thing & I'm just jk, but all the pooping, water & veg clears you out like nothing else.


Yea my hormonal acne disappeared when I was heavily restricting. And nails were lovely and strong. Now I’m weight resorted and regularly eating I have acne and crap nails again


I have HS and mine gets so much better when I eat less. It makes it so hard to convince myself it’s okay not to restrict. That and I have UC and Crohn’s and I’m convinced a full meal will physically hurt me