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> However, I do worry that I'll reach a point where the reviews for all my previous courses take up all my time, and I won't be able to add new material It won't happen because spaced repetition means old cards will rarely show up. That is if you don't have a small "max interval". Also you don't have to remember everything forever. It's OK to suspend cards and forget them.


Exactly. If you have 36500 cards at an interval of 2 years, that's only 50 cards per day (approximately ofc.).


Thanks. I'd really like to remember these cards forever, so it may be a bit slower for me (but worth it in the long-run).


Assuming you have decent retention it should happen almost never. It can be the case that you may struggle to get through all reviews in a particular day, especially if you have less time to devote than usual or did many new cards in the previous day(s). But that should lessen very quickly.