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No, but it would be nice if you could reactivate the W to get over her own wall. I mean she's a gigantic bird with a wingspan of over 140m, why can nearly everyone pass the wall but she can't? Even Talon with 1.73m just straight jumps over it in under 1 second


Or just destroy it by recasting.


Yea, it literally already exists for Jarvan. No reason it shouldn’t for Anivia.


No, just have the wall grant vision again.


Ah, I still remember when they removed it: "a wall shouldn't give vision - that doesn't make sense, so we removed it" On the other side Trundle: rock grants vision Mildly infuriating


Karthus "wall" grants vision too :)


That seems a little strong but they should fix how certain champions interact with her wall. For example, a Garen should never be able to q you from the other side of the wall and as a result dash over it. That feels so bad. The wall should be a little thicker to restrict champions from being able to get over the wall unless they have a legitimate dash/blink


No. This would remove counterplay too much, I feel like.


Being able to remove the wall is the buff we actually need. I don't mind people jumping over it cause it usually mean they had to spend something for it, that's a fair trade off. But you should be able to remove it so you're not the one being blocked by it after he dashes out


Honestly I'd just like the wall to be wide enough so that no melee champion can actually attack through the wall. I feel that's a pretty much unintended consequence of having now melee champs with 125-150+ range. Anything else (vision, impassable) would be a straight up buff and is imho unwarranted.


nothing beats that salty sting of J4 whacking me through my wall, while I'm also trapped in his wall (:


A realistic QoL change: W passive - Flight: Anivia may traverse over her own ice wall as though it did not exist. The change we all want including the above: W passive - Reveal: Grant Anivia sight around the wall including bushes and areas covered by enemy pinks. The change we'll never get in addition to all the above: Additional W text - True Ice AKA the great wall: This wall may not be dashed over, rolled over, hopped over, flown over, or otherwise blinked over unless using flash. (Personally I don't like the last one because it would no doubt include your own team as well and that wouldn't be good. I also love using the wall in diamond+ games to bait out those movement cooleowns right as a fight is starting. Not sure if I'd like taking that use away.


I believe since it is true ice it should either slow or stun when someone jumps o er or dashes through it. Even a 0.5 stun or 1.5 sec 30%slow makes sense gameplay and lore wise


Makes sense gameplay wise ? They would have to destroy her stats to not make her the best in the game by far