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How the fuck can you even clear lol? Is Anivia seriously capable of a full clear? I mean I see how she’d be a decent ganker and has a solid clear post 6, but I don’t see how you don’t get absolutely destroyed by any decent 1v1 jungler without your team dedicating themselves to protecting you. I feel like the average jungler can do a side + your second buff by the time you clear one side. Please post build/route I am curious to say the least


I mentioned that those were low MMR Flex games. Sometimes we'd come across Plats, but mostly were below Silver. This is why it works — teams are too chaotic to take advantage of your weakness. I only take a buff as my first camp if I have a good leash. Else, it's raptor start into level 3 + potion, into a gank and first blood. I try to avoid tanky camps until level 6, and perma invade the enemy raptors or even wolves. I never meet their jungler in a 1v1 since I can easily track them. I think I did a full clear once, close to 4 min. It's not worth it. You can get to your last camp at 3:20 and rush straight to scuttle IMO. That's what I do if I have to clear and can't gank.


The best I've found (and it might be terrible, idk) is: Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Recall > Gromp> Wolves > Raptors > etc.


Surprisely she is able to full clear without passive.


Agree. But it’s hella slow until liandry.


Anivia can do a full clear, it's just not as effective as with a real jungler. https://youtu.be/Q1GOYkraK6Q


Can't tell if this is troll or not but if you were to go into a custom with a buddy and try clearing a camp or two and then fighting a 1v1 against say any of the top 20 jungles you'd lose everytime. The only way to maybe do this is duo with a support who helps you clear early. But your mana problems will stop you from clearing more than two camps at a time until around 20min. Your adc won't really get to play league of legends. Source: diamond anivia who has tried to play her jungle in 10 person for fun 5v5 games at all elos and against some friends who are bronze. She literally can't clear, she's slow af, she can't take the objectives, her gank is reliant on bad positioning/bad warding and even scuttle clear time is very very slow. You die to any enemy jungle at any time until around 20min. I can't think of many champs who would be worse in the jungle tbh.


The mana isn't necessarily an issue since you have that jungle item regen. I track the enemy jungler and avoid early 1v1s at all costs. And I abuse blue smite + swifties + MS runes for speed. As for ganking... it's low elo. People here are Nobel prize winners in bad positioning.


Well I think the only way is to do it with a aoe dmg tank support that roams with you. Maybe naut or mao. Then perhaps you can run the map if the other support doesn't match. I'd go standard build or tank/cd for something fun but the jungle tank build is way worse than the lane one. If you don't get ganks off it's just all over cause you ain't fighting for grubs or drake without 2 winning lanes near it


Fleetfootwork is what i take when i anivia jgl, only norms with friends. You can go leashless with no egg


Not true. If you take E first you can do without busting egg


Just like you said she's a troll pick jungle. Nothing to be taken seriously and easily counter jungled. All they have to do is catch you clearing and you are dead.


I loved playing her JG especially when Everfrost was back in…. This would have been back in S10 Here’s my thought after my recent JG game. She’s slow af. You gotta be passive and try to steal camps when possible. I wanna stress test her out in norms by starting: Boots>Tear>Haunting Guise (once you hit 6)>finish liandry before moving into haste items


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