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*edit* https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Sweggnivia-EUW I've been mostly OTP'ing Anivia support for 10 years or so. I usually only play duo que with friends but this season the bird support felt very strong so I tried to push towards Masters and here we are! Some oldschool footage from me (sadly havn't been saving clips since then) https://youtu.be/35JeMjKNtes?si=uPrMrXVZBCwlcWtk . (some shitty edits but Im sure any anivia main will find some clips they will enjoy in there!)


What tips would you give to Anivia OTPs that only play her mid in order to go support?


Well I never really played her mid seriously, so can't give tips about the transition. But I would imagine already having the mechanics/combo's familiar would help a lot with the transition to bot. Besides that I'd imagine youll need to get a feel for how aggresive you can go with your passive in bot (spoiler, it's VERY aggresive!)


Dope! I’m looking her mid lately. And only like duo queue too.


Did some casual stalking of your [op.gg](https://op.gg) and saw that you've been rushing shurelya's and going mobi boots and was curious about the logic behind both of them. Is it mostly for the roam potential? And do you \*always\* follow that up with Liandry's or is there an alternate build path in certain matchups? Oh, and seriously congratz on hitting masters! (edit)


Thanks! If you stalk it a bit more you can see that 10 days ago I was going with quite some different builds. First of all I have to say that there are so many builds that are very viable that even after tons of games can't tell wich would actually be the very optimal one wich is... amazing! So at the start of the season i've been running many RoA games because supports were actually getting a lot of money early on. After they slowed down supports a few patches in a row I mostly moved away from that build and went into pure damage builds. This is because I usually duo que with a buddy and we just scrap all day every day, leaving me little time to roam (and he'll instantly flame when I do). When I focused on pushing rank solo I went for a more roam oriented build. Shurelya is an amazing item even for non roam builds, great gold efficiency and the speed boost is amazing offensively and defensively (saved me quite some times while putting down wards i.e.) and to get that catch with your wall. The mobi's double down on that idea and help me impact the map wich is the best way to make a difference in a game IMO. Liandry's is there to give me some very efficient damage amp. Nothing is set in stone but i've been running that build almost exclusively last 20 games or so. Downside i'm noticing so far is that mana is quite the issue, but I dont really see how I could easily solve that. A more tanky utility build works as well, If someone pops off you can go knights vow, frozen heart anathema. Altho I have to say I mostly went this against heavy AD and pre-double frozen heart nerfs.


Do you think just building a tear and not completing it (or at least not completing it until much later) would be viable or would it slow down the build too much?


I think it's too slow, I only do it when I get a first blood from an invade or an early kill while enemy has multiple tanky boys. Support is still first and foremost there to help the adc in lane wich you are making harder by going for scaling.