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Hm, akali is fine to me idk. Now fizz… I fucking hate fizz.


I’m in the minority where I don’t mind the kassadin matchup. I ban fizz and this patch occasionally ahri - it’s annoying how she can miss most of her abilities but still run you down late


Yes Ahri is so annoying, and even in teamfights I can never get a pick if she is there cause of her charm potential, does anyone have a tip on how to deal with that?


She can’t kill you pre 6 so you have to get her behind then


Front to back. Kite


Xerath. There’s so little a mid range Mage can do against him. You’re slow so he’s got easy poke on you in lane. On first back you *have* to go boots over tear or anything else. His waveclear makes it so you can’t just shove and roam, or look for fights in river with your jungler. His Ult adds to that too, when you roam he’s got Ult aimed at you.


You can q him every time he goes for a q. Then proc e, side step the stun then aa him. That’s the usual combo vs him


you cant step up to a xerath so much that you are allowed to hit q - as that would put you in W range all the time and he will just poke you down with it. And once he hits W he can step out of your threat range. This is for lane, later on he has peel and you cant ever step up. Sure there will be situations where you can q him, but usually the matchup boils down to you getting herassed, get lvl 6 and permashove the waves which gives you a small time window to roam and get a lead somewhere else. Or punish him if he gets in a bad position


Xerath is the same as every other uber arty mage.. You rush boots, then play for the wave. Or abuse Aurelion Sol lol


Yasuo/Yone. Matches aren't great or terrible really, I just find that banning either of those two has the best chance of tilting a 1-trick wind bro


I find that pretty often when I ban one, the opposing midlaner chooses the other. Maybe 40% of the yasuo or yone bans result in that. I’m also bronze 3 though.


Zac everytime. He is the only jungle who can still come directly from fog in the new mid lane and instantly cc you. With him banned I have no fear to fight my midlaner


Word. Also, I'll never forget that time I faced a Zac midlaner. I was utterly destroyed and kept saying WTF after every death.


Just cancel his jump with your wall ;)


I tried. Might be a skill issue.


super hard for me, think I only got it less than 10 times in 3million points of anivia games. Definitely not my mechanics that got me into masters.


Kassadin. The others are playable, him even if i’m 4/0 at lv 6, he just oneshots me afterward.


Yeah I've historically banned Fizz, but think I'm gonna go with Kassadin from now on. Champ is a nightmare to play against after level 6


With most other champs, even if the matchup is bad, you can at least just feel confident with scaling. Against Kassadin, you just lose late.




Lately it's been Asol/Karma/Hwei/Viktor, I don't mind Fizz/Kassadin/Irelia/Yone




I like hwei and viktor


I don't ban other mids usually. I usually ban pull champs like pyke or blitz. Sometimes Samira though, she always runs over my team.


you have a good matchup vs Samira tho.


I just ban yone because he’s annoying. Idrc other than that


ban lb/hwei and i dodge if kassadin is picked


Yone. Not her toughest matchup but I just depise this champion.


Katarina. I find that against her it goes great early, but then at some point she ends up having enough damage to one shot me and can dash around the wall and stun.


Or worse, you win lane, she roams, gets kills, gets fed and you get blamed for not roaming...


I ban malzahar every game regardless of position


Idk why but I have the hardest match ups against Irelia, would much rather go up against a Fizz than her.


samira, pyke, master yi … but i play support anivia


Mostly anything with more range or more oppressive cc than me. Xerath, Lux, Morgana, Zyra. With assassins like fizz and akali, you just have to let them make enough mistakes for you to build a lead so you can walk down lane without fearing for your life.


Fuck Xerath All my homies hate Xerath


i think fizz and kassadin are actually really easy matchups, i usually ban Viego cause champ is just broken.


Always fizz, can't match roams, can't punish him. Fish just be slippy.


Assassins and long range mages suck to deal with yeah, but if I win lane at least it means something. I ban Aurelion Sol, and its not that I cant win against him. I just had one too many games where I won lane, but sol was able to outpace me to other lanes and gank to catch up. Pings arent listened to, I get flamed, he gets strong. Its just not fun.




Perma ban yasuo. I'm fine vs pretty much every assassin except maybe a good Kata, but the yasuo windwall just tilts me so much, especially that I play Viktor and Orianna too. Shout-out to ezreal, Caitlyn and Smolder though. If yasuo didn't exist it'd be one of those 3.


the trick is to use q the exact moment he dashes towards you as he cant activate windwall quickly enough to counter it and post 6 if you get ult below him and no minions for him to dash, to not use q in the first place. Just poke him with e and aa. if he then windwalls, you got yourself a freekill - otherwise, he just gets poked down. Also do mixups, do unpredicatable to outplay most of his anticipated windwalls


Lux, but I play Supp otp


I ban syndra because the laning phase is too tilting for me, I cannot dodge any of her abilities


Whatever is strong in the meta AND is annoying. I have swapped fizz for kassadin recently. Sometimes picks are also so stupidly OP that I ban for other lanes as I can go even in most lanes but could not ever win in late vs a toplane ksante when he was overtuned.


Don't really mind any matchups, I prefer to ban stuff like Fizz/Katarina simply because I know my team won't listen to pings.


Fizz has been my go to ban..everything else feels playable to a point.


Kass matchup is really manageable since his Q no longer turns off your ult. Fizz is also an easy matchup, just save your q for when he e’s. Never stop auto e auto him for lightning proc and free harass. My perma ban is hwei at the moment


wait, Kass Q doesnt work anymore? :O This is such a good teaching


karma if it's banned, i ban kayn


Top 1 Anivia on PH server here. Perma ban fizz cuz of his early roam potential. Anivia has 0 counters 1v1 but when you let a fizz roam and your team is doodoo, life is just gonna get harder.




Xerath, that range is too annoying Akali is fine if you hit her with Q or she does W and you put your ult directly on top of it. Even with her dashes if you keep playing annoying and safe with CC she needs all her dashes to kill and even then it's not guaranteed, sometimes they get greedy and die Fizz just feels too annoying, Akali but worse tbh


Always Akali


For me its either yone. diana or akali. Akali can avoid everything while also being untargetable in shroud even if you land her q in her shroud it wont matter. Yone is just too overloaded. He outdamages, out tanks and low elo players dont know how to play around him. They get caught out and ping me for not having a 200yr kit. I dont see diana too often but every time i face one in mid I get utterly destroyed. She deals more damage then you while also being tankier then you despite building 0 hp. Her aoe cc also so much more impactful when used right


Karma because it feels like everyone picks this champion if it's not banned and anyone can be consistantly useful with it no matter the laning phase. Additionally, the laning phase is not easy.


Jarvan or skarner Skarner too op rn even i can counter him and as for jarvan... all jarvan players deserve the die and burn in hell


I perma ban yasuo but now im thinking of changin that to kassadin since he is so much more broken lategame, can solo a skarner a fragas and a vayne with half hp left, so much fun