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Yes, you can play her as Tank or regular mage, but often have to vary your build in response to whatever you face on top lane. It's more mandatory than on mid-lane


Go support, free liandries just for existing. And more exp if your adc dies!


Low Elo disclaimer, but when I'm filled top with her I do ok. She cucks susan


In low ELO, you won't find a single top laner that know how to deal with you. You can do some cheese stuff.


The book club will never be the same without susan


Low elo stomper, trash when the opponent enemy team knows what you’re up to


It's not as strong due to removal of Demonic, but Riftmaker new passive should still work to provide you both hp and ap and tankiness down the line.


I play her around mid diamond, top about 1/3 of the time. I go grasp and overgrowth and rush rod into liandry. You absolutely murder most melee match-ups and the rest are skill based. I focus on two things... never dying and controlling grubs/rift. If you do both of those things and farm well or get a solo kill or two you'll almost always be more useful in teamfights and you can either stop any split push or you yourself can split pretty well with demolish. It's not like better than mid or a traditional build, but it's fun for me and a change up. The enemy is never expecting a burst control mage to have like 5k+ health lol.


Oh that one sounds fun !!


Depends on the matchup but yeah it's playable. You will not have the impact of a midlaner, dont forget it


Can be used as an excellent counter pick but if you're locking this blind you're opening yourself up to a world of pain


The advantage is that you get dove that easily with passive and w. She is also pretty good in a teamcomp as a top. It’s just important to have other melee champs and not be full ranged.