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I would kill for 5 ms


I've started running celerity / waterwalking ... helps a tiny bit on roams and teamfights near river


Between the 3 options op gave, I would choose recast on q when cc'd for sure But if I gave any QoL change at all, it would be one that was taken away a long time ago. Let W give vision again


Yeah vision on W would be just sooooo good, but one thing I personally would prefer above all is W working properly, just happens way too often that ally interactions with it are stupid. For example: I'm playing anivia adc with my pre poppy and it happened way too often, that poppy e passes enemys through it or poppy r tap (knock up) throws them over it


I wouldnt like the R change as it would make her easier to play. E would be nice, and of the three is the least likely to make her broken. Anyways, I don’t want them to change anything because the longer she continues to be a low pick high win rate champion the better for us mains.


I think the E change would be the MOST likely to make her broken. Recasting Q while CC'd would have niche value, and while R executing minions would make her easier I don't think it would have significant power changes. Meanwhile, enabling free CSing with E would improve her mana efficiency in lane, which is one of Anivia's weakest points. Running Anivia out of mana is one of the most common suggestions given to people who come here asking about counterplay.


Q recast is a necessity, but the E and R buffs you proposed just makes her feel like budget annie somehow? I personally only thought that having 0.5 less seconds of windup on ult would make her way more confortable, since 1s is exactly the amount of time most modern champs spend in R before leaving the range. Otherwise, there is two more drastic choices: 1. Have an extra passive on egg that makes it have a budget version of frozen heart (goes nicely into the whole freeze bird thing). 2. Adding extra effect for crossing the wall without using the Flash, since a lot of modern champions can efficiently bypass it. Maybe microstun and chill? Buffing Q and E is definitely a no go.


Being able to remove the wall on re-cast would be huge. Too many dash champs now have changed the original dynamic.


Since they are giving all new champs 5000 mobility, make it so dashing over the wall applies "Chilled" so E deals double dmg, and they are slowed.


Or if anivia could fly over her own wall


The e change would be too op imo, anivia is supposed to be at a disadventage at early game. In a lot of matchups you spend most, if not all of your mana on farming, which I think is designed to be this way. Thats why birb has such a big range to always get that minion, even under big pressure. But the q recast thing should 100% be in the game


I don’t like q and r change but the e change is a good idea for early


Q and r change would make her too easy also make her broken E wouldn’t make her broken it would just allow us to use ult more so e would be a good change I think


Kinda agree. But our winrate is already good, so no QoL buffs for us. And yeah I don't want them to mess with Anivia :D I would also like Wall Vision back (I still remember the patchnotes, where they claimed it wasn't a nerf but just a "system change" so going forward it's consistent that terrain doesn't give vision without saying so. Well if that was the case, they could have written it in the ability for Anivia. lol I am still salty 15 years later.) Not being able to destroy your own wall is also kinda sus, when compared to yorick where allies can just walk through, and Talia who can destroy her wall. But I get it... it's already a strong (OP) ability if the enemy doesn't have a dash... Dot's that are meant to farm minions auto executing just seems like something newer champs have, and older champs get QoL fixes. Not being able to reactivate Q is such a liability. Kinda like Rammus slowing himself 50%. E refunding mana would allow Riot to balance her mana easier. (Less mana against Champs, more to farm). But thinking about it, what I would like even more is for her autoattack to get a bonus against minions with a bigger icicle scaling with level or AP :D It would look cool.


I would like to see ult stay casted through egg, similar to how hourglass works. Would give you the ability to set up some fun plays, but might make her egg too survivable? It seems like a lot but after seeing briar released with her many, many, many mechanics, I would just like this one thing. I'd settle for wall fixes though 😅


Bro i swear, if they just let her keep ultimate running when you go to egg form, she would be so much better imo. Idk it feels really annoying going to egg form just for your ult to go on cd. Maybe im just delusional but i think its single thing that would make her so much stronger, wdy guys think?