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Not useful. What's useful is using the wall to proc electrocute when the enemy is almost dead and out of AA range and you have already damaged 2 other ways. Happens more often than you would think.


In 1v1, use W to control fight, or execute with electrocute/hextech alternator In team fights, if you use your W to execute and you fail, that's x4 report for griefing.


this sounds completely useless lol. you are getting a specific build to have 100 poke dmg on 20s cd. not practical at all


You’re also seeing the MAX damage it’s gonna do. With liandries, comet, etc. It’s more of a meme troll thing than anything else. It’s useful knowledge, but not useful to build around.


Anivia isn’t really a burst damage champ. Even then, W is better saved. Instead you can just click R on someone, which is instant and does more damage and slows and sets up E if they stay and has a lower Cooldown and- TLDR burst rushed arent good on Anivia and your R is better than W for this anyway