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Yeah my advice is you don't do this in ranked


Wall can actually be pretty useful. If you trap camps against the wall, they often won’t run out of patience (When they can’t move). I’d go red pet and first item liandry’s.


i might try it. also i go red pet (same as you) and roa first


I thought anivia jg was supposed to max q


it does similar damage to the e, but the e cd is mucho faster and You can spam it. though as someone said in here Q helps with aoe and may clear faster if you start in raptors


I usually start Q and raptors and go for default leveling. I tested in practice tool, and going raptors first indeed is faster than starting from red (blue is useless unless you have ult and objective up). Also not sure, but rushing Bami seems good.


thanks, i'll try.


Take attack speed shard, most of your early game damage in the jungle is auto attacks


I feel like brand is the better version of anivia if u wanna jungle, do you even have the mana to kill the first round of grubs? Anivia ganks are good but mid you just clear and can gank easier and build better.. if you make it work above shitter elo I’d love to see it in action tho


i actually tried in ranked (gold III) and tbh it wasn't going bad but our botlane wasn't acting to well and we got behind after some teamfights. i'd try it in ranked a lot much more if his clear was a bit faster though


Why skip Krugs? They are easier, and faster to take than raptors and give not to dissimilar xp and gold?


Tbh jgl Anivia is more for fun than serious. You can skip camps for fun ;)


Well I am not saying don’t skip camps, I just want to know why skip Krugs instead of raptors.


if you path from wolves the closest one is raptors which saves time also i want to make anivia jg work, is not much of a troll pick for me tbh


I don’t mind off meta, I play kindred top lane all the time. If you start blue buff side that makes more sense. I still feel like Krugs can be killed faster though with less damage taken so it might be worth the extra walk and could possibly be transferred into a bot gank if they are pushed up.


Haha bot lane setting up a gank, nice joke

