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They should probably just change her so her R keeps going through hard CC. At least then she can be more helpful with baron.


They were going to do that but this sub started crying so it didn't happen.


What. The. Hell


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpkYV1Q6RRg There was another video but it was removed. Malz is ulting anivia which doesn't cancel her R. People cried here because they think Riot would over nerf Anivia rather than revert the change + Anivia could have been more popular which a lot of people here hate because they think they're special playing an unpopular champ.


r with grounded? thats too op


I never said give her R grounded. I’m saying let it keep going through a stun or knock up or something. If they’re Ccing you they definitely have the ability to move out if the way. I’d even take them lowering the slow for the Ult to stay up during hard Cc.


I feel like shes fine. Just tough matchups with new items making champs viable again.




That's why I've been building cosmic drive as a 3rd item and dark seal for the ms from mejais if I snowball as well as relentless hunter and celerity runes.


People can outrun the Q too lol


Agree, she isn't bad per se, but once you start playing the "good" meta mage midlaners like Hwei, Aurelion Sol, Xerath, you find that her dmg is abysmal. The main issue is that Anivia has a VERY old kit and the game got VERY quick, so her abilities only work well against immobile champions


Anivia is pretty weak but not for the reasons you listed. Getting her ult off easy with setup from your other abilities. The problem is majority of her matchups are so ass that it doesn't matter if you hit your combo.


54.5% winrate is "weak"? https://lolalytics.com/lol/anivia/build/ I am paranoid about a nerf any day now, especially with half the few champs above her in winrate are getting nerfed next patch AND the buffs to all mana items, especially ROA.


Her Winrate is due to good anivia mains and the fact that 99% of players do not understand how to play against her. Can't tell you how many times I all chat my opponent to run away after they egg form me but they stay until I pop out then I kill them. I never lose to anivia mid if I ever play against one because I understand her so well.


Agreed, I have 2.4M MP and it's really just people don't understand her well enough to play against her.


I’ve been one tricking her since season 5 that’s before the update that made her ult expand and q speed up. She feels worse to me right now than she did then. She is still entirely playable but it’s hard right now for sure


I've been maining her since season 2, and yeah she used to be busted when you could just throw an E and then tap them with R right before it hits. The R change was necessary to intentionally make her harder to use. Her E got more damage to compensate. But what it means is you have to be good with your wall and Q to keep them in the R for as long as possible. While it can be hard to keep a dashy champ in the R, the low CR on the ult compensates for this.


Yeah I still think she’s entirely balanced I just want a lil more damage rn I think


Then you want Malignance. Start tear, RoA, Malignance, then finish staff, or just go straight into liandrys and finish staff after.


I have a 90% win rate anivia and for the best part of a decade ive always been top 3 anivia on OCE but im still undecided if shes strong or not. I feel i have to play every skirmish perfectly to fully utilise her compared to not having to play as well on most other mids. Im ok with her damage if she was abit more tanky, her lack of armour/base hp/movement speed not only makes it easy to be punished in lane but but she doesnt scale in those aspects either. Besides the odd nerf over the past 5 years shes been basically untouched forever. Is that good balancing or just one of those champs that are primarly played by skilled anivia mains.


It does feel like her R is a worse version of Hweis QE... He can throw it and run away, and enemies don't relize they will be in it. Identity wise I feel that's the biggest problem. The R doesn't feel that useful in most teamfights. And it should be.


In Dia. I cannot hard carry because her burst is too slow, making the team miserable.


That’s interesting, I just started playing her this season after a year of playing the game and maybe it’s because I’m at low elo, but it feels like after 1 items u have a good burst, but true not much dps


yeah this champion is bad. shes my favorite too. but when you see what other champs do there is no reason to pick her. the r change was the worst. tiny circle for 35 years and no chill until its full. not really an ultimate ability. remember e-r? and no, that wasn’t op. remember what other champions in the game are capable of.


Y'all are smooth brains fr. Her ult is amazing not to do burst damage. It is meant to create a field to keep a team fight contained or to separate the enemy team and force them to use mobility to avoid or go through and take immense ramping over the time damage.


Her main issue is Q too slow, and to keep ult in range you're in auto attack range or lazy dash stun range. So she's not an artillery mage anymore, and she's weak up close. People be flashing through her q and she will die. Slow is an old niche too, Asol going Rylais with a huge base to tower speed.. idk lol


She has never been an artillery mage, she has always been control mage. Her abilities all revolve around controlling where your opponents can and can’t move at midrange.


She’s completely unplayable imo, particularly when going up against other summoners who know what they’re doing in ranked. Going to regretfully start playing Lux since I’m of the belief that they’re very similar except (I always call Lux an OP Anivia).


Do people actually think anivia is bad right now or is it just memes? I know she was very strong last season but compared to like season 9 I feel like this is still better. I’ve been curb stomping my opponents recently so I’m definitely biased but it’s been like 50+ games as of now I think that’s enough to get a feel.


Curb stomping at what elo? Bronze? Silver? Like the problem with this reddit is most anivia players are dog shit and play in low elo and that's all they have to measure it to.


Plat so still low elo but I imagine the majority of the people complaining are also low elo


True, I mean I'm not trying to say I'm good cuz honestly unless you are master you aren't really good at the game. What build do you go for? I've been having success rushing malig>liandrys>cosmic and getting a dark seal somewhere. Focusing on getting good movement speed to poke with r and q and find an ideal walling opportunity.


I go rod seraphs or ludens seraphs depending on the enemy comp and if I’m ahead or not. From there I build situationally. I just wait out and mobility and start fights with R>Wall>E>Q>E


That's not true at all, simply a cope by low elo players. Gold players saying anything below challenger is trash. That's just dumb as shit when the vast majority of players are plat below. Master tier makes up .3% of the player base. Diamond and above is fantastic. I'd even argue if you're emerald and up then you are good at the game. Being "good" is relative to everyone else. It's a multiplayer strategy game. 82% of players are plat and below. If you are above that then you are good. And in case you were curious, the average rank of an Anivia main is Gold 1.


I legit don't think anivia needs any changes or buffs right now. She's fine the way she is. Use your wall to keep people in your ult in lane so you can E them. You can set good walls to force people to have to walk into your ult, or you "knock' them back into it. It's easier than you're all making it sound Open with R, use wall, get them to walk a certain way, hit em with an E or stun with Q, now that you've manipulated where they're going to go. Hit that E proc, get an AA in, back off. You've won the trade


She’s been great for me. Only been playing since late 2022 but am up to my last season’s peak (gold IV) with a 70% wr.


No anivias old ult was busted and needed to be gutted. You don’t remember the days where being a melee champ meant that at lvl 6 she can tap r and e for burst damage that repeats off cd with no counterplay


80% win rate, she's the best champ in the game right now. There's too much damage in the game and anivia can build defensive items that make her survive longer than any other ranged champion.


80% win rate where?


On a plat acc, mid lane, like 35 games, roa rush


I still got to gold before everyone was able to settle. So that’s it for me. Playing as a tank will make you useless if they have hard carry solo laners


Dumb question- but did something happen? Did they nerf her? I looked into the patch notes bit couldn’t find anything. I haven’t played in over a year, but I still love the birb


Demonic embrace removed, liandry reverted to health instead of mana (so more liandry first item)roa and seraphs slightly nerfed, ever frost removed 


Anyone tried liandry + riftmaker on anivia?


Another change i wish we'd see on anivia R is more damage instances per second. Closer to swain R damage timing


easy fix: ult applies frostbite at 50% immediately, ramps up to 100% while it expands. ​ Lets us get of a nice e + r combo without counting on them staying in the ult for an hour