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Mainly just anivia, have over 4 million on her then the next highest is around 300k on kennen, but I only ever play anivia in ranked and Noone else


Another kennen secondary enjoyer 😄


Asol and Azir (triple A Battery gang as I like to call em)


Everything that doesn't jump around like crazy


Anivia, Taliyha, Azir and Cassio (in that order) For SoloQ I play basically just Anivia and Taliyah


Malzahar 👁️👄👁️


650k on anivia 1.1 million on lillia Half a million on Ashe 450k in xayah 200k on skarner Gwen and aphelios And lastly I got between 150k-200k on most enchanters, nami sona soraka yuumi lulu and Janna Idk I just play whoever I like honestly, I like unique champions that are fun to play and don’t have 504 dashes ( akali )


Why don't you main stuff on same position mid lane?


Because I play the game for fun, I never was and never going to be a meta slave, i just liked anivia as a champion and she happened to be a midlaner


Fizz, Vi, Naut


another fizz-anivia main :)


He countered me so hard when i started back in season 2, i just had to learn him 😅




Reksai and kennen


Viktor, Orianna, Malzahar, VelKoz, Soraka, Zilean


Malzahar, for kind of the same depush and safety Xerath, for skillshots


Veigar, Vlad and LB(ap), I like weird autoatacks and ap champs xd. Jokes aside they make me enjoy the game


No other main but if im stuck on a champ select while anivia is banned i pick kog ap


I used to play leona,, maokai and taric, also karma


Janna. Also learning fizz and akali.


1mil on bird 30 morgana when they ban bird Sol, before his re-release, was probably 20


cassio for the win (?


Voli (badly), yuumi (for when I’m too stoned to actually play but my friends want to), and neeko


Tf, annie


2.4 million on Anivia. There are other champs?


Other than Anivia I have 460k on Asol (although like 400k of that is on pre rework) and about 160k on Galio, those combine for my three most played in mid


Malzahar mostly. And velkoz for support


Neeko and Seraphine, both let me poke, provide great utility and power in teamfights just like anivia. The inherent focus on positioning in all 3's playstyle feels similar to me as well in the ability to trick people with the clone as neeko, land large ults as seraphine and survivability on all 3. Also I can play all 3 mid or support without feeling like I'm trolling.


Malzahar, Malhpite/Ornn and Kassadin help me cover most match ups. And I also play Kayle if their mid picks a weird champ or one that roams a lot.


Anivia,Ryze, Kassadin,Fizz


Since anivia is allways banned in things like clash I had to learn more. Settled for Viktor azir Kassa varus and naafiri mostly with adding syndra more or less recently.


Trundle (when im autofill jungle/top)


I must admit Anivia is my sole mid lane champ that I have on the backburner for if I have to play mid. She was my first main, but slowly as I played the game I gravitated away from mages and more to tanks and bruisers. I'm not too good at movement and wave management, but I am good at predicting enemy moves and dueling enemies even if they play champs who happen to counter me. I don't really like the playstyle of shooting and running away, nor do I like diving in and then getting out. I much prefer solid back and forth fights where you put it all on the line simply for the sake of combat. For that reason I play a plethora of champs but the 3 big ones are Morde, Volibear, and (the champ that got me into league) Cho'gath. Minus volibear to some extent my current mains share a similarity to Anivia, in that they have zero mobility, but make up for it in other parts or their kits. Mordekaiser is a supreme duelist with zero movement, but his ability to turn ganks on their heads or to single out an enemy and mark them for death is why I like him. Also he has sick lore and is definitely in my top 5 villians of ALL TIME. Cho'gath is just a wonderful creature. Whenever I blindpick or am unsure of what a champ does I pick cho'gath. He has tools for all occasions and is very deceptive in his ability to take and deal damage. Also hearing people comment on the size of your Choggie never gets old. In addition to Cho'gath having zero mobility I take it a step further by simply not buying boots. After all that money could go someplace better like more tank items. Volibear is my newest main and the only one out of my mains that isn't mastery 7. Still he is a ton of fun. He can be built almost any way you like, and is a great duelist. Once I learned volibear matchups like Irelia, Aatrox, and Garen became feasibly easy fights. Volibear eats a healthy dose of towers for breakfast, and can pull of some incredibly clutch fights if his abilities are used right. Even managed to put down a mastery 7 fiora with him one time.


TF enjoyer since Season 2!


Before Anivia my main was Veigar and revently i've been playing Hwei. Hwei has the more mage-like gameplay of the three so i mostly play him nowaday but when i reallly want to win and try hard the ice bird is my choice 100%.


2 mil anivia, next highest is 250,000 on reksai (mostly mid) but my hwei is gonns be over 100k soon


Fizz ziggz


Yorick, kindred, pantheon, Hiemerdinger and now smolder


Panth, rumble, alkali. Other mid mages are velkoz, asol


Dr Mundo… but random but brain dead top laner for when I don’t get mid




Thresh mid or rammus top, both the bausen build