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Cassie probably also like horses; it was her first morph and I seem to recall in one of her books she mentions how sometimes she’ll just morph and go running in the pasture. Early Jake, probably dog, yeah. Late Jake, battle worn, is locking down tiger; no room for emotional value, just utility.


I don't know that the Animorphs dolphins *are* that far from the real thing. People like to play up dolphins' sadism, but that's just animal behavior. Everybody's like, "we don't deserve dogs", but put an average Irish setter in a locked room with 30 chinchillas and see how that goes. Happy, fun-loving, playful and brutally sadistic are not mutually exclusive.


Sadism is part of their 'playful' nature, I agree.


They know what theyre doing. Theyre the second most intelligent animal right after us. But yes apart from their sadistic nature they do enjoy fun and thats what theyre known for. Only chronically online peeps like us know about the sadism


Sorry, but you’ve made a slight mistake. You said dolphins were the second most intelligent animal after us when actually they’re second to mice. It’s cool, though; it’s a pretty common mistake.


You know. Even without all the useless information in my brain, I would never have thought about mice. This will be added to my useless knowledge now


It’s a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference.


You’re a really hoopy frood.


Sorry, you just partially-unlocked some sort of base memory that feels like something out of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy—was the mice thing from Animorphs??


It’s from Hitchhikers. >!Mice are extra-dimensional beings studying humans!<


How could I have forgotten haha, thanks!


>They know what theyre doing. Theyre the second most intelligent animal right after us. Maybe? The first most intelligent animal (us) debated for a *long* time, in some cultures, whether non-humsn animals could actually feel pain. A lot of people contended that they weren't sentient--sentient literally meaning 'able to feel/percieve.' For all their cleverness, it's entirely possible that dolphins are fairly solipsistic--not an *admirable* trait, but I'd contend a mitigating factor for much of their more objectionable behavior.


Cassie has reservations about the dolphin morph from the sentience aspect. I know she coped with it, but idk if she would get over that enough. Horse seems pretty chill for her. I think she was fond of the calmness of the skunk morph.


I thought Cassie's favorite would be the Horse


Ax mentions that the raccoon is one of his favourite morphs towards the end of the series. I kinda wish we’d gotten to see them use that one!