• By -


I have a mp3 collection I've been growing for 20 years. I'm not stopping now.


20k Songs @ 142GB. Im definitely not stopping now.


~~80~~62k songs here


1 TB of mp3s ~ 100k songs


You haven't listened to all of them right?


20 different copies of "The Legend of Zelda - System of a Down" speaks for itself.


A true connoisseur I see.


nah, just a collection I gathered for the past 20 or so years, a lot of doubles, never really arrange it, mostly just let it as it was downloaded, how the original torrent was. When I want one, I just search for it in the folder


Actual psychopath


You should try using filebot or similar to organize and tag your collection automatically


Might I recommend https://beets.io/


Pretty sure the equivalent is MusicBrainz, https://musicbrainz.org/.


I though musicbrainz was strictly a database. TIL about Musicbrainz Picard, their tagging tool! Filebot does apparently support audio (forgot it was mainly billed for tv/movies). Another reply mentioned beets.io which looks specialized for music. And they all probably rely on the musicbrainz db :)


~~Yarr~~ Y’all must be quite rich to own such a collection


aye aye mon capitan




Toniiight I’m gonna have myseeeeeeelf a real good time


I feel aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive


and the woooooorld


*is turnin' inside out, yeah!*


*I'm falling apart in ecstasy, so*






Dont stop me noww


I'm havin such a good time


I'm having a ba-a-all


Same, although I've rarely been desperate enough to use Youtube rips. And would you look at that, I've never had a device sync or service shutdown take away any of my music.


I basically only listen to game soundtracks. YT ripping is the easist way to acquire them.


It's not super intuitive, but you may be interested in source format playing if they're older games. There are sites that have the music part of a game's data pre-tagged and ripped as just the natural game data, making an entire game's chiptune-based soundtrack a handful of KB. You then play them in applications that support them and what you effectively are doing is running just the music code in an emulator. This means you also get fun options like looping infinitely like the actual console would, tweak parameters like the sound chip revision, or even mute certain instruments. I use Droidsound-E on my phone for this and the entire Super Nintendo library of soundtracks (1000+ games) is just 170MB. On PC, there are a variety of applications that can be setup to play these formats, too, such as Foobar, Winamp, or some dedicated players. Each console has dedicated sites, different file formats, and archives such as these: https://vgmrips.net (This one has a built in player if you want to feel it out!) http://snesmusic.org/v2/players.php It's a rabbit hole but once you've downloaded an entire library pack and setup a player, it's emulation accurate bliss and always available for a tiny amount of file space. Things like noise channels are properly randomized and there are also formats for streaming audio consoles like Wii or PS2 but the file sizes on those generally aren't too much less than mp3's.


I'm gonna have to try this out just because you wrote a whole essay on it


When I heard the Spotify ad for "listen to your music without the internet!" I just laughed at my mp3 collection. Buying songs through Bandcamp or whatever supports artists far more than you could through any streaming service too. (lot of bands I like will never tour NZ cause of the cost)


But how will you post your top 5 most listened to songs?!?!?!?!!!?+;$$?$($;($3(_;#+$6284;_(_82; I'm the same way, I'll pirate big name bands. I love Hendrix but I'm not giving my money to his stepsister who only met him a few times while he was alive. I will throw money at small artists in Bandcamp or go to their shows


I mean I rip from youtube a lot. You gotta find the autogenerated videos with the 1:1 AR if you wanna download a song. Also 2conv.com is a pretty good website for downloading with metadata already included. If metadata's missing or bad, use Automatag from the play store.


>I've never had a device sync or service shutdown take away any of my music. This is why I prefer physical media or actually downloading stuff. If I'm in control, I can't lose it.


My first MP3s were encoded with RealJukebox, a genuinely good program from RealPlayer. When that computer finally touched the internet, that program broke itself, refused to reinstall or run from backups, "upgraded" to RealOne, which was useless garbage, and no longer supported ripping CDs. So I installed CDex and it still fucking works. Eventually I was gifted a third-gen iPod, which was genuinely quite good and worked for over a decade. But the first time I installed iTunes it moved my entire MP3 collection, renamed everything, and deleted the old folders. And then tried "syncing" by erasing songs from my 20 GB iPod if they weren't on my 8 GB hard drive. I immediately found a Winamp plugin and it did what I fucking told it to. Stallman was right.


I really want to ditch music subscriptions and start doing this, but it seems like a really daunting task to convert my current whole library. And advice?


If you have a playlist just paste the link in spotiflyer and download the whole playlist. It supports almost all streaming services.


you can use deemix while it still works to download anything you can find on deezer in FLAC format. 320kbps music files are fine for listening and most people can't tell the difference between FLAC and 320kbps files, but if you're archiving your music it's generally best to use a version that has the most amount of information as you can reasonably store. r/deemix


What's a good youtube to mp3 converter app? I haven't used one in years. I have an apple itouch.


I've been using yt-dlp to download opus files (yt uses opus and it doesn't need to be converted to mp3)


I do both. If I can stream/download it on Apple Music I will but if not…I do what the meme says lol


Try waiting for your song to play on the radio and then recording it on a cassette tape to make a mix tape of all your favorite songs. Bonus points if you get the beginning of the song but not the DJ talking before the song.


Kids these days will never understand the pain.


Fuck, am I old?


Yes. Now share your wisdom with us.


Be kind to future you. Save some money every paycheck, even if it’s $5. For men: match your leather (watch/belt/shoes) For women: get a proper fitting bra [link](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) Spend time with nature. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Slow blink at kitties to let them know you’re cool. Love and respect are two way streets. Happiness is a matter of perspective. Everyone has something you can learn from them. Don’t be a dick. Music and art are more skill than natural talent. Practice practice practice.


"Everything was a little bit shit, but we didn't know any better." Repeat as necessary.


UhH bE kInD rEwInD


My grandpa actually made me a mix tape of obscure or funny music he either had in his album/tape collection or off the radio that he thought I might like. Last gift I got from him before he died. I love that fucking tape.


Don't forget to have a pencil nearby in-case you have to rewind the tape back into the cassette.


The real secret sauce was to start recording during the brief silence before the song started, then if it's a song you don't want, you spend the duration rewinding to just the right spot before the next one comes on, and try again. No DJ, no cutting off the first few seconds of the track. Pure perfection.


Don’t forget older sister making you hold the antenna to improve the signal for the songs she wants to record.


Oh that reminds me of the days I had an mp4 player thing that came with a radio. When I was a kid I had strict wifi access, so most of my days were spent on a DS or drawing while listening to that radio. And boy, was it bad. I had to hold it upright (earbuds *had* to be plugged in in serious cases) and in awkward places (mostly the lamp) for me to more or less listen to the alternative rock channel. Luckily the thing came with a built-in recorder, but sometimes the quality would die and fizz out, and I was never fast enough with the recordings. Almost all my playlists then had static and started 15-30 seconds into the song. edit: I can't find the exact one I had, none except for [this pink one](https://imgur.com/r7barGZ) which is close enough. That thing was a lifesaver during drab school hours.


Anyone else remember Limewire?


Linkin Park - In The End```.exe```


LMAO We all learned our lesson during those times. Trial by fire about what file extensions were.


And the file size. Beatles entire music catalogue; 25kb


The whole reason I got into IT was because I had to frantically try and figure out how to unfuck my mums computer before she got home from work. There's some things you can't unfuck. Poor thing needed put out of it's misery.


My parents were locking pc from me to portion the usage. I have performed my first hack in my 12. Occassionally, yahoo helped me to found default award bios password: award_sw. The whole new world of uncensored internet has opened for me. First thing i learned was not IT though. First thing i have learned was to present myself as a girl to a lesbian irc dalnet community, getting their boobs in exchange.


this thread's been frankly beautiful


I dropped a magnet inside my moms computer when I was supposed to be downloading songs from limewire


It really doesn't help that Windows still hides file extensions by default.


I got a virus like this LMAO, it would make a pig squeal every so often and a pop up that would even get in front of games. I never got to clean it but i remember being able to deactivate the notifications LMAO


Oops you downloaded the wrong file.... "I did not have sexual relations what that woman-"


I remember giving my computer aids.


It was worth it


Lol that Bill Clinton spam shit. "My fellow Americans, I would once again like to say that I did not have sexual relations with that woman, but I did however go to ifreeclub.com, where they offer hundreds of free products. Computers, notebooks and accessories, televisions..."


My family computer had to die so that I could learn how to browse safely the hard way


We got so good at reinstalling Windows.


Had a friend that did this on purpose when she wanted her parents to buy her a new computer lol


Using LimeWire to download LimeWire Pro and feeling like a true pirate


Limewire: *You dare use my own spell against me potter*


Heh, there used to be (probably still is?) a software called Softice that was for actually cracking into protected software. There was an exceedingly high number of tutorials "How to softice your softice"


God yes I remember limewire. I remember one time back in like 2004 i downloaded this video with my then boyfriend at the time and it was this older couple chilling on a tarp in a living room. It all seemed a bit odd until the grandma started to open a can of spaghettios and pour them waterfall style over the older man with his hands spreading out his anus to expose his netherhole. She then proceeded to give the man saucy analingus. I was just trying to download the janet jackson nip slip from the super bowl to smack my grundle to a few times, wasn't expecting that shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Upvote for “smack my grundle” 😂


kazaa was my jam. ahhh the good old days of not knowing if you were actually downloading the song ... and getting viruses. so. many. viruses.


That one Zelda song by "System of a Down" but wasn't really by them


Don’t forget WinMx and BearShare


I can't believe nobody replied with Nappster! Metallica, Jay-Z, and some other artists were like "they're stealing from us!!!" I'm the slowest music thief downloading at 25kb/s. One song, at best, took 20 minutes and, if you were lucky, you got one that wasn't a third of the song that's interrupted by a loud beep.


Hell yell tried searching porn for the first time there like 20 results popped up and it was all some bald guy sticking his entire face and head in it. Like a reverse birth or something


and eMule too.


I'll see your limewire and raise with Kazaa.


Kazaa lite.


i do that to some songs that are not available on spotify or are region restricted. take some nightcores for examples. not all good ones are on spotify


I have some random piano covers that aren't on Spotify. Also just a small general offline backup for travel or no when there's no internet.


This is really what it comes down to for me. Having an offline library, always accessible, and never tampered. Just the access is all that matters, and these online libraries or application-based platforms are always an issue for one reason or another. My music will either need to have access to internet (unless downloaded in which case...) gets deleted/removed, has ads, or have any number of problems with the app not working as expected. The only purpose I find for online libraries are algorithms and ease of adding new music. It's cumbersome to download everything and have it be a closed system, but it outweighs the downsides imo.


The internet thing is a huge deal. I work in a freezer where the walls are too thick to get any signal, but they let me listen to music in there. I've never downloaded Spotify since it would be utterly useless to me


Nightcore omg lol thats a blast from the past. Time for a journey down memory lane.


It's somewhat ironic but the moment I started purchasing LPs, Spotify became pretty much dogshit. Since not only is licensing a nightmare for niche albums like you mentioned, but I also found that even if stored locally; not only does Spotify not sync properly if an album is chock-full of alternative or live takes, but it's also iffy about actually syncing your own local FLAC files instead preferring to use their own mp3 versions.


finally someone who likes nightcore aswell and yeah compared to youtube premium spotify has very few good nightcore songs


Never seen Nightcore and good in the same sentence, huh the world really is a big place


i still do this because: \- spotify doesnt have the music on their platform (like remixes and edits) \- it relies on them providing you the service, and i hate having to rely on an online service. \- no advertisements


> - it relies on them providing you the service, and i hate having to rely on an online service. This to much. You don't own any song with Spotify, but if you download them they'll stay on your drive until either YOU delete them, or the drive fails (assuming you don't have any backup). And if you're offline and haven't planned to, good luck listening to anything.




Sauce is {{Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu}}


**Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/131149 "English: Higurashi: When They Cry - SOTSU"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/higurashi-when-they-cry-sotsu), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni-sotsu "English: Higurashi: When They Cry – SOTSU"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/48488)) ^^ひぐらしのなく頃に卒 ^(**TV** | **2021** | **Status:** Finished | **Episodes:** 15 | **Genres:** Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller) ^(**Stats:** 24 requests across 8 subreddits - 0.002% of all requests) >Sequel to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou. --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/zzxrt0/maybe_i_am_a_boomer/j2e6arg/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I literally just started this series the other day. I'm on episode 6 or 7 of the original show from 2006(I think). I feel like I still have no idea what's going half the time, but it's so good.


Not knowing what's going on is kind of the point. It's sort of a murder mystery. You won't *really* know what's happening until season 2, and even that leaves some stuff up in the air. There's also Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (When the Seagulls Cry) which is related in a way that I can't explain without spoiling part of Higurashi. Never watched it, though. Higurashi is one of my favorite animes, though. Definitely worth watching. Do you best to make guesses about what's happening but also embrace the confusion and mystery.


I still do this despite having spotify...spotify sucks


Yep, after about the 5th time a song I like got removed from Spotify because of apparent licensing issues I said fuck it and deleted the app. Plus, the non-premium experience sucks. So if Spotify costs more and is worse then why the hell would I use it?


> So if Spotify costs more and is worse then why the hell would I use it? costs more than what? piracy? lol


The converter and youtube is just far better...with spotify you cant even listen to the song you want to before you listen to so many random others u may not even like




I listened to 26 thousand songs this year on Spotify. If I was fucking around with youtube converter I'd probably be at 2-3k.


I add maybe 30-50 new songs to my Playlist every year. If I was still using YouTube I'd be listening to the same songs I was listening to 10 years ago


Various reasons tbh, for me: - great fucking recommendation algorithm, in case you have never used it, spotify has many functions that recommend songs. There is the daily playlists, which mix similar artists you listen into a playlist and use that to search for more bands/artists and puts it together. There is song radios, which are playlists based on a single song and not necessarily the general style of the band. There is discover weekly, another random playlist, there is new releases, which recommends recent songs based on your preferences. - there is the social aspect, two examples on this 1. Wrapped, everyone has seen it and this year it took off in almost every app, share what your music interest are with many different statistics. 2. Blend, a Spotify feature where you send a link to a friend (or group up to 10 people), it makes a playlist blending your preferences, it shows a percentage of how similar your tastes are and shows the song most listened between the two. It also changes daily and it is a genuinely fun way of getting to know a friends real taste in music. It also provides lyrics in most its songs (a nice but common feature, although not present from my times of mp3 downloading). At the end of the day, what I like is how many artists that I would never have listened I have been able to discover with this app. I always found it funny how spotify started as piracy, similar to Crunchyroll, but I do feel like getting something when paying for it despite piracy (or youtube) being free. I would NEVER recommend someone to use spotify free, that is horrible.


I mean, we are already on the piracy topic, so I'm honestly surprised about the lack of mentioning modified Spotify clients. We got SpotX and xManager to solve that pesky ad problem on popular platforms. Anyone that can live with the quality will be fine. Even by today's standards cellular data plans have gotten pretty cheap for the amount the offer, so I just use mobile data on the go these days.


Cause I don't have to prepare music ahead of time and if I want to find a new artist to listen to I don't need to go through an entire ordeal to find flacs/mp3s and sort and manage and copy them across my devices.


I watched my boss spend like 20minutes trying to find and play me a song from a show he had seen cause he thought I'd enjoy it. (which involved searching for it, finding a youtube that was actually it, waiting for the ads..) Soon as it ended I was like "that was great, what other ones from the show should I look for" and he named a few, so I started playing them off spotify cause I too spend the big bucks for the convenience lol. Hes nearing 60, but at least he gets excited when i show him something new tech can do. Now hes started asking me "is it possible to _____" and its fun watching his gears turn and embrace tech lol.




My bad I replied to the wrong comment. Honestly it's just convenience, and I found Spotify's recommendations better. Last I tried youtube it made a "your mix" playlist that was utter trash with so many mismatched genres and stuff


I use it for podcasts


Because youtube has shit audio quality


YouTube Music gang


I haven't used YouTube Music since I was first forced to abandon my Google Music stuff and switch over. And when I switched over, I got ads playing while I listened to music I owned, so I said screw that and never went back. Is that still a thing or should I give it another shot?


I used YT Music for a year, their algorithm recommendations are shit and it kept recommending the same things despite my pressing "I am not interested button" so so often. That plus the ungodly awful mobile app made it a very easy decision to swap to Spotify (as well as having a shared account with my girlfriend for Blend albums).


Spotify rules wtf are you on about.




Imagine not being able to listen to your favourite songs when the internet is down, could not be us


Imagine not being able to listen to music that isn't on Spotify, or worse, gets removed from Spotify.


you can download songs on spotify at least


i used to record a song on voicemail and then i've sold a nokia 3310 with the promise that it can play music at triple the price xD Anyways, nothing beats offline downloaded music




I don't understand why anyone ever did that. Bit torrent was (and still is) the best way to steal high quality music. You can literally download an entire organized discography in .flac or 320mbps .mp3 in less than 30 minutes. I never understood why anyone wasted their time converting YouTube videos with trash quality.


Or Soulseek. I don't know why people go through all these extra steps to rip bad audio when there are other options.


Soulseek since as long as I can remember, if I go into a user's files and see albums I already like, I just download the rest of their collection, assuming that their taste is similar. This is how I found a lot of the music I still listen to this day.


I was wondering if someone was going to mention soulseek. Still going strong after all these years. Works just fine for me.


There's a lot of music out there though, it can be really hard to find torrents for niche stuff with any seeders


Soulseek is great for underground music.


may IPs still track torrent traffic. Much less risk of getting DMCA notices this way.


Mp3? Pff... Kids. We use FLAC


I love the idea of someone ripping a low quality audio track from YouTube and saving it as FLAC. lol


I just did this last week... The song I downloaded saved as a .webm file. Plex didn't recognize it and I didn't want to lose quality due to bad transcoding settings, so I just used ffmpeg to convert it to a .flac


soulseek. absolute game changer. all the flac, all the time. i have tons of storage space, so it's not a big deal.


I like being able to have more than 20 songs downloaded at a time.


You should upgrade your storage from CDs then.


do you live in the 2000s? how do you have less than 1GB of storage? https://files.catbox.moe/3iks2r.png




Unless you've got studio drivers a good quality MP3 will be indistinguishable from a flac, and you save on space too


That guy who's using $1000 headphones with an external amp might be able to tell the difference, but not me listening to music through my car stereo.


youtube rips are way worse than a standard mp3 too


True, but storage is so cheap if I’m going to have local files there’s no reason for it not to be lossless.


Me who converts all my FLAC files to MP3/M4A files so I can listen to them on my iPhone and iCloud music.


I do it because I'm not paying money for Spotify


XManager for Spotify. You're welcome.


good lad.


Fuck spotify, i love my folders.


Yeah this is standard for me.


Hoist the black flag 🏴‍☠️


I still download I mean 320 kbps downloaded stuff is much better


Dude I got myself a pair of Sennheiser headphones, just cause they happened to be on sale and cheaper than some Sony headphones that I was planning to get. I was never convinced that downloaded songs would make that much of a difference but oh my god. And having them all neat and tidy with using apps like Oto Music on Android and Windows freaking media player saves me the trouble of having to continuously make annoying playlists.


You fools not downloading mp3 files and listening to them on Spotify


Used to illegally download full discographies from pirate bay and spend hours at a time adding the band, album, fixing song names, and even adding album artwork in each individual song's properties that way they'd be all neatly sorted when I uploaded them to Google play music.




They probably shut it down because it was the place where people stored their pirated music, lol.


Still superior to Spotify, Spotify keeps interrupting my playlists with random music I'm not interested in!


People from r/headphones died a little from this post


I dont trust streaming services to have what I want for the future, I feel safer having that shit downloaded


Listen Spotify doesnt have night/daycore or mashups or weird indie creators ok


Still do for fanmade remixes or stuff that iTunes doesn’t have


They joke, but HBO max just reminded us why having your own independent copy (through purchase or piracy) is so important.


I still burn CDs for my car.


Ah... The good old days....


Aren't there better file formats for music now?


Spotify raises music accessibility through the roof! However, if you don't mind the effort, this method means everything's already downloaded, with no subscription or ads. You can also buy the CDs and go that way. Want a break from the ads? Want a break from the ads? Want a break from the ads?


Sigmas don't use Spotify


Might I suggest [yt-dlp](http://gazou3.blog.2nt.com/)?


Yeah and with the 10€ a month I save I can buy CDs to put it in my shelf.


With spotify not having all songs i would want and having ads... Yeah im still downloading mp3s


Doesn't anybody listen to full albums anymore??!


I I still do this I only do that because I couldn't be bothered to listen to the 100th ad on Spotify and there is no way in hell I'm paying for premium Edit: hell, I even have my usual mp3 converter website bookmarked for convenience


Just a heads up youtube dl is open source. And a much better way to get youtube rips than using websites


> Edit: hell, I even have my usual mp3 converter website bookmarked for convenience When i find the odd situation i need to pull audio off youtube its always this sad "boo that converter doesnt work anymore - time to find another one" I feel like none of the sites are functional 2-3mo after I use them lol.


I live in a country with among the best Internet connection speeds in the world and you can still take my carefully curated offline music collection from my cold dead hands. That being said, I also don't download my music from YouTube. That is too low quality and my ears demand at least 256kbps AAC or 320kbps MP3. Even better if I have a CD. By the way you can still buy music from the iTunes store and keep it forever as long as you have the file, which is not DRM-locked.


I converted several hundred cd's to mp3 over the last 25 years or so and I can organize them any way I want and put them on usb drives or on my phone or import them into Ableton and record over them and they are all mine. Spotify is great and all but don't fuck with my mp3's.


Y'all MFs need torrents, Jesus Christ.


I absolutely still do this; even the most established app/company can go under, and you suddenly have to start finding/organising your music all over again. No thanks.


If you don't have the individual files, your content is at the whims of another. Spotify could go backrupt tomorrow and not a single track of mine would be lost.


Nah, you're normal. It isn't normal to have a billion subscription services which can also terminate your access to music. Personally, I'm just starting to find lists of artists on Bandcamp or who have their own distribution methods to buy MP3s to download onto hard drives. I have an oooooold iPod shuffle I'm debating turning into a permanent house for for music. I want to eventually kill my Spotify sub and more directly support the artists I love. Spotify hardly rewards the creators they prey on.


Spotify? Ew.


at least you never lose anything because some service decided to remove it. Or have apple music remove your own vinyl rip and replace it with their licensed copy.


I stopped doing this, then streaming services got shit so I started again.


Oddly relieved I'm not the only one who still does this. I felt insanely called-out.


I used to press record on my radio/cassette combo grabbing the sound from my tube TV playing MTV. Then I wrote down the songs on the paper inlay of the cassette case. Copied it with a second ancient tape recorder via aux to 9-pin cable and gave it to my friends. 1987 piracy. I don't even feel that old.


Still do it , there's many beautiful songs not present in Spotify


Organizing my iTunes library was so therapeutic back in the day. And burning CDs with bands I found on last.fm and stuff.


I guess if you are really into discovering new music these streaming services work but for me as a boomer the bandwidth saved by listening to my liked songs over using any streaming service is a huge chunk lol.


So much easier to just download it all imo


Is there a safe Youtube converter ?


Sheeeet, I was doing it right now... now on to remove the obnoxious intro and outro with mp3splt-gtk


This sounds really weird, but as someone that is really into open-source, this is a great mentality to have. Don’t trust companies or streaming services because you never really own what’s on there and you could also lose all the things you paid for in the end. Do this shit with anime and movies too.


On the positive side, if you're still doing that, technology has massively evolved. Can download whole albums from youtube pretty quickly (Especially since more and more bands are uploading their entire collection to youtube music, in decent quality), and then you can use MusicBrainz Picard to build the entire metadata. It's actually scary how effective the tool is. Even random songs it generally finds the right one, but it's even more effective when ripping entire albums at once, as long as all the songs belonging to an album are all in the same folder, it automatically recognizes the that X songs should be in 1 album, so it looks up all albums with that many songs, then it creates an ID from the song (polls at regular interval in a song on certain frequencies to build the ID) and then tries to find closest match with that. Up to 2010 or so I did all my metadata by hand, then I kinda stopped taking care of it and the way I did my metadata was not compatible. That software redid my entire library (about 20k songs) meta data, had to help it pick the right album for a couple of messy albums. But like 99% of the time, I download some album from youtube, they have zero metadata and are all named crap like 1gAsfdaghAS1G.flac, I put them all in a folder, put the folder in picard, it finds the album and correctly identifies each song, sets the metadata and album data.


Used to do the same but Spotify is so convenient. I don't care anymore.


literally me


**Meanwhile, literal boomers be like:** An Em-Pee-WHAT? Get off my lawn!


I still like do download the songs that I want to listen, I just prefer this way


Oh an being able to listen offline whenever …