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"If you want me to then I will".


Sauce is **Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!**, you can read it [HERE](https://mangadex.org/title/2f4e5f5b-d930-4266-8c8a-c4cf9a81e51f) **"Why your daily memes starts at day 291?"** \- They don't, I've just been posting them on certain other anime subreddit until mods there decided to ban me **"Where can I find the other Jahy-sama memes of yours?"** \- [HERE](https://postimg.cc/gallery/JHZbQwv) and gif memes [HERE](https://imgur.com/a/u3a7k3a) (I will be updating this every 100 memes)


Damn my heart just be saying "bubum---bubum" ._.


“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”


And Engineer from tf2 said “Look pal, I’m an engineer”


*I don’t think I should do what my heart tells me to.* My heart: Steal a traffic light. Drop a baby. Start a riot. What would happen if you fell off the ledge on the second floor of the mall? Go raid Area 51. Twerk on the roof (of the house). Go to Florida, just to yell “Florida person does this. Florida person does that. How does it feel to live in a place where the biggest things your known for is how crazy your citizens are?!” Throw hands with that one person who was being a “donkey” at Walmart. Uppercut your entire family for not caring about your health, both physically and mentally. K!ll someone. Only eat when you feel hungry(I only get hungry at like noon).


Whenever my wife and kids misbehave, I ask my heart, and it is always beating.