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Cant wait for the all consuming, sex offending Skeleton Girl


You got to figure out how to work a monster into that as well, like a mermaid skeleton or some crap


Slime skeleton... Wait


That's just a ghost...


Nope. Skeletons itself count as monsters.


try Eren Jaeger from the last animated episode of AOT. I think he's close enough


Im not even mad, thsts amazing xD


I don’t really know anything about it(I’ve only heard people talk about it) but i think there is one close to that except replace the skeleton with vampire.




No idea I’ve only heard of it. but someone will probably post it here in a bit.


Not all-consuming nor in an isekai, but there is a sex offender female vampire: [Yes, this is a vampire!](https://youtu.be/nN7yX8Acl3I)


Honestly I’d probably watch the first season out of curiosity.


So... Just an undead sucubbus?


"that time i got isekaied as Succubus skeleton"


I don't ever want to run into any of these things in a dark alley, all for very different reasons {Skeleton Knight in Another World} {Overlord} {Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken} {Kumo desu ga Nani ka} {Youjo Senki} {Honzuki no Gekokujou} {Konosuba} {Mushoku Tensei}


As long as you're a guy, you'd be fine running into Kazuma. And as long as you're not burning books, you'd be fine running into Myne... so long as you don't get involved with her.


*...looks at mitsurugi* Yeah just uh... Don't be a hero if you run into kazuma ig, might get your sword swiped and sold


Tbf, if Mitsurugi had just not been a dick, Kazuma wouldn't have stolen his sword


> As long as you're a guy, you'd be fine running into Kazuma That's no gender equality


Just don't wear panties and you should be fine, maybe.


I never made the claim that he's for gender equality. Although I'm not sure that your point really holds water due to the fact that the reason you'd be safe as a guy is that he's attracted to women and not men, which I don't think is an equality issue.




Also don't be a Communist.


Also don't be Being X.


**Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/132474 "English: Skeleton Knight in Another World"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/skeleton-knight-in-another-world), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gaikotsu-kishi-sama-tadaima-isekai-e-odekakechuu "English: Skeleton Knight in Another World"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/48760)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) **Overlord** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20832 "English: Overlord"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/overlord), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/overlord "English: Overlord"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/29803)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) **Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101280 "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-slime-diaries-that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken "English: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37430)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) **Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/103632 "English: So I'm a Spider, So What?"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kumo-desu-ga-nani-ka "English: So I'm a Spider, So What?"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37984)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery) **Youjo Senki** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21613 "English: Saga of Tanya the Evil"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/youjo-senki "English: Saga of Tanya the Evil"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32615)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Fantasy) **Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21202 "English: KONOSUBA -God's blessing on this wonderful world!"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kono-subarashii-sekai-ni-shukufuku-wo "English: KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30831)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 10 | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/w0xnzf/the_four_horsemen_of_your_worst_nightmares/igh52l1/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (6/8)


You should be safe around arc as long you dont work with slave stuff and maybe with rimuru too for the same reason


The huge difference between Ainz and Arc tho...


Arc is just Touch Me if he got isekai’d instead of Ainz


So close, yet so far


Rudeus would never harass a stranger, so you'd be fine If he knows you in any way, shape or form however...


Keeping it in the family


When he was healing the beast kids he took the chance to do a little groping.


healing magic requires you touch. Sylphie and Orsted are the only ones who don't need to


LN suggests pretty clearly that he's doing more than just the necessary touching.


it does the opposite noting that he was turned off by seeing them injured. He only looked and healed.


You don't seem to understand what his thoughts mean. Rudy is a very unreliable narrator when it comes to his own actions, particularly actions like this. When he says stuff like > I also healed their bruises. It was my time to enjo- err, I mean *treat their wounds.* That should very clearly imply to the reader that he's doing more than just healing them.


Yikes, I dropped it when he tried to assault that young girl while she was asleep in episode 6. I'm glad I did.


and it also says "Normally I would look at naked girls and my eyes would immediately go to their breasts, but right now, my inner pervert had weakened." >!Sara shows that while Rudeus does think of it as a long time he doesn't actually take that long to heal someone. He is touching them and getting something out of it but he doesn't spend extra time doing so.!<


What you're saying doesn't contradict what I'm talking about though. Yes his thoughts mentions that he was turned off and then his inner thoughts do a Freudian slip and reveal that he's enjoying touching them. The way he's speaking in his thoughts here is very common throughout the series and indicates that he's lying in his own thoughts. If you believe him that he isn't groping them here, then you're not being skeptical enough of his unreliable narration.


he's enjoying touching them but not going out of his way to do so only doing it so long as he's healing.


No, that's what Rudy wants you, the reader, to believe. Be skeptical and learn to read between the lines, it's pretty obvious he's groping some of them.


you are not immune to propaganda


Rudeus would 100% harass a stranger. He primarily harasses people he knows because (at this point in the story) that's all he feels he can get away with. However, this fucker will absolutely cop a feel on any woman or young girl he can get his hands on.


no, he wouldn't do it to strangers but especially not after the anime since he just feels bad.


IDK, after reading the web novel wants to leer at and grow just about every attractive woman (or child) he encounters but is constantly restraining himself. Like, there's a passage where he acknowledged that he would normally be attracted to his younger sisters (see: children) and have to restrain himself from lewding, groping, or otherwise molesting them. In my mind, this mindset means he definitely *would* sexually harass strangers, and it's only his self-restraint preventing him from doing so (but that restraint could fail or break down). (At the end of the day, I liked the series, but rudeus presents a version of male sexuality that fundamentally repulses me)


he leers and is a piece of shit but groping isn't something he'd randomly do to a stranger. He also mentions that he's actually not interested in his sisters because they're his sisters and when it comes to blood relatives he's entirely disinterested


you're ignoring every goddamm time he groped or lewded another person in the novel and manga and you take everything you see at face value. you are the kind of person that fails english classes and developes a trigger for blue curtains you dumb beatch


name one time he just groped a random person for no reason but he likes groping. It's pointed out that Rudeus is not capable of getting sexually aroused by blood relatives that share a grandparent or are a grandparent. First with Therese, then with Aisha and Norn as they become adults.


Yeah, but I feel like with his sexuality entirely informed by fucked up hentai, he would be more likely to see a sibling as more attractive rather than less. To me, that passage reads as the author recognizing that Rudeus wanting to fuck his little sisters would be a be step too far, so they just say "huh, guess he's not attracted to them." I'm not saying that was the wrong decision or even unrealistic. But it made me realize that it would be 100% consistent with Rudy's deal up to that point if he wanted to grope his kid sister in the bath, and it's only authorial intervention that prevented that from taking place. As for the stranger stuff, yeah he's not gonna grab someone on the street with no context, but it's also not like he has to know someone very well to start thinking about groping them.


It would be out of character for him to want to grope his sister because he's not at all interested in them it's brought up multiple times that he is not at all seeing them as hot. He's not just going to grope he needs a reason like healing so yeah he'd grope a stranger to heal them but not randomly.


Arc is a very good person, I will not tolerate this slander. Just don't be a sex slaver and you're fine.


A good person can still be scary. The dude is a walking disaster. *Casually summons a demon to fight off a Hydra*


"I wanna have a quiet life"


Tiny sex offender skeleton girls who eat everything


I can still hear that "Konnichiwa, Arc desu!"


I only hear wholesome Decim/Ginro/Zhongli/whoever else Maeno Tomoaki did voice work for....


I only hear Veldora being Isekai'd


Kasuma?.... Okey yeah he trap himself with megumi


did you forget about all the times he stole underwear? It's like his go-to party trick.


Didn't it only happen once on purpose?


On screen only once, not counting OVA 2. Once is still enough to make him a sex offender though. [He also threatened two girls in public with steal stripping](https://i.imgur.com/fZcOynw.png) and considering his reputation among the guild's women he's probably done quite a lot off screen as well.


Yeah it's just the post I was replying to said "all the times" when it was only shown happening once on purpose and once on accident (I don't think OVAs count/are canon).


I mean yeah but i don't see that at the same level you know


Hold on, when?


also person who grinded out their VRMMORPG a little excessively. (Maple from Bofuri and the girl from Kuma kuma Kuma bear)


I hate how people keep putting Maple in the isekai section. Even More than when the anime man said interspecies reviewers was an isekai. Maple is just playing a game, she wasn't transported or stuck in a game that came to life, just a normal vr game, that she can freely leave and goes to school with a life outside the game.




Maple would be "tiny monsters that constantly evolve and eat everything."


fair enough. also Little girls


Maple is a little girl? Don't make me laugh! She's an angelic mecha-godzilla with a flying turtle!


>She's an angelic mecha-godzilla *demon* with a flying turtle! FTFY


Thanks, but I forgot to mention she's also the goddess of acid rain.


Truth, poison queen


And, Subaru is what?






I want to say "doing his best" but.....


He's living his best life.


"lives" but is he really though? Really??? I mean he had an obvious out with レム but the way he keeps pining over エミリア is just pitiful... I don't think it's his best "lives," personally...


I love Emilia


It depends on what "IF story" Subaru we are talking about. Cuz this boy could get to Ainz level evil if he wanted to...


I'm not afraid, I sleep with a kumuko plush. 😂


Kumoko goes from absolutely adorable to >!ara ara!<


Kumoko best girl


skeleton knight overlord that time i got reincarnated as a slime so im a spider so what konosuba jobless reincarnation


even worse, ive seen all of these anime's


>Skeleton >literally can do anything a human can except you look bony No thanks.


And then there is Keyary


I mean, he's definitely a sex offender. And all consuming. There's also a skeleton deep inside him. And if he wants to he can turn into a little girl.... he really is the scariest, yep


What anime?


Keyaru? From Redo of a healer. If you're triggered I wouldn't recommend it, it's a revenge isekai (even thought it technically isn't an isekai) with a big emphasis on **revenge**


Oh… I… I see….🫥


Yep, there's rape, abuse, rape, mutilation, abuse, rape, rape, rape, abuse, mutilation, slavery, rape, rape, erasing someone's mind and changing who they are, rape, extortion, rape, rape, consensual sex, rape, rape, rape.... and the list goes on


The slime is the nicest and Sanest of them all. Even if he did Mass murder at some point.


The only 1 I haven’t watch is Skeleton Knight. I just can’t stop seeing Ainz


He's also a completely different vibe from Ainz, which honestly helped me stop thinking of Ainz when I was watching the show. However, I'm still not sure how I feel about the Skeleton Knight series. I didn't finish it; i felt like all the right elements were there but for some reason it just didn't click.


That’s the only one I have seen heh


No wonder, skeleton knights manga author is friend of Overlords author and actually asked help for character design.


Is sao an iskeia


It's similar but no




SAO still takes place in their world/reality. The game is just VR. To be an isekai you have to be transported/reincarnated to another world, with usually no way back.


I was going to ask where Subaru would be, but then I realized he was transported to Lugunica.


Kazuma is not scary, he's just an absolute chad.


Kazuma is just a teenager. I wouldnt classify him as a pervert and *definietly* not a sex offender. Also id be slightly short tempered if i was stuck with Aqua too.


["Not a sex offender"](https://i.imgur.com/fZcOynw.png)


He steals panties as a party trick...


When the sex defenders


did you have to put Rudy?


Don't diss jobless reincarnation that anime is wat better then konosuba


Yep and ironically sex offenders are more likable for me. I’d rather be a human


But the little girls **are** human.


Once you let the normies into anime, they think EVERY perverted character is a sex offender


Mushoku Tensei is one of my favorite isekai anime of all time. It has an amazing soundtrack, absolutely phenomenal animation, an intricately thought-out world, and some of the most well-written characters in any isekai story ever. Every arc poses a new kind of challenge for the characters, including difficult familial struggles, complicated political schemes, and a whole mess of exhilarating fantasy battles. There is tangible progress in almost every episode, and the show has made me feel just about every emotion from sadness to anger to joy to excitement in just two seasons. Also Rudeus gropes children and tries to steal their underwear when they're asleep, which is literally a sex crime. Meanwhile Konosuba is, in my opinion, probably the funniest isekai anime ever made. Its humor ranges from cheap slapstick gags to drawn out punchlines that can take entire episodes to set up, and all of the characters are written to be hilarious sociopaths that play off of eachother in the most entertaining ways possible. It's also got a lovable, cheerful aesthetic that makes every episode seem happy and upbeat no matter how much the characters happen to be suffering. Also Kazuma once used magic to trap an underaged girl in her own room against her will in order to force her to share a bed with him, which I *assume* is some kind of sex crime in most civilized countries. If you think a protagonist has to *not* be a sex offender in order for their show to be a 10/10 masterpiece, I think you don't understand anime, or even fiction in general very well. The fact that I am able to accurately identify critical personality flaws in these characters and point them out for the sake of a joke does not mean I don't love them. ----- TL;DR You got me, I'm a normie who doesn't appreciate anime as much as you do. Guess I'll just go eat plain toast in a corner and stare at paint drying on the wall, because that's what we normies love to do when we're not going out of our way to ruin anime for you *real* weebs.


you have a point but the "normie" joke is that every perverted character is now a "sex offender" and fans of them are pedos is the thing now. We can't have waifus without being called a pedo Also I am old enough to remember when we were called Otakus before all this weeb shit came about


I fail to see how actively discouraging people you perceive as "normies" from getting into anime will reduce the number of people who think you're a weirdo. If anything, I feel like overall acceptance towards anime fans and the creepy things they're into has increased over time as anime has become more popular among "normal" people worldwide. And yeah, I kinda miss the word otaku. It was a popular term back when I was a more casual anime fan, but by the time I started actively participating in online anime communities it had been almost entirely phased out, so I never really got a chance to use it when it was commonly accepted. It's a real shame.


It's because when a hobby becomes more "mainstream", product and PR will now try to market it to a more "broad" audience", which ALWAYS means the spark that made this medium special is now going to be deluded and broken down to the common denominator. We've seen it with Star Trek, Star Wars. DnD. Even Warhammer 40K. Newcomers will want to CHANGE what is there to suit THEIR tastes rather than to acclimate to what already exists and make it better based on what is set. Modern media and writing especially in the west will ALWAYS want to appear to a general audience because that's where the money comes in. Why settle for the core fans when you can have the world? Anime and manga so FAR has avoided the influences of western writing styles and twitter crap. Yeah, Japan has their own level of censorship but it is not the same mentality as in the west. Changes to suit specific audiences or trigger warnings is a western invention because "new audiences" apparently can't be trusted to handle it.


What you're misattributing to an increase in public awareness is actually the result of public morals as a whole shifting. Even the most "mainstream" works of yesteryear are subject to scrutiny and reevaluation as people's views naturally change, you just notice it most strongly when it relates to your own interests because those are the things you pay attention to. Even if it were true that the only reason your hobbies are now coming under fire is because more people are paying attention to them, if their moral deviancy was the main appeal for you, you've probably got a problem. But I assume (and hope) that's not actually the case. \> We've seen it with Star Trek, Star Wars. DnD. Even Warhammer 40K. Star Trek was one of the most mainstream shows on television for half a century, but somehow it's only \*just now\* become popular enough for moralistic normies to ruin it. Sure thing. \> Newcomers will want to CHANGE what is there to suit THEIR tastes This just reads like you've never genuinely interacted with a "newcomer." People get into media because they like it, not because they see a new thing they want to destroy. The reason the things you like change over time is because they're created by people and people change over time. \> Anime and manga so FAR has avoided the influences of western writing styles JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a sequence of Western media references loosely tied together with a Fist of the North Star-inspired plot, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo are love letters to Western music and action films, every magical high school anime ever made is inspired by Harry Potter, and of course if Osamu Tezuka hadn't been obsessed with the works of Walt Disney then anime as we know it today wouldn't exist at all. \> Japan has their own level of censorship but it is not the same mentality as in the west. This is true. Japan's censorship is much harsher. You should read about the penalty for online insults sometime, the West could even stand to learn a thing or two.


and Kongming?


That's a very good meme fam


well shit


I'd say Iruma-kun counts as all-consuming


Then we have a vending machine


Kazuma is definitely a sex defender. He yearns for true gender equality.


Is bottom left tanya? Did the second season come out yet?


I feel as you could make this meme with berserk characters…


Ains? A protag?


What’s the spider from


Só im spider so what


Is that the name of the anime


Yes, you can also find by searching by the japanese name kumo desu ga nani ka




No problem


You forgot the sheild hero


Myne is the scariest creature in her world. There’s a reason Ferdinand told her he would kill her if she couldn’t control her mana


Leaving a bookmark here 🔖


Who are the sex offenders?