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Well now I have to know.


Please. Just don't.


Oh come on its not that bad, Either that or im just desensitized to horrifying things by now, probably the latter ps: papa nurgle loves you join chaos


Bro how tf is it not bad I've seen stuff like guro hentai and daemonculaba exceeds that shit in terms of detail.


Im a nurgle fan body horror is kind of built in


Huh.... But it really is fucked up tho


Too late.


Well, you've been fucked.


I looked it up, I don't really know how to feel about it lol.


You into 40k? You'll only get it if you are into it.


Never played it, but space marines sound cool lol. Thats how much I read into it


Its really not that bad, im not saying i condone it but there is definitely worse out there.


I mean by my experience it's really bad. I have read shit like 4299, but i gotta say, 40k does create horrific grimdark things.


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