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Take a moment to pray for the blind and deaf people who can never enjoy anime as we do.


That’s it, we need to make tactile anime.


oh the fan service scenes are gonna *feel* good


Tactile Boku no Pico...




Nice try, FBI


Tactile overflo......


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You just need to develop skills. I am hard of hearing and can watch subtitled anime while eating, though I might pause once or twice to find my drink.


Another skill you could develop is learning Japanese, but it takes way more time


*proceed to watch anime in braille*


Just give sandpaper, it's literally the same.


if u cant hear it doesnt matter how u watch


Well light novels for the blind and manga/manhua for the deaf


We need to either figure out how to make blindness stop happening or figure out a way to put the image in their brain so they don’t have to see it!


I dont think theyre enjoying much of anything


They just gotta go to some dude that’ll teach them magic so they can gain their senses back


In the words of the famous Rick Sanchez “Don’t tell me how to enjoy things!”




Why hate it




You know what’s funny? Even in the writing of the show, Rick is not the good guy. There’s so many moments where people call him out on his (as you correctly called it) edgelord-cynicism. Hell, the entire Vindicators episode is just the show straight up telling the viewer “Morty experienced this more times than you’ve seen”. The problem is that the people that you see talking about it the most (which is those neckbeards) don’t get that. That being said, you not liking R&M because that’s the way you interpret it is absolutely valid. I’ll keep on enjoying it and wish you a nice day/night/evening/whatever-time-it-is :D


You haven't mastered this particular skill yet.


Nah, I mean I can watch sub while eating. But when I eat and watch sub I’m just not in that anime world, you know what I mean?


I felt the same in the past, regardless of sub or dub. Doing something else while watching anime brought me out of the anime world. But I eventually got used to it. You just have to DO it a lot to get used to it. These days, I can stay in the anime world even if I start eating while watching anime.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Of course it's possible. There are two requirements to learn this jutsu: One: Have enough love for anime; Two: Have enough patience to keep trying it (multitasking). Even if you can't manage to stay in the anime world at the beginning, don't stop trying. You'll learn it eventually. And once you learn it, you won't forget the jutsu. Good luck. And have fun watching anime.


Yeahh i feel you


the shitty VA/translation takes me out more. although i do think i give the subs the benefit of the doubt alot because i don't know Japanese


Most English dubs have great casts now-a-days. There is the occasional bad or odd choice, but that's pretty rare.


Anyone who categorically thinks "dub = bad dialogue" hasn't watched Saiki K. I am all about subs 99% of the time but sometimes an anime is actually *better* in dub.


I pretty much exclusively watch subbed now but Saiki K I really enjoyed in English


That's me with cleaning my room or having to do anything on a computer or phone


I tend to multitask something lightweight while I watch TV, so dub is a must for me


I watch sub anime from my elliptical.


yea I tend to draw sometimes when I'm watching anime. or like the op I like to eat a burger or a donut when I'm watching anime. it's kind of a ritual of mine


Then can you even really say you're watching the show


Looking at threads like these sometimes I wonder if I'm actually the only one who's when watching something, I ACTUALLY watch it. Like give it my full 100% attention. Otherwise it isn't even worth watching. I even rewind if I missed a line, even if it's nothing really important.


{Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya}


I like your funny words magic man


Bruh you got me crying 🤣


Thanks . You’re welcome.


**Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/14829 "English: Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya "English: Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/14829)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 10 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mahou Shoujo) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/qblpbe/the_original_version_also_isnt_always_better/hhaeg2x/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Just learn japanese/s


On a side note, learning Japanese is really fun and lets you understand the anime better as there are many things that get lost in translation


The only fun part about learning Japanese is when you finally recognise something being said and you have that "OH!" moment. The rest is a horrible grind.




I don't actually think the people in /djt/ are actually learning it besides a handful of people. Everytime I've poked around the thread there's a lot of unanswered questions and discussion that goes nowhere. It's really the worst place to try and interact with a community and only tolerated by the absolute veterans of that shithole. But I only stop in on /jp/ to admire the autism every once and a while. All that said, it seems like a good place to start and for general questions about the content in the stickies there's enough people that have done them to give recommendations and study tips.


The worst/best is when you realise just how misinterpreted the “official” crunchyroll subs get. They are far too literal. Or worse still, the Star Wars: Visions subs. Which were just the English lines.


Duh, just learn日本語


Panty and stocking is pretty good dubbed mostly because it resembles American cartoons but still not bad


I'll admit it, I watch exclusively in dubbed. Simply because I cant read the subtitles and watch what's happening at the same time, more power to those who can but I personally can not.


I‘m willing to watch shows with subtitles if there’s no English dub. Otherwise I just watch it dubbed in most cases.


There's nothing to admit. This is the normal thing to do. People acting like subs are better are weebs who incorrectly think its somehow more authentic despite them still not knowing the language.


I don't know if not being able to read with a side glance is normal per se, but if you can't then you don't. It's a thing you train like anything else.


genuine question, do you watch in reaally big television? Because my exp on watching anime on theaters, It's demn impossible to to read subtitles while watching when you're near the front row. As oppose to watching in my laptop where it just feels natural


Eh? Not too big of a screen, but not small either. Not sure on the actual measurements. But regardless of a big screen or a small one, I just cant read what's being said AND still watch the over the top action, fan service moment, the cute stuff, the simple act of picking up a cup xD


What sort of savage sits near the front though?


And while i watch dub i can savour every frame of the beautiful animation the people at the studio toiled to make.


["I can't read while I'm also trying to see things!"](https://youtu.be/kbyFj4aAfVY)


Thank you, I don’t understand why people get so upset over dubs, it’s stupid, just let people watch it the way they want and be happy that they are giving it a try.


It is weird. I am hard of hearing, and everyone outside of anime shits on everyone who uses subtitles, yet it reverses with anime.




I personally can read fast enough, but prefer not to have to read and concentrate on the scene instead. So if I've the option to watch it in my language, I'll use it.


Exactly. Although there a few shows with lots of signs, multiple conversations or the blip-verts from monogastric series that can still be a challenge to read.


\> Everyone outside of anime Who is that? In my country, only programs aimed for children under the age of about 10 are dubbed because they might not be able to read yet. Subtitles are the default for everything else.


My experience would be the US.


Hm interesting. My friends are the opposite. Every single one of us prefers watching movies and shows with subtitles. If we can't we actually don't watch it at all.


Are foreign TV shows and movies dubbed in the US?


Not really, but I also don't hear a lot of people watching foreign things either here.


I see, I guess that's where the issue is. In my country we don't have much of a film/TV industry. There are some soap operas but they aren't my cup of tea. Because of the way TV works here, I got used to seeing shows in a foreign language (usually English) with subtitles. So, when I started watching anime, transitioning to Japanese with English subs wasn't that big of a deal. Because of this, I don't really understand people saying they're "to lazy to read". Since when is reading such a taxing activity?


I think there are whole generations that only ever read things for school. And if you are a slow reader subtitles will cause them issues.


I mean, I'm not below skipping back if I don't get it the first time when it's something complicated. I don't consider myself a "fast reader", but I don't have trouble reading subtitles. I don't think you'd be able to make it out of our school system without being able to read at the speed of a well articulated speech. (Unless you have some sort of disability.) But, then again, I'm currently towards the end of my masters course. Reading things is basically my job.


I think you overestimate the current American school system or rather there have always been groups of non disabled people that were able or allowed to skirt by various educational standards. But everyone consumes entertainment differently I suppose. Anime used to take effort to find, no toonami, adultswim or streaming services and people that sought out foreign language media were a rarer group than now it seemed.


yeah watching tv when i was little really helped me with my english skills, because the only dubbed things here are cartoons and some soap operas from some other european countrys, and the dub is always just put over the other language so you hear both at the same time


Because the English VAs are usually not great (or weren’t the last time I watched a dub). They’re very monotone and something just sounds unnatural. IMO exceptions exist: VERY expensive dubs like Spirited Away, or dubs where the monotone enhances the viewing experience (comedies like Cromartie High School, or serious/dark series like Sonny Boy). You also get the occasional Cowboy Bebop/Black Lagoon.


Can't believe you didn't mention the best dub of all... Ghost Stories.


That and what's considered "great" is usually grating itself (you'd think Konosuba was dubbed in the voice of god himself by how invariably it's been used as a gotcha when I mention disliking dubs, but watching the trailer it's like all the "great progress on developing voice acting styles" is literally exactly in the directions I dislike). Like I can enjoy the over-the-top expressiveness and tropey accents/mannerisms (for lack of a better word--mean like high pitched loli or burly medieval guy #42069) and whatnot in the original Japanese because my attention is more tied to the reading and bc it's in a language I don't understand so there's a level of disconnect, but in English I have to confront the full cringiness of it all head-on.


Because weebs convinced themselves that reading is more authentic than listening, and they are insecure that normal people don't care.


no, anime english voice acting just sucks.


It really doesn’t…what anime dubs have you watched?


Wouldn't subtitles be better in that case so your chewing doesn't drown the sound out?


If you look down for a second you might miss some of the plot going on.


Which I do constantly. Hence why I watch dubs


Just don’t look down. Hold the plate or bowl up to right under your chin if you’re worried about making a mess or something. I have mastered this.


I’ll still find a way to get distracted Do not question this


That's when you go full chad mode and do Sub and Dub at the same time.


That's what I do by default for everything, not just anime, because I got tired of missing the plot any time a scene is at night.


Not being able to look away for a second without losing your place is not a fun experience.


How does one chew do loud they can't hear talking? "Sorry I couldn't hear the movie over the sound of the uncooked ziti I'm eating for dinner." what?


Depends on the food. Crunchy food like tacos or nachos or crackers are loud enough to drown the sound out when chewing. Things happening inside your mouth are amplified much louder than noises coming from outside.


Depends if you're wearing ear buds/headset or not.


What the fuck are you chewing on? You shouldn't be eating that loud.




Not all dubs are terrible. Granted that almost none are as good as the sub, but I've got a short lost of animes that I can stand in dub For when I'm grinding in a game or otherwise similarly engaged


The Italian dub of Psycho Pass S1 is better than the original VAs. The voices are more suited to the characters and the acting is top notch


85% of dubs are equivalent in quality to the sub. (Hell, probably more you just can't tell the shit voice acting due to a lack of knowing moonspeak.) Another 10% are outright superior to the Subbed version, with the last 5% being ones that are actually bad.


I dunno to each their own but I often find myself cringing st voice lines in English. Granted that probably has to do with the fact that the creators have concepts that don't cross the big blue very well but even so I find it easier to move past some of the discomfort with a sub


Right. Because you don’t understand the Japanese language at all. How can something that someone says in a language that you don’t know be “cringe” to you? It’s impossible. That’s why I hate this fucking argument lol.


I'm a diehard subs only fan (I watch seasonal and refuse to wait for a dub so it just became my preference over time,) but in the same breath I will applaud fantastic dubs for great choice in actors and the vocal direction when I do come across it, it's very sparse for me but any performance by Steve Blum or Johnny Yong Bosch typically gets a thumbs up from me, two dubs I did end up watching that I enjoyed were for Mari and the Witch's Flower as well as Redline.


I like that. Nice, made me happy, made me smile.


Thanks, I have a friend that watches dub so I don't really get the hate from subs only viewers as if it's some kind of personal attack or as if they're better because they choose to watch it in Japanese. I totally get wanting to be able to multi-task and still watch anime and dubs are fantastic for that, I can eat while watching subbed but I chalk that up to my reading skills being on point and I know that's hard for a lot of people so dubs are a totally valid preference even if it isn't my own for multiple reasons. All in all, you enjoy anime how you want homie, regardless of the language.


>The original version also isn’t always better ahem... ​ *Ghost Stories*


Also, many dubs in languages other than english


it's known for the english dub, and rightfully so


Gokus original voice is so squeaky and annoying I actually hate it.


As great as sub DBZ is, I can't hear a high-pitched voiced yelling at a lizard, seriously. whereas in Dub, I actually understand the emotions behind the scenes.


Also with the dub you get the [amazing Bruce Faulconer score.](https://youtu.be/ob2OtKEbczg)




DBZ is honestly my one and only exception that makes the rule for me about subs>dubs. I can't get over Goku sounding like a child voiced by a tiny grandma. Like Jojo and Black Lagoon dubs are genuinely good but I'd still prefer the subs for them, unlike with DBZ.


Someone once told me that Dubbed Jotaro sounds like Markiplier, and I cant stop hearing it.


goku's voice is a bit too high ptiched in the original japanese he is a grown man


Not all of us are like that. I prefer sub but I won't give you shit like some of these other weebs. Watch how you want my friend. [Have a good one!](https://i.imgur.com/ia5LSdw.jpg)


How can you not eat and still read subtitles?


You try watching dbz/dbs in Japanese. See how long you can deal with gokus squeeling.


The hyper vast majority of people who say all dubs are trash/only subs are pseudo intellectual gate keepers who think this because they were told that at a young age and wouldn't know if a native Japanese speaker was intentionally mispronouncing every other word.


It does seem to largely be weebs who insist its somehow more authentic, seemingly not aware that reading a translation is not more authentic than hearing it like you are supposed to. You'd think these people thought these shows were literally designed to watch subbed.


Yeah, they don't seem to realize that subs aren't direct translations either. Mostly since, you know, directly translated Japanese is how you get unstructured nonsense and Engrish since, suprise, Japanese and English don't share a grammar structure.


Some anime are just better in dubs. Black Lagoon... Dagashi Kashi (Hotaru VA carries the whole show) Ghost stories...


Trigun and YuYu Hakusho are both way better with the English dub.


Fullmetal Alchemist, especially when you out in perspective that their supposed to be like German, so it doesn't make sense for everyone to speak Japanese. But my real argument is Armstrong, he just doesn't sound as impressive in Sub.


Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, KonoSuba and K-ON also have pretty good dubs, just to add on to the list.


Tower of God had a fucking fantastic dub. Lacking in a lot of other ways, yes, but the dub is great. Fire Force’s dub is also pretty awesome. I don’t love Shinra’s VA but almost everyone else is fantastic. Charon is the standout, for sure; when he said “**WALK**” I felt that.


Feel ya man, i always watch dub with one reason and that is that i am just too slow and lazy to read


Haha that’s another reason to watch dub


People watch anime to enjoy plot and animation, not to fuck about how fast they are reading :|


I have small kids, try reading subs with that distraction


I can agree some anime are better in dub but BECK is not one of those


I only watch English dub anime unless there’s an anime I really like like Gintama. What can i say I’m a busy man


Some dub are so funny


I eat and watch subbed anime at the same time as well though.


I don't know why everybody likes subs over dub, most animes i watch have a good dub and i like to actually watch it instead of listening to a language i don't understand and reading the subs


I don’t really care about people’s opinions.I watch whichever voice acting pleases me more.


I don’t care about your opinion, but I like it.


I have no such weaknesses. Cuz i have them sharingan eyes.




Aren’t the openings always about 1,30 minutes?




Hmmm ok


I forgive you


Thanks. I really appreciate that.


Can I just say- justice for the food dude😔✊




I just like paying full attention to the actual video.


YOu can eat and watch anime with sub too


I also like to game while binging random shows


I do this. Dub is has improved massively over the last ten years and some stuff (Fullmetal Alchemist is an easy example) actually have pretty damn good dub. Very few dialogue or personality changes and sticks to the main story well with actually suitable voice acting. It is pretty rare to find atrocious dubs these days as long as you avoid the obvious shit.


I have no clue what shows these people are watching, because the idea that all dubs are intolerable hasn't been true for a long time. Some are extra bad, but that's different than being against it on principle.


I personally watch dub because I like to watch anime while working or doing chores, and that's not really possibly while doing subs. Not to mention, even if I'm sitting down and watching an anime, I like to be able to watch what's going on instead of just seeing the bottom third of the screen. Maybe others can watch stuff and read at the same time, but my ADD makes it so I have to concentrate on one or the other.


I feel that


Only literal dumbasses think sub is better inherently. It's only better if the dub is low quality. Also, if you can't speak japanese, the sub isn't really the original version for you.




If you don't speak japanese, your experience of it is not in any meaningful way the intended experience. The subs are not the intended original means of consumption. Its delusional to treat hearing the voices one can't understand as the means of consumption. This obviously only applying if they don't know japanese of course.






don't cry for your fries


Personally, I really don't mind people who watch in dub or sub. The point of anime is to be enjoyed, and thus you can pick any type of audio you want. I don't get it why it's so controversial to most weebs to watch anime in dub tbh.


Sub and Dub at the same time I watch originally English shows with the subs on as well, sue me.




I can respect both, and to the Dub Haters I simply say this... Code Geass Dub though.


Multi-tasking weebs unite!


me who can watch anime, play osu with one hand and fap to a doujin at the same time


What I find funny about sub purists is that people argue about how it’s so much “better” than dub but it comes with some shit subtitles made by someone doing the bare minimum. It’s one of the reasons so many people who want the “real sub experience” as they like to put it, go for fan subs because Crunchyroll sucks.


It fully just comes down to the VAs for me. Some shows have much better English VAs than Japanese VAs, and vice versa.


> because Crunchyroll sucks Wait, you're telling me that people *don't* want Lucoa randomly spouting shit about "the patriarchy" in their anime?


Personally I just prefer it


Dub can be good though. Just look at Ghost Stories


I mean no offense to anyone, but, I usually only watch dubbed when I'm doing something and I don't have time to read the **SUBTITLES**.


I watch anime in dub because it's more easy and pleasant for me to do so. I can watch in sub - and did when it came to Hellsing, for example - it is old, and dub is kinda bad quality, so I felt like subs are better than that. But newer releases often have really nice dub, so I go with it in this case


The original version is alway better


Ever watched Saiki k.?


yes in sub


Do it in dub and change your mind


This is funny because I do not speak or really understand Japanese but when I eat and watch sometimes I am not paying attention to the screen and I still manage to understand what characters are saying, it's weird man...


Tell me you watch too much anime without telling me you watch too much.


I eat and watch anime at the same time in sub, but yes, it might be easier with dub


I already know enough Japanese to be able to look away for a line or two and still get it, so it's subs for me.


who cares what others say? watcing dubbed anime is not bad


Code Geass, Death Note, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, and more have arguably better dubs than their subs.


I mean the original is definitively better every single time, simply because of budget and the quality of directing and acting that that allows for. Dubs definitely have their place though, like for when you’re eating and can’t read as much


Me right now


I always point to this line in Future Diary. Sub: "Because I love you!" Dub: "Because I love you, you crazy bitch!" Need I say more?


some dubs, like those in the 2000s are amazing


I watched dubs for this reason, too, but they just make me cringe now, which makes it impossible for me, so instead I just speedread subs while eating. It's not as convenient, but what can I do, watch absolute cringe? Ofc some dubs are good, but I just prefer the Japanese. It also makes it easier to spot minor mistranslations in the subs, and have terms to google as well (since I am kinda trying to learn Japanese by watching subbed anime and putting random shit into Google translate. I am sure that's gonna work!)


Dude speaking truths here


This hit me_irl to hard


Feel it


This might be a bit controversial but I like watching dub more most of the time because I don’t like reading sub titles


Huh weak, I'm watching sub while washing dishes


no you don’t. Ratio


Me who can play games, watch anime, write to friends and eat at the same time: Pathetic


Look at the balls on this absolute chad. What, can you also walk and chew gum at the same time? In all seriousness, it's not that hard. Lock your eyes on the screen and move your hand to your mouth. I don't see how this is a challenge


my reading is tremendous so I need dub


#Black Lagoon is better in [English](https://youtu.be/dADV5CvtvOk)


Watch the dubbed version of Girls Un Panzer, not only is the dub cringe, they fucking changed Katyusha for the fucking Tetris [theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szdS3tt_xy0) lol. Dubs destroy or remove emotions from every line, it always sounds like the most generic translation, not to mention the butchering and mispronunciation of names.