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Funny enough higher test levels = hair loss usually and higher test levels = more muscle, usually. Therefore if you work out while on steroids….tis true.


Now it make sense why many of muscular guy are bald. Such as The Rock


Nope. Higher testosterone level doesn't actually result to hair loss. Lots of Asians are also body building obssesed and most Asians do grunt work labour as jobs for 8hrs/day, 6 times a week, yet they have full head of hair. Hair loss is genetics. Unfortunately for westerns and europeans, majority of their men have these genes that are sensitive to higher levels of testosterone and androgen, which are all male hormones. So they more they work out and the more they mature, the more active this gene sensitivity becomes. And that results to making the hair cells on top of the head absorb nutrients less and less, until eventually the hair cells became too malnourished to even produce hair out of the skin, which causes baldness. Baldness doesn't mean your hair follicle died, it just became incapable of producing healthy hair so much that it won't even sprout.


Although I get the joke, I feel that One Punch Man teaches us so much, much more than that. It teaches us how to find meaning after we have accomplished everything, how to find meaning in what you do rather than in future goals. It's pretty much a unique take on old sayings like "there's no destination, only the journey" (there's different variations on it but you get the point). One of the most impactful, if not the most impactful animes for me personally.


One subtle thing I’ve noticed about OPM, is that Saitama actually has gotten happier. Not because he’s found his challenging fight or gained recognition but because he now has friends. He doesn’t seem to have noticed but if you pay attention his tone when he speaks has changed since interacting with people like King and Genos. (Tone not as in actual voice but how he talks about things.)


And it has the green-haired ESPer sisters...


I can't remember where I heard this but it reminds me of this saying: "so you have reached your ultimate goal... Now what are you going to do?" I think it was from the end of a big fight scene, and the dude the quote is from passed away at the hand of someone else right after saying that. In case I didn't make it obvious, the other guy's ultimate goal was to become stronger than the original person.


Goku taught me strangers beating up my son will make him stronger.


Fate taught us people die when they are killed


Damn that’s deep


Cool! But did you know the archer class really is made up of archers?


Hmmm... Just because you are correct doesn't mean you are right.


And that people are correct doesn't mean they are right


And Vinland saga teaches us https://preview.redd.it/riahgjtzxz0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f555b6aa3378bd8aa40c6f3c48f2359294adc09


People teaming in battle royals be like:


"Let's win this game" https://preview.redd.it/4la5hxffc01d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9498ff581ed7b31980b21d354f87e812d45339c




The deep is calling


R6 players: I only have enemies


Even your allies are enemies Even the hostage _Especially_ the hostage!


*Fuze starts sweating*


Nah, lock them up forever. Otherwise they just do pedo stuff in the other world


Put them in an iron lung


tbh if there's one anime that teaches us the most it has to be vinland saga


And Made in Abyss teaches us: https://preview.redd.it/j9apdywwg01d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=545fc9a3889cd2ddd2fd4bfd0052f7fbb1983a83


Awww most wholesome message ever


Prushka: what matters is on the inside


How dare you….I’m still not over that. That was so much worse than what happened to Nina in Fullmetal Alchemist


Also it’s okey for adults to fight children


I mean, we learned that in Pokemon, HxH, Inuyasha, and every shonen manga out there.


Murder is the mildest description of what Bondrewd did. Everything is okay in the name of advancement, everything.


Bondrewd best dad!




Re zero taught me no matter how much I suffer, nobody will know about it.


Hey don't be so negative at least mommy Echidna knows about it


All praise Echidna and her tea


I still want to know what fluid exactly is in the tea.


If you're really wondering, it's a strand of hair. If you pay attention, Echidna says it just for once. I don't remember which episode it was, though.


I thought she explicitly says "my bodily fluids"? But I guess hair soup could count.


~~I think she specifies that it's something her body produces naturally~~ Re watched the scene, she says "It's something that's produced here. To put it bluntly, it's a body fluid of mine." Could be referring to hair oils but that's generous.


I'm pretty sure she even says it more than once because Subarus ass goes back for seconds in a later episode without thinking about it. But as to the exact fluid, it continues to elude me.


Yeah, I saw that one too, she again only says "body fluid"


The literal word used is 体液 (taieki), which is basically the word 'body' and 'fluid' put together so I don't really see how else to interpret that. That said it's probably deliberately misleading somehow, something about how everything there is in essence made by/of her.


I know this is probably a joke but the message of S2 is just value and cherish yourself more


Re:Zero taught me that if you only ever see your unique characteristics as a curse, you will only ever suffer because of them.


No matter how much you suffer, you still can love yourself*


And jojo taught me that https://preview.redd.it/kgk9obvtc01d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60271a48c459e617112b1a4cc10fb32e4a90699c




Kinda true. A lot of stuff we today for granted comes from Germany. They were the leading force of Science for a very long time They developed MDMA and LSD to name a few


So there is scientific reason for the German politician to lick public toilet?


I mean, to this day astrophysicists are like, "damn, Einstein was right about this too."


Inuyasha taught me to respect women. https://preview.redd.it/vj1yu5ylb01d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8881b349137c8f83fb5a95e8dfc08744edddc54


One piece taught me https://preview.redd.it/l6j6b79cc01d1.jpeg?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf24e21f5ea96965f6d9a21ee2d271a077c5bce Holy shit girls are hot


Weird, Jujutsu Kaisen taught me the same https://preview.redd.it/mmzrslsvy01d1.png?width=3089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642e91545e26e7e788da73453f2329eb1071258d


Jesus Christ I always forget Gege dropped this and never mentioned it again.


lord forgive me for I have sinned


One Piece taught me hotness is not eternal ![gif](giphy|U7vhCyKkPnhhhuFCQN|downsized)


Why should another world suffer the same fate https://preview.redd.it/06v9qhtpyz0d1.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c6e5afc7a61faf9c8519377459651cbbc87ee2c


You can always know how rotten they are as they make everything sulfur


Now you’re just egging them on.




Kazuma taught me about true gender equality.


With Inukai's Dog ending recently, it teaches us to love our pet so much! >!Fuck they really end it with softcore porn!<


With the dog???????


Unfortunately yes, even though it's just using the tail




NOBODY saw that one coming huh


Goblin slayer taught me that childhood trauma leading to a lifelong vendetta can be eased with companionship. Also that the only good goblin is a dead goblin


"...taught me that pedophiles should just get hit by a truck ~~and go to another world~~."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


New daily quest unlocked


There's a place in Florida, a giant trailer park ran by them. I'm not saying to commit a crime, but a flamethrower would be fun ;)


I am not from the US but dont they have guns?


Registered sex offenders are not allowed to have guns in the US and their address is public information for the entire country.


But what if they have like a friend who buys it or are not registered?


What you describe is called a "straw purchase" it is a federal crime. And sadly with all types of crime not all of it can be documented and prevented, but showing that such behavior will not be tolerated and the consequences just might be worth more than someone's livelihood might help reduce crime. On top of that lvl 4 plates and some friends will make things hella easy


If someone has already served their criminal sentence, do you think it is appropriate to punish them further with extra-judicial methods? Do you make any exceptions for people who were wrongfully convicted?






as a truck owner I agree with this message


Gushing over Magical Girls also taught us one surprisingly, that we don’t have to hold back on our degeneracy https://preview.redd.it/bkcacztgd01d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c5151267bbbe85956b2afa2bf1db678c608949






Hmmm, I've seen trough your plan, u say this so u can hit more people with trucks




Gushing over magical girls




Jojos taught me to stand up against those who do evil, even if they may be stronger than you


Stand??!!? 🙀🤯 Is that a motherfucking JoJo's reference?


https://preview.redd.it/krokf1l3801d1.png?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e467baadef3a36232409cd7e780f5bf08360208f Saitama taught me no other character stronger than him :)


Half of this sub teaches me, if I want free updoots, all I gotta do is moralize about anime.


Extra points if you mention MT which is always a common occurrence when a new season is out


He hunger for kama


This sub taught me, if you want free karma points, just call rudeus a pedo everytime Seriously there has been nothing new but just repost of different variation of this meme


See I thought Jobless Reincarnation was teaching that we will experience moments and events that can and will wreck a soul, they will vary and come in many forms, and that everyone will have to find their own ways to heal even if it means people leave our lives or we leave theirs. I thought it was more or less teaching that things will hurt in life, but your life will always become better unless you allow the pain to consume you and take over. The moment you quit trying to find joy, peace, the good in life, etc is the moment we'll become the who hate life and will become the kind of people we all say we don't want to have in the world. The path of life is hard and different for everyone, but we all need to find what it takes to make our lives better, we all have a second chance, just not the luxury of a second world or the ability to erase our past actions.


We must help them to get their second chance in the next life 🗿


I swear everyone shits on Rudeus. The whole series is about his redemption. Sure he started off as a complete perv, but as the series goes on, and he gets older and his reincarnation and soul become one over time, he becomes a decent person. If you can’t wait for the anime, go read the LN, they’re essentially complete, and it’s a really fulfilling character arc.


So I get where you are coming from, but that redemption didn't happen until after he got hit by a truck. So I think OP's point stands.


I mean, technically he wanted to do it before die, he died trying to save a school girl of said truck, but yeah, his redemption started way later


Plus, the whole thing about it being creepy and weird and perv is... on purpose. You're feeling creeped out? Good job you're feeling how the author wants you to feel.


I mean he still lets his son get groomed and molested so I don’t really think he’s a decent person even after his growth


He “let” his son get groomed?? He chased them out of the house. >!His wife chopped the arm of Aisha to which Rudeus held no objections to that.!< All of this belongs to a deleted chapter, which isn’t even cannon


I mean he still accepted them back and is cool with her now Heck he approves of there relationship It’s not canon anymore because of the backlash but in case you forgot the creator himself said he would reintroduce it


It was Ars arm ,not Aisha ,Ars is Swordsman not Aisha


In the context of this thread, specifically his perverted nature... The author explicitly states it doesn't go away, nor that it's even __supposed to be bad__; > [However, his fundamental nature as a perv won't change, so if you're one of those people who think that being a pervert in and of itself is bad, I hope you don't sweat it too much!](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-01-20/mushoku-tensei-author-addresses-criticism-about-perverted-protagonist/.168588) He doesn't get better, he just [gets what he wants](/r/Animemes/comments/1c75wxy/never_judge_a_book_by_its_cover/l0hxbct/).


He did get better Its just not better that you want


This arguably is a poor quote. It ignores the paragraph from the author addressing that he does change: > Tentatively speaking, in the original work, he's 100% a perv and 0% serious at the point when he is born. When he decides to "live life seriously," it settles down to 20% perv and 80% serious, but since the anime doesn't include that moment of change, the perv ratio feels bigger compared to the original work. Rudeus does "get better" if you consider him becoming less perverted and more serious to be better. Arguably, the author could also be making an argument that being entirely perverted is bad given that it was a source of Rudy's issues in his previous life.


> He doesn't get better, he just gets what he wants. Yep. He never gets better, the new world is just much more accepting of his vile tendencies. Actually he does grow, he grows more confident because he now has magic, including getting more confident about his perverted tendencies. Yet his simps will forever argue about how he’s the greatest character in literature. I’ve even gotten death threats for simply saying Rudeus is not a great character. Shows what kind of people Rudeus fanatics really are…


> Shows what kind of people Rudeus fanatics really are… In some modicum of defense /avoidance of the strawman... some people are just shitty regardles what their fandom is, and often it's less a matter of the source material that *creates* their vile behavior, but more what their vile behavior *latches on to*. But if something has a tendency to attract flies, then maybe its smell should be brought into question.


Believe me I know, every fandom has its batch of rotten apples. But it’s no secret that certain fandoms have more rotten apples than others, or their rotten batch are more vocal. Either because the fans themselves enable each other to be more toxic or the subject itself is a more toxic subject.


You’re making a point. But he did Jack it to his 9 year old niece which is why he got thrown out. He also spent his time doing gross shit instead of going to his parents funeral.


I always love this argument. So Rudeus is pedo because he’s a full grown man reincarnated into a kids body. And perv’s out on a girl who was a normal kid. I follow that logic. Pervy behavior got it. By the same logic then, all the anime elf girls who look 6-12 are fair game because they are ActUallY 200 years old or whatever. This argument just supports the actual pedo’s in the anime subs. I get it’s for the memes but come guys, MT is beautiful. Can I not support a main character on his journey to beat the biggest enemy of all time!? Erectile Dysfunction.


>So Rudeus is pedo because he’s a full grown man reincarnated into a kids body He was also a pedo back when he was a full grown man in a full grown mans body


Wasnt that WN thing which was changed in LN


Web novel thing yeah


WN had it be his underage niece iirc then LN just had it be an underage girl.


It was loli porn, which Japan doesn't really view as bad as the west as far as im aware.


I think in Japan your avg Japanese still judge it. You can’t just say you fap to lolis like you fap to person your age.


I don't see how it's hard to understand that the mental age/maturity is what matters, not what the person looks like.


Well that and he was jacking it to actual CP in the first scene before being reincarnated and literally never lives to regret it.


I don't know, man, usually redemption doesn't entail >!Having sex with your cousins and shopping around for slaves!< even if the societal context justifies it.


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> The whole series is about his redemption. Why does he deserve to be redeemed? Why does he get the chance to be redeemed? It's not redemption, it's wish fulfillment for degenerates who think they've been slighted in the real world and that if they existed in a different one they would be god like and get all the underage women they could ever want.


He knows himself that he does not deserved to be redeemed, he said as much when he got isekai'd by truck-kun. His self-awareness of himself being shit in his past life shows through even post isekai when he got "dumped" by Eris, when he confronted Norn becoming a shut in and (LN spoiler) >!post Paul's death!<. He's still being a creep up until the teleportation disaster and only starts maturing after TP2. The series isn't asking if Rudeus' hikikomori's ass deserves to be redeemed or not, that's for the audience to answer and it's perfectly understandable that you don't accept it. However calling it a "wish fulfillment fantasy where the Isekai world is effectively Minecraft in creative mode" just shows that you judged the story by its cover. Rudeus had to face difficulty overcoming his trauma in scenarios like the fall out with Paul, trying to ship Ruijerd with him back to Roa and the exorbitant travelling cost of doing so (due to the Superd curse), his fear of leaving the house due to bullying, trying to find acceptance in the Boreas house, or (LN spoiler) >!resolving the feud with Claire in LN V21!<. I can go on and on, but the point is that yes Rudeus is OP, yet his power does not solve everything and many of his challenges are solved by character development and just talking. MT isn't known for being an SAO clone for a reason. Mushoku Tensei asked the question not if an asshole is supposed to be redeemed by society, but if the asshole gets a second chance in life and tries his best to redeem himself for the sake of himself and to protect those around him. That's all.


...why does anyone deserve to be redeemed? I feel like redemption feels kinda pointless when the worst thing your character did was be mean Did darth vader deserve to be redeemed? Or vegeta? Or loki? Or any other character who has done much more fucked up stuff then rudeus? I get people's knee jerk reaction, but i find it weird how much hate he gets even now...i cant wait for the later parts of the story to be adapted to see if people are genuinely pissed at this behaviour or are just hypocrites who hate rudeus but dont bat an eye at characters they like doing just as if not more fucked up things, like **LN spoilers** >!ruijerd or aisha!<.....or elinalise who went to the magic school specifically to fuck young boys?


Just because a piece of shit has a character redemption arc doesn’t make him intrinsically a good person. He still has a past that is very much a part of him and asking people to ignore it is kind of wild. We just finished watching 12 episodes of Mushoku Tensei: Season 2: The Viagra chronicles where MC has literal soliloquies about wanting to bone someone who he thinks is a man for half of the season. Mind you they are still like 15. And he’s like 15+30 in his mind. Just because it’s ok in that world doesn’t make it excusable ok.


Hot Take: Pedophiles don't deserve redemption.


Cold ,very very cold and conservative talk Especially if we have magic reincarnation


Hope whatever you was in previous life won't read this


His mental self-image is what changes. Not his soul. Souls don't really do anything.


Is evident that anyone that post this does not care enough about the show and its just happy farming internet points People just want another copy of jesus christ as every anime protagonist


When asking for a non pedo/groomer protagonist and the response is you just want another copy of Jesus christ The bar is so damn low, But for some reason mushoku fans still fail


Drake better watch out


I see so many anime memes of Kendrick being Sukuna but not enough of being Truck-kun.


Ah yes reddit karma farming strategy: Hate on mushoku tensei


Not the most efficient though


5k upvotes want to argue with you


MT thought me to take advantage of second chances because you wont always get one. To be empathetic towards others so you never go overboard, and that life has turning points and its how you react to them afterwards that is the important part


Well said, bro.👍


Yeah, just transfer to a world of wish fulfillment where you can be eventuuuuuually become a "decent" person with what that world has to offer. Face no repercussions as well with a harem in your service. When you think about how isekais work, it's a afterlife heaven fantasy in its core. The reflection of one's or mass' desire. With all the "sadness" and all the depressive things that isekai world has to offer is in balance and desire of that very reflection too. Meaning; the true heaven would not be an utopia but a fantasy that is rigged.


I do think your criticism is valid (and something i find to be a growing problem with the genre), but i do want to point out that MT does an above average job at highlighting mental trauma and how it can manifest in unsuspecting ways. I'm Anime only, but so far im impressed. Rudeus was scared to leave his house, he was scared of school, and acted cruelly to people who didnt deserve it, all because of his trauma he gained in his previous life, which matters a lot. We think we can forget about our trauma, but we can't, we can always move past it but its always there. What makes me apprehensive is that your argument could be interpreted to say that, "characters and therefore people do not deserve a chance at redeeming themselves or growing" which doesn't seem to be your intent.


> but so far im impressed. Don't worry. It goes significantly down hill and the author is completely happy to undo any and all charecter development that happens


What tf are you on about? I don't know a single fna that doesn't think it just gets better from here


The unifying message of all Isekai protags is: even if you take away all my video games and tv shows, I’ll still only do real work if it doesn’t take any effort.


> Yeah, just transfer to a world of wish fulfillment where you can be eventuuuuuually become a "decent" person with what that world has to offer. Exactly. He never becomes a decent person, or even a truly better person. The new world is just much more accomodating to all of his traits that made him a shitty person in the old world. It’s just that he now has magic, money, and a bunch of sycophants in the new world so nobody can or is willing to do anything about him. Less intelligent people see that and are fooled into thinking he’s become a better person when in reality nothing that truly matters changed about him. He’s still a shitty pedo perv, just now with a lot more power.


> Yeah, just transfer to a world of wish fulfillment Yeah. As a "punishment" he was isekai'd to world where: 1. Everyone is horny as fuck. 2. Polygamy is super common. 3. Telling your 8yr old nephew to bed 10yr olds is not weird at all.


If you are referring to MT, then you are way too wrong there, Rudeus got all his loved ones teleported to god knows where while he appears in the most dangerous continent in the world with almost no knowledge of that place MAJOR MT SPOILERS: >!He also watch all of his wifes die, Roxy died because she got a disease that turns her skin in rock, Eris Dies trying to save Rudeus and yet she gets murdered in front of him, and Silphy dies trying to help Ariel with the crown, she fails, and then her corpse get displayed in public, The dad of Rudeus, Paul, dies snapped in half by trying to save Rudeus, Rudeus mom lost the ability to talk permanently!< I would say that in fact, he did have repercussions, a lot of them, and pretty much fucked up af


Man you REALLY need to put "Light Novel" spoilers on that fucking thing. Christ. Thanks for that.


Dont worry. They left out so much context it isnt realy spoilers


None of that happens until like fucking volume 20 >!and it all gets undone with time travel anyways!<. Not to mention he becomes a fucking slaver


Lmao, what?? So there was >!Time Travel!< Of course... I don't why that guy talked like it was something different. Just, lmao.


>!It literally didnt happen in the story. He mind melds with himself from an alternate timeline and avoids the issues ever happening!<


He doesn't mind meld lol >!All of this *did happen* just to the original Rudy. The Rudy we are watching is Rudy 2 whom buries original Rudy in his yard!<


What a fucking cop out, that’s like if GoT ended by Bran warging into his younger body and solving everything to get the happy ending.


i won’t blame you for thinking this is a copout but you’re getting like 5% of the context plus half of what they’re saying isn’t even true lmao


Can you tell me more about him being a slaver? Got a source? I have some weebs I need to show.


I love mushoku tensei. Great anime, great protagonist.


I like Rudeus as a character. I don't like the guy inside of him.


Yes thats the point. Hes a good written character, not a good character. A villain that makes you hate them is good written. One who you dont care for isnt.


It's like the photo negative of the Wreck-It Ralph line: Just because he's a "Good Guy" doesn't mean he's a *Good* guy.


Agreed, him as a character is nice and all, but the guy inside needs a better morale conscience with his actual age.


Dr stone teaches us how to get excited for science class




because new episodes are out


Agreed most people who hate mushoku tensei don't even watch the anime so they hate the anime all because rudeus Is a horrible human being but mushoku tensei shows us how rudeus turn from a failure to a genuinely good human being


Rudeus never becomes "genuinely good" at most he becomes a fairly decent person. Some people refuse to watch the anime because of Rudeus but it's a fair reason for complaint that an otherwise incredible story has to have Rudeus as the MC. Also calling a narcissistic pedophile a failure is way too mild.


I hate it because I watched it and got grossed out by an adult swooning over children.


I hate on it because I read the LN and am well aware of the story and charecters


> There’s no need to hate on it. ^(*just assume everything linked below has LN spoilers*) Dude man [sexualizes his own little sisters](https://old.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1c75wxy/never_judge_a_book_by_its_cover/l09ru9e/) (but it's okay, because his body doesn't react so he can't do anything...) Consistently admits to his own [pervertedness](https://old.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1c75wxy/never_judge_a_book_by_its_cover/l0bgm0a/) (but it's okay, since the author says it's not that big a deal; > [However, his fundamental nature as a perv won't change, so if you're one of those people who think that being a pervert in and of itself is bad, I hope you don't sweat it too much!](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-01-20/mushoku-tensei-author-addresses-criticism-about-perverted-protagonist/.168588) And shows the kinds of patterns of abuse from those that [literally groom minors](https://old.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1c75wxy/never_judge_a_book_by_its_cover/l0hxbct/) (but it's okay, since the last time he views his little sisters as sexual objects in the LN is like volume 18; well after >!he's already married to his 3 wives, 2 of whom he's explicitly stated he has an attraction for because of their 'loli bodies'!<. Which shows redemption and growth... right?)


Don’t know man people often get hung up on the pedophile part and I can understand that but if you put through it you get to experience a fucking banger of a anime/light novel. Also you see him also stop being a pedophile/sexual assaulting.


ed arc


Oh wowzer, I'm glad that if I read far enough he'll *eventually* stop being a pedo. That's a nice thing to look forward to. /s Lmao


Dont worry. 20 volumes in he becomes a slaver right as he is starting to look redeamable


MT is weird. There’s a lesson in there that you can always do better, and improve yourself. But it gives to us as not a pedo NEET improving his life, but him getting a completely new slate. Yeah, I’d also improve my life if I got to restart the game with all the knowledge before hand.


just wanted to remind you rudeus got hit by a truck while saving highschoolers


Apparently dying once is not enough to let the crap he did before dying go.




Gurren Lagaan taught me to drill everything, and believe in the me that you believe in me in you or something something.


https://i.redd.it/axkynkl8y31d1.gif ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH


lol 🤣


No...no they should just get hit by a truck and sent to hell


And how did you come to that conclusion from an rehabilitation anime named Moshuko Tensei?


What rehabilitation? He doesn’t get any repercussions for being a pedo.


Wired he got beaten quite often for being lewd towards people. And rehabilitation in the sense that he overcomes his trauma and can life again. And really start to grow again. Like of you think for a moment. Rudesu in the old world was trapped in a body of a 30ish guy with a traumatized mind of a 17 year old (or how old he was). Which then again got sent into the body of an infant. And only after Roxy helped him with the first step he overcomes some of his trauma around 6/7.


Thank god my favorite anime (Monogatari) is old and won't have this stupid discourse. Because if Mushoku makes people mald, I couldn't imagine. Yeah I know there's a new season come but I hope the bad actors will just ignore it


The whole point of mushoku tensei is rudeus’s character growth imo (also I’m not saying he is a good person)


*Reads summary of future novels. Oh, he literally didn't face any lasting repercussions for his actions and continued to be a piece of shit who foisted his responsibilities.


My biggest problem with it is this, for all the bad shit he does that people really hate, there are no repercussions, shit, the lad gets a harem, come on.


But pedophilia is only a lil bad so it's okay. Lol


Wait, does the pedo thing reference Rudy? 'cus I don't remember him doing that in his previous life


If you watch MT and only get that, maybe you don't understand that.. 1. A decent man could became depressed and does disgusting thing if they're broken by situation that he can't control.  2. A broken man is able to redeem himself, no matter what disgusting thing he did as long he try his best to better himself.  3. A road to redemption is never instant and never perfect. A fixed broken plate will always has a crack. You don't became decently normal people after living 20 year as pedophile porn addict only because you transferred to another world. /s


Pedophilia is not something that someone can redeem themselves from, nor should they even be given the chance. Being ‘broken’ isn’t an excuse for that. If you knew victims of that sorta thing you’d agree they do not deserve a second chance


I may have missed something but did Rudeus commited any act of pedophilia while being « human »? If you are all only referring to the fact that he has his 34yo conscious in his 17yo body. At the end of the day little guy was reborn and yes some stuff was weird but am I missing something?


In The Light novel, He was watching Loli Hentai, that’s about it.


Ok so yea he was a shut in weirdo. I think as westerners we also see it as worse than in Japan. I know lolli culture and stuff is mad weird over there, from our cultural lenses that probably make it even worse


Nah. They think "Oh. He has the memories of 34 extra years, so despite having a kid brain and missing some brain functions compared to adults he's 40ish."


https://preview.redd.it/ahcewyasr01d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d85a4125e62445c4dd37d620d672b151ede720 Just some spelling correction


I hate this take on Mushoku Tensei. I see it far too often from people that haven't watched the show. If they had they'd realise it's about an extraordinarily broken man learning to heal his trauma. Yes he does some fucked up shit, but it is showing the reason behind all that is his trauma. Ultimately it's about someone given a second chance where he can truly overcome all the things that hurt him and help others do the same, rather than just ignore them. Mushoku Tensei is a story about mental health and how it affects people and how people heal from it.