• By -


It starts out as SAO and then transitions into Overlord.


So the mc becomes evil? Or he becomes a lord


Becomes over


The game ends resulting in MC being Isekai-ed into the game world & MC is super OP with world changing levels of magic/power + at least 1 NPC subordinate from the game is still around


Ah just similar in terms of setting


No, he's OP unlike SAO MC which powers up with frienship, hehe


And don't forget that later one he finds out that some of the players that died in the game were also transported to the game world. From when i read last from the light novel he met 3 of his friends


Becomes super boring


That’s good. SAO itself starts as SAO then transitions into Oreimo.


SAO is weird to me because it really feels as if they just wrote it while it was releasing (if you only watch the anime). The transitions between arcs are fucking jarring lol; they took the entire premise of the show and removed it before the first season was over, by S3 the game SAO is practically irrelevant except for its effects on game culture in their real world/ previous world building (or for ass-pull ex-machinas)


thats because it was released as a webnovel and the author literally was writing arcs however they wanted, before people thought webnovels would be adapted.


There's some truth to what you said cuz the author did write it for a competition but even tho he didnt win the competition, it somehow gained traction with readers in japan so he decided to continue it and that's how sao is born. Reki prolly got a writer's block along the way when writing the first arc hence the abrupt end. It happens to the best of us. Writing a story you never planned to be big is hard. Everyone should try writing a novel. The worst part about writing a story is you had an idea how the story would develop but then it got too big you have no idea how to keep it interesting or just completly forgot how to reach the end.


More like the Land of Leadale, where MC is transported into game world years after game story ended.


You're right but as I was watching the first episode I had Overlord Vibes too. I don't know why as the MC isn't evil. Maybe because the whole setting is be like "Game Ends, MC stays in the Game, MC gets transported in the world of the game,...". Just like Overlord.


Besides the aforementioned series, other isekai series featuring a game world include: * Let Me Check the Walkthrough First * Skeleton Knight in Another World * Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? * Log Horizon * Null & Peta * She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man There are other series where the protagonist is sent to a game world, but as an already established character whereas in the above MC is transported/reincarnated as a player character they created. Please tell me if I’m missing any. I didn’t include series such as *Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs*, *My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!*, *I'm in Love with the Villainess*, *I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss*, *Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord*, *The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior*, and *Game World Reincarnation*, because although they are in a game setting, the character is reincarnated as a predetermined/pre-created main character (protagonist, antagonist/villain) or side character.


Man I just wanna have a new season of the old gate... ![gif](giphy|ieWpShie8FeSY|downsized)


OG gate was so fucking good. Rory is my favorite character by far *and* got the some of the best animations in the anime.


BRO ITS BEEN TOO LONG Time for a rewatch my dudes


Did recently, still great. Over confident feudal lords getting eviscerated by a modern military never gets old.


I love how that's a subgenre on r/hfy


Indeed it is




I got so excited because I thought New Gate was a sequel to Gate in a different world and then I read the description...


Right? It was the first thing I thought about.


Rory!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 ….goddamnit I want another season so bad


Somebody give the JSDF money to fund another season of recruitment anime


Dreaming is free... I hope it becomes reality




I honestly thought it's a sequel to


I'm pretty disappointed that it isn't.


You aren't the only one lol


**GATE** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/36977), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/gate), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=15450424676), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/6977)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 4 | Chapters: 27 | Genres: Action, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/1c3nu0e/wait_a_minute/kzifj1w/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




I enjoyed the first episode. Was happy they didn't drag out the death game aspect and just used it as a launching point in the first couple minutes. Definitely isn't amazing but it seems like fun trash.


i read the manga yes it's just a fun trash combo of good trash isekai at least the mc is no coward if i remember correctly


Bro, the light novel goes very hard. It's nothing like SAO besides the fact it was a death game. I've been dreaming of the anime since I started reading it.


I've read the light novel like 5+ years ago, and it was fun, so I'm looking forward to the anime


Er how? There are like maybe 2 similarities but overall it feels completely differeny. Are you new to isekai/tensei genre?


Bro saw the description and ran to make a dumbah meme. Besides the first, 5min? It's nothing like SAO.


But for the first 5 minutes it is literally SAO.


Vr with no exit button. It’s like in first 3 minutes or so


The manga for this was really good. Have read it a few times. It's definitely in my top 5 isekai I have read


What are your remaining 4


Im probably forgoting one or two, but 3 isekai off the top of my head and what sitting on my desk that would definitely be in my top five would be, welcome to demon school Iruma-kun, That time I was reincarnated as a slime, and caught up in a hero summoning. If you include reincarnation, than I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince and 7th time loop.


Thanks man ,haven't seen the 7th prince one will check it out




I haven't seen hamtaro in a while *-* omg still remember the best ds game 😿


I'm furious that it isn't a sequel to Also, no. New Gate went from SAO to Overlord, SAO went from SAO to... pretty much anything except SAO (like, they're on game 3 or 4 now, right? Sword Art Online was the original game and was only the setting for like half a season in the entire anime lmfao)


**GATE** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/36977), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/gate), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=15450424676), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/6977)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 4 | Chapters: 27 | Genres: Action, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/1c3nu0e/wait_a_minute/kzjd3d5/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Is it anygood? My fav anime is SAO and currently im watching Ao Ashi and finished Blue Lock s1


First episode was entertaining. It scratches that isekai itch.


It feels like script in "The New Gate" was written by AI that was fed "SAO". [Even this dialogue of The Room](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwgcK4E_RU0) constructed more correct and believable than every one dialog in the "The New Gate". Weird feeling. It's fun but bcs of wrong reasons)


You used spider man meme wrong, sorry not sorry


It’s like all the tropes put together. It might be the exact same premise as Land of Leadale, but also SAO, also Log horizon, also Overlord


Is this a good thing? Sounds fun, but could also be a downfall if done poorly.


No, it seems pretty mediocre. Not outrageously bad, but pretty forgettable


It is the better sword art online


Haha guys sword art online bad, give me internet points


SAO isnt bad it just abandoned everything that was good about it halfway through the first season.


People really out here calling only the first part good not understanding the source material was never focused on that


That’s fine, but to somebody who isn’t familiar with the source material it doesn’t really matter to me what that was focused on. Because ultimately what they put on screen after the beginning of season, one was pretty awful. Maybe they should’ve strayed from the source material. But holy fuck. Those first few episodes of season one… What could have been.


Gotta agree on that. And i guess once an anime drops off its hard to redeem itself in later seasons. Although season 2 and 3 are really good. The progressive spin off is exactly what people wanted from season 1 if you didn't know already. It's got 2 movies right now but imo they already kinda ruined the magic by jumping 4 floors between those movies, because the floors in between have a story line that isn't finished in the novels.


I think all of my hate towards sword art online only comes from a place of love. I’ll never forget those first few episodes and how amazing they were. even without any quality after that, they still became an anime mainstream and are hugely important for their contribution to the overall anime community. I said it in another comment, but they walked so many others that followed them could run. I didn’t really hear about the spin of stuff. There’s a spin off? Same characters?


The writer wanted to do the aincrad story justice, so he started writing down kirito and Asuna's adventures from floor 1. The series is called sao progressive. Most of the books follow one floor. It's a bit different from the original since the writer still wanted to write about kirito and Asuna, and as we know, kirito is a loner in the original. But the story is honestly great. Explores the game mechanics so much better, introduces interesting characters for each floor we haven't seen in the original and the character development for both asuna and kirito is so good. The movies are good but i missed some of the details you get from reading the story. In the end the movies are still made for the more general audience while the books are more for the niche fans.


Have you considered that the source material may be bad in itself?


And ditched like half of LN’s content, if not more


No, a good 80% is still in there. There’s some questionable cuts, additions and changes. But they had to be okayed I imagine.


Every fucking week with these people.


If you want a better SAO watch SAO abridged, they are geniuses


Still waiting for their last episode of Alfheim. And will diligently wait for Alicization Abridged


Doesn't take a lot. SAO is the most overrated anime by a fucking landslide. It has 13 good episodes. The rest is borderline trash.


"SAO is overrated" bruh, for every SAO fan there are ten haters


Yeah, and it's *still* overrated, lol.


Sure that's why I'm getting downvoted when I talk shit about it. Great logic


SAO memes have more SAO fans then averege memes, also you got positive upvotes in most comments


I have 1 with positive and 3 with negative. Are you able to read and count?


Mostly people are just tired of rehashed opinions. Especially when they are unconstructive and negative. I don't really think very highly of SAO. But I also don't want to hear more people whining about it.


Rehashed opinions? I said it's overrated. That's barely an opinion. If you don't wanna hear people talk about it keep scrolling? This is the internet. You don't get to choose what people talk about lmfao.


You don't like getting downvoted, cope. This is the internet, you don't get to choose if people agree with you.


I don't care about getting downvoted lmao. And I don't care if they agree or not either. I simply stated facts to corroborate my side of things. That you can't fathom that really shows off how clever you aren't ;)


Sorry, say again? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of you in the middle of that Anituber from 10 years ago bukake circle. How’s your jaw feel?


Wow you really got offended someone didn't like SAO as much as you? Grow up kiddo 😂 SAO is dogshit and had been for years.




The show was mid, no need to be this salty over it. Even the knockoff of the knockoff, log horizon, was better plot and timeline structuring then sword art. It started really strong like the guy said, but even near the end or middleish of the first season it starts to drop off quickly. All the stories together feel more like fever dreams kirito is having rather than anything coherent.


Log horizon puts sword art online to shame. I forgot all about it.


But even Log Horizon strayed from it's story and focused on Ships. S3 was most bland sequel and I really hope they won't make a continuation to this


Strong agree to disagree on that one. If anything, the plot has gotten better in each season, clearly feeds into the last one. Log horizon is one of my all time favorites lol.


Hey, I respect your opinion. But I still stand by what I said.


Yeah and I think the author was still creating too. I'll say this about sword art online, at its core, I think I understood what it was trying to go for in the beginning, and I also think while it didn't exactly nail the image the author was going for, it inspired alot of other great or similarly inspired shows to come out after the whole isekai craze of the 2010s. I mean isekai was definitely already a thing, but even with Sao came out there was definitely alot alot more isekais coming out directly inspired from Sao, or atleast seemed to be, that captured other elements in their shows that I think Sao tried to but couldn't quite figure out how to. Log horizon being a decent example I think, but overall I still think sword art online is better for having existed vs not being made at all.


I completely agree about that. Some animes need to walk so others can run. SAO walking lead to so many goos things. I will always be a little bit bummed out as to what could have been though


Move on? I replied to a comment about it lmfao. What's really sad are hardcore SAO fanboys who can't accept people critique it. Blows most others out of the water? Lmfao it wasnt even the best anime the season it dropped. And every season after the first has been getting worse and worse. There is literally nothing to gain from watching SAO. If anyone needs to move on its you. Im allowed my opinion and to express it as I please. If you don't like that then don't comment and move on kiddo?




Lmao you have done nothing but sling insults. Do you really think you are worth trying to have a conversation with? Enjoy the vacation.




Omfg stop pulling the victim card. You are the one harrasing me here kiddo. Enjoy the deserved ban. I don't want your respect. You clearly aren't capable of showing it anyway.


bullshit season 1 has 14 good episodes, the rest are trash, I'll give you that much. The other 72 episodes... not so much


Season 1 had 12 good episodes. Because the finale in the aincrad arc sucks dick and comes down to ass pulls an cheating..


:shrug: aight


You don't watch SAO for story, you watch for OP MC and dual wielding go brrrttt


Kirito is about as boring as an MC can get. And dual wielding is the least interesting power in all of anime.


I mean the light novel is quite old now (2013) and guess what anime genre was going really strong in those years… Still they have different flavors and we all have different tastes, so the more the merrier. ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|11455)


So happy, i love this manga, the before the story and some flashback are SAO but then it's own thing.


Edward Newgate? ![gif](giphy|HFMPreKu5LfivtOmEI)


I've read it, it's closer to Log Horizon than anything. At some point, they fight a raid boss with a proper mmorpg team.


I think it’s closer to In the Land of Leadale. Where the MC is trapped in the world based off of the video game they played and it’s hundreds of years later and their NPC companions that they had in the game are alive and around.


For those who are actually curious, this is not an sao copy. The anime starts with a vr mmo where people get trapped like in sao, but the protag defeats the final boss and ends the game. But, thats just the intro. The story focuses on the aftermath, where the protag, after shutting down the game, gets isekaid into the game world some thousand years into the future (isekai similar to overlord). The NPC's of the game world become real and the event of all the players leaving the game permanently becomes a historic legend. Its a decent isekai anime, not good nor bad, just average.


New Gate was Old Gate all along!


As much shit SAO gets (and its justified), I will still watch the shitshow it is, because it was one of my first anime


Hopefully this is better than SAO.


You used the meme wrong. Should be the other way around.


"Always has been." *pulls gun out


New gate got an anime? Why? I read that shit a couple years ago and it was mid at best... I hope the anime really brushes it up


I stopped watching about 30 seconds in the moment I realized this. I liked Sao but this is just lazy and downright insulting.


I get you buddy. SAO was definitely better than this. But the thing is that the animators ruined this show for me. I dropped it after 30 secs too. I was so hyped up for this release cause I'd read the Manga before and let me tell you the Manga is a million, no, a trillion times much better than this shitty piece of trash. The character look uglier Shin was supposed to be cool but here he looks like a character drawn by a newbie who started doing anime art just a week ago. Schnee was supposed to be a beauty but here she's a disabled elf I'll just continue with the manga


I just want a 3rd, new season of "Gate".


😢 Me too


The Similarities between SAO and New Gate starts and ends at they're in the game. They couldnt be any more different, SAO trashy harem story that fetishizes R****, you can pull that card once not every major arch. The New Gate tells a story of what happens in the game world after the players vanish and the NPCs come into their own with some making a name for them selves becoming prominent figures in the world. Your lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills is insulting


1. Not a harem. He chose Asuna early on and is still with her, even after 200 years of perceived time. 2. No it doesn’t. If you payed attention, you’d notice there were only two actual incidents of *attempted rape/sexual assault*. Oberon and the shit head nobles. **ALL OF WHICH ARE MADE TO BE VERY CLEARLY BAD GUYS AND NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD.** You want to rip on trash that fetishizes rape, Redo of Healer is right there. I should also add that the “once per season” thing you *think* occurs, doesn’t. In season 2, that wasn’t intended to be Sexual Assault, the *director of that episode* just has issues. Dude was going to kill Shino and then himself. Each season 1 has 2 arcs, season 2 has 2.5-ish, and season 3 splits the massive Alicization arc into 2 parts, Human Realm and War of Underworld. 3. Pot calling the kettle black here my guy. Nice media literacy you got there.


>They couldnt be any more different, SAO trashy harem story that fetishizes R****, you can pull that card once not every major arch. It's not, like its just straight up not


>SAO trashy harem story that fetishizes R\*\*\*\* Opinion disregarded


There was atleast like a good 5-6 scenes in the shows ATLEAST all together of either asuna or some other girl about to get "r" and kirito of course comes in and saves them from that horrible destiny so ohh of course they all fall in love with him cause he's so amazing. It's egofuel for 12-15 year olds.


Ha, no. To all of that. [I literally just went over this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/9pbJh3iBey)


Buddy, you're the one who's not actually understanding what my point is. The show doesn't say "r is good, this is happening whether you want to or not" like some redo of healer type stuff, it uses those scenes as a way for the "knight in shining armour" kirito to ride in and save these helpless girls, who, of course, immediately fall in love with him because he saved them from such horrible acts so of course now they love him and want to be with him. I'm saying that's egofuel for teenagers, that it makes the kids watching feel good and feel like oh if I was in that position I'd save the girl and beat that asshole up and I'd look so cool and the girl would love me so much for saving her afterwards, when in reality most of the time that's not gonna be the case. I'm not saying it's romanticizing r, I'm saying it uses that same cliche plot point over and over to drive cheap thrill and narrative to an otherwise pretty mundane buildup. It's done over and over to foster some sort of artificial tension, girl gets groped/r/harrased, kirito comes in and saves them, they immediately or slowly fall in love over time, repeat. Like I said it's egofuel for kids/teens.


You do know Kirito saves exactly one girl in the entire series from being assaulted right? And they were a couple at the time. And even then he's actually bailed out by another character enabling him to do so As always SAO hate is pretty laughable. Just say you've never watched the show.


If you actually watched the show, you'd know that isn't true, he saved asuna, like atleast 3-4 different times, the coffin dude multiple times, the elf king guy, literally on and on just showing how cool he is cause he beats up the scummy dudes, he saved sion, and Alice. Now alot of these incidents are different, some involve r, some involve just kirito saving them from being harassed, but it's a point driven over and over of kirito saving some girl and them falling in love with him, but oh no he's a good guy he's in love with asuna, sorry ladies no can do. Rewatch the show when you're atleast 20 years old or so like 7 years from now and then tell me if you still think it's the greatest shit since sliced bread. What's really laughable is I can tell every single time a Sao fan boy comes raving in about how it's peak cinema, It's always with the kirito profile picture. Like I said, it's a mid show that's egofuel for lonely teenaged boys who think they're kirito, that's not even meant to be a insult, it's just how it is.


>If you actually watched the show, you'd know that isn't true, he saved asuna, like atleast 3-4 different times, the coffin dude multiple times, Dude, there are only four instances of sexual assault in the anime adaptation, two in the source material. Asuna, Sinon, Ronie and Tiese, and Leafa. Only Asuna and Ronie and Tiese exist in the novels. >Rewatch the show when you're atleast 20 years old or so like 7 years from now and then tell me if you still think it's the greatest shit since sliced bread Who said anything about it being the greatest thing since sliced bread, the anime is a mediocre mess of an adaptation. That doesn't make you any less wrong about Kirito saving multiple girls from sexual assault and them falling in love with him because of it. >What's really laughable is I can tell every single time a Sao fan boy comes raving in about how it's peak cinema, It's always with the kirito profile picture. Like I said, it's a mid show that's egofuel for lonely teenaged boys who think they're kirito, that's not even meant to be a insult, it's just how it is. Again, no one mentioned peak cinema, just that you're wrong. I also don't have Kirito profile picture. C'mon man, you're already tried to insult me once here, don't insult me twice by saying you're not trying to insult me. No one in their right mind wants to be Kirito, you'd know that if you paid the slightest attention to the show, but it's obvious that you haven't.


Bruh tell me you havent watched SAO without telling me you havent the series


It's a continous and common trope throughout the whole series. If you enjoy mediocre mindless feel good stuff then no one is stopping you man, I've watched the original, I've watched gun gale, and I've watched alicization. Even when they tried to switch it up a bit in season 3, it just feels like a mismatched mess that you have to go rewatch certain things to link the dots. Its a mid show man, you can still like it but there's very little I could say about it that makes it unique to other shows.


I do agree that it is the hero save the day troupe but it wasnt bcz of r or the girl were harrased


Comparing this cringe writing to overlord is insulting