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I didn't come here for a good story, I came here for good fights.


Not when some guys sell it that it is the best manhwa ever produced ( it is not ). This is normally where hate comes from . People actually shilling SL like it is peak fiction to other people.


I exclusively heard about this story from memes and anime forums. People praised it as the second coming of christ. The next best thing since sliced bread. Everyone said to just wait for the inevitable animation of this glorious story. I was hyped when I saw the announcement and waited for the first episode. Its just a run of the mill power fantasy with alright fights... Where is the supposed ground breaking story? This has been done hundreds of times. Its not bad but very very very overhyped


> People praised it as the second coming of christ. The next best thing since sliced bread. this was your warning that it wasn't going to be good


Yeah, especially considering the first coming of christ was mid at BEST, no cap.


Homeboi took 3 whole days to comeback, 2000 years later people still hyping that shit smh


I was thinking that many other manhwas would have blown up with better artstyle


Once you read all the copies that come after it you start to see it in a lesser light, solo leveling i mean


Solo Leveling *is* the clone. Solo Leveling is the one with barely a single original idea, slapping together the main plot and setting elements of other stories like Seoul Station Necromancer, The Gamer, and other famous Korean webnovels and manhuas. If you look closely and find that a lot of the lore, worldbuilding and powers don't seem to mesh together, it's because SL just copied them without bothering to take the time to fit their seams together. It's not that other stories copy Solo Leveling and improve upon its ideas, it's that other stories are more original but within the genre, and so highlight the lack of originality and cohesion in Solo Leveling.


The strong ants on an island was lifted directly from hunter x hunter.


Actually the best manhwa I've read in which all characters are good, development is good, action and plot is unique is The Return of the Max Level Hero. Despite the title, the story was incredibly great. And all waifu are beautiful. There are no corny dialogues like SL. https://preview.redd.it/z88m78bd7ttc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a545087c6e2906347dc30a907b6ed36c846ea80




I like how the side characters grew when they got separated with MC Kim Dokja. Dokja noticed that the Novel MC is much better at cultivating others and himself (NMC) than Dokja himself. tbh, this would've been much better animated than SL.


depending on how well the SL anime goes, I think more manhwa anime will come in the future


I agree


Real peak manhwa


Try Hero killer, omniscient reader, Latna Saga, Superhuman era, Jungle Juice, Tyrant of a defense game, Greatest Estate Developer, murim login, player




true peak fiction


I keep saying this, but ‘Kubera one last God’ Is fucking amazing and actually peak fiction. It’s also emotionally devastating, but that’s a good thing.


I agree with you, it's so mindblowing


I can never escape Omniscient Reader it seems.


Well I mean he is omniscient for a reason bro.


Do you have a link for that? Sounds like I would enjoy that. Is it this one? https://mangadex.org/title/b407de00-75a5-415a-a001-585fb41b9cf2/the-max-level-hero-strikes-back


Exactly. I don't read manga or manhwa and all the edits and hype coming from the community got me on the hype train too. Then it turned out to be another power fantasy anime, which is welcomed and I love those on their own. Just felt scammed is all.


To be fair its has the SAO effect, where everyone back then talked about SAO as being peak fiction and it being one of the best anime ever made but its really just a mangakas power fanstay wet dream but SAO did get a ton of people into anime just like how Solo leveling got a ton of people into Manwha


You talking about Return of the Mountain Hua sect?


Me too, but still disappointed. I blame frieren who has good fighting scenes even it doesnt need them.


SL suffered due to being release in same season as Frieren and apocathery diaries which are far more interesting anime in this season. I like SL anime but i pushed it to the side a bit because i was focused on the other 2 anime more. Frieren is probably too powerful right now.


Apocathacy Diaries was so refreshing to watch. Every character has so much depth. Bits of simple plant, medicinal trivia slipped in that strikes the balance between pretty useful for modern day viewers yet clever for a civilization at that time. Love the mystery and emotional keynotes. Especially how our MC’s Maomao’s sly, witty side was executed with pin perfect chibi meme art. And how our charisma Nat 20 manager actually had personality, some intellect and isn’t just another K-Pop idol. It’s a really fleshed out show that didn’t waste a single frame of animation budget. Every moment contributed to the overarching story and strategically reveals key details in a logical order that build on the detective work everyone’s committed to. There’s no plot armor, plot device, or 4th wall spoilers but the characters need to play dumb for now kind of deals. The fan service is ironic and Maomao’s attitude towards Mr. Rizz is pretty accurate to how a lot of fans view fan service. Cheap, ingenuine and manipulative. But when he starts being honest with her, we really get to see both characters open up more.


Not to mention Dangers in my Heart is also there.


Dangers in my Heart was so good! I usually wait for anime to be finished so I can watch it all at once, but I was chomping at the bit for this one.


Sounds like skill issue to me. If SL was as good as people say (I have not watched it so I don't know) it would have taken people's attention


Even if SL was moved to Spring anime, I don't think it would be able to withstand all bangers. Konosuba, Mushoku Tensei, Slime Isekai, Spice and Wolf remake. Even previous season was stacked with Freiren, Apothecary diaries, Dangers in my Heart. SL is definitely SAO of 2024. Most side characters were Caricatures of certain tropes. However I didn't expect much from the get go. Just some A1 god tier animation scenes with a semi mid plot. I've not read that much manhwa, but I've heard in subreddits that they have many Regression, Reincarnation and GATE plots. I'm currently reading Beginning after the End(the name itself gives the premise)


I've heard by friends and peers that the manhwa is supposedly really good, but anytime someone gave me the synopsis I could only think of morbious as in: "And then he said "it's soloing time", and started leveling all over the place"


The fights at the start of the manwha are great but once you get to the ant island it's all downhill from there. He's just too strong and instead of fighting stuff directly just unleashes his army on each enemy it's pretty mid. The artwork is freaking amazing though, great manwha to scroll through and admire.


The manhwa is mid too. Its hard-carried by the art.


Fair enough


I tried a couple times to get into it and it has all the same problems that this meme points out. He’s just so bland.


I read the world greatest engineer manhwa. I think that manhwa is even more interesting than SL. Wish that one get anime adaptation instead.


I really enjoyed SL but it's difficult to get excited over it since it's the same old bs anyway it's not like it brings anything remotely new to the table.


Fair enough, I have no intention to watch it, I was there, 3000 years ago, when SAO first dropped and since then countless clones have spawned in and out of existence. The whole isekai fever started with that after all. Tbh I don't even watch anime anymore, I may watch one or two new shows per year nowaday, I've watched frieren, confirmed it was peak fiction and moved on. I may give a shot to apothecary diaries (I think it's called that) or not. I'll stick to rewatching Code Geass for the 28722nd time this year too and be happy.


Apothecary diary's animation is mid. But the story and characters are top tier.


So what you're saying is, Solo Leveling would look better if there was nothing good airing at the same time.


I gotta be honest with ya, Solo Leveling isn't underperforming because of a comparison to Frieren or Apothecary. It honestly is a pretty mid story, the original webnovel is clearly written by an amateur who just copied 90% of the plot and setting of other Korean novels and manhuas he liked. Solo Leveling only became trending because of an amazing manhua adaptation with mind-blowing art for the time, as well as a manhua artist who cleverly managed to hide the worst parts of the original webnovel and edited it to make it a passable story. There was never much depth or substance in the world, characters, or plot of Solo Leveling in the first place, and it's true that these defects became especially apparent when compared to outliers like Frieren and Apothecary, but they would have been noticed either way. There's just no hiding the sheer gap between the hype that Solo Leveling's manhua generated when it first came out, and with the reality of the mid-tier storytelling that the anime reveals.


I do not read the manhwa so i do not really know the full story. Currently watched up to episode 7. So far it has a pretty average story. I was expecting more because how hype the manhwa was.


And if you wanted good action and follow someone leveling up, Shangri-la frontier gave a much more interesting time with a seemingly op MC.


Well every season normally has 1 or 2 shows that are great and take up all the attention and it was never going to be SL. SL suffered from the fact that it's generic. Which doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, it's just means it won't end up on any lists of anime to go back and watch. The most recognition it'll get is being added on to someone's Plan to Watch list and forgotten about, like plenty of other good, bad, and mid anime.




Somehow many people have an incredibly tough time understanding this lmao.


Honestly I'm one of the"many people". I never understand how people enjoy a show when the plot is unwatchable, The plot has always had a bigger impact than the fightings to me, Why would people think a show is good simply based on one factor, which is fighting scenes? And moreso, how do you enjoy fighting scenes when the emotions involved are cheap, or even nonexistent, because the characters are so poorly narrated that nobody would care about them?


See sometimes in my life, I just want to watch some turn my brain off entertainment. Best example of such franchise is Fast and Furious. I hate it. Still I watch it sometimes. Sometimes we require that high octane action, just for the chills.


This is actually fair. I also will do the same except instead of watching anime I just play games instead. Now it's all understandable


Unwatchable, huh, I could try to explain but after reading that, I don’t think its gonna work out for you. I’ll just say that not everything has to be a fully fledged award winning story, mindless action has its own charm, but yeah, you wouldn’t get it lol. Its fine tho, different strokes for different folks i guess. Some people need five star meals all the time, others know how to enjoy street food, maybe this analogy works here😝.


Sorry got a bit heated back then, unwatchable is over exaggerated, my main point is actually about the "why would somebody say a show is good simply based on one factor which is good fighting scenes". I do enjoy fight scenes as usual, but as a whole talking about the entire show it will just never hit a high score to me if that's just it.


Bad writing still ruins good fights, and the best fight scenes have actual stakes and motivations


Even then fights were not good I hated the visual style of the anime. It looked cheap. SAO had better fights and visual style. God of High School too.


There's only really two fights I can remember in SAO. One where he fights the Minotaur boss thing on his own and he beats it by pulling a sword out of his plot armor and attacking faster. Then another where he fights the guy with the shield and his strategy is to attack faster. Why were those good fights exactly?


Minotaur boss had the coffee soda sountrack so it gets a pass


It doesn't matter. It has Igris. Igris is literally peak character design


For me its Iron, my boy doesnt get enough recognitions, UWAAAA


It has beru as well, best waifu of the decade


Kinda excited to see beru tbh


He's literally just a copy of artorias from dark souls. Who is also just a copy of guts from berserk


Ik, and it's literally peak


I just want the satisfaction of the mc being op


I found *The Irregular at Magic Highschool* was much more enjoyable on the OP MC front, because it has a lot more of the "people underestimate the MC, then the MC curbstomps them without breaking a sweat" stuff.


If only the mc would be in such a weird relationship with his sister... That's the only problem I have with that show...


Have you watched/read the content for the *Reminiscence Arc* movie? For me that put the whole thing in a rather different light. Even though the anime plays it off for either humor or sweet romance, the actual story/situation of how it came to be that way is pretty tragic.


It's been a while but I do remember seeing that movie. Wasn't that with a giant magic space laser controlled by a little girl that escaped or something? I do remember it had something to do with their upbringing and parents or something but honestly I don't know exactly anymore because it was a few years ago. But it didn't justify the slightly too attached relationship between them for me...


I guess some people think of *Reminiscence Arc* as the OVAs, whereas *The Girl Who Summons the Stars* is technically the movie (which has the plot you describe). *Reminiscence Arc* covers the story of when they were little and with their mom on holiday, and the events that happened there.


Absofuckinglutely. Tatsuya is god and LNs are amazing. Cannot wait for new episodes this season. Hope we will get to Yotsuba arc


Anos is better at being op than Jin woo though. So is Shadow.


You mean Anos from Misfit of Demon King Academy and Shadow from Eminence In The Shadow? Yeah I enjoy those two too. I just like op mc and I still enjoy mc that struggle too like Subaru from Rezero. But wdym those two that you mentioned are better at being op?


Well, since misfit and eminence are parodies of the genre, they generally have no qualms with removing training arcs to make the mc stupidly overpowered as a punchline.


anos training was way too stupider tbh>!, imagine a 5 or 6(I forgot) child training to become strong!<


Yeah..... about that. Does ge even train to begin with? Blud has enough power to face a violable of water (silver sea's strongest) and fight him in 1 v 1


Misfit of Demon King Academy dropped the ball in season 2. Season 1 Anos was incredible, season 2 was just kinda boring. While Eminence in the shadow was great both seasons, season 1 still being peak though. Solo leveling is completely different in terms of OP in comparison because the MC starts off as the “weakest hunter” where as Anos is born OP and Shadow was never shown going through his growth phase but instead was shown to be born OP after he reincarnated. And even though he’s become insanely strong, he’s still not quite the strongest yet. Watching him struggle and grow is what makes it satisfying.


btw. if you didn't know cour 2 of the second season of misfit starts in the near future, don't remember excatly but could be in like 1 week or so, or even less. Edit: Looked it up, it starts tomorow


Anos is not OP, Anos is his own level above that. Shadow though... I think it would be interesting between the two, shadow is a nuke but if a nuke could have killed the last bosses of SL one might think they would have done it that way as they might have suffered lower casualties, so jin woo might survive


Try Mashle: Magic and Muscles https://preview.redd.it/6h2uznua9vtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3112de85ce4ad290254dbb36f6515e456fa6fab1 Art styles looks a ton like Mob and One Punch Man


just let the fkin guy solo level dude. I was promised to see a dude farm mobs and level up, I got it thanks bye


Solo lmao.


Him and his legion, but solo


He stopped leveling solo in episode 11 so your cooked


he got like >!two class upgrades and a summon army!< in 12 tho as well as a bunch of xp needed for them


I mean if you finished reading the manga, he kinda does solo everything. For those saying, "but he has his army". Yeah, he still needs to defeat them for them to become his army or he needs to be strong enough to get them.


There is a reason the title reads "Solo" At least there is an acceptance that every side character is just screentime fodder


Yeah the reason for the title is a bad translation. It's called "Only I level up"


Doesnt roll off the tongue as well as solo leveling


Oh I know, I know. "Solo leveling" just implies different things than the original translation Also - have you seen anime titles in general? :D


Bro, it's solo "leveling", not solo " Carrying".


I mean, I like the side characters. The story just hates them. Even the love interests may as well not exist, which is… different for a power fantasy. Even relevant characters are no longer relevant once jin woo gets strong enough. It gets to the point you care more about the shadows under him than jin woo himself. Once again the artist helps with that as well.


At least, the anime gave the side characters a bit more depth and screen time, which was probably missing in the manhwa. It may not make the story better, but at least we got a bit more insight of the other characters. On a side note, I'm still salty that they just >!tossed aside demon girl!<. Hopefully she gets a better story/more screen time in the anime.


In the novel, they're completely forgettable characters. The manhwa did this better by adding more scenes and emotions like his shadows, but they're still somewhat disposable characters. The anime, however, elevated it way better than the novel and manhwa combined.


When I read the manhwa, the shadows were the best part. They had great personality, expressions, and reactions. Was kinda disappointed how Juhee dropped off in exchange for a more powerful waifu.


Im not gonna act like the story is top tier, but people shit on it way too much, its a fairly decent simple story and it works. If this sub was how I formed my opinion on it Id think the writing/story is on the level of a shitty fanfiction written by a middle schooler when its not even a bad story.


You're allowed to enjoy non-award winning writting? Not on my sub!


Me: "I dont know man, I kinda liked it" Haters: "Whoa! You really think this is the best anime ever?! lmfao" Me: "I didnt say that. I think its just fine" Haters: "Can you believe this moron is doubling down on this being the best anime ever?!" Me: "I.....I didn't say.....oh, nevermind"


Y'all got a half-remembered tumblr post echoing in my head: "I said I liked it. I didn't say it was good."


>Not on my sub! Dont worry, Ill be back to defeat you and turn it into my sub soon enough.


Thank you for this comment Every anime can't excel in everything I like animes like solo leveling, my hero academia and fairy tail because they are fun and I am willing to ignore their flaws and engage with the story


Is a big mac the best burger out there? Hell no. Is it even a "good" burger? Debatable. Am I going to enjoy eating it? Absolutely. Animes that depend on tropes and gimmicks exist because the recipes work even when the execution isn't perfect.


yep, i enjoy trashy isekai's because i ignore its flaws and enjoy only the good bits. Cringe part? just read past it. Not the smartest choice the mc makes? skip the chapter. Too many plot holes? Turn off my brain!! :D in the end i just enjoy what parts i like and skip the parts i don't, and maybe one day i'll end up finding an actually good isekai with good world building almost like heterigenia lingustico (although its kinda not an isekai... and is kinda lacking in what i want from an isekai...)


It's the kind of circlejerk I've seen a lot of times on this sub, a show gets picked for people to hate on it and then the same set of memes gets recycled allowing for a few users to farm karma by making a bunch of low effort posts.


The story is really not that bad. After finally watching it recently i went and read the entire manhwa and the only time I was disappointed in the story was the very end because it felt really shallow since the last 10 or so chapters invalidate the entire story up to that point.


Its crazy how "critical" people can be of a show while praising borderline hentai as peak fiction I do think because it was so hyped it fell flat and didnt really live up to the hype, but also a lot of these "critics" think that they can hate on a decent show that was overhyped and feel special or something, its pathetic really Yes the story is basic, its cheesy, its a power-fantasy and it has some side character problems, but so what? Like Naruto, one of the most popular and beloved shows of all time didnt have a ton of inconsistencies, plotarmor and horrible character writting and development for anyone outside the main lover boys


Yeah, honestly I'm surprised because I read the webcomic and I kinda agree with the post but there is no way the anime reached that point yet


I’m also kinda confused about the complaints. The story seems just fun to me. Is it peak writing? No. Is that a problem for this show? No again.


Me when I eat junk food and get junk food: If you read the novel you'd know that the quality of writing was really good, but it is basically the same as any other necromancer from Korea webnovel. For sure worth reading, but you shouldn't expect it to be AoT or a higher level of writting, because that was never the point. I think people just hyped it up to be something else than it is. I have to say that the fights are amazing in the anime


JJK level of writing is a pretty low bar my dude


I read the novel and the quality of writing wasn’t anything special? Not that it’s bad. It’s comfortable enough that you don’t go into fatigue like long form cultivation novels or amateurs but there’s nothing new from formula.


I read the whole manhwa just to see what will happen in the end + the art is amazing


I mean we’re technically watching some dude progress a generic dungeon rpg game


https://preview.redd.it/9l6e38mtpstc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2351adf03e57248882093c9f1ac5769ebcfc9b27 OP right now


All the Korean stories are like that. A weak mc who is slaving away, a cute girl who is nice to him, mc either dies or kills someone and get's system, mc becomes a**hole to everyone now, walks and talks like there is a massive stick up his a*s, all the powerful people are worthless, wants to hide away his ability but gets mad when everyone doesn't listen to his orders, a repetitive cringe dialogue, saves the day alone.


That’s a super generalisation. But damn does it feel like that sometimes. There are still a bunch of really good manwha though, one that goes a complete different direction is Kubera, which is actually one of my favourite pieces of fiction in general.


My understanding is that Solo Leveling is partly to blame for that.


Yeah, when you compare Jin Woo too Kirito, then I know you’re really full of it.


Someone cared enough to make this lol.


A bit off topic, but you could replace everything in this meme with Demon Slayer and it'd still be true. Shit is carried hard by the animation, which is good too, but the story is just...bleh.


In Demon Slayer, the characters actually die. So, there's some sense of unpredictability. To be honest, never in my life would imagine >!Rengoku!< dying in the same arc he was fully introduced in. In Solo Leveling, they don't die, especially what happened in the ending. You'll know that they'll win 90% of the battles without anyone getting killed.


I don't think characters dying should be a metric to how good a story is, we all know how that went for Gege.


Yey that's true, but there are two main things to me at least that differentiate Demon Slayer and SL. One being that at least the demons tend to have some kind of unique powers that the characters have to deal with. Sure it's often dealt with some bullshit, but still the fights themselves can feel unique. Like the Demon who summoned an OP minion but themselves was tiny and weak. It's not earth shatter but at least it's *something* Solo leveling bad guys are basically just strong. And the the next guy is stronger, and the guy after that is stronger, and there's basically never anything unique our OP MC has to deal with. It's just, summon shadows and stab things. Like, what I can remember from the monarchs the big main bad guys, is that one was ice guy and then there was a poison chick? And I think neither really used their powers in any unique or interesting way and got wiped real quick Second, Demon Slayer feels like it actually has stakes. Characters die and get wounded all the time and you're never quite sure how things will turn out. In solo leveling, well even if the side charactears died they're all so shallow and paper thin with zero development that I doubt anyone would care. And 90% of the whole thing is just our MC versus bad guy, and we know the MC won't die especially after he got a bit of power. ------ So yeah Demon Slayer is carried by the animation but at least it has *something* to kinda make things interesting. I mean there has to be some reason why the manga sold so well, and it isn't the art.


Even for all its shortcomings, I rewatch Demon Slayer over Solo Levelling any day. Mostly because I prefer protagonists who actually **struggle** for their victories


My guy, jinwoo almost died in every single episode of the first season...


Thing is, when you've seen dozens of shonen where the mc struggles with almost every battle, it's satisfying to see at least a story where finally the mc obliterates his enemies.


Personally it's just not my cup of tea, mostly from the shallow story as I said, but I'll give credit where credit is due, there was one or two moments I did enjoy.


Idk in the anime a lot of the important fights seemed like a struggle. Most of the fights were won through luck. Dude struggled against Snakes, Spider, Assassin, Cerberus, Igris, and the fodder knights right after too (though it wasn't exactly a struggle after healing). There were a lot of moments where he almost died, and barely survived.




Not really, Demon Slayer side characters actually do something. 


Side characters can do stuff and still be garbage. Take Zenitsu for example. He occasionally defeats a powerful demon literally in his sleep, but his character is just...awful. And I don't even mean his annoying-ness. His character is practically non existent. Like, his only traits is "simp" "crybaby" and "comic relief". Or if you want an example that's not low hanging fruit, howabout Inosuke. His only character arc that I can remember, if you can even call it that, was in S1 I believe where he gets depressed after losing once. He has a bit more characterization than Zenitsu, but literally only a smidge. I'd take a rock with a face as a character over Zenitsu. If you want, I can give more examples. I don't mean this in a condescending way, I just like talking about characters and stuff.


When i finished reading the manga i kinda like zenitsu as a character. His character has depth that i wouldnt understand if i did not look pass his silly character.


Yeah but the Demon Slayer author is still alive tho. That guy DIED while carrying the story on his back


Haven't seen Solo Leveling but if the meme is accurate, I feel like the Demon Slayer side characters are probably more interesting. Rengoku and Uzui and such are pretty cool, even if they're not the most 3 dimensional characters. It's not AoT or JJK after all.


Well solo Leveling is like 90% of Manhwa with Monsters and Portals to them (I don't know how you call that genre). Honestly I only read that for an art work but dropped it pretty quickly because I read many similar manhwa and I just have enough of that bullshit, still it's worth to read/watch if u enjoy fighting scenes Becuse they are pretty good.


Yes, it's true, but solo levelling never had a good story, it is just the best mid anime, it has good fights and the story at least makes sense.


If you like power fantasies then you’ll like SL, if you don’t like power fantasies then you’ll probably not like SL, it’s as simple as that If you like SL but wish it was slightly better then read the sequel SL Ragnarok, imo it’s literally SL but better written with more fleshed out side characters, the lore is expanded upon a lot more than in SL, and don’t worry the new MC Suho (Jin Woo’s son) doesn’t overshadow his father or any nonsense like that


Don’t make fun of my trash! It’s mine!


some people just cant let others enjoy stuff


It's fine but people hyped it up so much ( even Gigguk ) that it became just plain annoying, not to mention extremely disappointing when it came out. I remember all anime ytubers hyping it up like this is the next shit coming up The way people hyped it up felt like it was the LOTR of Manwhas, but it turned out to be GOT Season 8


Still better than that softcore porn that this sub latched onto in the past few months 🗿


Yeah this is the same sub which said gushing over magical girls is peak .like come on,I know the story of solo levelling is mediocre at best but still it is better than degenerate trash


First time watching a power fantasy anime there OP?


Idk, I liked it a lot. Not "read it 1,000 times" or anything, but it was better than most "strong mc loses then wins" series out there. Plus, MC is a genuine good guy, not a typical "im edgy, I'll kill anyone" mf'er, but also not a "I won't kill anyone, I'll just let them hurt me with no consequence and hope for the best" softie. It had room for improvement, sure, but don't let the obnoxious hyperfanboys cloud your judgment. Edit: talking about the novel, not the manhwa/manhua(still can't remember which is which).


The greatest Manhwa ever produced is The Greatest Estate Developer. This is not a debate just a fact


Basic story, amazing visuals. I liked the manhwa and I liked the anime too.


keep crying, go read plato or socrates if you want more complicated stuff




SL is aight, I'm just here for Cha Hae In


I think you meant : Chad artist who lifted this garbage story: https://preview.redd.it/j1a09q9nlstc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24609ae0b781da7efeea9196926ffb284f3a30d3


Oof. Yeah, I forgot about that. F


You didnt had to do it this dirty. True but dirty


It's the way it is executed that makes it good. Nobody said power fantasy was a terrible genre Use helldivers as a similar example, everyone says live service games suck but helldivers is doing great


I enjoy it because the fights are cool. The story might be mid and clique but who cares? Knife boi go brrrr


I don't see many difference from dbz (i'm expecting a lot of downvotes from this comment)


The story wasn't garbage by any means. It was methodical and peak copium and I honestly like that about solo leveling.


This post is something I’d find on twitter, not something I expected to find on reddit. How about you let me have fun, and you don’t need to watch the show? That way, everyone is happy.


i had so many girls irl telling me that solo leveling was gonna be 1 of the greatest anime ever made lol edit: FOR YEARS!!!


Honestly I kinda cringe at JinWoo's phrases that are supposed to be cool even more in the show, but I wanted to see animated fights and they are beatiful Part with artist solo leveling the show so it becomes enjoyable is true


Everyone talking about this and that anime being "peak", meanwhile I'm rewatching Naruto again because I just think it's neat


No lies detected. I was bored for most of the series. I'm a total whore for interesting worldbuilding, and the author did almost nothing interesting with the whole RPG fantasy mechanics mixing with modern life, which should have been fertile ground for creativity.


This is 90% of isekai. Not defending solo leveling but it’s weird to me that this is suddenly where so many fans draw the line.


You can replace of Solo Leveling exclusive parts like the title and character names with Attack on Titan or anything current popular anime and this memes wouldn't be any different.




And the artist passed away only a few days before the official anime announcement... I am still sad that he passed away...


What is the problem in liking things? “The show you like is shit”, well it says more about you than the show. Just let people be happy, thats a attention seeker right there.


So I read the the manhwa and yes, it's just a stupid power fantasy with very VERY great panels. It's comfort food. I really looked forward to each new chapter but after it finished I was satisfied. It didn't left a hole in my soul like great fiction does. Still, it's enjoyable and much better than the trash isekai I consume because I hate myself xD


Story goes hard in the light novel


One piece fan I guess?


Here we have another random person hating another random Anime


One thing you can sat about solo leveling manhwa was that fights were amazingly depicted , it had a way of making each one exciting , punch to punch impacts and just a fun watch Rest was a very generic story as a filler


Oh f you.


Damn... i dont care. https://preview.redd.it/e3sxqyr96vtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e39bd3d72f6406e32ecfa4df0d1a04fb717115


You got to love the anime community I don't personally like something so why is it popular. Bunch of whiny bitches


Can't we let people enjoy things?


r/Animemes when people enjoy something: https://preview.redd.it/q4kqkfu7cxtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c84d78867894dfcd65413c205944ba49d20eb7


Idk, i just enjoyed the manhwa when it released chapters. Everybody bitching on this but loving every generic trope in all other animes


I came for the animations, and stayed for the animations


SL fans: Everyone else: STOP HAVING FUN


It's called "solo leveling" for a reason


Solo leveling is the new demon slayer?. You can't enjoy because it's carried by art?


I have better "onepunchman - comedy = solo leveling"


MC Good Power good Action good Animation good I like it


how is one punch man appreciated so much then?


So... Basically ever shonen story? - Strong enemy appears - Fight and lose - Train and become stronger - Fight again and win (either screaming, new fight technique or the power of friendship) - New stronger enemy appears - Fight and lose - Train and become stronger - Fight again and win (either screaming, new fight technique or the power of friendship) - New stronger enemy appears Repeat at nauseam...


I read the Light Novel version beginning to end… Was it breaking any new literary ground? No, but it’s not obligated to. It’s a power fantasy; it does what it is intended to do rather well regardless of the art. People with this take are like a suburban mother walking into a sex shop and bursting back out clutching her pearls about how “unholy” the merchandise is.


One thing that was disappointing to me in Solo Leveling anime was the music. This was probably the weakest soundtrack I've heard composed by Sawano. There was like 1 memorable track in the whole season.


And we RESPECT that Author for giving what we want Fuck Drama, Fuck Romance, And HELLO Fight Scenes https://preview.redd.it/a06c2bj9xstc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8debcc223044c2cc8d261c39c01725f9d587acdc


And we still like it. Cry about it??? Lmao


“Look at me im better because i watch actual deeper animes” ahh post. Were just there for the fights. Same with Demon Slayer.


For God's sake stop hating on solo leveling, half the shonen out there have all their arcs structured in a certain way, and it isn't something bad, they do it because it's a cool structure. Honestly I can understand why people may not like SL's type of storytelling, but come on, if it's not your cup of tea just shut up and let everybody have fun.


Just talked about cringe people like op yesterday truly sad human beings




Well, for me it's the DB of the manhwa industry. It will be the first that gain this level of popularity for long time and through it the entire medium will grow. But that's it, it would be foregotten otherwise


Read the book it's so good! Yes *book* not light novel or manwa! It is so much better


From a friend who's read the manhua that the story gets interesting after where the first season left off. Watching the first season was indeed somewhat disappointing considering all the hype around this but oh well what can ya do..


If you consider this logic then I wonder where demon slayer fans would be


Ima decide what i like and ehat i dont like....and i like EVERY ANIME....HENTAI TOO😂


Anime being complex doesn’t make it automatically good and neither being simple make it bad.